Katja Pt. 22


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Jeff nodded, "He's right Jim. Erik was being nice; the place was and still is a bit of a pit."

Erik smiled, "Well, since this building is okay, did you look at the other one?" He jerked his thumb in the direction of the second building.

Jim nodded, "Yeah, it's about the same as this one."

Erik nodded and turned to Tony, "Well, I guess we're done. Let's go and get some coffee and I'll start writing something up. Jim, you almost done?"

Jim nodded, "Yeah, were going back to Jeff's office and talk about some things. I figure we'd talk about what to expect when our security people and the marines show up. I also wanted to explain about the big force field units and the hand-held units we'll be using like we did at New Tygris. When do you plan on meeting later?"

"About three-thirty, the others will be done sooner more than likely, but the airfield will probably take to about then according to Mika and I don't want to rush him. The airfield is the most important thing right now."

Jim nodded again, "Well, he'd know. He checked all the ones at New Tygris before they landed there, we'll see you in a bit then."

They said goodbye, then Erik and Tony headed back. As they walked, Tony said to him, "Well, one good thing, the roads and sidewalks seem to be in good shape. At least they won't have to deal with that." Tony looked around, "At least whoever did the roads, sidewalks and airfield knew what they were doing. I guess it's the only thing that is."

Erik nodded, put didn't say anything. Tony was getting a little more worried about him from the way he'd been talking, he wondered if he came up with a way to take care of what they talked about. He put his hand on his shoulder and stopped him, "Erik, are you all right bro?"

Erik looked at him, "Yeah, sorry about that bro. I've been trying to figure out the best way to tell the kids what we came up with." Then he shook his head angrily, "And I really just want this fucking waste of time over with, it aggravating the living shit out of me. I just want be able to go home and take care of the problem, so both my mates and the kids will be happy again."

Tony nodded; he'd figured it was something like that. "Look bro, my nieces and nephew are smarter than we are, just tell them. Keep it simple, and don't overthink it, like we talked about." He smiled, "They'll be so happy, none of it's going to matter. Lay it all out for them, since from what you told me, they already know and want, what you guys want. So, there is no problem really."

Erik nodded and sighed, "I guess you're right. It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't wasting our fucking time here. I think that's what really pissing me off the most."

Tony nodded, "I know, I think it's just that Azlan was right, we got spoiled at New Lyonn and New Tygris, everything was in good shape and went our way, with hardly any problems. But when you get right down to it, we don't know if all we found here, are problems yet. For all we know, they may rather have it like it is. This way they can do what they want with it, just because we did one way, don't mean they'll want to. They are different people after all."

Erik nodded again, "Your probably right. But for some reason, this trip is just really getting on my damned nerves. Hell, even Katja's being bothered by it, she was upset she had to make her tea instead of me doing it like normal."

Tony smiled, "I think it's just because both of us haven't been away from our families for almost three years, I miss mine also. But for you, you've got that, all this other stuff and trying to justify us being here and doing this when we should have waited." He shrugged, "It would get on anybody's last nerve."

Erik sighed, "You're more than likely right. Fuck it, let's just go back and see if we can wrap this shit up. I need coffee anyhow."

They waked back to the conference room, and grabbed some more coffee and joined uncle Geoff, and the rest at the table. Uncle Geoff smiled, "So, how was the other buildings Erik?"

Erik shrugged, "About the same as here, and like everywhere else, empty. Jim and Jeff were looking at them when we got there. He was looking to see if they could be converted to a security headquarters once the Marines that are coming, get here. It looks like it can, all they need to do is put some beds or cots in the one and they're used to that. Jeff and him are talking more about it right now and Jim wanted to explain about the big force field units and the hand-held units they'll be using."

Geoff nodded, "That's good news." He looked at the time. "The others should be here soon, then we can make a decision on the rest."

They all talked a little more for the next half-hour or so. Then the rest of their people started coming back and once everyone was there, they started going over what else they found.

Erik opened his tablet to the page he wanted, then asked Azlan, "So, how was the houses, if you got a chance to look at any of them, and the base dining facility?"

