Kelli's Desire Ch. 04

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My wife fights the divorce.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/28/2021
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In divorce court, Kelli was fighting the divorce. Her argument was that she still loved me and her one indiscretion shouldn't really affect our marriage. It was just something she had to get out of her system and she had planned on coming back and going on with her normal life. Then her lawyer called Kelli's therapist and she testified that I should be more understand of Kelli's needs, that I should forgive her and take her back. After she has been a wonderful wife to me for over 20 years and now I wanted to throw it all away. She pointed her finger at me and said, "Shame on you, Michael Grant." The judge told her to control herself or face contempt of court charges.

Her lawyer called her former employer, Dr. Penrose who testified that Kelli was a great nurse and was one of his best surgical assistants he ever had. Then our lawyer asked him if he had ever been propositioned by Kelli and he told him that he hadn't. He was then released.

Then our lawyer called up Lori Penrose, his wife. Kelli's lawyer objected and the judge overruled his objection. Our lawyer asked her, "Mrs. Penrose, did you ever have an occasion to have suspicions that Kelly Grant wanted to seduce your husband, Dr. Penrose?"

Mrs. Penrose turned and glared at Kelli and said to him, "Yes! On several occasions when I was supposed to be out of the office, she would come to work wearing very short skirts or blouses without wearing a bra. She would try to get my husband to take her out to lunch and make sexual innuendos while they worked. My husband is too nice a guy to say anything bad about Kelli but others working in our office told me about what was going on. When I confronted my husband, he admitted it but did say he had never done anything with her and claimed it was just some harmless flirting. What she was doing was far beyond harmless if you ask me. One of the other nurses said that she often went out with the pharmaceutical representatives for long lunches if you get my drift."

Then Kelli's lawyer asked to cross her and he smugly asked, "Mrs. Penrose. Did you actually see Mrs. Grant improperly dressed and come on to your husband, or go out to lunch with one of the pharmaceutical representatives?

She smiled at him and said, "Sir, I never caught her coming on to my husband but yes, I did on a few occasions come into the office when I had planned on being off and found her dressed improperly and a couple of times when she came back from a long lunch with one of the reps, she looked like she had been in bed with them. Her hair and make-up were a mess and she would rush to the bathroom and fix herself up. I never said anything to her because I didn't feel it was any of my business if she was a cheating slut or not."

The judge asked her to please watch her language and she nodded and asked Kelli's lawyer, "Any further questions, counselor?" He shook his head no so the judge released her.

Then it was our turn. My lawyer called Alicia. First Alicia testified about finding strange men at times when she got home from school and the time she introduced the same man only used a different name. Then to the fact that her mother had taken her down to her doctor's and had her get an IUD within a few days of her turning 16 then took her to lunch and told her how she regretted not having sex with more guys both before and after she married her father. Alicia said that left her in shock. She also told her that older guys tend to make better lovers, not old, old but say, 30 to 45 or so. Then she told her that she should always use condoms too, just in case and to prevent disease.

She told the court that it took her 3 months to build up the courage to allow a boy to go all the way with her and when she told her mother that she had 'gone all the way' her mother wanted to know every detail and made Alicia promise to tell her about every time she was with someone and often her mother would masturbate while Alicia was relating her story to her mother. She said that it was getting more and more frequent but about six months before she caught her in bed with David, she stopped asking for information when she got home from a hot date. Alicia said, "I know I can't prove it but her changes in attitude, it made me think that she was having an affair. It was just something in the way she behaved and smiled to herself all the time but not when my father was around.

Then the judge asked her if she would tell him the names of the teachers or our neighbors she played with. "She said, "Your honor, I respectfully decline as I was underage at the time and I was the one that instigated our tryst. I don't feel prosecuting any of these men or breaking up their marriages would be the right thing to do." Then she asked if she could show the video of her going into the hotel room and the judge allowed it, on condition all the visitors left the court room, over the screams from Kelli and objections from her lawyer.

My lawyer controlled the remote and he stopped it and replayed the parts where either Kelli or David were cutting me down. Kelli kept telling David how much better his huge, black cock felt and couldn't see herself going back to Michael's little cock again. There were several others jibes being said as Alicia and the hotel manager walked in on them. They were so busy going at it , they never noticed the two of them videoing them. Then my lawyer let the video playout.

