Kelli's Desire Ch. 05


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I kissed my wife and held her tight then said, "My love, be truthful now, did you enjoy it?" A tear drifted down her cheek as she nodded. And that is how we broke into sharing. Does that answer your question Cassi? She nodded.

Then turning to me Cassi said, "Michael, would you mind taking me back to our room? I think I need to freshen up."

Karen stood up and helped Cassi out of her chair then said, "Did our story make you wet?" giving her a very sultry look. Cassi didn't answer, then Karen leaned in and whispered, "I'd be glad to go with you and clean you up if you'd like."

Cassi looked first at me, then at Karen. She did this a few times before saying, "We'll see you two later," and she quick-timed me back to our room. She threw herself onto the bed and commanded, "Fuck me Michael." Hey, I too was turned by their story and we went at it hard and heavy. Damn I loved making love to Cassi, I loved the tightness she had and really couldn't imagine her taking someone with a huge cock like Karen had, That thought then brought up memories of Kelly and David and I found that I couldn't orgasm. In fact I lost it. Damn, that really bummed me out.

Lying next to me, playing with my chest hair, she asked, "What's wrong, baby? Did I do or say something to get you upset?"

I took her hand and kissed it, Looking deep into her eyes, I said, "It has nothing to do with you, Well, a little indirectly I guess."

Cassi pulled back and said, "What? Tell me what I did or said that got you upset?"

Pulling her close, I said, "No my love. I was just revisiting what Karen said about her and Carl and his big cock and then Lloyd saying he thought it was so sexy watching her be stretched out like that. I thought of you and said to myself that I really wouldn't like you being all stretched out. You have such a perfect tight little pussy. I would never want some hung guy to ruin you for me. Then I thought of Kelli and David and the video of him fucking her with his large dick. The vision of them turned my stomach and that's why I couldn't keep it hard. I'm so sorry my love."

Cassi said, "Don't worry my sweet Michael. I'm perfectly happy with your cock and in case you haven't noticed, you are on the large side of the majority of men here. Yes there are a few bigger ones but you are definitely larger than Lloyd and much thicker too." To emphasize her point, she gave my cock a few squeezes. Then she said, "Sweetheart, why don't you take a nap. I'm going to take a little walk around but I should be back soon. OK?"

I scooted up to get my pillow under my head and pulled the sheet over me as Cassi pulled a sheer cover-up on then walked out with her small purse. I knew her talking to Karen and Lloyd had gotten her turned on and wondered if this trip to Hedonism II was really that good of an idea.

I woke up nearly two hours later when Cassi opened the door, carrying some shopping bags and two tall fancy drinks. She walked over to me and handed me one of the drinks, set the bags down then came over and sat down on the bed next to me and she asked, "What shall we toast to?"

I leaned over and kissed her then raising my glass I said, "Here's to putting the bad memories and past relationships into the trash and you and I making a bunch of fun, new memories."

We toasted then took a big sip of the drink and damn It tasted good. "Cassi, this is delicious," I said, "What is it?" Then the way she smiled, I realized she was half blitzed. She was staring down into her glass as if looking for the answer.

Then her head popped up and she said, "Oh, yeah, Bruce said they're called Hedo Inhibition Droppers. They go down soooooo easy."

"Cassi, just how many of these have you had to drink? Who was buying them and who the heck is Bruce?" I questioned her a little upset that she came back so tipsy.

She smiled, wobbling a little and said grinning, "I don't know, they just kept appearing in front of me. They wanted me to come up to their room with them to play some kind of game. Bruce is Candy's boyfriend, no . . . maybe she's Tom's, no, Tom's wife is Sue, I think, but then she introduced Greg as her boyfriend. Honey, I couldn't keep them straight. When I wouldn't go, they left and there were still two full glasses so I grabbed them and well, here I am."

I thanked her and gave her a kiss, then looked at her and asked, "Honey, how did you feel with Karen and Lloyd playing with you while you gave me the blowjob in the hot tub? I know you really seemed to have a big orgasm.

