Katja Pt. 15


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He looked over at Tony, "Anthony, perhaps you and Ariel should join us. I think you might know even more about than I do."

Tony nodded, "Yes sir. I'd be happy to. Then once Erik gets here, he might be better to give them more info."

Geoff nodded, "Yes, that just might be a good idea." He turned back to Julius and smiled, "Is this alright with you my friend?"

Julius looked puzzled, but nodded his agreement. "However, your smiling Geoff, just how much of this information is going to make me want to hide on the ship?"

Geoff smiled again, "More than a little my friend, until you understand it. Then, I think you'll be happy again."

Julius nodded again, "If you say so, but please, my fur is still mostly its original color, try not to make it turn grey overnight."

He thought for a minute, "But, instead of tomorrow, why not do it tonight? Join us for dinner on the ship. I know your leaving on Tuesday, and I have quite a few things to do tomorrow."

Geoff and the others nodded their agreement.

Robert and Kendra walked around a little with him pointing out different things to her. They finally came up to a park-like area that still had some picnic tables and benches. She smiled up at him, "This is a pretty area, we have a lot of little areas back on home-world like this. People gather on nice days to talk and maybe eat something they brought from one of the food stalls."

Robert nodded smiling, "That's exactly what we do also, we have some that are much bigger than this, they have facilities to cook food we bring with us. But, I've always like these smaller ones better."

He grinned, "I've not had much dealings with your people, just the past three days, but I've read how that Commander Woodes, always says we're much more alike that different. I think he's right."

Kendra smiled, "Yes, I've heard this myself, and of the commander. I'm familiar with his mate Katja, she and Ariel went through training together and I gave a few classes to them and the others."

She smiled again, "I browsed through some of the class materials they transmitted to us that he developed. He sounds like a very knowledgeable human. Do you know him, personally that is?

Robert shook his head no, "Just what I've read and from what my Sergeant Neville told me, he knows him personally. Him, Tony and the commander are friends and spent some time together when they were in our Navy."

Kendra nodded, "Well, I look forward to talking with him." She smiled and leaned against him, "This is really a beautiful world, I'm glad we chose this planet."

Robert smiled back and put his arm around her and pulled her close. "I'm glad you did to." He got a little nervous, then said, "Kendra, commander Geoff and Tony talked to me, as I'm sure you know. Ah, is all they told me true? That we're supposed to be with each other?"

Kendra smiled at him, "Well, I do not know exactly what they explained, but I would say yes, it is."

She reached up and stroked his face, "When we meet our perfect mate, we know it. It is a gift from the Goddess Bast, and is never wrong. Our males also know this, but not to the extent we females do. They sense it and once they do, they know. I know, without a doubt, that you and a I should be mates. Geoff explained it to me how you humans don't know this, you can sense it, but don't know it means."

Robert stroked her face like she did his, "Yes, they told me this. I told them how much I loved the scent you wore, how it made me feel wonderful every time I smelled it." He laughed, "Then Tony told me your people don't wear perfume, that what I smelled was from you. That it meant I was supposed to be your mate and that I was the only one who could really smell it."

Kendra smiled, "Yes, that's exactly right, that's how our males know. It's something you sense on a genetic level. That's how we know the male is the right one." She sat up slightly and looked at him. Then she took his face in both hands and kissed him.

Robert returned the kiss as he put his arms around her and the scent he loved so much got even stronger as their bodies molded together as they kissed.

They broke the kiss and Kendra stroked his face, "I love you Robert, we are meant to be mates if you'll accept me."

Robert's brain was on fire as he felt an ecstasy he never felt before. His entire being rang as he said, "Yes, I accept you. How could I not? There's nothing I don't love about you, more than I've felt about anyone or anything before. So, I must love you also."

Kendra smiled and with tears in her eyes, she said, "You are mine and I am yours, we are one."

Robert's senses exploded as he heard the words she spoke. Then, not knowing why, but knowing that it was right, he replied, "You are mine and I am yours, we are one."

They both felt a warmth go through them as they held one another and kissed once more. Then Kendra heard in her mind, as did Robert because of the close proximity, "Your joining is blessed my daughter. As like the others, your children will also help heal this world."

