Katja Pt. 22


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Erik nodded, "We thought so too, but there just wasn't much to look at, this base is in sorry shape really, so we didn't look at everything because of it. I'll tell you more when we get back. Right now, the only thing we have left is for them to finish testing the airfield to make sure it'll handle the weight of both ships. But that doesn't seem to be a problem, they finished up about three quarters of the one site today and they'll finish up the rest tomorrow. Then on Wednesday morning, we'll wrap everything up and should leave after we eat lunch like said. Or at least that's the plan right now."

Katja nodded, "That's really wonderful love. We can't wait to see the both of you. How's everyone else?"

Erik smiled again, "About the same as we are, nobody wants to be here, it's been a big waste of time really. Like I said, I'll tell you all about it once we get home. How's everything there love?"

Katja smiled again, so was so happy they'd be home early. "Not too bad, the children miss you, we just finished eating a little bit ago. Then tomorrow, since we're alone, Ariel, Helen, Allie and the children are coming over for dinner."

Brigit smiled at that, then asked, "Katja, did you tell the children what we all talked about?"

Katja nodded, "Yes I did, they were very happy to hear it. I told them we'd explain it all once you both come home, and that we'd tell them how it's going to be, how we're going to do it, and we'd also tell them who they could tell it to, and when. I told them we want it just as much as they do and we love them all." Then she grinned adding, "They were so happy to hear it, I'm surprised you couldn't hear them."

Erik and Brigit laughed at that. "I'm glad their happy love, we figured we'd just keep it simple; we'll get everyone together and just tell them. Afterall, they already know about everything more or less and we all want the same thing, to be a family, like we we're meant to be."

Katja had tears in her eyes at that, "I agree, that makes perfect sense love. I really can't wait for you to get home; we miss both of you so much."

Brigit nodded, "We miss all of you also. Katja, I can't begin to tell you how much I want this."

Katja smiled again, "I know, you don't have to tell me. We've been joined so many times, I know how you feel the same as you know about me."

Just then, the children came running into the room, Aileen had sensed them like the other day and told Geoff and Brigitte.

They climbed on the couch smiling and laughing, then they saw Brigit was with their father and they got even happier to actually see her. They all said happily, hi daddy, hi mommy, we miss you.

Geoff and Brigitte were on either side of Katja, and she had Aileen in her lap like before as they all greeted them.

Erik and Brigit were caught off guard for a moment, then Erik smiled, "Hi kids, we miss you too and we love you."

Brigit's eyes filled with tears, "It's so wonderful to see you all. Your father's right children, we do miss you all and we love you." She wiped her eyes, "I can't wait to come home and see you all, it won't be long now."

The kids looked at each other and smiled, then they all excitedly asked, "When are you coming home?"

Erik grinned, "We should be home Wednesday after you all finish school, I'll let mommy know before we leave here. Then once we get home, we'll all sit down and tell you what we're going to do, and how, this way we can be a family, all of us, like we we're meant to be."

The kids saw their other mommy smile at their father and hug his arm like their mommy here always did. Aileen smiled and asked, "Both mommies will be here with us then?"

Erik and Brigit nodded and smiled at their daughter. Then Brigit said, "Yes love, maybe not all the time, but most of it. Like daddy said, we'll explain it to you all once we get back." She wiped her eyes once again, "I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to being a real part of your lives. I love you all so much."

Katja had tears in her eyes also from hearing Brigit tell the children. Like normal, she could feel what she was feeling. She hugged Aileen, "I can't wait either, it will be so nice to have the whole family together like we should be."

Erik smiled at both his mates, then said to the kids, "Mommy said she talked to you about it some, and once we get home, we'll explain it all to you. So, don't say anything to anybody about it yet. Okay? Do you understand?"

The three of them all smiled and nodded. Then Geoff said, "Mommy told us daddy." Then he giggled, "But Gesa asked why I was so happy all of a sudden. I guess she felt it."

Erik grinned, "Well, she'll be someone you'll be able to tell about it Geoff. But like I said, wait until your mothers and I explain it to you." Then he smiled again, "And Brigitte, that goes for you and Bryan also kitten."

Geoff nodded and Brigitte grinned at her father. Then she asked, "Brigit, will you be my mommy too then?"

