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When Bella had finally regained her composure, she spoke. "So you're completely...?"

"Yep." Kaycee nodded.

"Can't see anything?" She continued.

"Nope." Kaycee shook her head.

"My logic is impeccable." Bella grinned.

We all burst out laughing.

"That may be true." I said, hugging her. "But you're still as subtle as chainsaw in a library."

"One of my most endearing qualities." She beamed.

We sat back down on the sofa, Bella plopping next to Kaycee. "So tell me everything." She gushed. "He drugged you, right?"

"Bella!" I protested. "First Dad and now you."

"Well you are, how do I put this delicately, aggressively ugly." She giggled. "I mean, your face, make babies cry kind of ugly. Medusa was pretty compared to you."

"I give up." I sighed.

Kaycee leaned over and kissed me. "I think you're very handsome." She whispered in my ear. "And you know she doesn't mean it."

"Yeah I do." I admitted. "I'll get her back, though."

"You'd better." She grinned.

Dad came in and sat down, we chatted and had a good time, mostly at my expense, but having Kaycee next to me made it all seem worthwhile.

Later, after her shower, Kaycee was rummaging through my backpack. "Rigel, would you come here please."

I stuck my head in the door. "What's up?"

"This is the only bag we brought, right?" She asked.

"Yes." I answered. "Problem?"

"It appears I forgot to pack my PJ's." She frowned. "Damnit."

"Don't panic, Bella can probably loan you something." I said. "You're both about the same size. I'll go get her."

They sorted out the problem, shooing me out while Bella found the right sleepwear for Kaycee.

"It was nice of your sister to share her clothes with me." Kaycee smiled.

"She has her moments." I chuckled. "Even gave you her favorite ones."

"So where am I sleeping tonight?" Kaycee asked.

"My room." I answered. "I'll take the couch."

"You sure, I could take the couch. I don't want to be a bother." She frowned.

"No bother at all." I said, patting her hand. "If you only knew how many time I fell asleep in the barn working on my car. The couch will seem like a luxury hotel."

After that, we all turned in. It felt good to back home, even if only for a day or two. I yawned, turned on my side and fell asleep.

I awoke some time later to someone poking me.

"Rigel, are you awake?" Kaycee whispered, seemingly frightened.

"I am now." I groaned. "You OK?"

"Not really." She answered, her hand seeking mine. "I was afraid this would happen."

"What?" I asked.

"I have a difficult time in unfamiliar places." She said. "I get disoriented easily, then I kinda panic. I'm so sorry."

She was nearly in tears. "Calm down." I urged. "I'm here, we'll figure it out. Talk to me." I hugged her, attempting to soothe her. "Let's get you back to bed."

I took her back to my room and tucked her in, then sat on the bed beside her. "Better?"

"A little." She answered. "Would you stay with me, please?"

"Scooch over." I said, pulling back the covers and sliding in next to her.

Kaycee plastered herself into my side, still shaking. "Sorry I'm such a baby."

"Nothing to be sorry for." I reassured her, kissing her softly. "I can't even comprehend how hard this must be for you, yet you came anyway. Makes you pretty brave in my book."

In the dim light, I could see her smile. "Thanks." She whispered, then snuggled into my shoulder. Sleep came quickly for both of us.

Morning came and Kaycee stirred, waking me. "Something smells heavenly." She sniffed. "Let's go investigate."

As usual, Dad made a big breakfast. It was a Sunday tradition for as long as I could remember.

"Gimme a minute." I moaned. I am not a morning person, Kaycee on the other hand seems to wake up happy as a clam. I don't know how she does it. If she weren't so cute, it would be annoying.

"Come on sleepy head, move it." She urged. "You'll feel better after some coffee."

She was right, still annoying, but right. I staggered to the kitchen, Kaycee in tow, trying not to beat her to death with furniture and door frames.

"Morning you two." Dad beamed. "Kaycee, did you sleep well?"

Dad slid a cup of coffee in front of me, continuing to speak. "Can I get you some coffee?"

"Yes, please." She responded. "I guess I slept OK."

"I kinda noticed you weren't on the couch this morning son, care to explain?" Dad said, looking at me rather ominously.

"I...I..." I sputtered, brain still not functioning.

"That would be my fault sir." Kaycee interjected, rescuing me. "I got scared last night, happens in strange places. I asked Rigel to stay with me. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I assure you, he was a perfect gentleman."

"I see." He said. "I'm sorry that happened, no need to apologize."