Cassi's face went red then she said, "Michael, I can't lie to you, Karen had me so turned on and Lloyd was not only playing with my titty, his hard cock was rubbing against my tummy as he stroked my back and played with my nipple. To tell you the honest truth, if he had moved between my legs, I'm pretty sure I would have let him fuck me. It's not like I wanted him, I mean, I wouldn't have stopped him. I was just so turned on at the moment that I didn't care. Karen's fingers on my G-spot did get me to blast off but a cock would have been so much better. I hope you are not mad at me. I'm being truthful with you. Please don't be upset with me."

At first I wasn't sure how I felt, then I kissed her cheek and said, "My love, since we were doing it together, I could never be upset with you. She smiled then gulped down the rest of her drink. She then kissed me, handed me her glass, went face first into her pillow and was fast asleep. I will admit that I was suspicious and once I was sure she was sound asleep, I raised her sarong and spread her legs, took a good look, and eased my fingers into her little pussy. I was so relieved to find it still in its normal state, no cum or redness so she hadn't been having sex with anyone. Then I felt guilty for doing it and not trusting her.

I got up and walked over to the bags she brought in. She had bought a couple of very sexy tops and a few G-strings then at the bottom of the bag, I found two ten packs of Viagra. Letting out a big sigh as I held those little blue pills in my hand. Should I take one or not. Would it make a difference if the vision of Kelli popped into my head again at the wrong time? My head was going over a hundred scenarios but finally I decided I didn't want to ruin our vacation and popped one of the pills out of the blister pack and downed it with the last of my drink. For some reason, I broke two more off the blister pack and put them in the little pocket on the inside of my shorts pocket.

I got up and went outside. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head and hit the beach. I was pissed that guys were trying to pick up Cassi but then I thought, why was I so upset and I realized that I hadn't there to set the pace and watch over her to keep her safe. I had to watch how much I drank the rest of this trip. One thing I really loved about Hedonism II is the fact that for the majority of the women here, the sarong is the dress code for most of the functions and almost all of the women aren't wearing anything underneath it. Sure a few have bikini tops and G-strings on but they are the minority. I'm glad I had brought my mirrored aviator glasses with me, especially when the young hardbodies walked past me totally naked. Damn I wish they allowed cameras.

Sometime later, as I approached our bungalow, I spied Lloyd and Karen walking towards me and we met at the door. Lloyd wanted to know if we wanted to go to dinner with them and I said it sounded good to me but I would need to ask Cassi. When we walked in, Cassi was in the shower and Karen said, "Goodie, I need a shower too," and threw off her sarong and walked in to the shower. I guess Cassi didn't mind because they were in there quite a while.

Cassi had a sultry grin when she came out and was toweling off in front of Lloyd and I. That sort of surprised me that she was being that open. Then Karen stuck her head around the corner and said, "Michael, don't you need a shower before dinner?"

I said, "Yes, but I'll take mine as soon as you get out." Karen stepped out of the shower and pulled me in, yanking down my board shorts and throwing them back inside as she turned on the water. This really caught me off guard. I figured Cassi was going to come unglued and pull me out any second. Karen grabbed a washcloth and soaped it up and began to scrub my chest down, then she moved down to my legs and feet. She then began to move her way up my thighs and soaped up the washcloth again and started working my crotch area. She scrubbed my ass then got my cock all soapy and hung up the washcloth and began stroking me as she rubbed her breasts against my chest.

"Karen, we shouldn't . . . " I didn't get a chance to answer as she was on her tiptoes thrusting her tongue into my mouth as she pulled her crotch tight to mine. She was rubbing our pubic bones together as her arms were wrapped around my neck, her kissing getting more and more passionate and she raised her right leg and was trying to get my cock into her pussy when I pulled away and said, "No. I can't do this. I love Cassi and I don't want to lose her. You are a very sexy young woman and this is very difficult for me but my ex-wife cheated on me and I won't do it to Cassi."

Karen looked defeated but took the shower wand and was rinsing us off. She smiled at me and said, "Michael, what would you say if I told you that Cassi had asked me to have sex with you? She told me that you have only had sex with your ex-wife and her and she felt that you should experience at least one other woman before you two tie the knot and this would be the perfect time and place. I can feel you want me, don't you?"

I didn't know what to say. By now she had shut the water off and we were drying off. We stepped out of the shower and Cassi and Lloyd were gone. I turned to Karen and asked, "Is Cassi going to have sex with Lloyd?" Is that why she wanted you to seduce me?"