Azlan smiled, "Well, the dining hall was in a little better shape, building wise, but it was empty like the rest though. So, like the others, it will need to be gone over, and updated."

He flipped to another page on his tablet, "Since we did have time, we looked at two of the houses and they were empty like every other place we looked, but weren't in to bad a shape, about like the townhouses. It looks like they sealed them up better."

Erik nodded, "Well, that's good then, at least one thing we don't have to worry too much about. Tikal, how was the clinic? Same as the med-center more or less?"

He nodded, "Yes, just about. Theo and myself did a walk-through, it wasn't that big really. You've got the lobby, a big office space, six examination rooms, and some store rooms. They were all empty like the center and like we were told."

Erik nodded and made some notes, "Good, you're all spoiling me with good news." The others laughed as he flipped to a different page, "Mika, how did you, Axel, and the others make out? Were you able to test any of the airfield?"

Mika and Axel nodded, "We got about two-thirds of the first landing grid tested. So far, so good on the readings. I really don't think we'll have any problems landing the ships Erik. Well, as long as the ships are on opposite sides of the airfield to play it safe. We'll look at the rest tomorrow, the testing is quick and easy, it's laying everything out that's time consuming."

Erik made some more notes, then took a drink of coffee, "So, I guess we'll know for sure tomorrow." He looked at the notes he made on his tablet, "But it seems to me, we're pretty much done I think, once we know for sure on the testing. Opinions?"

They all nodded in agreement and uncle Geoff smiled, "I believe you're right Erik, it seems like it to me also. We'll just have to see what happens once the others finally contact us, and we get a little more information. I talked to Captain Augustus while you and the others were out, he said they sent a message back to them about this landing site and the site in Colorado. Granted, they couldn't go into a lot of detail, but they'll have a chance to think about it all."

Erik nodded; happy this was almost done. "Sounds good to me. Ah... Jim, I know we talked a little before, but are you done on the security end yet?"

Jim nodded back, "Yeah Erik, just about. Jeff and myself need to go over a few things in the morning, but we should be done by lunch tomorrow, give or take. I'm still going over the force-field units and the hand-held ones. Once we know what's happening and when, we can get them sent out to here, along with some of my people to train them and the marines that'll be here. Luckily, since Jeff was a marine also, he knew what they'd be doing and needing for the normal things."

Erik grinned, "Oh, so he knows what color crayons they'll need then?"

Tony laughed as did Jim, "Yes, we'll have all the colors available for them."

The others didn't know exactly what they meant, but could tell they were playing with each other.

Erik felt a lot better now that he knew this trip was almost done, he wanted to go home in the worse way. He still didn't know why he was being and feeling like this though. "Good, I didn't want them to go hungry."

Tony laughed again and Jim grinned, "Nothing to add squid?"

Tony grinned back, "No. I think my brother here took care of it nicely. I wouldn't want your brain to get overloaded."

The three of them laughed, then Erik grinned at the others, "Sorry about that, we just had to get it all out of our systems, we really hadn't a chance yet. It's a Navy, Marine thing... sibling rivalry if you will."

The others laughed at that, and Erik, said, "Well, now that we did get that out of our systems, does anyone have anything else?"

They all shook their heads no, the Erik looked up at the clock, "Then if no one had anything else, I guess we'll meet outside for dinner. Thanks for all the effort today, and after breakfast tomorrow, we'll meet here again so I can get any of the pictures you took today and your notes. Then hopefully we'll know one way or the other on the airfield later on and start wrapping this up."

Everyone nodded, the Geoff said, "Erik, stay for a minute afterwards, I want to have a word with you."

Erik nodded, "Yes sir, not a problem." He got up and checked to see if there was any coffee left and warmed up his. Then he sat down to wait and see what Uncle Geoff wanted.

Geoff was slightly worried about him; he wasn't acting like his normal self what so ever. He had thought of Erik as his older son for quite a while now, so he wanted to see if he could help him with whatever was bothering him. Once everyone had walked out, he got up and sat down next to him. "Erik, I asked you to stay for a minute because I was a little worried about you, is something the matter? You've been acting different than I'm used to seeing you."