He released Alicia and to my and everyone else's surprise, he called a Mrs. Jeffery's. I saw Kelli's mouth drop open and her lawyer stood and objected because he said that he hadn't been made aware of this witness being called. My lawyer explained that Mrs. Jeffery had just come to him this morning with some information that she felt was important to his client's case. The judge allowed her to testify. My lawyer asked her what her full name was and when she said, Louise Marie Jeffrey, or Mrs. Dr. Martin Jeffery, whichever you prefer. I looked over at Kelli and her mouth was wide open and she looked scared shitless. She quickly whispered something to her lawyer and again he objected. Again the judge overruled him and told my lawyer to go ahead with Mrs. Jeffrey.

He said, "Now Mrs. Jeffery, you have been sworn in to tell the truth, is that correct? She nodded and he said, "Please speak up so the court can hear you, and please tell the court in your own words why you contacted me this morning?"

She said, Yes sir, I will tell the truth and the reason I contacted you because I happened to hear that Kelli was contesting the divorce on the grounds that she loved her husband and that her affair was a one-time dalliance."

My lawyer said, "Mrs. Jeffery, do you have something to say or any evidence to say otherwise, that this WASN'T a one-time fling?"

She gave Kelli a dirty look and said, "Yes, Mr. Brawley, I know for a fact that it wasn't the first time she had cheated. She was having an affair with my husband for nearly six months before she was caught in-flagrante-delicto with her lover, Dr. Patterson. I turned over to you the videos my private investigator took of the two of them on multiple occasions if you doubt my word."

My attorney turned and asked the judge if he could show the evidence and before the judge could answer, Kelli's lawyer objected. The judge just shook his head and said, "Sit down counselor, I want to see this and if I decide it doesn't pertain to this case, I will approve your objection." Then he turned to my lawyer and said, "Shall we proceed Mr. Brawley?"

My lawyer hit the remote and on the screen flashed pictures of Kelli with this older gentleman sneaking into storage rooms at the hospital, then coming out 45 minutes to an hour later, their clothes disheveled, then there were several of them in different hotels with them doing the horizontal mambo only it wasn't always just horizontal. Kelly was quite the contortionist only I never knew it. Then there was the part of where Dr. Jeffrey brought in two other men and the three of them took on Kelli all at once. That set Kelli over the edge and she started screaming, "Stop it, God dammit! Please just stop that damn thing. Alright, so I'm human and I had needs." Then she turned to me and said, "But Michael, I still loved only you, can't you understand that and forgive me?"

The judge banged his gavel and even though he said it under his breath to his clerk, you could still make out, "She calls that love?" Most of those in attendance broke into laughter. The video continued, then it showed the P.I. following Kelli. She was going to a hotel with David Patterson two weeks before she was caught. It also showed her going over to his townhouse early in the morning so they could have sex in the bedroom and kitchen before they left and met at the little restaurant where I caught up with them. The video showed at least a six times my wife had been with the good doctor, fucking him behind my back. I shook my head in disgust at her. Kelli turned red in the face and slumped back into her chair. My lawyer asked Mrs. Jeffery, "Have you divorced Dr. Jeffery?"

She smiled and said, "Oh, heaven's no. But he is paying handsomely," as one hand held up the large beautiful diamond necklace from between her large aftermarket breasts and she held out her other hand with a huge diamond ring. She elaborated, "He wasn't following our pre-nup and now I've taken measures to ensure he doesn't stray again." My lawyer released her and as she left the witness stand, Cassi pointed out to me her golden chain bracelet with a small gold key. I asked her what was the big deal with that key.

Cassi smiled and whispered in my ear, "She has put his cock in a cage and that's the key to it." I winced at the mental vision.

