Katja Pt. 15


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Commander Geoff led them over to where the rest were standing and watching. He smiled as he said to Captain Julius and Commander Kendra, "Let me introduce you to some of my people, Julius, Kendra, this is Lieutenant Ariel and her Mate, Anthony Wargan and his parents Bryan and Sofia Wargan. Then we have Senior Lieutenant Azlan and his Mate Helen, who is also the sister of Commander Erik Woodes. The two earth military types are Marine Captain Henderson and his Gunnery Sergeant Neville along with Ensign Evie who I believe will be Sergeant Neville's mate if am not mistaken. And last, but certainly not least, my Mate, Victoria.

They all greeted each other, then Kendra asked, "I'm surprised not to see Commander Woodes and his Mate here also."

Ariel smiled, "Well, with them just having the children, they didn't want to take them on this long of a trip yet, but my Mate is his assistant and will be passing things to him as needed.

Commander Kendra smiled, "That's good, I thought that it might be the reason. I'm sure we'll see each other soon, I understand he'll be teaching the people. They're looking forward to the classes."

Commander Kendra was a stunningly beautiful older Lyonness female. She was a little taller than Ariel and her coloring was similar to Ariel's, but a little darker and her hair was an amber honey blond. She looked at the human Captain Henderson and smiled at him, then asked, "Captain Henderson, you seem a little young to be a Captain, you must be very accomplished."

Captain Henderson blushed slightly, "Thank you Commander, but I think you confusing my rank with your Captain's. Our Marines have a little bit different nomenclature, I'm not really sure what my rank would be in Lyonness."

Geoff smiled, he saw and sensed immediately that Kendra was attracted to the Captain, "Kendra, his rank correlates to our Senior Lieutenant I believe. And you can think of his Sergeant Neville as a Senior Crewman." He grinned, "I'm sure you remember Neko, Sergeant Neville is like him."

Kendra shuddered as he said Neko's name, "Oh yes, I remember Neko very well, he trained me."

Sergeant Neville smiled, "Yes ma'am, that's part of our jobs also, training junior officers."

She smiled back showing her fangs slightly, "And can I assume you enjoy it as much as ours do?"

Sergeant Neville smiled and rocked his hand back and forth, "Sort of ma'am."

Kendra laughed, then turned back to Captain Henderson, "Captain, I hope I can get you to teach me a little about how your military works, I think it would be very interesting." She smiled as she licked her lips with tip of her tongue as her tail swayed gently back and forth.

Captain Henderson smiled at her, "It would be my pleasure commander, anytime you wish."

Kendra smiled, "Wonderful, and please, just Kendra will do Captain."

Henderson smiled back, "Well then, you might as well call me Robert if we're being informal."

"Robert." Kendra smiled saying it slowly, then licked her lips again, "That sounds like a nice name. I will call you that then." She smiled, "Can I assume, you'll be joining us for the meal?"

He smiled back at her, God but she's so beautiful, he thought to himself. And she smells wonderful. "Yes, I had planned on it, would you care to join me?"

Kendra smiled once more, "Yes, I would like that. We can talk some more."

Captain Julius looked at his first officer in amazement, she had never shown much interest in the unattached males on the ship. Of course, she had a couple of playmates among the settlers, but he'd never seen her act like this around one of them.

Commander Geoff just smiled knowing the signs much better than his friend. He grinned as he thought to himself, "Well, that was quick, I guess we have another couple already." He figured he may have to talk to Captain Henderson about it.

Julius looked at Geoff and seem him smiling. Then he asked quietly, "That's was a little quick, wasn't it?"

Geoff smiled, "My friend, you have no idea. I'd be prepared to see a lot more of it."

Just then, Nigel came up and announced that the people would be leaving the ship momentarily. "We have our people out there to guide them and once we get everyone off and gathered, we can start the meal."

Geoff smiled, "Wonderful Nigel, Mr. Hayes and yourself have done a wonderful job of preparing everything. Please pass this along to Mr. Hayes when you see him."

Nigel smiled as his Commander praised him and his human counterpart. "Thank you, Commander, I will pass it along. I remembered the confusion we went through when we landed, so Mr. Hayes and myself talked about it and we figured this would be the best way."

He smiled again, "We'll keep them in their sections for now, except for the few groups that have people here on the base already, like Lieutenant Ariel family. The first section off will be the senior people and crew that are not finishing securing the ship, then the second will be the group meeting people here. Then the rest will be by the normal sections.