Then, the warmth was gone, to be replaced, by happiness and rightness. Robert had heard all this and didn't know exactly what it meant. But, he knew, felt in his soul, that it was right and good.

With tears in her eye's, Kendra held him tightly for a moment, then backed off a little. She smiled and said, "I love you." The she leaned forward to rub her face against his, marking him as hers so that all would know.

Robert smiled, "I love you too Kendra. But what and who was that I just heard?"

Kendra smiled, "That was the Goddess Bast, she blessed us."

He looked at her stunned, this was simply amazing. He shook his head in wonderment, then he looked at her and asked, "Forgive me for asking, but what are we now? Does this mean we're married or something else?"

Kendra smiled, "No, not really, from what I understand that word means. We are mates, that would be like before we were married, I think. I'm sorry, my English is still a little vague on some things."

Robert grinned, "So, I guess what you're trying to say, is that we're engaged and you're my fiancé. That means we're promised to each other and will be married when the time comes."

Kendra smiled back, "Yes, that's the word I was looking for. For now, we are mates, and when the time is right, we will be Mated."

Robert nodded his understanding, "And when will the time be right? And what do we do in the meantime?"

Kendra grinned, "Well, the time will be right when we feel it is. Granted, we have to wait until it's the right time to do the mating ritual, that's about once a month. But we can wait till we want to, I believe Ariel and her mate waited almost a year. But Katja and Erik were Mated in three days."

Robert nodded his understanding, then he smiled, "So, what do we do in the meantime?"

She smiled and licked her lips again as she stroked his face, "Anything we want. For example, if you have nothing to do right now, you should really take me to your quarters so we can make love until we have to go to dinner with the captain."

Robert smiled and kissed her. "That my dear, sounds perfect to me. Let's stop back at the hanger first so I can tell Sergeant Neville he needs to look after things for me."

They kissed, then headed to his quarters hand in hand. It should be noted that they walked a lot faster going there, then they did walking to the park.

They walked into the hanger and Robert was surprised when many of the Lyonness smiled as they passed. When they got to the table, Ariel and Evie smiled at them, then Ariel said, Congratulations Commander, Captain, we're very happy for you."

Kendra smiled and told her thank you, while Robert looked a little more confused. He turned to Sergeant Neville who stood with a slight grin on his face. "Gunny, the Commander and I will be in my quarters for the afternoon, we... ah, have a few things to discuss. Would you please look after things for me?"

Neville grinned slightly again, "Of course sir, not a problem. I'm sure you both have much to discuss."

Robert blushed, he feltlike everyone knew what was going on. "Thank you, Gunny. Carry on."

Neville grinned, "Aye sir, carrying on, smartly." Then as his captain turned, he added, "Oh, and Captain."

Robert turned around and look at him. Neville smiled, "Oorah sir." Then he sat back down.

Robert blushed, "Oorah Gunny."

He and Kendra walked out and headed to the main building. As they walked, he asked, "Ah, Kendra, why did it seem everyone knew about us?"

She stopped him and smiled as she stroked his face, "Of course they knew love, they could sense my mark on you."

He looked at her even more confused, "Mark? What do you mean?"

She smiled at him, "When we decided to be mates, I marked you as mine so the other females would know and leave you alone."

He was still confused as he asked, "Just how did you do that and what does it mean."

Kendra giggled, "Remember when we rubbed faces together? That was when I marked you mine." She giggled once more, "And it means we are mates, and you are mine alone and all the other females need to remember to keep their paws of you. Or I scratch their eyes out."

She kissed him slipping her tongue between his lips. Then she smiled adding, "We are very territorial about our mates, it's part of our primitive side that we still get from the first ones. Of course, no one would have the bad manners to try to take another's mate, but the instinct to protect against it, is still very strong."

Robert smiled, "As we are of our women, but what do you mean by primitive?"

Kendra grinned, "Just what it sounds like really. Our background is feline and we still carry the marks of that." She smiled once more showing her fangs and stroked his face, but this time, her claws were slightly out so he could feel them, but not hurt him.

