Katja Pt. 22


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Katja smiled, "Yes it does Geoff, but like I said, we'll explain it all once they come home. Then we'll tell you how it's going to be and how we're going to do it. Okay?" They nodded smiling. "Good, then we'll also tell you who you can tell about it and when."

Katja hugged them, "We want it just as much as you three do, and we all love you. So just be a little patient for now, and hopefully, it'll be soon from what your father told me."

She smiled and hugged them, "Now, why don't you pick out something to watch, and we'll have some popcorn and something to drink before it's time for bed."

The three of them picked out a movie, then Geoff helped her getting the popcorn and drinks ready. They watched the movie they picked out, and once it was over, they went and got ready for bed. Once changed, they came back out and watched another show until it was bedtime. Katja smiled as she tucked them all in and gave each on a kiss goodnight. Then she got ready herself and refilled her iced tea, then came back out to the living room and sat back down. She sighed, as she scanned the TV for something to watch for a little while until she got tired. She watched the TV for a while, but nothing really interested her, so she decided to go bed herself.

She got into bed and sighed as she turned out the light, then pulled Erik's pillow to her hugging it, and she picked up her mates' scent on it. She smiled a little and closed her eyes, but sleep came a little hard, she missed them both so much, but she finally fell to sleep.

Erik woke the next morning, his mate still in his arms as he was spooned up to her. Last night had been... miraculous. It was the only word that came to mind as he remembered making love to Brigit last night, over and over and over again as she asked. Just when he thought he couldn't do it again; she'd caress his cock and he'd be hard and ready once more. He smiled to himself, he should feel like death warmed over, but he didn't. He felt wonderful, a little tired, but wonderful. He smiled to himself, the perks of having a goddess as a mate.

He massaged the breast he was holding and he heard a "mmmm." He smiled and nuzzled at the nape of her neck like he always did to Katja. Brigit turned to face him and kissed him rubbing her body against his. "Good morning love, and I do mean good. You were wonderful last night my mate." She kissed him once again.

Erik grinned as he stroked her back with one hand. "Good morning to you also love. So were you, but then you always are. I love you my mate, thank you for last night."

Then he grinned adding, "And I suppose for this morning. I should feel like death warmed over, but I feel wonderful, a little tired, but wonderful." He kissed her, "I suppose I have you to thank you for that also."

She grinned and kissed him again as she reached down to stroke his cock slowly. "Well, what's the sense of being a goddess, if you can't use it to your advantage every so often." She kissed him again, "The three of us needed it love."

Erik looked a bit confused, "The three of us?"

Brigit grinned and nodded. "I let our mate experience it also. Let's say, Katja had some very, very nice lucid dreams last night, she experienced it like she was with us." She kissed him once again, "I knew she wished she could be with us, so I gave her the next best thing."

Erik smiled as he stroked her back again and let his hand glide to the front to caress her breast, then kissed her. "Thank you, my mate, I love you so much Brigit." He sighed, "I wish we could continue this, but I need to get dressed so I can meet the others, then get this damned thing started. The quicker I do, the quicker I can be done and we can go home."

Brigit kissed him shivering as he caressed her breast and called her by her name. When he did that, he was invoking her presence and showing his love for her. It felt so wonderful, and powerful at once, it affected her on a base level. "I know my love; I can't wait till we can. I so want us to be a real family." She kissed him again, "So, go and do what you have to do and come back to me. I'll be here as soon as you come back love."

They got up and Erik smiled as she grinned at him and waved her hand over herself and she was dressed. He came closer and once again combed his fingers through her fiery colored hair and pulled her to him. He kissed her and let his tongue slip between her full sinuous lips and caressed her tongue with his. They finally broke the kiss, and he went into the bathroom, his cock fully hard once again.

Katja woke the next morning and stretched like normal, then smiled as she remembered the wonderful dreams she had last night. The three of them made love all night and she couldn't believe how many times it seemed to her that Erik made love to his two mates. She could feel her pussy was still wet from it all, it had seemed so real, she could feel his nice hard cock going in and out of her, and she could also feel his tongue on her over and over again. She shivered and hugged her mates' pillow once more taking a deep breath of his scent. Then she grinned as her other mate said to her, "Morning love, I hoped you enjoyed yourself last night. I knew you wished to be with our mate as well, so I made it so you could feel what I did."