We ate in relative silence. The food was, as usual, outstanding, but my Dad still shot me the occasional puzzled look. He was conflicted about the sleeping arrangements last night. After breakfast, Kaycee and Bella sat in the family room talking while I helped Dad clean up.

"That story she told, that the truth?" He asked gruffly.

"It is." I answered.

"No...hanky-panky?" He asked.

"No sir." I said, looking for a rock to crawl under. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Son, don't take this the wrong way, but are you an idiot?" He chuckled.

"What?!" I said, completely confused.

"I'm no expert, but it's plain as the nose on my face that the girl likes you...alot." He explained. "I'm not saying you two should have...well, we've had the 'talk', but you're young and as long as nobody gets hurt, try to live a little, understand?"

I stood there dumbfounded. My father was telling me I should have done a damn sight more that just sleep with Kaycee.

"I figured you would kill me." I sputtered. "You always taught me to respect women..."

"And what you did last night only confirms that you do." He answered. "I've never seen you act inappropriately towards any girl, ever, but if you like her, there's a natural progression to the relationship. If you move too slowly, she'll lose interest."

"We've only known each other for a few weeks." I protested.

"Let me ask you something." He said, lowering his voice. "Do you like her?"

"I do." I answered.

"How would you feel if she went out with someone else?" He asked. "Would it bother you?"

I had to think about that for a moment. I really hadn't considered how I felt about her. I was too busy being a friend to realize I'd developed feelings for her, strong feelings. As uncomfortable as this talk was, my Dad was just trying to give me the kick in the pants I needed.

I smiled. "Thanks Dad, you always know just what to say."

"I aim to please." He said. "When I aim."

I found the girls deep in conversation, so I just sat next to Kaycee and listened. They talked like they'd known each other for years. Bella had a knack for that. I always envied how quickly she could get along with someone. I realized that at some point, Kaycee had taken my hand and leaned into me slightly. Sometimes I can be pretty dense. This was one of those times. She'd been giving me all the signs I needed, I was just too stupid to see them.

Eventually they ran out of things to talk about and Bella left to do some laundry.

"You two seem to get along well." I smiled. "That's not easy. Bella is an acquired taste."

"Be nice." She chided, poking me in the ribs. "I like her."

"I'm glad." I grinned.

"Your Dad still mad at us?" Kaycee asked.

"No." I answered. "Never was."

Kaycee looked at me, confusion on her face. "He sure seemed upset earlier."

"He was." I explained. "Just at me."

Kaycee pressed her forehead to mine. "I'm sorry I got you in trouble."

"I'm not in trouble." I reassured her. "He just made me think about a few things."

"I'm not following you." She frowned.

"He made me realize how I feel about you." I confessed. "And that I may have missed an opportunity last night for something a bit more interesting than sleeping."

She smiled and kissed me, holding my hands. "Your father is very wise, you should listen to him. I was afraid I was going to have to drag you off somewhere and..."

"I can be rather clueless sometimes." I sighed.

"Maybe a little." She giggled. "But in your defense, you are very cute doing it."

Packing what little we brought, we said our goodbyes.

Bella hugged me then Kaycee. "Glad I got to meet you." She said. "Come back anytime, don't have to bring him."

"Love you too, sis." I grinned.

"You are certainly welcome here." My Dad added. "It's been a pleasure."

"Thank you." Kaycee smiled, squeezing my hand. "I'm sure we'll be back, hopefully soon."

After installing Kaycee in the passenger's seat, I hopped in the car, fired the engine and we roared off down the road away from my home and family.

"So my family scare you off?" I asked. "Though I probably should have waited til we got back to ask."

Kaycee giggled. "Afraid I might lie to keep you from putting me out at the side of the road?"

"Maaaaybe." I answered.

"I'm sensing this isn't just you trying to be funny." Kaycee observed. "Tell me what you're thinking."

"Should have figured I couldn't hide anything from you." I sighed. "I'm starting to think you can read my mind."

"Doesn't take a psychic to see something is bothering you." She said. "I'd like to help, if I can."

I took a deep breath. "You're not my first girlfriend." I admitted. "But I've only had one other that got beyond holding hands and kissing. We started dating my junior year in high school. Her name was Megan. She was a cheerleader, I was a geek. Still don't know how I scored that one, goes against the natural order. I fell in love with her almost immediately. My first love." I paused briefly, collecting my thoughts. "Things went well for about a year and a half, we were inseparable. We didn't get in a hurry physically, waited til we were both 18 before we started having sex, my requirement more than hers, guess I thought we'd be more mature at that point. I loved her with all my heart, thought she did too..."