He smiled and took her hand kissing her palm. "Yes, I see what you mean." He pulled her close and held her while they kissed once more. Then he jumped as he felt something stroke his erect cock through his BDU's. He looked down and grinned as he saw her tail rubbing back and forth on him. "Another of the primitive side love?"

Kendra grinned and nodded as she caught her lower lip between her teeth. Then replied, "Yes, trust me, tails are very useful. Though they do have a mind of their own sometimes." She licked his chin with her slightly rough tongue, then kissed him saying, "You really need to get me to your quarters, you have me so wet right now, I'm surprise my thighs aren't soaked."

He nodded and almost dragged her into the building as she giggled. She smiled again as it took him two times to enter the right code for the door. But once they got in, they fell into each other's arms kissing once more. He picked her up and cradled her to him as he brought her into his bedroom. They both took their boots off, then they started to undress each other, trying to not rip each other's clothes off.

They took each other's shirts off, and as he uncovered her breasts, he leaned down and started to lick and suck her nipples. Kendra held his head to her as he sucked and teased her, then surprising him as she started to purr. However, the purring made him want her even more. She was so warm, soft, and her scent was driving him crazy.

She pushed him away slightly, then reached down and unbuttoned his pants and lowered his zipper. She hooked her fingers in both his pants and underwear at the same time and with a sexy grin, she pulled them down until they fell to the floor. Robert smiled as he removed first one foot, then the other and kicked his pants to the side. As he stood naked before her, he reached to unzip her pants then pulled them down like she did his.

As her pants dropped to the floor, he marveled at her beauty as he gazed at her naked body. As he saw her, his cock got even harder. She was beautiful, from her ears to her tail and down to her feet. Words couldn't explain how beautiful she looked or the affect she was having on him, her body was covered by a soft fine fur, except over her breasts and sex organs, they were coated with a type of fur, he guessed, but a finer and smoother, almost nonexistent. "You are so beautiful Kendra. You take my breath away."

He pulled her to him and held her close. He loved the feel of her warm body next to his as he nuzzled and licked around her neck. He took a deep breath and her scent made his mind spin with ecstasy, he reached for one breast and massaged it in his hand, rubbing her nipple making it grow harder as his other hand slid up and down her back loving the feeling of the warm silky fur.

Kendra smiled as she kissed him once more, letting her hands caress and pet him as far as she could reach. She reached down and took hold of his very long and hard member, then started to slowly stroke him as they rubbed their bodies together. She kissed him and smiled with lust at him, "Umm... my mate I love how your feel in my hand and I can't wait to have it in me. Your so long and hard my love."

Robert moaned as she stroked him, he was surprised he didn't cum right then and there as he felt her warm, soft hand around his cock. "That feels so good, your hand is soft and warm. I can't wait to be in you."

They both climbed onto the bed, then they kissed and licked each other as their hands explored each other's body leaving no part untouched, kissed, or licked. Robert kissed her deeply, and their tongues wound together exploring each other's mouths. Her tongue was slightly rough, but not real rough like a cat. As they kissed, he reached up and stroked her hair, then his hand touched her ear and he gently rubbed her ear and she let out a loud purr and a light yowl of pleasure. This surprised him a little, though he didn't know why, his family had a cat when he was a boy and he remembered how much she would like it when he stroked her ears.

"My love, that feels so good, I love to have may ears played with." Robert smiled, and replied, "I thought you might. But I think I can do something else that will feel even better love."

He started to nuzzle and lick at the junction of her neck and shoulder. He breathed in her scent once more and it made his head spin again. Then he started to kiss and lick his way down her body, stopping to lick, kiss, and suck on her nipples. Then he slowly worked his way down her body leaving no inch of her un-kissed or licked.

Kendra was purring loudly as her mate licked and caressed her with his hands, working his way lower and lower.