Geoff smiled once more. "As I said Nigel, very well done." He grinned, "I also remember the confusion, this should take care of it."

Captain Julius nodded adding, "Yes, Nigel sent us this idea once we were in orbit, I agree, it was very efficient and well thought out." Then he smiled at Geoff with the same type of smile Geoff used. "Just how long, will he and Mr. Hayes be with us?"

Geoff just smiled back, "We can discuss that a little later."

Tony grinned, then bent to whisper to Ariel, "Can I assume, we shouldn't trust the Captain when he's smiling like that? He reminds me of Uncle Geoff."

Ariel smiled at her mate and whispered back, her eyes sparkling with laughter, "How do you humans say it? Does a bear relieve itself it the forest?"

Tony grinned trying not to laugh out loud, and Neville snorted holding back his laughter as well. Tony took her hand and squeezed it, "Close enough love."

They gathered outside the hanger as the first group came down the ramp, and they were greeted by applause as they walked out onto the tarmac. They were met by Commander Geoff and his people as he welcomed them. Then the people Nigel had assigned to this group, led them over to the place in the hanger assigned to them. Once they were finished, the second group started down.

Ariel and Azlan watched intently for her and his family's. Then she smiled and hugged Tony's arm, "Here they come Tony. Azlan, your parents are with mine."

Tony smiled at her and she took his hand to lead him and his parents over to where they were gathering. She called to them in her language as she waved to them. Tony smiled a bit nervously as they walked over to them. Then he and Helen stood back to let Ariel and Azlan greet their families.

Ariel grinned as she hugged her mother, father and brother, then she did the same with Katja's.

Her parents Seamus and Lexi, greeted their daughter with hugs, kisses and face rubs, smiling as they did.

Tony watched them smiling, her father was handsome looking male, his coloring was similar to his daughters and Tony could see that when he was younger, he was probably a very imposing male. Her mother, on the other hand was even more gorgeous then her daughter, even though she was older now. He could see where Ariel got her beauty from.

Then she hugged her grinning brother, Nemo. He looked like a younger version of his father, and was about sixteen years old from what Ariel told him. Tony smiled as he thought to himself, "Well, there's one teenager that won't have a problem finding a date. The human girls would be all over him.

Then Ariel gave Katja's parents Julius and Cassie a hug and kiss also as she greeted them. Then Azlan went through the same greeting as Ariel with his family and hers.

Tony and Helen watched smiling at their mates, Katja's father Julius, was a very handsome Lyonness male, his coloring was similar to Azlan's. But Tony was astonished at Katja's mother Cassie, he could certainly see where Katja had gotten her looks from. Cassie was absolutely gorgeous, even at her older age. He doubted that there was a better looking female around.

Once they got done, Ariel came over and led Tony over to her family. She grinned to herself as she felt his nervousness. They stopped in front of her father, and Ariel said formally, "Father, allow me to introduce you to my Mate. Anthony Wargan, son of Bryan." Then she said to Tony, "My Mate, this is my Father and now yours also, Seamus."

Tony nodded to him, then said, "Sir it is a very large pleasure to meet you finally. Your daughter, my mate has told me about you and yours. I wish you to know, that a love her more than life itself and I will always love and protect her to the best of my ability."

Seamus looked his daughters mate up and down, liking what he saw. This human was huge, he'd never seen anyone this big and muscular before, he was also very correct and polite and he knew that he was his daughters' true mate, there was never any mistake. Then he grinned to himself, he could also sense his nervousness so he decided to have a little fun with him.

He nodded solemnly, "Yes, it is a pleasure to finally meet you also." Then he looked over to Ariel, "Are you sure my daughter that the Goddess picked the right mate for you? After all, he is human."

Tony's heart skipped a beat, as Ariel answered him. "Yes father, the Goddesses gift is never wrong."

Seamus sighed, "Well, I guess I can accept a human if you can."

Lexi rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation, "You two are such... She said something in her language. "He's nervous enough as it is and you two are playing games." She came over and hugged Tony and welcomed him to the family as father and daughter started to laugh. Then Seamus took Tony's hand and shook it. "I'm sorry son, you were so proper, correct and nervous. I couldn't help myself."

Tony let out a huge breath and smiled, then looked at Ariel saying, "Well, I guess I know now where you get it from."