She shook her head and said, "No, dear. It's nothing like that. She did say the idea is tempting but she said that she's afraid of damaging the relationship you two have. They're just walking out on the sand not far from us I'd imagine. I'm really surprised you wouldn't have sex with me. You must really love her, don't you?" I fell back into the chair, looked up at her and nodded.

Karen put her sarong back on then came over and sat on my lap, placed her arm around my neck and said, "She is one lucky girl to find someone so loving and honorable as you. I hope she realizes it. You know she will still want us to have sex, don't you?" Here she is telling me this with her perky tits in front of my face, just begging for attention.

Mustering up all my resolve, I said, "Come on, let's go find them and go have some dinner."

Karen stood and took my hand to help me out of the chair and pulled me to her then whispered in my ear, "Only if I can have you for dessert." My body shivered and we went looking for them.

They were about a hundred yards down the beach towards the main facility so we jogged to catch up with them. I took Cassi's hand and pulled her close. Lloyd said to Karen, "That sure must have been a quickie."

"Nothing happened," I said. Cassi snapped her head at me and started to say something and I put my finger to her lips and mouthed, 'later'. She looked over at Karen and she shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head no. We found a nice table near the dance floor in the back corner and the waitress came over and took our drink orders.

As soon as we gave the gal our orders, Cassi stood up and took Karen's hand and said, "Come on girl, we need to use the bathroom, don't we?"

Karen pulled her hand back and said rather firmly, "No Cassi, I don't have to go so you go by yourself. If you want to talk, we can talk in front of our husbands. Alright?"

Cassi sat back down and was quiet while the rest of us looked over the evening's menu offerings. I could tell something was bothering her but I really didn't want to talk about it here in front of these two. She hadn't bothered to look at the menu and when the waitress came to bring our drinks and take our dinner orders, Cassi just pointed to me and told her, "I'll have whatever he's having."

I turned to her and asked, "What's wrong dear?"

After the waitress left, she leaned in close to me and said, "Why didn't you play with Karen? I had asked her to and she wants you. I thought you'd like to even the score a little."

Apparently she wasn't as quiet as she thought because Karen moved her chair over by us then said, "Listen Cassi, Michael really loves you and I don't think he was comfortable with me coming on to him like that." She reached over and took my hand, smiling at me before she looked at Cassi and said, "You know, you have a real good man there honey. Really, you might need another way to entice him." Now both of us were looking at her trying to understand where she was going with this. She looked at me and said, "Michael, so if I'm not your type, what is?"

I was looking at Cassi, Karen, then at Lloyd then back to Karen and said, "Karen, you are as sexy as hell. It's just I wasn't comfortable with you coming on to me the way you did. I mean, I wasn't turned on yet. I kind of like to take it slow and let things build up, you know? I guess I'm old fashioned but give me some soft lighting, romantic music, and something good to drink and things probably would have been different."

Then Cassi said, "Michael, why don't you and Karen go up to their room later this evening after we go dancing and have a few drinks? Maybe you two can get to know one another a little better. Karen looked at us with this sexy smile like she had just been given a present.

My mind went to the wrong place and I said, "And just what are you and Lloyd going to be doing while we're up in their room getting better acquainted?"

Lloyd spoke up and said, "Relax Michael, Cassi and I have already talked and I understand she isn't ready to be shared yet. That's something you two are going to have to decide. Bruce and Tom are holding a Twister party in room 607 and we thought it would be fun to go watch. Hell, I'm hoping I can talk her into trying it. I think it would be a blast. Besides, they're providing all the booze we can drink."

I looked at Cassi and said, "That's what I'm worried about."

She looked at me and said, "Don't worry, I'll behave myself."

Dinner was fantastic. Cassi and I had swordfish with hollandaise sauce, baby red potatoes, mixed veggies and honey rolls. After dinner we moved to the lounge where we ordered some after dinner drinks and began dancing. While I was dancing with Cassi, I said, "My love, I appreciate the thought and it really was a surprise but I'm not sure I'm ready to jump into being with another lady just yet."

