Kat's Boytoy: Zoa Blues


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Ben had not cum for ten days by now. After last the intense session I had given his sleeping body last night and the teasing masturbation I'd commanded him to do this morning, he was pretty much a hair trigger. As Ben gripped the edges of his chair, he moaned and his hips bucked as my phantom hands coaxed him towards an orgasm. In less than a minute, he thrashed and let out a moan as he reached the edge of climax. But I did not lift my mental orgasm block, and he writhed at the edge of release, unable to go over. After holding him at the edge for almost a minute, I let the hands drop. I waited for Ben to catch his breath and relax. But, just as his cock started to go soft, I set the hands on him again. In another minute, Ben was writhing and moaning trying to orgasm again. Then I let him relax for a moment, until he almost had himself under control, and I set the hands on him again.

I did this to him for fifteen minutes, before finally stopping, edging him twenty times in total. As I watched, I sensed Ben going for his cell phone to ask me if he could cum, before he remembered my earlier command. He was not allowed to ask for an orgasm for another five days. And he knew if he dared break my rule, I'd make him go even longer. So he held back.

I waited forty-five minutes, filling my time with some homework. Then, I reached out and set my psychic hands on him again. For another fifteen minutes, I cock teased him to another twenty-plus edges, before letting him go again. And then, after another forty five minutes, I set the hands on him again. I did this over and over, winding him up, edging him multiple times, then giving him a break. After the fourth time, Ben finally couldn't take it, and he tried to call me. I ignored it. He called and texted several times throughout the day, and I didn't respond to any of them.

I kept it up all day. Ben didn't make it to the movie or the bar, instead ordering a pizza and staying in, not knowing if I was going to stop just because he was in public. I would have. Honest. But it made me hot knowing his awe and fear of my power, and still not knowing, even after all this time, what lengths I would go to. And so, he stayed in. And so I teased him.

Fifteen minutes every hour for almost sixteen hours. By the end, Ben wasn't even going soft between edgings, and his edgings were coming so fast, I didn't even bother to pause between them anymore. My psychic hands just continuously tormented him with loving precision for the whole quarter of an hour. Ben was a writhing, crying, and whimpering mess by the time I finally relented, well past midnight, so that he could sleep.

Once I sensed him fade to sleep, I finally checked my phone. Thirty texts and a half dozen messages, several which had been while I was teasing him. I went to bed and as I checked the texts, I slipped a hand between my legs, slowly rubbing my pussy lips. I was already soaking wet from the day long teasing, but I had waited until now before indulging my own pleasure. Teasing myself as well, as it were, though not nearly as bad as Ben. Still, I hadn't realized how worked up I was until I actually flinched from touching my clit, feeling the electric jolt of pleasure when one is touched after anticipating it for so long.

I moaned softly as I rubbed myself and scrolled through Ben's messages. They were desperate pleas for me to stop, apologizing and begging for mercy. Not begging to let him cum, because but carefully pleading that I release him from torment. I felt an orgasm already welling up inside me, the warmth and tingle of building sexual pressure blooming in my core. But I held it back through force of will, not wanting to waste it on mere texts. I rubbed myself faster as I checked my voicemail and set it on speaker. I set the phone on the bed next to me and used my now free hand to clutch tightly at my breasts, pinching and rolling my nipples, even as I drove the fingers of my other hand deep inside me.

"Kat, please, mercy!" Ben voice was trembling and husky with lust as his voice messages likewise pleaded for me to stop the torment, to release him from my sensual sadism. Every cry for mercy spiked my own pleasure up even more. I was now gasping and moaning and writhing on my bed, as Ben had on his floor. And finally, when my voicemail reached a message where Ben's words broke down into whimpers, I couldn't hold it back. I orgasmed, hard, causing me to shriek and curl into a undulating fetal position. I used my own powers of myself to keep the sensations of my fingers going even when my movements became too jerky from orgasmic lock up. I had tears in my eyes as I cried out in unison with Ben's recorded pleas. I felt my head swim and for a moment, I actually blacked out. But the pleasure still consumed me, and I was roused back to consciousness almost as quickly as I lost it. I wasn't done. I paused only long enough to replayed the messages, and I kept going. I climaxed again, over and over, frantically rubbing myself for more.

Finally, I stopped from sheer exhaustion. FUCK. I hadn't cum that hard from masturbation in I don't know how long. But of course, it still didn't compare to riding Ben's desperate cock. As I lay in a haze of sexual euphoria, I cast out my senses once again to reach out to Ben. He was sleeping fitfully, tossing and turning in his bed. His cock was still furiously hard, and his dreams were a whirl of sexual innuendos and teases. I reached out with a thought, and caused the nerves of his cock to feel a phantom tongue lightly tracing the length. It traveled from the base of his cock, to the tip, swirled once around the head, and traced down, then back. Ben moaned loudly and jerked in his sleep. I reached up and found switch in his psyche that kept him asleep and held it down, keeping him dreaming even as my psychic tongue teased him. He'd stay asleep for at least another four hours, but when he woke up, his penis would feel like it was on fire with sexual tension.

Then, just before I drifted off to sleep, I sent a text to his phone, which said, "I won't stop until you make me."