Erik smiled at his adopted, for lack of a better word, father. "Yes, there was, is, sort of. I think it's some better now, if I could just figure something out."

Geoff nodded, "Then talk to me, maybe I can help."

Erik took a drink of coffee and looked around to make sure they were alone, "Well, you know who Geoff's and Aileen's other mother is and that Brigit is my mate, along with Katja. Everything is good, better than good really, with that. Katja and Brigit have joined together enough times that they know how each other feels even if they're not, so Katja doesn't have a problem with that."

"The three of us are very happy with the arrangement, most nights at home after the kids go to sleep, Brigit comes to be with us so we can spend time together. But the day we got here, after we ate, Katja and I were talking over a video chat, then Brigit joined me, in the flesh so to speak. We we're just talking together like at home once the kids go to sleep. Well, apparently, Aileen sensed Brigit, and came running out to the living room and jumped up on the couch with Katja waving and saying, "Hi daddy, hi mommy, I love you."

Then Erik told him what had happened and what they decided on doing, becoming a real, sort of normal, family. Erik took another drink, "Well, last night we told Katja what we've come with and she's happy as well. After we got finished talking, she was just going to talk to the kids and let them know we came up with a way for us to be a whole family, and once we get back, we'll all talk to them together."

He sighed, "But at the moment, I still have two upset mates and three children who miss us being together. I'm still trying to figure out how best to do it and tell them right now, but I think we're just going to do it and explain to the kids it's between us and the ones that know."

Geoff listen to this in amazement. Then he asked, "And that's all that's bothering you? It sounds to me you have it figured out."

Erik shrugged, "Not all I guess, for some reason it's really bothering me to be away from them all, and I can't figure out why it's like it this time. Granted, it's been almost three years since I've had to go away, but I can't figure out the why I'm acting like I am. I've been irritable, cranky, and my thoughts are constantly jumbled and all over the place."

Geoff smiled, "Well, put aside that we've been sort of wasting time here. I think you already know why, you said it, "At the moment, I still have two upset mates and three children, who miss us being together." I think you're just picking up on that and it's making you feel and sense it more because of your background. So that's making you feel the same way, even though you've got an answer."

Erik looked at him, and thought to himself, 'Could he be right? It makes sense I guess.' He nodded, "Maybe you're right, it makes sense at least, more than anything else I've come up with."

Erik smiled again, "So, thanks for helping."

They both stood and Geoff put his hand on his shoulder, "Your more than welcome son."

Erik got tears in his eyes as Geoff called him son again and hugged him, "Thank you father."

Afterwards, they went to their rooms to clean up and get ready for dinner. Later, they ended up going to one of the chain Italian restaurants this time and after they came back, they talked a bit and everyone went to their rooms. Erik made himself some coffee, he had them fill his thermos up again, but he wanted at least one good cup to start. He sat down and looked at the time, he was waiting on Brigit to show up before he called home. He felt a lot better since he talked to uncle Geoff and now that he had more than an idea why he was feeling like he did.

He drank some more of his coffee and thought about what Tony had said to him; "My nieces and nephew are smarter than we are, just tell them. Keep it simple and don't overthink it, like we talked about. They'll be so happy it's gonna happen, that none of it's going to matter, just lay it all out for them. From what you told me, they already know and want what you guys want. So, there is no problem."

He drank some more coffee and nodded as he set the cup on the table, 'That is the best way to do it, it makes perfect sense. When we get home, we'll just get everyone together and tell them. Afterall, Tony's right, we all want the same thing, to be a family, like we we're meant to be.'

Then he smiled as Brigit walked into the room from the bedroom. "I'm glad you finally got it all worked out Erik. Your right love, that is the best way."

He grinned, she was dressed in a pair of jeans and white silk shirt that brought out the color of her hair and eyes. "I'm glad you agree my mate, and you look beautiful Brigit. As always."

She smiled as she walked over and sat on his lap straddling him, "Thanks love, I'm glad you like it." She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I figure this would be better for when we talked to the children." She grinned once more, "My mom clothes."