Lloyd and Karen were close to us and overheard what I said and moved in close and he said, "Michael, how about I throw this out. One of the things some couples try at first is soft swinging." I looked at him and he could see my confused state so before I could ask, he continued. "It's like this Michael, our room has two king sized beds so we could go up there and put on some romantic music and first dance with our wives, then swap partners. While dancing there is some kissing and caressing going on, leading to a little dirty dancing if you know what I mean."

I couldn't stop the big smile on my face. He continued, "When you and your 'other' partner are ready, we move to the beds and begin to make out followed by some petting. We may get nude but no penetration is allowed. How would you feel about that, Michael?"

I turned to Cassi and said, "Sounds like fun. What do you think sweetheart?"

She had a big smile and said, "You know, it might be fun for us to try that and we'd be in the same room together. But Michael, I want to know how you are going to feel watching me, possibly nude, making out with someone else. You aren't going to get jealous or upset with me or Lloyd, are you?"

I smiled and said, "Well dear, since I'll be busy with Karen, what would I have to get upset about?"

Karen walked up to me and I took her and finished the dance with her as Cassi danced with Lloyd. When the song ended, we gathered our things and headed up to their room. I swear, Cassi was so relaxed yet I was as nervous as can be. Karen turned on some romantic music while Lloyd made drinks for the four of us. Cassi and I danced first, kissing and telling each other how much we loved each other and that this wasn't going to affect us one way or another. When the song ended, Karen came to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and we started swaying to the music, then she leaned up and we softly kissed. That progressed into hotter kisses then some tongue. She had already dropped her sarong and was running her hands up and down my body, She ran her hands down my shorts then stuck her hand in my pocket and found the packet of Viagra. Karen smiled and asked, "Planning something special for me, Michael?"

I explained that I found them in some things that Cassi had bought earlier today and took a few out of the bag and had even taken one just before dinner. I had pocketed these two but I had no idea why. She put them back in my pocket then pulled down my shorts to my ankles and I kicked them onto the couch. She grabbed my cock and said, "Well, it sure seems to be working nicely, doesn't it?" as she grinned and rubbed the palm of her hand into the crown of my cock.

Then she grabbed me by it and led me like a pull-toy to the bedroom and in one bed, Cassi and Lloyd were already on one bed, making out like crazy. Lloyd was fingering her and she was stroking his dick as they deep kissed. Karen pulled me onto the other bed and said, " Honey, don't pay attention to them, your job is to pay attention to me." She then pushed me back onto the bed and crawled on top of me, dragging her titties from my knees up to my nipples then stopped and rubbed her crotch up against my steel-like shaft. I was amazed how quickly I put Cassi and Lloyd out of my mind and focused on the pleasure this little minx was giving me.

Then she shifted and positioned her slit on my rigid shaft and began sliding up and down on it. Karen was using my dick to rub her pussy and clit to masturbate with. Fuck, I was wishing this was now more than just soft swinging. I wanted to cum so bad. Karen was building and nearing her crest then we heard Cassi orgasming and looked over and Lloyd's head was between her legs. I whispered to Karen, "That doesn't look like soft swing. Isn't sticking his tongue in her penetration?"

She looked over at the two of them then at me and nodded then kissed my cheek, then my ear and whispered, "Well, hun, when in Rome. . . " and she began to kiss her way down my chest and down to my cock. She then swallowed it all the way to my shaved skin and held it for a good 90 seconds before pulling off, smiling, drool hanging between her mouth and my cock. She then went back down on me again only this time she was fondling my balls. I pulled her into the 69 position and went to town. Karen orgasmed hard and gave me a nice squirt of her female cum, then a minute or so later, another blast only bigger hit her and I wasn't able to swallow all of this one and it caused me to blast off into her mouth as her nose was pressed tight to my skin while she continued to suck and suck.

Karen rolled over next to me and I took a look at the other bed and the two of them were laying there watching us and as I caught my breath, Cassi said, "Well Michael, It looks like you sure were having fun but wasn't that a bit beyond penetration?"

I chuckled and said, "You gotta admit, Lloyd started it when he stuck his tongue in your little pussy, right?"

She turned and looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders then said, "You know, he has a point. I hadn't really thought of it that way before." We got up and sat in the front room and talked and had another drink then headed to our bungalow for the some sleep. Well after we fucked like rabbits that is.