I was still asleep when Ben came into my apartment, slamming the door open and shut and ripping his clothes off. The noise woke me and I cast out my senses. I had just enough time to recognize it was Ben before he burst into the room, naked, his cock diamond hard and jerking. My phantom tongue was still teasing him. Still half asleep, I instinctively tried to send a telepathic message to make him wait, but he was too fast. He ripped the covers off my body, exposing my nude form. My pussy was moistening instinctively, sensing the lust coming off of him. He didn't wait for me to be ready, he just pounced on me.

I cried out as his cock thrust hard into me, going deep as he could with the first thrust. I clutched at him, but he grabbed my arms and forced them back. I was still a bit sore from last night's climaxes, but he was overwhelming as he thrust hard and fast into me. I gasped from the sheer force of him, and I struggled against his grip. But he wouldn't give me a moment to collect myself and fucked me like a jackhammer.

"Ben!" I cried out his name as I felt his cock surge and buck inside me. He was trying to cum. He'd been at the edge when he came in here, and the second his cock touched my pussy, he was trying to orgasm. He couldn't stop himself, he was in a frenzy of sexual need. I'd teased him to badly he was like an animal. At some point, I could have collected enough of my wits to mentally force him to stop. But I didn't want to. I let him overpower me in a way I rarely ever allowed him to before. And before I knew it, I was screaming and wrapping my legs around his hips, and begging him to keep going. I came and cried as I bit his shoulder in my passion.

"Make me cum," he growled, shuddering with desperate need. "Now! Now, or I'll fuck you clean in half!"

"Oh, Ben," I breathed. "You can't... beat me... that easily..."

He suddenly pulled out, grabbed me, and flipped me over. In his lust born adrenalin, he did this with such casual ease, I suddenly felt like a ragdoll in his hands. And then he was forcing my legs apart and I felt him thrust into me, doggy style. I cried out again as I nearly came a second time. He was lying on top of me, his body crushing mine to the bed. He buried his face into my neck, and I shivered as he sensually bit a sensitive erogenous zone. "Come on... you fucking bitch... you can't do this to me... forever..."

"You sure... about that...?" I gasped. And then he slid out, dragged me back and forced my ass up. He was now standing at the edge of my bed, while I was kneeling on mine, and he thrust back into me, his hips going into overdrive. I lost my breath and my words as I howled in pleasure.

This was one of the benefits of teasing him so badly. When he got this wound up, he was like a raging animal, fucking me with a passion no unteased man could match. He was practically snarling as he fucked me, unable to cum, but fighting with every cell in his body to defeat my orgasm block and force a climax out, using my body as a fuck toy to do it. While I usually reveled in the desperation I made him feel, got off on the sadism of making him suffer while I used him, sometimes it was nice to let go of the control, and let him take me.

And that's what I had to do. Let him take me. Give up the control. Realize it was okay to release him. In the moments between thrusts, I worked up enough wits to be able to reach into his mind and flip on the mental switch that let him orgasm.

Ben screamed and his body locked up, then convulsed, as he exploded into me. He was calling my name breathlessly, almost growling as continued to thrust into me, driving his seed deep inside. When his orgasm finally ceased, we both collapsed onto the bed. But Ben wasn't done yet. I had wound him up way to high. His cock was still hard and twitching and after taking a minute to catch his breath, he grabbed me, and mounted me again, thrusting back inside. Heedless of any post-orgasm sensitivity, for I'd made him experience much more intense things, he fucked me until he reached a second climax, bursting even more forcefully inside. He collapsed onto me, gasping, and I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back, sending soothing feelings into his mind to help cool him down.

"F-f-fuck," Ben said when he could speak again. He finally rolled off of me and lay there in a daze. His cock was finally softening, a tremendous relief to him. We lay there, both aching and tired. We didn't even cuddle, just lay next to one another, staring at the ceiling. Finally, after some time he looked to me. "Kat. We have to talk about this."

I nodded and faced him. "I know." I took a breath, composed myself, and said, "I'm releasing you from my service."

Ben blinked and looked a bit taken aback. "Um... well, I..."

I cupped his cheek with my hand. As I did, I telepathically slipped into his head. I carefully started undoing all the little tricks I'd done to him throughout our time together. I removed the psychic commands blocking orgasms, masturbation, and initiating sex. I undid all the little tweaks I made to his fetishes, all the little subconscious triggers that sexualized his dreams.

Ben seemed to sense these changes and his eyes widened a bit. "You really mean it."

Finished, I leaned forward and kissed him. "I know we aren't together like a real couple. I know we're not even really that close of friends. But I do care about you. I want us to still be lovers. I still want you to be my boytoy. But we can't have this ideal set up forever, can we?"

Ben nodded. "I told you, it's not like I'm moving away forever. But, well, I don't know where this job is going to lead me. And I'm sure you've got future ambitions that are going to conflict with that. And unless we were really planning on living our lives together..."

"Yeah. I know. Part of me wants to, but every time we've tried to be more than just fuck buddies, it just doesn't work." I sighed. "I don't know why."