Brigit smiled, "Yes dear one, I will. I love you just like and as much as I do Geoff and Aileen." She smiled once again, "Since you're named after me, that makes all the difference love. I can't wait to be more a part of all your lives. Like daddy said, you'll understand better once we come home, it's just too hard to explain it like this." She wiped her eyes once more, "Everything will be perfect. I promise."

Everyone grinned again, then Aileen asked, "Mommy, does Aunt Bast and Briast and Grandfather know?"

Brigit grinned, "Yes dear, they all know and are very happy for all of us. They also love the three of you as much as daddy, me and mommy do."

Then all of them smiled as they felt the love of Bast, Briast and the One flow over and through them.

They talked a little more, then Erik smiled, "Well, we have to go now. But we'll talk again tomorrow night, and then we'll see each other the following day."

They all said goodbye, then Katja shut the lid on the computer and hugged all three children. "See, what do I always tell you, daddy can fix anything. We'll go and pick daddy up once he gets back and I get you from school, it should be just about the same time. Then once we get home, your other mommy will join us here, and we'll talk about everything."

The three of them smiled again, and went back to their rooms to play for a bit. Katja smiled as she got up to get another cup of tea.

Brigit hugged Erik, "I love you so much Erik, I can't wait until we're a family for real love. I've told Katja this many times, but I just can't believe this is happening. Not one of any of the others have ever had anything like this." She kissed him making his mind soar as he held her.

Erik broke the kiss, "I love you also Brigit, I have since the day I found you, but I love you and our family, all our family, even more now."

She smiled knowing what he meant. "As I told them love, their aunts, and grandfather love them as much as we do." They held each other a little more, then Brigit said, "I'll be right back love, I need to go and talk to Katja alone for a few minutes." She grinned adding, "Girl talk."

Erik smiled and nodded, "Okay love. Give her a hug for me too."

Brigit smiled and kissed her mate once again, then she was gone. Erik shook his head, then smiled, he felt better than he had in days and he figured uncle Geoff had been right. He must have been picking it up from the everyone and since they were all happy again, he was too.

As Katja was waiting for the water to boil, she smiled as Brigit hugged her from behind. She turned and smiled as they hugged one another, then Brigit said to her, "I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this Katja, I know I've told you this many times, but I've never even heard of anything like this happening before."

Katja smiled, "As I've said, I can feel what you do, and I know how much we both love our mate and children. I really can't wait until we are together more often, we'll make it all work out."

Brigit eyes filled with tears as she once again hugged her mate. "I knew our mate would figure it all out. Also, I meant what I said to the children, Bast, Briast and the One, do approve and are very happy for us."

Katja nodded her understanding. "It's so amazing sometimes that we do have all this. I can't tell you just how happy I am Brigit." She smiled, "Erik always asks me if I'm sure I have no problems with all that we have and sharing him with you."

Brigit grinned, "I know love, it's because we do love each other so much, and because of his background. I know he told you some of it, and there is more but the One said it's to soon to tell our mate."

Katja nodded, "I know, he did tell me."

Brigit hugged her again, "Well, that's all I want to see you about. I'm going back to him now; he's been out of sorts since he got there. He was sensing and feeling what all of us felt and it was making him a bit distraught. So much so, both Anthony and Geoff talked to him about it, and Geoff helped him telling why he thought it was happening. He seems much better now though since we're all happy."

Katja nodded and smiled, "Uncle Geoff is the closest thing he has to a father and he's like Geoff's oldest son. Well, give him a hug and kiss for me and tell him I love him."

Brigit smiled and nodded, then they gave each other a hug. Then Brigit grinned, "Be prepared for some more nice dreams again tonight."

Katja laughed, "Oh my yes, I look forward to it."

Then Katja smiled as Brigit dematerialized. She poured her tea, and then went out to join the children.

Erik had just filled his coffee cup and smiled as Brigit materialized again. She smiled and came over to kiss him. "I love you. Katja asked me to give you this." She hugged him, then kissed him. Well. "She also sends her love my mate."

Erik smiled, "Thanks love, is she alright?"