Katja grinned, "Thank you love." Then she giggled, "Tell me, is our mate still alive?"

Brigit laughed, "Yes, he is, but a little tired. As I said to him when I told him about it, what's the sense of being a goddess, if you can't use it to your advantage every so often."

"Katja, I knew how much you missed him and I think we all needed that last night. Well, I need to go, Erik's getting dressed so he can meet the others for breakfast."

Katja smiled and thanked her. "I really hope he gets done early, I told the children and their very happy about it. They understand we have to wait to tell them more about it, but I hope he does get done early."

"Oh, he will, even if I have to help him, I want to start our life together also. Give the children a hug and kiss for me love."

Katja laughed and nodded. "I will, I'll talk to you later when he calls. I love you Brigit."

She felt Brigit stroke her, "I love you too Katja." Then she was gone. Katja got out of bed, cleaned up and dressed. Once finished, she went to the kitchen and turned on the kettle, then prepped the teapot. Once finished, she woke up the children, and gave Aileen a hand getting dressed. Then they all walked out to the kitchen and decided on breakfast and another normal, sort of, day started.

Erik walked out of the bathroom and sighed; Brigit had left already. But maybe that was a good thing, otherwise he may have just said fuck it, and not went to meet the others. He got dressed, and once finished, he got his things together so that when they got back from breakfast everything would be ready to go. He walked out of the room and as he did, Tony's door opened and he walked out smiling as he saw him.

"Morning Erik, what's up?" Tony asked smiling.

Erik yawned a bit, "Morning Tony, me unfortunately. I rather go back to bed."

Tony laughed at that, "Sorry about that, but duty calls and all that."

Erik looked at him, "Since when are you this cheerful in the morning? Or did you mainline your coffee?"

"I talked to Ariel. She gave me a wake-up call, she needed to know where something was."

"Oh, okay. I guess I can forgive you then for being so damn cheerful. Let's go, I'm starving this morning."

They talked a little while they walked and got outside greeting a few others that were going. Erik yawned again, the looked around as he waited for the security guy to bring the van around so they could go get something to eat. It wasn't too long of a wait and ten minutes later, the van pulled up. The driver greeted them as they climbed in and Erik leaned against the window staring out of it watching as they rode along. 'Gods, I need coffee.' He thought to himself. They had slept a little later than normal since she kept him up all last night. He snorted a laugh, she quite literally kept him up all night. Thankfully, he wasn't sore, just tired now that he was coming down from whatever she did to keep him awake and getting an hardon.

They pulled into the parking lot of the same place they ate yesterday and they all got out once the driver parked the van. They walked inside, and the hostess greeted them again and brought them back to the same table they had yesterday morning. They looked at the menus and as they did, the waitress brought over a few carafes of coffee. Then she asked what they were having. Everyone let her know, and they all sat back to drink their coffee while they waited. Theo was a little sad as it wasn't the one from yesterday, he really thought she was cute.

Tony grinned to himself as he watched Erik almost empty his first cup without stopping, then refilled it. He hadn't seen him this bad since their Navy days.

Since they were early, the restaurant wasn't that crowded so their food came out fairly fast. Tony grinned once again as he watched Erik inhale his breakfast and another cup of coffee.

Erik couldn't believe how hungry he was, but since Brigit kept them up till almost three in the morning, he guessed he burned up a butt load of calories from her keeping him up and functioning. He went through the Belgian waffle, the side orders of home fries and corned beef hash in about fifteen minutes flat. Once he finished eating, he refilled his coffee and started on his third cup as he sat back.

The waitress came back to check on them and Erik handed her his thermos and asked her to fill it so he could take it back. Everyone finally finished and after they paid, they headed back to the base. Once there, Erik looked at his watch, then said, "Alright, lets meet in the conference room in a half-hour and we'll go over things a bit first and then start looking at things."