Ariel hugged her fathers' arm and smiled, "Yes, that's where it comes from. My love, if you could have seen the look on your face. I love you so much." She came over and kissed him, then hugged his arm.

Tony shook his head and grinned, "I love you also kitten." He leaned down and kissed her, then whispered, "I'll get you for that."

Ariel laughed and gave him another kiss.

Azlan brought Helen forward to meet his parents, "Mother, father, this is my Mate Helen, the love of my life. My love, allow me to introduce my parents and now yours also, Julius and Cassie."

Helen smiled a bit nervous herself, Azlan's father seemed very nice, like his brother, uncle Geoff. But his mother intimated her slightly, she was absolutely beautiful and she saw were Katja got her looks from. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, Azlan and Katja, have told me all about the both of you."

Julius smile at his son's mate, "Yes, they both have told us about you also dear. It's a pleasure to meet you too, I'm so happy for you both." Then he hugged her.

Cassie smiled, "Yes dear, be assured we were both very happy when we heard our son finally found someone." She smiled, "I thought he never would." She hugged Helen also and welcomed her to the family."

Julius smiled, "I hear from my brother, that you're the reason he's keeping his head above water. That if it wasn't for you, he would be lost."

Helen smiled, "Well I try sir, I love working for him."

Julius smiled, "Knowing my brother, he's lucky he could find someone to help him. Oh, and you don't have to call me sir. Julius or father will do, we are family after all."

Helen got tears in her eyes, she had never really known her real father, she was very young when he walked out. She hugged Julius, as Azlan and his mother smiled. Then Julius wiped her tears away with his warm soft hand. Helen smiled, "Thank you father." The she went back and hugged Azlan, who smiled and stroked her face, then kissed her. He knew what she was feeling from their talks.

Then Ariel and Tony introduced his parents to hers. They all exchanged greeting and agreed that the two of them were perfect together and they looked forward to getting to know each other better.

Then Ariel introduced Tony to her brother Nemo, he had sort of stayed back while everything was going on. Ariel came over and took his arm and kissed him on the cheek. "Nemo, this is my mate Tony, I think you two will get along well brother."

He smiled at his sister, then looked Tony up and down. He was slightly amazed at the size of his sisters' mate. He had never seen anyone that big before.

Tony grinned, "It's a pleasure to meet you Nemo, I think were going to be good friends as well as brothers."

Nemo smiled shyly, "Yes Tony, I think will too. Ariel has told me about you, she told me you ride something called a motorcycle. I'd like to see it one day if I could."

Tony laughed loudly and gripped his shoulder, "My brother, you'll not only see it, I can teach you how to ride it also. If you want to, that is."

Nemo smiled nodding enthusiastically, "Yes please, I looked it up in our earth files and it looked like fun."

Tony smiled, "Oh it is. I think it's the best thing in the world." Then he leaned down and said to him quietly, "And the females love to ride with you also." He winked at him and Nemo smiled.

Ariel laughed, "Trying to corrupt my brother already?"

Tony smiled, "No, just giving him a bit of brotherly advice." He grinned at her, "It's a male thing, you wouldn't understand it love."

She looked at him as he stood by her brother with his hand on his shoulder. She looked skyward and sighed, "Males, they're all alike."

Tony squeezed young Nemo's shoulder again and winked at him once more. Nemo laughed and nodded back, hero worship all over his face. His sister had teased him all the time, it was funny to see her mate do it to her.

Once everyone was off the ship, they gathered to eat and before they did, they were all welcomed to the United States by Mr. Sharpe and Joseph on behalf of the President.

Ariel's and Azlan's family all sat with them, plus Commander Geoff and Victoria. He had introduced Victoria to his brother and his family and they were much taken with her. Julius remarked it was nice to see his brother had found such a nice woman. Victoria smiled as she remarked, that Geoff had told her all about their family and was glad to finally meet them. Much like Helen, she was also amazed and intimidated by her sister in-law. She couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She always thought Katja was beautiful, but her mother was indescribable.

As they ate, they talked and Cassie said she couldn't wait to see Katja and her family. Ariel had smiled, then took out her phone and showed her all the pictures of her, Erik and the children.

Cassie smiled as Ariel showed her picture after picture as Ariel described them to her. Her grandchildren were wonderful and she couldn't wait to see them. She laughed as Ariel told her about little Geoff and Brigette, with Helen and Azlan adding things here and there. Then she grinned as Ariel told her about Geoff and his tail.