Then the judge said since Kelli made a very good income as a surgical nurse, there would be no spousal aid but she would have to pay child support because he had talked to Alicia and she wanted to stay with me and I would continue to stay in the home with my daughter until she finished school and that meant college. Also, after Alicia finished college, I was to sell the house and the proceeds divided 4 ways equally between Kelli, me, and the kids. Then the judge started to talk about my business and my lawyer produced the documents that I had sold the company and Kelly just about climbed over her lawyer to get at me. The judge looked the paperwork over and said, "Seems legal to me so I guess there's nothing to split. You each get to keep your I.R.A.s and retirement but Mr. Grant has petitioned the court for you, Mrs. Grant to give up your last name and go back to your maiden name which I agree with. He also has asked for a one year restraining order barring you from coming within 1000 feet of his workplace or your former home or to follow him and bother him while he is out in public. Do I make myself perfectly clear? The officer you hit with the baseball bat is still on light duty and if you violate these orders, you will find yourself in jail for a minimum of a year, understood? I hereby grant the petitioner's desire for divorce. Sixty days from today your divorce will be final. Please come forward and sign these documents and the clerk will take you to the records department so they can be filed."

Kelli was totally pissed was refusing to sign so the judge said, "Kelly James, would you like to spend 90 days in jail for contempt of court?", so she signed.

As soon as the judge left for his chambers and the clerk took our papers to the recorder's office, she began calling out to me saying, "Michael, I still love you. Please, can't you forgive me? Michael?" My lawyer ushered us out a side door and down a less public corridor and out the back entrance.

Alicia and I got home and I got out of my suit and into some comfortable sweats. When I came down, my daughter had poured me a tall glass of bourbon and coke. Damn I needed that. The doorbell rang and she went to answer it and welcomed Cassi in. Alicia fixed her a glass of wine and we took our drinks to my bedroom, while my daughter ordered pizza for our dinner. Cassi and I ate cold pizza late that night.

Cassi and I dated hot and heavy for a couple of months before she asked me one night if I had given a thought to us getting married. This was proceeded by a mind blowing evening of sexual treats. I acted like I was in shock and was stretching and stuck my hand under my pillow and pulled out the little black velvet box and handed it to her. I had been planning on this for weeks now.

Cassi's eyes went wide and she said, "Michael, if I open this and there's not a ring in there, you know I may go all Lorena Bobbitt on you, don't you?"

I smiled and said, "My love, I'm willing to take that chance." When she opened the box, I'm sure her shrill squeal of joy could be heard blocks away, I know my ears sure rang for minutes afterwards. Cassi was smothering me with kisses then I pulled away from her for a bit. I rolled over and reached between the mattresses. I pulled out our itinerary to Hedonism II in Negril, Jamaica where I had reserved the honeymoon cottage for two weeks and also arranged for an evening beachside wedding with a beachside dinner for us and local DJ to help us celebrate our wedding. If other guests wanted to join, the more the merrier, I figured.

Cassi gave me this pensive look but smiled and said, "Hedonism II, huh? Are you planning on sharing me with someone because I sure as hell don't think I want to share you? Besides, this gives me less than a month to get a dress, figure out what to pack, notify my boss, update my passport, and . . ."

My kiss silenced her, then rubbing her nose with mine, I said, "My darling, you know that sheer white nightgown I bought you last month? That's what I want you to wear when we get married, unless you find something you'd rather wear. I thought I'd wear some white nylon board shorts and a bow tie. We'll both be barefoot since I believe we'll be standing at the water's edge. Just think of how sexy those wedding pictures will be for us to look back at."

"Look my love," I tried to re-assure her, "Hedonism II is just a place that happens to be clothing optional and is sex positive. There is nothing that says that you HAVE to participate but I thought it would be fun to watch others and maybe swim or hot tub with others that are naked or also having sex like we're going to be." She lightly punched at my shoulder at that but had a wicked smile on her face.

Laying back on her pillow, she opened the brochure and was looking at the activities available then she turned to me and said, "Really, Michael. How would you feel if I were to have sex with another guy while we were down there? Do you want to have sex with another woman? Are you looking for a couple for us to get together with?"

I grabbed her hand and kissed it, then said, "Listen my love, I'm not trying to force you into anything. I'm just saying let's go get married down there and let our hair down. You told Alicia you've only been with 5 men, and you are only the second woman I've ever been with. We don't get married until two days before we leave so technically we're still single until then." Then with a grin I said, "So, what happens in Hedonism, stays in Hedonism, right?" She jumped on top of me and kissed me so hard I loved it. She managed to coax one more load out of me that night.

I awoke to the smell of bacon and I pulled on some shorts, headed into the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth and run the razor over my face. I went downstairs and this vision of loveliness was just setting a big plate of blueberry pancakes down next to a plate piled high with bacon, and a bowl of honey-butter. Cassi was only wearing an apron as I crept up behind her and slid my hands around her and cupped her lovely breasts.

