Katja Pt. 15


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Katja nodded, then replied, "There shouldn't be, but we can play it by ear."

Cassie looked a little confused at her daughters' statement. "Ah sweetheart, what does "Play it by ear mean?"

Katja giggled, "Sorry mom, that's earth slang. It means we'll take care of any problems as they come up."

Erik grinned at his mate, then said, "You'll have to excuse her, she's been picking up earth language from me and Tony. It's a habit we have, we sometimes use words and phrases that are regarded as very informal and more common."

Cassie smiled, "Well, I guess that's a good thing, since we're trying to fit in."

Erik grinned and nodded. "You shouldn't have any problems with that. No one else has."

Cassie nodded, then an announcement was made. "Well, the just announced we'll be eating, so I guess we'll see you on Tuesday. We can't wait to see all of you dear."

Katja nodded, "Ok mom, they'll let us know what time your getting in and we'll be there before you do. I love you."

Cassie smiled, "I love you too dear. Give your mate and the children a kiss for us." Then Ariel came back on smiling.

"Kat, I'll give you a call just before we leave. It took us about five hours to get here, so it should be the same going back."

Katja nodded, "Ok Ariel, I assume your parents are okay?"

Ariel smiled and nodded. "Yes sweets, they're good." Then she laughed, "Nemo can't stop talking to Tony about everything and anything. I think Tony likes playing big brother."

Katja laughed, "He seems to have that affect on people. Well, you go eat and say hi for us to the rest. We'll see you on Tuesday."

She ended the call, and leaned up against Erik smiling, "I can't wait to see them."

Erik smiled, "I know kitten, you and your daughter are much alike." He leaned down and kissed her. "But it'll only be a couple of days. Do you want to take them out dinner? Or maybe just do something here?"

She thought for a moment, "I think this first time, we should take them out to the restaurant. The children are old enough now, I think." Then she thought for a minute, "Unless, uncle Geoff has something planned already. We can do a home meal in a week or so."

Erik nodded, "That sounds good, we'll just be ready for both." He hugged her trying not to crush Brigette and Geoff between them. The kids didn't mind, to them it was a group hug.

While they were talking, Brigette and Geoff held their own conversation. Only they were talking like they always have, mentally. It was their own private language now, once they figured out how to do it without anyone else hearing them.

Brigitte said to Geoff, "I can't wait to see them, I wish they were here now."

Geoff smiled and replied, "You always want everything right now Brigitte, we have to wait."

Brigitte sighed, "I know, but they sounded so nice and grandmother is so pretty."

Geoff giggled, "Well, so is mommy and you. I guess all the girls in our family are pretty."

That made Brigitte happy, much like when someone told Geoff his tail was nice, she was the same way when someone said she was pretty. "Do you really think so?"

Geoff mentally shrugged, "It sure seems to be, you, mommy and grandmother are all pretty and you all look alike, sort of. You'll probably look more like them when you grow up."

She smiled at her brother, "Thank you Geoff, I love you."

Geoff smiled back, "I love you too. I can't wait to go to the ship, I want to see Gesa."

Brigitte giggled, "She like's you a lot, I could feel it. I wonder if you and her are going to be like mommy and daddy when you get older?"

Geoff grinned, "I don't know, I just think she's fun and she smells good."

Brigitte look at him, "Don't I smell good?"

Geoff nodded, "Yes you do, but she smells... different good."

Back at the hanger, they began to eat. They had figured it would be easier just to serve out the food "family style." One of the humans helping had explained this to the head food tech and he thought that it be would be a wonderful idea, so that's what they did. They passed out bowls and platters of the different foods to each table and the people served themselves. It worked out well and everybody could eat at the same time without standing in lines since there were so many of them.

At Commander Geoff's table, he and his people, were joined by Captain Julius, Commander Kendra, Captain Henderson, Sergeant Neville, and of course Evie.

Kendra ate and talked with captain Henderson the whole meal as they exchanged information. She felt very attracted to him, and she wondered if he might be her mate, it certainly felt like it. But, it was hard for her, as she knew what she felt, but really wasn't positive on him. She could tell he was interested in her as much as she was in him. During a lull in their conversation, she looked over at Geoff and decided she should talk to him.