Erik laughed and hugged her, "I love you so much Brigit. I think it's perfect, just like you love."

She grinned back shivering a little as he called her by her name again. It always felt so wonderful every time he did. "Umm... I love you to Erik."

He held her to him, she smelled and felt wonderful in his arms as he buried his face in her hair to lick and kiss her neck just like he did to Katja. His cock also got immediately hard as he did like normal when he did it to her or Katja. With tears in his eyes, he once again sent out a silent thanks to the One for what he had in his life. Brigit heard and felt him do it, and she added her thanks also.

She pulled back a little and smiled, "Well, should we call the family now and let them know we'll be home on Wednesday?"

Erik stroked her back and smiled at her, "Yes love, I think we should. This way everyone will be happy again."

Brigit slid off his lap to sit next to him and he got up to get his computer off the table. She grinned as she saw him tenting his jeans. Erik sat back down and started the video chat program.

Katja went to the learning center to pick up the children and met Ariel and Helen there, they talked for a while and with the other parents picking up their children. Soon, school let out and Allie walked the children outside to meet their parents, she smiled as she gave Katja, Helen, and Ariel a hug then they talked together a bit. All four of them missed their mates, so Katja said to them, "Why don't you three and the children come over for dinner tomorrow?" The three of them agreed, and Ariel added it was good idea since their mates left them alone. The others laughed at that, then they headed home.

Once home, like every day, Brigitte and Geoff cleaned up and changed, then they did the little bit of homework they had while Katja made dinner. Then after they ate, Katja grinned as the children helped her clean up the kitchen from dinner. Once they had everything put away, and the dishwasher loaded and turned on, she thanked them. "Thanks for helping me clean up, and I have a surprise for you. Actually, I have two surprises, Aunt Ariel, Aunt Helen, and Miss Allie, are coming over for dinner with us tomorrow."

They all grinned at that, and were all excited about it, plus, Geoff and Brigitte were very happy, since they'd be able to spend some time with Gesa and Bryan.

Katja grinned, glad to see them so happy since they had all been a little down with Erik gone. When she picked them up from the learning center, Ariel, Helen and Allie all said their children were also sad since they missed Tony, Azlan, and Axel. So, they figured this would be the best thing and she was glad to see she was right. "I also have something for the three of you now." She went to the freezer and got each of them one of the small ice cream cones. They loved these; Erik had started getting them for them because they were the perfect size for them. She grinned, and because he liked them also.

While they ate the cones, she prepped her tea pot and turned on the water kettle. She couldn't wait until Erik came back, she missed him so much and she missed him making her tea. She knew it was silly, but it was so much better tasting when he made it. The children finished their ice cream just as she was finishing making her tea. Once they were all done, she smiled and told them, "Okay, why don't you all go play for a little. Your father should be calling soon and you can say hi to him. I know he misses you all too, so I'll tell you when he does. Okay?"

The three of them smiled and nodded, then they went to go play as Katja smiled as she watched them leave. Then she grabbed her tea and walked out to the living room to wait on Erik's call. She couldn't wait till he and Brigit came home, she missed them both so much. She started her computer and set it on the coffee table to wait on his call as she sipped at her tea.

She had just about finished it, and smiled as her computer made the tone that someone was calling her. She quickly answered it, and smiled from ear to ear as she saw Erik, with Brigit sitting on the couch next to him. "Hello my mates, it's so good to see you. I miss you both so much."

Erik and Brigit grinned back and Erik said, "Hello back love, we missed you also. I love you." Brigit grinned as she said the same, "I miss and love you also Katja. It's so good to see you."

Katja grinned back, "I love the both of you too. That's a bit of a different look for you, I like it."

Brigit grinned, "As I told Erik, it's my mom clothes." Katja grinned at that herself.

Then Erik smiled, "I have some good news love, baring complications, we should be home late Wednesday afternoon. We'll probably leave after lunch, so that'll get us back right after the children finish school."

Erik watched as Katja grinned from ear to ear to hear that, so much so, that he could see her fangs. "That's wonderful, but what happened? I thought the earliest would be this weekend."