"Hey, those are cold," she said, half giggling, turning her head to kiss me. "Breakfast is ready, Michael."

Cassi took off her apron and sat across from me while we ate and once we were finished, I said, "My love, once we're married, I would like it if you did not go back to work, we just sort of retired. I have been offered a very nice sum for the business and have signed their offer. I figured once we're back, we could sell one or both of our places and buy a nice motorcoach and travel for a while and find a place that we would really like to spend the rest of our lives living together there. What would you say to that?"

She stood up, walked over to me so I scooted my chair back and she sat in my lap and put her arms around my neck and giving me a smile that filled my heart with joy said, "Michael, at times I wish we could have met sooner, but then we wouldn't have appreciated one another as much as we do now. You are the most wonderful man a woman could ever want. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, just remember, we still need some outside interests so it's got to be someplace close enough for us to enjoy the things both of us like to do. I want us to be happy but if we're tied together 24/7, I'm pretty sure our attitude will change. Tell me, what would you like to do? What hobbies do you have or what would you like to do once you're retired?"

I already knew that answer and said, "I want to rebuild muscle cars, you know the high performance cars from the mid '60s to early '70s. Tear them apart and make them just like new or even better, then we could go to car shows or just take a drive around town or out in the country. I loved working on cars when I was in high school with my uncle Dave. So what would you like to do?"

Cassi bashfully said, "I hope you don't think it's silly but I would love to take up painting again. I had started when I was in college. I'd go out and take a bunch of pictures of something or someone I wanted to paint, then I would attach the pictures all around the easel and begin painting. By the time I graduated I was getting pretty good, at least I thought so, so I entered a local art exhibition. Of my five entries, one got a second place and one a fourth. But once I started working, then meeting my future husband, there never seemed to be enough time for me to go back to what I really loved doing." She then hopped off of my lap saying she needed to get dressed or be late for work.

Following her up the stairs, that beautiful tush of hers mesmerizing me I just had to say it, "Cassi, what if I took a bunch of sexy nude pictures of you and you painted a self-portrait for me?"

She stopped at the top landing waiting for me, threw her arms around me and shook her head. She had this half-smile and said, "You're lucky I love you so much, but it will have to be once I'm good at painting again, ok?"

I said promise? And she nodded as we kissed again before she rushed into the bedroom to get dressed.

The next four weeks went by in a flash. The only issue was that Alicia was bugging us to go along. Cassi came to my rescue and giving her a big hug said, "What would you say if we sent you there as a graduation present when you finish college?" Alicia hugged her tightly while giving her a big kiss. She then ran over to hug me.

"Daddy, are you good on the deal? I mean, I know I said that once I finished college I was going to be a goody two shoes but I would love to go there, just to experience it just once. Please?"

Returning her hug, I said, "Cassi and I are partners now and if she offered you the deal, I'm not going to break it." My daughter's eyes lit up like beacons in the night as she rushed to her room, probably emailing her BFF what had just happened." Alicia decided to stay with my folks while Cassi and I were gone. They knew we were going to get married and were planning on having a big reception for family and friends when we returned.

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ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayover 1 year ago

You're kidding me right? He wants his fiance to have more guys since she "only" had five? And he wants some strange since he's only had two lovers in his life? And he has just been cruelly betrayed by a cheating wife? Just stupid.

davezqdavezqover 1 year ago

Kind of an abrupt ending, and most loose ends were tied up in divorce court. I see there is a ch 5...

vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 2 years ago

a brutally stupid turn in this story.

sf1134sf1134about 2 years ago

Good story overall except for the honeymoon plans and the slut/incest implications. So, all of a sudden the husband descends to the ex-wife's l3vel of depravity?

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 2 years ago

Should have quit after chapter 2.

bobareenobobareenoabout 2 years ago

The daughter stuff is creepy.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

This so stupid and so contradictory on so many levels.

Kimmy97Kimmy97almost 3 years ago

I was hoping for more. It is out of character for Michael to want Cassi to have sex with other men. Plus I felt the whole chapter was rushed. No papers being served, no explanation as to why Kelli loved to cheat. I was disappointed with this chapter. Maybe we should collaborate on a rewrite.