They all agreed, then he and Tony walked back into the building, then to their rooms. Tony grinned as they got there. "You gonna live bro?"

Erik nodded, "I think so, just let me get another cup or two of coffee in me." He yawned again.

Tony shook his head, "You know, I haven't seen you this bad since our Navy days. Did you sleep at all?"

Erik shook his head, "Some, maybe three hours. Give or take."

Tony laughed, "What were you doing that late? Couldn't sleep or something?"

Erik shook his head and looked around before answering, "Brigit happened, I told her of the idea I came up and after we talked to Katja, she kept me up all night. Literally up all night. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna drink another cup or three of coffee and hope I can function once I do."

Erik finally got his system back to slightly normal. Then he changed into a set of old Navy coveralls he had and went to the conference room to meet the rest. Tony laughed when he walked in, "So, how much coffee did it take?"

Erik looked at him, "One."

Tony grinned and asked, "One cup? Or one pot?"

"Pot." Erik said as he sat down and turned on his tablet.

They all talked a little until Uncle Geoff, Nicholas and the rest they were waiting on walked in and joined them.

Erik nodded to them, "Well, I guess we're all here. I'll be here for the most part looking things over if you need to get hold of me. Let's get started as we planned, and if there's anything that's really bad, call me. Nicholas, how many people can you spare to escort our people into the secured spots?"

Nicholas smiled, "Well, besides me, I figured I give you a hand, I have three others."

Erik nodded and looked at his to-do list. "Okay, assign one to Azlan, one to Axel and Tony and the last to Med-tech Tikal, he'll be looking over the medical facility."

He looked over his list, "Jim, do you need anything? Or can I assume you'll just be talking with Jeff today?"

Jim nodded, "Yeah Erik, I'm good. I'll be talking things over with him most of the day. He can let me in any place I need to go today."

Erik nodded, "Good, that's what I figured. Nigel, have you assigned your people yet? I assume you and Mr. Hayes will stay here along with me and uncle Geoff, for today at least."

Nigel smiled, "Yes Erik, that's the plan and I do have the people assigned already."

Erik looked at his tablet, "Good, the main thing we need help with, is to give Axel and Tony a hand inspecting the airfields so we can make sure they're okay and are able to handle the two starships. Mainly because we've never done that."

Nigel nodded, and Mr. Hayes said, "No problem, I had our people bring along an ultrasonic tester we used at our base before the ship landed. Using that, we can easily tell you if it'll be able to handle the ships."

Erik nodded and smiled, "That's perfect, I was wondering if there was a way." Then asked, "Nicholas, can we just get lunch brought here today? I can't see trying to get cleaned up after poking our noses in everything just to go and come back."

Nicholas smiled and nodded, "Sure Erik, I kind of figured that myself."

Erik nodded once again, "Good. Well, let's be out and about doing things. You all know what we're looking for, and like I said, call me if anything is really screwed up. Also, please keep good notes and take lots of pictures." He looked up at the clock, "Lets meet back here about eleven and we can talk a little before lunch."

They all got up and with the exception of Erik, Geoff, Nigel, Mr. Hayes and Nicholas, they all headed out. Erik looked at his tablet, then asked, "What time you heading back uncle Geoff?"

Geoff smiled, "Well, I'm planning to right after lunch. Unless of course, the people find some major issues."

Erik nodded, "Okay, that sounds good." He yawned once more, "Nicholas, you ready to take a walk around here? Or do you need some time first?"

Nicholas looked at his watch, "Ah... how about we start in a half hour or so? I need to make a couple of calls, and check on a few things, it shouldn't take us long to just look around here. Since we work out of here, we try to keep it up."

Erik nodded, "Sure, that's fine. It gives me a little time to talk about a couple things ourselves."

Nicholas nodded, "Okay, sounds good, I'll be back in a bit." He got up and walked out the door.

Erik filled up his travel cup from the thermos, then asked, "Anyone need a warm up?"

Mr. Hayes smiled and nodded yes. Erik handed the thermos to him and he sat back and took a drink. Geoff grinned once again, "What's got you so tired Erik?"