Cassie sighed, "Thank you sweetheart, the pictures are wonderful. I can't wait to see them."

Ariel smiled, "It won't be long, but I can do the next best thing." She activated the app that let her make a video call and punched in Katja's number.

Erik, Katja and the children were all sitting on the couch as they watched the ship land, then the welcoming ceremony. Then when the people started walking off, Katja saw her and Ariel's parents walking over to the hanger. She smiled and said to the children, "See those people there? That's Aunt Ariel's mother, father and brother and right behind them, are my mother and father."

Geoff and Brigette smiled as they watched along with mom and dad. Then the camera switched and showed them together with Ariel, Tony and his parents, Azlan and Helen. Geoff smiled. "Look, there's uncle Tony and aunt Ariel. Then Brigette laughed adding. "And there's Uncle Azlan and Aunt Helen. Daddy, who's the other ones?"

Erik smiled, "That's uncle Tony's mom and dad sweetheart.

She pouted a little, "When can we see them daddy?"

Erik smiled at his daughter, like most children she wanted things now. Having to wait wasn't in her makeup. "It shouldn't be long hon, a few days maybe."

Then the screen changed again and showed the inside of the hanger as they all gathered to eat. Then a few minutes later, Katja's phone signaled she was getting a video call and she smiled as she saw it was from Ariel. She told Erik and answered it smiling as Ariel's face filled the screen.

Katja grinned as she said, "Hello Ariel, it's good to see you."

Ariel grinned back, "It's good to see you to, I've got someone here that wants to say hello." She handed the phone to someone and Katja's mother's face filled the screen. She smiled and said, "Hello sweetheart, how are you dear?"

Katja grinned, "Mom, it's so good to see you again. I'm so glad you and dad decided to make the trip."

Then her dads face filled the screen, "Hello dear, it's good to see you, we missed you."

Katja smiled and she replied, "I missed you all too, I can't wait to see you both." Then the screen showed both her mom and dad. Then she said, "Let me introduce the family. This is my mate Erik." She moved the phone so Erik was in the picture. He smiled, and waved to them. "It's nice to meet you both, I can't wait to see you in person, Katja and Azlan have told me all about you."

Her parents smiled and returned the greeting. Then Katja said, "And this is your granddaughter Brigette." She moved the camera a bit so they could see her sitting near Erik.

Cassie smiled, "Hello Brigette." Brigette smiled and waved, "Hello grandmother. I can't wait to meet you for real."

Cassie smiled as tears formed in her eyes, "It won't be long sweetheart, I can't wait either." She smiled as she watched her hug her father's arm and say, "Daddy, can you make them get here sooner?"

Erik stroked her hair, "Sorry little one, they have to do a few things first before they can come here. But I promise, it won't be too long."

Cassie and Julius smiled as they watched and heard her. Then Katja said, "And here's you grandson, Geoff." She moved the phone again and Geoff stood up on the couch as Katja put an arm around him to catch hm if he slipped. He grinned and waved.

Cassie smiled again, "Hello Geoff."

Geoff grinned, "Hi grandmother, gee your pretty like mommy." Katja and Cassie laughed, then Geoff turned around saying, "See, I've got a tail."

Cassie grinned, "Yes, I see love, and it's a very nice one."

Geoff smiled, then said "Thank you. I love you." Cassie got more tears in her eyes as little Geoff told her he loved her. "Thank you, Geoff, I love you and sister also. We should see you both soon."

Geoff smiled, "Good." Then behind the picture on the screen, uncle Geoff waved to his nephew. Geoff giggled, "Hi Uncle Geoff. Grandma likes my tail!" Then he giggled again as Uncle Geoff smiled.

Katja looked into the phone and smiled, "I can't wait to see you two myself. Do you have any idea when you'll be coming here?"

Cassie smiled at her daughter, Katja and her daughter had a lot in common it seems. "Those of us that have family here already can leave with them anytime. So, we'll be leaving when Geoff and his people do along with Ariel's family." She smiled, "It's nice having contacts so we don't have to wait. We can do the things we need to do while we're staying on the ship there, including figuring out what we're gonna do."

Katja nodded to her, "We'll meet you at the ship then. We can help you with all you need to do. I believe you should be coming back on Tuesday, if I'm not mistaken."

Cassie nodded, "That's the plan, baring complications of course."