BigDee44BigDee44almost 3 years ago

"I pulled her down under my legs then yanked her hard and flung her into the air where she flew up, twirled, then spread her arms and came down with her legs around my waist ..." My cousin and his girl friend did this kind of dancing in the early '70's. One night she had the quintessential polkadot skirt on. On one fateful maneuver, he made her slide between his legs, however, on the pull back up his heels landed on the skirt - RIP! - and they had to leave the dance.

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

I read this again. The last chapter disgusted me even further. He is a cuck, and all the women in this sad story are slut whores, daughter included.

Why the fuck divorce Kelli and then get your wife to fuck around with other men, and include the slut daughter who l mind add is recorded in the story as having sex with other men as a minor, a no no for Literotica surely.

This story went right off the rails in the end, it got stupid, really stupid!!!

I originally gave this as silly tale 2/5, but after a second read I’ve readjusted my score to 1/5 and if I could give it less I would.

A truly pathetic story.

KittyCampbellKittyCampbellabout 3 years ago

Fonzi has nothing on you.

GutsandgloryGutsandgloryabout 3 years ago

I think you should completely scrap this chapter and rewrite it. No real consistency with the previous ones. Felt like it jumped the shark AND had a Dallas ending.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 3 years ago

Do not write courtroom scenes. Yours was absurd. You cannot say she came back to work after she slept with someone. You are guessing and guessing is not allowed unless you are some type of expert. One of many absurd ideas you wrote in the courtroom. Everything the first doctors wife testified to was hearsay. Not allowed. The outbursts would have been stopped after one. No judge puts up with people blurting out. Just write a summary of what happened.

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Then her lawyer called Kelli's therapist and she testified that I should be more understand of Kelli's needs, that I should forgive her and take her back.

Ummmm..................literally no Doctor is going to claim THAT particular pile of horse shit in court. If, and I do mean IF, you ever attempt to write again, please put some thought into it.

lujon2019lujon2019about 3 years ago

Im divorcing my wife for being a cheating whore


Say I just had a great idea


Let's take my fiancé, whom Ive made an exclusivity arrangement with by proposing to her, to a nude resort and watch her fuck other men for a couple of weeks before I get married to her


Why not celebrate a marriage to faithful woman by demanding she cheat on me


Stare in awe at my genius!

BSreaderBSreaderabout 3 years ago

Morally reprehensible family, it started out passable then went to the very dark side, what kind of parent would there 16 year old to screw around with the std's and aids today even with a condom. Than the husband starts out believable than you have him going on a honeymoon and encouraging his new wife to screw other people plus promising his daughter to send her for graduation, why the hell divorce the first wife than. Really is not a loving wifes genre more closer interracial or incestuous. A waste of time to read.

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesabout 3 years ago

As I recall, the DNA tests proved that the kids were Kelli's but not Michael's. So Alicea is not his daughter! After the swingers' honeymoon at Hedonism II, Michael and Cassi return home to start an FMF relationship with Alicea. Lots of 3-ways until Cassi and Alicea decide they prefer pussy to cock! Michael is thrown out and returns to his first slut, Kelli. Did I make you laugh R69 runner? I tried to return the favor. :-)

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredabout 3 years ago

Put a stake through the heart of this one. It's like everybody suddenly flipped their personalities 180 degrees from where they had been.

mattenwmattenwabout 3 years ago

Too bad, but for me the very good beginning of this story has slipped into meaninglessness! Suddenly, without warning, the wife's month-long affair appears. How stupid you have to be to believe that your wife will go to court and want to save your marriage when she has so much ballast around with her. that is simply unbelievable. But you can do whatever you want with your story. For me it got worse and worse!

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 3 years ago

those are not the same ppl that were in the frist chapter. kelly went from doing 1 doc to being the town slut. everything we heard in that court was never brought up in the other chapters. i have no knowledge of divorce cases but why was there testimony in divorce court? is it for assets ? i mean what is the judge going to say well she still loves him so no divorce and force him to stay married? as i said i know nothing of divorce laws but i would think that would lead to a lot of murdered victims. i mean if u cant get rid of them by divorce well we all know the other way to get rid of them. anyway this seemed like a stand alone story i didnt recognize anything from the other chapter accept for the names

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