Part way through, one of Henderson's men came up to him and handed him a paper. He looked at it, and said to Kendra and the table at large, "Please excuse me a moment, I have something I need to take care of."

Gunnery Sergeant Neville looked at him, "Any problems sir?"

Henderson smiled at him, "No Gunny, something routine. Stay and enjoy the meal, I'll be right back."

He walked away, heading to the main building. Once he left, Kendra said to Geoff, "Geoff, could I have a word with you in private?"

Geoff smiled, "Certainly Kendra, lets walk outside."

They both excused themselves, and walked out to the tarmac. Ariel, Tony and Neville smiled, they all had a pretty good idea of what it was about. Neville leaned over, "Maybe you should have a talk with the captain, I don't think it would be right me giving him advice."

Tony nodded, "I'll see what the commander does first, then I'll ask him."

Once Kendra and Geoff were by themselves, Geoff smiled, "I think I know what this is about, but, go ahead Kendra."

Kendra blushed slightly, then nodded, "I figured you would. Is how the captain acting fairly normal for humans?"

Geoff nodded smiling, "Yes and no Kendra, since he's human military, they are a bit more rank conscience than we are. Granted, we're not part of his military, but it's more than likely the in the back of his mind. Also, with only one exception that I know of, my nephew Erik, they don't respond like our males do. Until they know about it that is. Erik does because a third of his DNA is made up of ours, most of them that have some are normally about ten percent, like Tony."

Kendra's eyes went wide and her ears perked up, "Really? That much? Well that certainly explains some things we've heard about him."

Geoff nodded, "We don't advertise it so much. Erik has a lot of abilities, including knowing like our males when they're with their mate. Granted, even he didn't understand it at first, but once he did, it got stronger."

Geoff smiled, "As I said, once they know, it gets easier, they do sense something, but they don't know what it means. Most of the ones I've talked with, recently sergeant Neville, all they seem to know is that the one they are with smell wonderful to them and they're attracted to them. They don't realize what it means until they're told what it is."

He grinned, "However, once they understand, it's much like our males. They also put out a pheromone, but it's not as strong as our males are and it's a little different. They have to be closer to the female or male as the case may be."

Kendra nodded, "Yes, I understand. Could you please talk to him Geoff? I really do think he might be my mate."

Geoff and nodded, "Yes, of course Kendra, more than happy to." He thought for a second, "I think I'll ask Tony to join me, he recently had to do it for sergeant Neville once he got involved with Evie. And of course, he went through it himself."

They went back inside and sat down and captain Henderson rejoined them about ten minutes later. He smiled to Kendra, "Sorry Kendra, my superior asked me to call him and give him a status."

Kendra smiled and touched his arm, she loved the feel of his skin. It was so cool and smooth. "That's all right Robert, I understand perfectly."

He smiled at her and shivered a bit from the feel of her hand on his arm. She is so warm and soft, and he once again felt himself get hard from her smell and smile. He took a deep breath and shivered again, God she smells so good.

Kendra smiled to herself as she got a sense of something coming from him when she touched him and she felt him shiver a bit as he took a deep breath. That must be what Geoff meant, as she caught a slight variance in his normal smell. While not the same as her males, it was pleasurable none the less. They talked as they continued to eat, enjoying themselves immensely.

Evie watched with a smile herself and leaned closer to Jim, "I think your captain and the commander feel something for each other love. Perhaps you should talk to him."

Jim smiled, then frowned a bit. "I think your right kitten, but I don't know about talking to him about it. He's my officer, we normally don't discuss personal matters like that."

Evie cocked her head to the side, "Really? Even when you could help him?"

Jim grimaced a bit, "Not really. But I talked to Tony about it, he'll say something to him." He looked at her and stoked her arm, "I know this must seem strange to you. Your people are a little more open with your officers. It's frowned upon in our military. Professional matters yes, but private??" He shook his head no.

Evie looked at him and thought a bit, "You mean it wouldn't be the proper decorum then?"

Jim smiled and nodded, "Yes, that's the best way to describe it kitten."

Evie nodded, "Yes, that I can understand. I haven't ever really seen a need for it, it seems silly when it helps the other."

Jim nodded, "I feel the same way, sort of, but it is what it is."