He kept going farther down until he laid between her legs, he breathed in the scent from her pussy and it made him want her more than anything from her smell. The smell made his cock twitch as he breathed in the scent of her. He looked at her pussy and saw that it was bare and the fur around it was like the fur on her breasts, very fine and soft, almost nonexistent. He stroked her outer lips and Kendra moaned in pleasure and purred louder in pleasure. She looked like any other human female, and he ran a finger around her lips and dipped it in her slit slightly. He felt her shiver and saw a small nub of flesh poke out of her at the top of her slit. "This must be her clit." He thought to himself. It looked like a human's, just a little bigger than ones he had seen on humans.

He breathed in her scent once again and said to her, "Just lay back and let me please you." He licked her pussy around the outside, then ran his tongue up her slit. Her juices tasted so damn good, they were both sweet and tart at the same time. And her scent!! God's but it drove him crazy making him shudder as he breathed her in.

Kendra watched her mate as he moved down to between her legs. She moaned with pleasure as he started to play with her, it felt so good to have her mates' hands on her. Then her head exploded and she yowled out her pleasure and his name as she felt his tongue on and in her.

Robert was a bit startled at the yowl, but it didn't stop him as he continued to lick her. She moaned his name once more, and she started to leak out more of her juices, the taste and smell of them made him even more excited as he licked her to get more of her juice. As he licked to the top of her slit, he felt the small nub poke out and he licked and sucked on it, but he was not prepared for the results.

Kendra reared up yowling, pushing her pussy onto his mouth, then when he took it between his lips and sucked on it, her legs wrapped around him and she reached down to grab his head. She said something in her own language, he figured it was sort of like "Don't stop, it feels so good." He then alternated between licking her and sucking as he felt her shiver and her back arched pushing her pussy onto his mouth and her hands gripped him to her tightly. Then he heard her say, "Oh Robert, what are you doing to me? Dear Goddess but that feels so wonderful. Don't you dare stop my mate, please don't stop I'm so... I'm so close. Yes, Yes Aeiiiii!"

Kendra could feel her juices running as her mate continued to lick and suck on her as she climaxed. She begged him again not to stop and finally, she collapsed in a purring pile on the bed. Little shivers went through her as he continued to slowly lap up her juices.

Robert knew she was cumming from her reactions, then he was surprised himself, as his face was bathed in her juice as he lapped it up as she collapsed on the bed. He licked her softly for a little longer then worked his way up to lay next to her.

He wiped his face and kissed her, "Did you like that love?"

Kendra looked at him in shock, and panted, "No my love, I didn't like it. That's why I'm lying here totally worn out and I yowled like a kitten. That was fantastic my love, I've never had such pleasure before."

Robert looked at her puzzled, "Don't your males do this for your females?"

Kendra shook her head trying to catch her breath, "No, they don't, you mean all your males do this thing?"

Robert grinned slightly, "Well, I can't speak for all of them, but yes, most do that I know. Our females love it, some like it better than actually... joining." He grinned once more, "And since you like it so much, I'll do it anytime you want. You taste sooo good, I love how you taste."

She looked at her mate tiredly and saw his face covered with her juices. With a pant, she said, "I'm sorry I made such a mess on your face." She shuddered again, "I have never climaxed like that before, with anyone."

He smiled at her, then slowly licked his lips and beyond as far as he could reach to lick up some of her juices. Then he said, "I don't mind my mate, I told you, I love your taste, I have never tasted anything as good before." He smiled and stroked her face, "I love how you taste and smell, it makes me feel very, very good."

She looked at him and purred as she said, "I love you my mate. I think our time together is going to be very pleasurable."

He smiled at her, "I think your right love." Then he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a bottle of water he had there and took a long drink, then handed Kendra the bottle and she followed suit.

They laid there kissing and stroking each other for a little while, then she hugged him close and said to him, "My mate, please let it be now, I need you in me so much."

He stroked her face as he said, "I need you also and I want and need us to be together."

They kissed once more, then he moved to lay between her legs once again. He looked down on her perfect face and supporting himself with one hand, he reached down to take hold of his cock and guided it towards her entrance. He started his cock in her and felt her wetness increase in preparation for him. Then he leaned down with a hand on either side of her and kissed her asking, "You ready love?"

Kendra looked at him with lust in her eyes, "Yes my mate, please make love to me."