Brigit nodded, "Yes love, she seems much better now, as do you, I think all of us were feeding off each other's feelings. But now that we have everything more or less settled, we're fine."

Erik nodded as he combed his fingers through her hair to cup the back of her head and pulled her close. "I'm glad, I still can't wait till we get home, but at least it's only a couple of days and not weeks like we thought at first." He pulled her closer, "I love you Brigit." Then he kissed her slipping his tongue between her lips and their tongues caressed each other again as they kissed and stroked each other.

She shivered as he pulled her closer and kissed her, his tongue caressing hers. She melted against him, her body rubbing on his and she smiled as she felt his cock pressed against her. She felt herself get wet and she moaned in pleasure. He never failed to get a reaction out of her, she loved his hands, body, lips and tongue on her. Finally, she had enough, and broke the kiss and smiled at him, they were transported to the bedroom and they laid naked together on the bed once again as she kissed him and she felt his hard cock pressed against her pussy.

Erik smiled as he did every time she did this. He kissed her, "Couldn't wait my mate?"

She grinned back and bite her lower lip. "No, I couldn't, I want to get in as much as we can before we go home. We may be together as a family, but we'll still have to watch so the children don't hear and sense us." She kissed him, "I don't think any of us want to explain all that yet."

Erik grinned as he stroked his hand down her soft skin and cupped her pussy massaging it. "I think you're right." He kissed her as he slipped a finger in her and lightly circled her clit making her moan again in pleasure. "Now, lay back and let me please you love." He licked her neck and worked his way down as she laid back and bit her lower lip in anticipation.

Erik woke up first like he always did. He was spooned up to Brigit and held her, his hand cupping her breast. Last night was wonderful once again, but thankfully, they didn't do a repeat of the night before. He grinned to himself, if they had, he'd probably be dead right now.

Brigit felt Erik wake and smiled as he was holding her still, his hand cupping her breast and his cock against her rear. Last night had been so wonderful, she couldn't get enough of him. She grinned again as she remembered Katja sending her thoughts to her as she shared with her what her and Erik were doing. Katja had thanked her for it, and said while not as good as being there, it was still wonderful.

She stretched a bit, rubbing her rear against Erik and she smiled as he kissed and licked the nape of her neck as his hand cupping her breast, massage it slightly teasing her nipple. Erik grinned, "Umm... good morning my mate. I love you."

Brigit turned in his arms to face him, then kissed him. "Good morning to you also Erik, I love you too."

Erik smiled as his free hand stroked her back from her neck to her rear. His hand lingered on her rear and he gently massage it. "Ummm... last night was fun. Again." He kissed her yet again, she was so beautiful, her hair was slightly messy, and her beautiful green eyes sparkled. "Umm... you are so absolutely gorgeous Brigit; you always take my breath away."

She kissed him back smiling, "I'm glad you liked it. You always make me feel so wonderful love, before, during, and afterwards." She kissed him letting her tongue run around his lips. "You've always known the right thing to say, both to me and our mate. You're so perfect love."

Erik smiled gently as he stroked his hand over her rear, then up her back, "That's because both my mates deserve it." She smiled as she stroked his back also.

They talked some more, then Erik looked at the clock, "As much as I don't want to, I need to get up and dressed love."

Brigit nodded, then kissed him once more. Erik returned it, then rolled out of bed to get cleaned up and dressed. Once he came out of the bathroom, he smiled as she saw Brigit snuggled up under the blanket hugging his pillow like Katja always did. He sighed, he missed her also, and couldn't wait to feel her in his arms once again.

He walked over to the bed, and leaned down to kiss Brigit. "You gonna stay here for a while love?"

She smiled, "For a little. Since my mate is going to leave me alone, once I wake up totally, I'll go back to the Ether for a while and recharge myself; and I need to talk to Bast a little and take care of a few things." She grinned, "We may be mates, and we're going to be a family for real, but I'm still a Goddess and I have work to do also."

Then she grinned once more. "But since I'm so wonderfully happy right know, I think my followers are going to have a very nice day."

Erik laughed and jumped on the bed to take her in his arms and kissed her once again. "I love you; I'll see you later my mate." They kissed once more, then Erik made his way to outside to wait on the others. Brigit smiled and got out of bed, then waved her hand over herself and she was cleaned and dressed. This time it was her normal robes instead of her mom clothes. She grinned at that, then waved her hand over their bed and it was made. She smiled remembering last night, then walked through the doorway of their room and into her house in the Ether.