After the meal, everyone mingled talking to each other and talking to the ones that came from the first ship. Some were family, some were just friends or acquaintances that had made the trip first. They asked questions about different things and many stopped by and talked to Tony and Ariel once they found out that they were living with Erik and Katja. Ariel showed the pictures of her niece and nephew so many times, she was surprised the battery was lasting in her phone.

A lot of the questions they asked were about the town they were creating and living here. So, Tony and Ariel told them what they knew mentioning how they would learn more once they took Erik's classes. Then of course, there was many questions about human and Lyonness relation's after seeing her and Tony, plus some of the others.

Tony smiled when one of the females was talking to Ariel and Evie and whatever she asked, got all three of them giggling as they quickly looked at Tony and Jim.

Tony laughed to himself, knowing his mate, she was probably telling them about her experiences with him. Geoff came up and put his hand on his shoulder and asked quietly, "Anthony, could we talk for a moment?"

Tony smiled and nodded, then he got up and walked over to the side with the commander. Then he asked, "Problem's sir?"

Geoff smiled, "No son, Kendra asked me to talk to captain Henderson, and I thought it might be beneficial for you to join me."

Tony grinned and nodded, "Yes sir, I was thinking about saying something to him later. Gunny Neville can't, it wouldn't be proper. I'm sure you understand what I mean."

Geoff nodded, "Yes, after spending a few days with them, I do understand perfectly. Why don't we take him outside and... educate him, for lack of a better term?"

Tony stifled a laugh, "Yes sir, why don't we." He grinned, "Between us, I think we can educate him on the proper care and feeding of Lyonness females."

Now it was Geoff's turn to stifle a laugh, "Ah yes, quite."

They walked over and Geoff said, "Excuse me, but can we borrow the Captain a moment Kendra?" He slowly winked at her.

Kendra smiled, "Certainly Geoff, but don't keep him to long, we were having a fascinating discussion."

Geoff smiled, "It won't be long and we'll have him right back." He turned to the captain, "Captain Henderson, a word if you will."

Henderson looked a little baffled, but nodded and stood. He turned and smiled at Kendra, "I'll be right back." He grinned, "Again."

Kendra grinned and made a shooing motion, "Go, and hurry back please."

The three of them walked out to the tarmac, and Henderson asked, "Is there some sort of problem Commander?"

Geoff smiled, "No captain, this is more of a... informational talk."

Henderson looked at him a little puzzled. "Ah, informational? What do you mean?"

Geoff smiled once more, "I realize you may not know much about us captain. So, I thought we might enlighten you a little. Have you heard about our females and how they know when they're with their prospective mates?"

Henderson nodded, "A little, as I understand it, I've heard how they can sense, I guess that's the right word, when they meet them."

Geoff nodded, "Correct captain. And did you know, that it's never wrong?"

Henderson nodded, "Yes, I believe I've heard that also. Apparently, that's what's going on with Gunnery Sergeant Neville."

"Oh, is that what this is all about?" He asked, eyes widening thinking he had the answer now.

Tony smiled, "Commander? If I may?"

Geoff smiled nodding and motioned for him to take over.

Tony grinned, "No captain, this isn't about the Gunny. Let me asked you a question, when you were just talking to Commander Kendra, did you notice anything about her?"

Henderson looked at him, "Well, besides being beautiful, her hand was warm and soft when she put her hand on my arm. She's very smart, and I enjoyed talking with her, we seem to have a lot in common, surprisingly . Oh, and she wore some type of perfume that was very nice, it made me feel good when I smelled it. "

Tony nodded, "Yes, that pretty much describes most of the Lyonness females I've met. But they don't wear perfume or anything like that."

Henderson looked at him and asked, "They don't? Then what was it?"

Tony looked at the commander, then said, "They communicate, somewhat, by scent, much like what they're evolved from, felines. The scent you sensed can only be noticed by the one it's meant for, only you could smell it. It means you're her perfect mate."

Henderson looked at him wide-eyed and stammered, "You mean I'm... that she and... We're supposed... Mate? You mean as in being married?"

Tony smiled and turned to Geoff, "You know commander, Gunnery Sergeant Neville picked up on this a lot faster."

He turned back to Henderson and grinned, "Yes captain, she knows your supposed to be her mate. Well at least her system knows, but she's not too sure how you feel about it. You see, we don't put out the same pheromones the Lyonness males do, so your confusing her a little."