Erik looked over at him, "I didn't get much sleep last night, miss my own bed I guess." Then since they were alone, Erik and Geoff talked to Nigel and Mr. Hayes about what they'd talked about already. After they did, Nigel nodded, "I think your right Erik. This base looks a fair bit rundown, or at least worse than ours was. And I agree with you, it is sort of a waste of time since we can't really make a lot of decisions yet." Then he shrugged, "But, it will give us an overall idea of what's, what."

The rest nodded their agreement, then Erik added, "I also did a little checking on this place last night myself. I was right, the base has been closed, officially, for six years, but they did stop doing anything with it for like two years or so before it did. Apparently, since it was being closed, they stopped spending any funding on it, that's kind of why it's in this shape. Nicholas and his people have only been here for like two years and they only keep an eye on things, so there's no real maintenance being done, things are just sort of fixed if something is really bad. I'll also assume that some of the places were just secured and haven't been looked at since it closed."

He took a drink of coffee, "They have been using it for testing some things, newer aircraft and radars and some new sensors. But that's it, and that's only in one small part of the base."

They talked some more, then Nicholas came back, and once he did, they started making a walk around. The main building here, was mainly office's and they were mostly big communal spaces along some stand-alone offices. Erik figured they had been used with office cubes like a few places he saw when he was on shore duty.

Another problem he saw, was that unlike New Lyonn, with few exceptions, the spaces were totally empty. When they took the over base, it still had most of the office furniture, along with some other common office equipment. They had really only needed to install updated IT gear and com units like they used on the ship. But not so with this place, it would need everything, with very few exceptions. The main building itself, needed a huge dose of TLC and Erik made notes as they explored and took plenty of pictures like he'd asked the others. He sighed to himself, this is such a waste of fucking time. If they just knew what was going to happen and who was going to be here, and what they would need, it would be so much easier.

He started to write about one of the places he saw that they could maybe set up as some kind of learning center, but he shook his head, are they gonna even want that or something else? There was one big conference room, again empty, but he figured it would hold maybe a hundred or so people and he could use that to do some of the training classes, but he wasn't sure.

Geoff saw Erik shake his head as they walked between places, and he didn't need to be a mind reader to figure why he did it. What they'd look at so far, wasn't in very good shape, and mostly everyplace they went into was empty. If the rest of the base was like this, whoever would be staying here, would have to rebuild a lot from what he saw, granted it would still be easier than starting from scratch. He realized how lucky they were in New Lyonn and New Tygris when he saw the condition of everything here, and that was only these few buildings. He hoped the airfield's and hangers, were in better shape, along with the housing and med-center.

Azlan, a couple of people from New Lyonn, and one from New Tygris had climbed into the van and one of people from the base was driving to take them to the base housing area. Azlan looked at the map of the base Erik had printed out for them all. It was shaped sort of like a rectangle, with the main building they just left and main med-center at one end and just right outside of the base. Actually, it was more like half in and half out, you could come in to either of them from outside the base and the fencing ran right up to the sides of the buildings. Azlan figure it was like this so you didn't have to come on the base to go into the buildings to take care of any business.

The base housing was at the same end, but along the short end of the rectangle along with a smaller med-center called a clinic, and the dining facility. These places were actually inside the base proper. The hangers, airfields, and the rest that went with them, were on the opposite end of the rectangle. He looked at the map again and read the legend for the other buildings, it looked like the base maintenance shops, some other garages, and what he thought were warehouses for something, were across from the main offices on the opposite side of the base. He wasn't sure what some of them were for, the map didn't say, but he'd could ask later, he had enough to do today with the housing area.

As they rode along, Azlan asked the driver where they would be stopping first. His name was Harry and he was the one that showed them to their rooms when got here.

Harry smiled, "All the base housing and barracks are in in the same area, along with the small health clinic, and base dining facility. As you can see from the map, the base is shaped like a rectangle, more or less, and the different housing, dining facility, main building, and medical centers are all on this end of the base. Then the airfields and hangers, are on the opposite end to cut down on the noise of the planes coming and going, plus to keep it all away from where the people are in case of an accident."