Kaycee reached over and took my hand, squeezing it tenderly. "You don't have to..."

"I really need to." I sniffled. "It's been eating at me far too long, interfering with my relationship with you."

"OK, if you're sure." She comforted.

"Anyway, late in our senior year, we were discussing college options. My first choice was exactly where I am today. They have the best engineering program in this part of the country." I said. "She'd been offered a full ride at a college on the other side of the country, she wanted me to come with her. In all honesty, their engineering school was crap. If I went there I'd probably never work for any of the companies I had in mind. I talked it over with Dad, and he agreed with my assessment. He didn't tell me I shouldn't go, he just agreed it wasn't the best school for my needs. As much as it pained me, I told Megan I couldn't follow her, but we could still make our relationship work. She was sad, but agreed, at least until I told her I'd consulted with Dad, then she got it in her head he'd talked me out of going with her because he didn't like her and wanted to break us up. I tried to explain that it was MY decision, but she blew up and then slapped me. 'Don't lie to me.' she screamed. After her tirade, I left and I haven't seen her since. She blamed it all on Dad, he didn't..."

I had to stop there, I was just too emotional.

"Pull over." Kaycee said.

"What.." I croaked between sobs.

"Pull this damn car over...NOW!" She demanded.

The car had barely stopped when Kaycee tore off her seatbelt and climbed into my lap, then hugged me while I finished crying.

"She was selfish." Kaycee said, her nose touching mine. "She didn't care about what you needed, only herself."

I nodded, still too shook up to speak.

"How 'bout we continue this talk after we get back to school." Kaycee smiled. "At this rate, we'll never get there."

She buckled back into her seat and we drove off again.

Later that night, after dinner I took her back to her room. "I'm going to take a shower, meet me back here in an hour and we'll continue that talk."

"OK." I answered nervously, then kissed her goodbye.

I entered her room one hour later. She'd turned off all the lights, the darkness was almost overwhelming.

"No lights." She called out from somewhere in the room. "Come lay with me on the bed and finish what you started."

Groping in the dark, I found her and laid next to her. She cuddled into my side and rested her head on my shoulder. "Continue." Was all she said.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "She was my first love, statistically, I knew it wasn't going to last, but I didn't expect the person I loved, who I thought loved me, to attack my Dad. It was my call, and I made it. I could handle her being mad at me, but not him. Any love I had for her died that day. I guess I was still carrying around some of that anger and especially the fear."

"Fear?" Kaycee questioned.

"Fear that maybe she was right and I was just too stupid to see it." I answered.

"You're definitely not stupid." She nuzzled my cheek. "Your father cares deeply for you, and Bella as well. They want what is best for you."

I held her, knowing she was right, and let go of that last lingering doubt I was carrying.

We lay in silence for some time then Kaycee said. "You're still upset. Your heart is pounding."

"It's you." I admitted. "But I'm not upset, I'm nervous."

"About?" She teased, again nuzzling my cheek.

"Not what you think." I answered. "I need to tell you..."

Kaycee traced my face with her fingers. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"Yes." I said. "I haven't so much as looked at a girl since Megan, I was just so devastated and betrayed. I was going to finish my degree and hope the girls I met then would be more mature and understanding than her."

"Not too hard." Kaycee scoffed.

"Then I met you." I admitted. "And as much as I didn't want to, even tried to talk myself out of it, I developed feelings for you."

"Rigel I..." She started.

Pressing a finger to her lips, I shushed her. "Let me finish, while I'm still brave enough to do it."

I took another deep breath and continued. "Once I loved a girl named Megan, she was my world, but that world ended. Then came you... I... what I feel for you is so much more than anything I've ever felt before, anything I ever felt for her. If I loved her, what in the hell do I call what I feel for you. Love isn't enough. I know we've only known each other for a couple months, but I can't fight my heart. That was what my Dad made me see. He saw it and he knew I hadn't admitted it yet. He just pointed out my relative stupidity."

Kaycee still had her head on my shoulder, remaining quiet as I poured out my heart. I'd started to notice wetness on my shirt...she was silently crying. I was sure I'd totally fucked up.

"Kaycee, please say something." I pled. "I..."

She hugged me with everything she had and rained kisses onto my face and lips, sobbing, but I could feel her smile. "I think I love you too." She whispered.