"She knows you're her mate, and will be Mated one day. However, it goes a little deeper than just being married."

Tony looked at him, "The question is, how do you feel about her?"

Henderson looked at him and the commander, he looked down, then back up at them, "Truthfully, I've thought of nothing except her since we first talked. I can't get her scent and how she felt out of my mind. I wanted to see and be with her more than anything I've ever wanted." He snorted, "When I left to call my Major up, it was all I could do, not to be rude and say just, "Everything's okay, I'll talk to you later."

Tony stepped over, and put his hand on his shoulder grinning, "I know the feeling very well captain, it doesn't get any better until you act on it. But, as I said, she's slightly confused, she's worried that you didn't feel the same way because you don't put out anything and act like their males do. We human males do put out pheromones, and they can sense them, but she doesn't know what it is and means." Tony smiled once more, "Think of it as you're both trying to say I love you in different languages and neither of you knows what the others saying.

Tony grinned, "You need to talk to her and let her know how you feel. As I told Neville after he met Evie, I'll never forget when I had this same conversation with our friend, Erik. He told me; "It does put a strain on you when you only used to our ways. With a human girl, you may date for a while, then figure out you feel something for her, then after a while you may decide you love her and later you may get married. You sort of ease your way into it. But with their way, you get hit between the eyes with sledge hammer and you figure it out all in the matter of minutes."

Then he laughed adding, "But, he said after you get hit, you know it and don't have to waste time deciding if its real or not, you just know."

Geoff nodded, "Captain, everything Anthony has said is correct. You should talk to Kendra alone when time permits. This way you both can understand what's going on and what will be going on if you know what I mean." Then it was his turn to grin, "But you should keep this in mind, they are never... ever... wrong."

Tony nodded, "Oh, and don't be surprised if more of your men are also chosen." Tony grinned, "I saw quite a few of the single females talking to your men. Once you know what's going on, it's easier to notice it."

The captain looked at them, he still was confused himself, but what they had said made sense to him. He asked himself, "Would I care if was true? I'm really attracted to her, she's so nice and she smells so good."

Tony laughed, "Commander, let's take him back. Commander Kendra will convince him better and faster than we can."

He turned to the captain and grinned, "C'mon jarhead, your Sweet Babboo is waiting for you. Once you settle everything, I'll teach you all about the proper care and feeding of beautiful cat-girls."

Henderson looked at him stunned, then laughed shaking his head, "Ok Squid, let's go back in. I rather be talking to her anyhow."

As the walked back, commander Geoff asked Tony quietly, "Sweet... Babboo??"

Tony grinned and gave him a quick explanation on "Charlie Brown" cartoons.

They walked back into the hanger and over to their table. Kendra smiled as Robert sat back down next to her. "Everything alright Robert?" She asked smiling at him.

Robert smiled back, "Yes Kendra, everything is good, better than good really." He looked her in the eye, then put his hand on hers. He caught a fresh shot of her scent and it excited him once again. More now that he knew what it meant. He squeezed her hand and asked, "If your done eating, would you like to take a walk? I can show you around a little and we can talk about things."

Kendra smiled back and nodded quickly as she squeezed his hand back. "I think I would enjoy that a lot Robert. Let's go now."

He nodded grinning, and said, "If you all would excuse us, I'm going to take the Commander here and show her around a little." Then he turned to Captain Julius, "If that's alright by you sir, I don't think there's anything else scheduled for right now."

Julius smiled at them, "That's quite alright Captain Henderson, your "tour" is a little more important, I'd imagine. Kendra, please stop by and see me before dinner on the ship. I might have a little more information by then." He grinned at her, "Better yet, why don't you join us for dinner and bring your captain, he can join us for dinner." He but a slight emphasis on "Your."

They both blushed, but Kendra smiled and nodded. They started to walk outside and as they did, she took his hand in hers.

Julius smiled and shook his head. He looked at Geoff, "You know my friend, that is really amazing." He laughed, "I wonder how long it will be till their mated?"

Geoff laughed, "Very soon, I'd imagine. My niece Katja and her mate Erik, became Mate's in three days."

He thought for a moment, "Julius, we really need to talk. Why don't you relax today, then tomorrow, you, me, Kendra, and a couple others need to have a conversation on what is really going on."