Ben shrugged. "I think we fill each other's fantasies too well. You're my goddess, I'm your toy. It's hard to look at each other as anything else. Sometimes, I forget you have a life outside of playing with my cock."

I gave a short laugh. "Yeah. Same with you. I know we're indulging in the fantasy, but there's times I get to thinking you really are just my plaything. I don't mean in a mean way, just that, you're mine, and what's mine can't be anyone else's. Not even yours." I frowned. "I'm sorry."

Ben leaned forward and kissed me. We slid closer together and held each other. "All is forgiven. I'm sorry if I ever gave you undo stress, too."

"Nah," I said. "You were perfect. I just got myself all worked up."

"So, I still got a few weeks. What do you want to do until then?"

I thought it over. "Well. I'm not sure. On the one hand, I think we should start seeing less of each other, kind of wean ourselves off one another. See other people. On the other hand, I think we should fuck as much as possible while we still can."

Ben laughed. "How about we compromise, and hook up more casually. We can still be kinky, but this time, let's be less intense about it. Like, maybe not wind me up so badly again."

I chuckled. "Sure thing."

"Seriously, if you wind me up that bad again, you're gunna put me in the hospital!"

"I know," I said. And then I grinned. "Oh, though, there's a thought. You stuck in a hospital, a room all to yourself, permanently hard and unable to cum. And all the hot young nurses see your poor cock and can't help but play with it. And then I come visit you every couple of days just to tease you up some more, punishing you for letting those other women touch my toy. And that just makes the nurses even more eager to play with it! Such a vicious cycle, and you'll probably never, ever cum again!"

"Kat!" Ben said. He was tense, and his cock was steely hard again. He wasn't nearly done after all.

"Well, well. Look at that." I grinned at him. "You sure you can handle another so soon?"

He smirked. "Guess you're going to find out." He started to push me onto my back, but I put a hand to his chest to stop him.

"Not so fast," I said. "We have all day. Why not one more intense session, for old time's sake?"

Ben swallowed nervously. "Do we have to?"

"Or you could go home and just masturbate."

Ben frowned. "Come on, that's not fair."

"I know. But it's fun."

Ben's cock twitched in agreement, and we both looked at it. I giggled, and Ben had to admit I was right. He stuck his tongue out at me. "You suck, Kat."

"Yes, I do," I said, with a giggle. I pushed Ben onto his back and made a show of licking my lips. As I lowered down to take his stiff organ into my mouth, Ben felt me reach in and flick his orgasm switch to "off" once more, sealing away his climax, if only temporarily this time.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

kat was an asshole to Ben. he should have fucked her until her pussy couldnt handle it for a month at least.

GiantPeach06GiantPeach06over 3 years ago

Your stories are just what I like to read.

dasinclevedasincleveover 3 years ago

Thank you for such a satisfying conclusion to a great storyline. The extra philosophical musing would have been a downer in earlier chapters but was just what was needed to lead to such a satisfying ending.

CodaCielCodaCielover 6 years ago

Something I've always found noble about erotic fiction is its capacity to take some specialized sexual interest – something famously considered weird, mysterious or taboo to those who don't share it – and illustrate its direct connection to everyday thoughts and feelings that most people do understand. It's one of the only things on Earth that does this, and I think it's even better at doing it than experts in the field, say.

And yet, most of it seems designed exclusively for people who already know they like its topic, with no attempt whatsoever to explain, include or invite. It's so rare that I'd almost forgotten about it when I found this story, which I think might be my definitive example of this explanatory power now – it's utterly refreshing and inspiring.

By the end: Kat never seems to concede love was at play, but after getting to know her that well, this fortunate, unlikely, highly unusual relationship seemed more based on love than on anything else.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 8 years agoAuthor

I'm very glad to entertain! : )

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

5 Stars all the way!! Great mix of fantasy and real life. You are an amazing writer. Thanks so much for sharing here, on Milo, and OD. I love what you do for the TnD community.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Great ending... I like the realism of them as a couple on the cusp of coming of age and sensibly realizing that there lives will go in different directions and are ultimately accepting of it.

Will you have any other new stories for Kat?

blackcrystal83blackcrystal83over 10 years ago
Great Story but sad ending!

I love this series! Its so great how you made the character of Kat seem evil and cute at the same time. And I love her possessiveness, she really thinks of ben as something she owns.

One of my favorite lines: "To be honest, I don't know if I could even ever enjoy sex again without using my powers to dominate and sensually torment my partner."

But its so sad to see her giving up her possession. ben belongs to her, his only purpose his to provide her with pleasure; what does it matter that this job would be good for his "career"? Objects don't have "careers", only uses. And ben's use is to be Kat's boytoy, nothing more or less.

Maybe this is the end of the series, but I hope not. Wouldn't it be nice if Kat could just psychically castrate ben, in the sense of putting mental blocks on both his orgasms but also on his sexual desire? This way his cock would still belong to Kat, but he wouldn't be driven so crazy by horniness that he couldn't function at his job. And when the year was up, he could come back to her.

AllinandunderAllinandunderover 10 years ago

The only downside is that I doubt it will ever happen to me!

Amazing story, loved it. Thank you very much for sharing it with me.

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