We laid together, silently for a while, then, emotionally exhausted, fell asleep in each others arms.

Kaycee's alarm went off promptly at 7AM. She had to climb over me to kill the damned thing, then, one hand on my face, kissed me awake. "Morning." She smiled.

"Good morning my beautiful angel." I said. "I wouldn't mind more of this, far better than waking up alone."

"As much as I agree." She giggled. "We better get moving."

Reluctantly pulling ourselves out of bed, I kissed Kaycee and left to prepare for the day. "I'll be back to get you when I'm done."

"See you soon." She answered.

While time is a constant in the universe, perception of time is not. It was possibly the longest day I'd ever experienced before, finally, we were done after what seemed an eternity. It was raining heavily and it was cold and windy. Rather typical late November weather. Hurrying back to the dorm, trying to dodge puddles, I slipped and fell, landing in an unusually large, muddy one, dragging Kaycee down with me.

"Fuck!!" I spat. Now wet, cold and muddy. "You OK?"

Kaycee giggled. "Mud wrestling is not my strong suit. I'm fine, just wet."

I all but picked her up and we finished our dash to warmth and dryness.

I dropped Kaycee at her door. "Get a warm shower and I'll come get you for dinner, unless it's still monsooning, then we'll order in."

She grinned slyly and pulled me into her room, closing the door behind her. "I assume you know where the shower is?" She purred.

If it was possible to grin loud enough to be heard, I did.

We left our wet clothes at the door and naked, walked, hand in hand, to the bathroom. Her room was dark, so I couldn't get a look at her until we made it into the shower. She was only 3-4 inches shorter than my 6'0", auburn hair and pale skin. Her face was dotted with freckles, her shoulders and breasts, however, were slathered in them. Perky, pale nipples rested on her firm breasts. Not large, but I've never met a tit I didn't like. Shapely hips, dark red pubic hair and a killer ass rounded out the package.

I stopped, dumbstruck, admiring her beauty.

"Something wrong?" She asked. "I was expecting groping by now."

Taking her in my arms, I kissed her. "You are beautiful." I spoke into her ear, making her shudder. "Words fail me."

Kaycee blushed, head to toe, then melted in my arms. "Last time I saw me, I was 14, still a gawky, skinny kid. I'm glad you're not disappointed."

"Never." I said.

"To be fair, you do have an unfair advantage here." Kaycee humphed, hands on her curvy hips. "I still haven't 'seen' you."

"Let's get warm, then you can 'look' all you want." I teased.

Once under the warm spray of the shower, Kaycee ran her hands over every square inch of me, from top to bottom, taking particular interest in the lower frontal area. Taking my hardness in her hands, she stroked me slowly. "I can work with this." She grinned, continuing to pull on my member.

In an embarrassingly short amount of time, I shuddered and came, slathering her right leg in warm, sticky jizz.

"That was amazing." I panted. "But now it's your turn." I carefully spun her around and wrapped her in my arms. Left hand to her left tit and right hand between her legs, probing her warm folds, feeling for her clit.

She inhaled sharply when I found it and parted her legs a bit more. "Right there." She sighed. "Oh...that's...mmmm."

She didn't last any longer than I did, gasping and shaking as she came, then nearly collapsed in my arms. I held her as she recovered and we continued our shower. Afterwards, we dried each other, then adjourned to her bed.

I laid her on her back and started kissing my way down her body, but she protested. "Some other time, I need you in me RIGHT NOW!"

Cautiously positioning myself between her legs, I entered her. She was wet, both from the shower and her own secretions, but I still had trouble working my cock into her, she was incredibly tight.

"Holy crap." She gasped. "It felt big, but, Jesus, it's splitting me in two."

"We can stop if..." I attempted to say.

"Don't you dare." She hissed. "Cram that damned thing in me." She grabbed my ass and pulled HARD.

Caught off guard, I literally fell into her, plunging to full penetration instantly.

"That's what I want." She nearly screamed. "Now, give it to me."

Clamping my lips onto hers, I jammed my tongue into her mouth, while I drilled her pussy with all my might. Her hot, slick insides, massaged my dick making it swell to dimensions never before seen. It poked and probed her quivering depths making her moan and babble, wrapping her legs ever tighter around me. My raging rod sloshed around in her juices for several minutes, our bodies slapping together, her petite tits bouncing seductively, while we both rapidly drove towards our release.