She smiled as she walked over to a wooden keg and poured herself a mug of Nectar, then waved her hand over a plate and it was filled with Ambrosia. She smiled as she took a sip, "Ahh... that's good." Then she ate some of the Ambrosia. Ambrosia and Nectar were normally the food and drink of the Greek gods, but her Greek counterpart, Athena, had introduced it to her. She had loved it and start to consume that. Brigit felt revitalized as she sat down to wait on Bast to visit and finished her food and drink.

Erik smiled to himself as he walked past the security guard and said good morning to him before walking outside. Just about everyone was there, except Tony and Azlan, he figured they were talking to Ariel and Helen like they did each morning they were here. He smiled and greeted the others and walked over to where uncle Geoff and Nigel were talking to each other.

Geoff smiled, "Good morning Erik." Nigel smiled and did the same.

Erik smiled back, "Good morning to you both also. How are you?"

Geoff smiled to himself, 'He certainly seemed in a better mood than he'd been in since they got here. "Doing alright I guess, I'll be glad to get home tomorrow though, the beds here leave a little to be desired, and I miss the family. You seem to be in a better mood."

Erik nodded, "Pretty much, I talked to Katja and the kids last night, and we're just about done." Now he smiled, "And like you, I miss my own bed also. These ones here were alright when I was in, but not now for some reason."

Geoff and Nigel laughed at that, then they talked a little bit more until Azlan and Tony walked out laughing about something. They walked over and they also greeted them, then a few minutes later, the van pulled up and they all got in and they were off to the restaurant. It was pretty much like it had been since the first time and they were soon on their way back.

Once back, they all got out of the van and Erik looked at his watch, "What say we meet in a half hour, then we'll go over a few things before we go out to finish up."

They all agreed, and walked into the building. Erik and Tony stopped by their rooms, and Tony asked, "You seem in a lot better mood this morning. Get everything sort of straightened out?"

Erik nodded, then looked around, "Brigit and I were talking to Katja last night after we got back and I told her of our idea. She thought it was a good idea also. Then while we were talking, Aileen must have heard us again, she seems to be a lot more sensitive then Geoff or Brigitte, and she got the others and they all came out and saw us talking. So, we explained things to them and their happy now also. We'll tell them some more and how were going to do things when we get back tomorrow." He smiled, "But I think everything's going to work out like we want."

Tony smiled, "That's great bro, I'm happy for you. Do you know yet exactly how you're going to do it?"

Erik rocked his hand back and forth, "Sorta-kinda. When she can, Brigit will just be there with us, we thought you were right, and we stopped overthinking it. Granted, she can't be there all the time, as she pointed out to me this morning when we got up, we may be mates, but she's still a Goddess and has other things to do also."

Then he grinned. "But she added, that since she was so happy, her followers were going to have a very nice day."

Tony laughed at that and shook his head, "I suppose that's right, you don't really think about that. I don't know what takes up a god or goddesses' day, but it must be something."

Then he laughed again adding, "And like we talked about before, I still can't believe we're having this conversation."

Erik laughed nodding, "I know. Well, I need some more coffee, I'll see you in a bit."

Katja smiled as she got dressed after waking up. Last night was fantastic just like the night before, just not as long. The dreams had been so real and she was still wet from it, she couldn't wait until tomorrow night when Erik and Brigit came home. She really missed them both, and as nice as the dreams were, it still wasn't as good them being together. She finished getting dressed, then went to make the bed. She smiled, 'I think we're going need to get a bigger bed if Brigit decides to actually join us, and not just join with me.' Then she grinned as she heard, "Yes, that might be a good idea, I've really gotten used to it." Then she giggled, "You want me to tell our mate love?"

Katja grinned again, "Lets hold off and surprise him when you get home, then we can explain to him why we need a bigger one, in detail and just what we plan on doing to him." She felt herself hugged, then Brigit's presence was gone. Katja shook her head, then made her way to the kitchen to start her tea and wake up the children so they could get ready for school.
