Kerry has a Blast with Her Past!

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Reunion brings bad memories, but she makes better new ones!
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I've tried to make this story stand on its own, and think it does, but if you'd like to go back to see more of how Kerry has become who she is at the beginning of this story, you might find the first two stories she was featured in worth a look!

Thanks for reading!

Kerry Gets Her Husband's Attention

Kerry's Hubby Sees Her in a New Way

With only a few minutes left before she would be done with her current job, Kerry was trying her best to focus on her work. She took pride in never having just "phoned in" her work in all the time she'd been employed there, despite knowing on day one that no matter how hard she worked there was no way of making a real career out of it. She never could have guessed when she started that she'd still be there, doing basically the same job, three years later.

After losing her clerical job at an engineering firm early in the pandemic Kerry fell back on some skills she'd originally developed to play a prank on her husband, then refined in her mission to find out if he'd been cheating on her. She had quit the part time gig as soon as it let her confirm her suspicions, but then her layoff drew her back to where she found herself this Saturday night, on the main stage at the Doll Haus, a small town strip club, with only two songs and a matching red bra and thong set between her and the overdue end of her career as a stripper!

It had been easy for Kerry to stay with her unlikely backup plan; the money was good, way more than she'd been making in an office, the owner of the club treated her well, and the adulation provided by her many regular customers never failed to boost her ego. Beyond the various rewards provided by others, she never got tired of the excitement she felt every set she performed; despite its many advantages she didn't expect the new job she was about to start was going to match that kind of thrill, however much more long term potential it held!

Absolutely nobody who'd known Kerry in college or from her more conventional places of employment ever imagined the serious, somewhat shy young lady they knew would take up disrobing on stage at all, let alone full time for several years! The conservative way she tended to dress obscured the fact that she had all the necessary physical characteristics.

A bit taller than average, with a gym rat's lean and toned body, she also had plenty of curves where they were appreciated by the club's patrons, who never tired of seeing her work her way out of one of her 36D bras. She had taken enough dance classes to be graceful and found quite by accident that she genuinely enjoyed being up on the stage, the center of attention as she gradually showed more and more of herself!

Hearing the last song she'd chosen, the Southside Johnny version of "Fever" come over the sound system, Kerry felt a bit nostalgic; she'd chosen it because it was the first song she'd ever performed to, and now was serving as a sort of bookend to her unlikely career as a stripper!

Kerry began teasing the removal of her bra, slipping the straps off her shoulder on one side, then the other, letting each strap settle near her elbow. With her right hand at the front pinning the cups in place she popped the hooks at her back. She slowly pulled her left hand out of the lacy garment, providing her audience at that side of the stage with a generous bit of firm sideboob. With her left hand switching places with the right hand to keep the bras cups at least partly in contact with her body, she freed the right arm from the dangling straps, letting that side of her audience enjoy the view as the cup on that side slipped away. She inched ed the bra down, cheers and whistling greeting the long awaited revelation of her nipples. Having no further use for it, she tossed the bra to one of her regulars.

Kerry felt surprisingly nervous with one last piece of clothing left to remove, not due to a last minute attack of modesty, but simply because she wanted to finish her career gracefully. She had seen dancers get a heel caught in a half removed g-string with embarrassing results; that was not how she envisioned her final bit of stripping going!

With her thumbs curved over her thong's skinny waistband, Kerry strolled around the edge of the stage, alternately lowering each side then raising them back up, ending up just slightly lower with each cycle. By the time she finished her tour the front of the thong was barely still shielding her clit from view and the rear of the waistband had settled in right where her legs merged with her ass. She strolled over to the center of the stage, turned her back on the eager crowd, spread her legs slightly, and bent over at the waist, giving her fans the view they were waiting for of her clean-shaven pussy nestled between the upper reaches of the inner sides of her thighs!

Kerry slid the now pointless thong down her legs, dropping them on the stage, then stepped neatly out of the wispy bit of fabric. She held her position for the benefit of her fans for almost a minute, then picked the thong up and flung it into the crowd in one smooth motion. She stood still for a moment, looking around at the view from her workspace one last time, then blew the cheering crowd a few kisses and strolled slowly to the door to the dancer's dressing room.

It was just a few minutes before closing time, so other than a pair of bouncers still herding the customers towards the exit all of her co-workers were waiting for her backstage with champagne and a cake to celebrate her final night. Besides Nick, the owner, every fellow dancer, the three waitresses, two bartenders and a pair of DJ's all toasted to her new adventure in Seattle.

"You guys are gonna make me cry," she said, "I'm gonna miss you all!"

"There's an easy solution to that," Nick replied, "Don't go!" Seeing her tearing up he added, "You know I'm kidding, your new gig sounds like a great opportunity. We've been lucky to have you as long as we have!" He had actually helped her out, giving her a glowing reference describing (truthfully) how helpful she had been in updating his businesses websites, marketing, accounting and payroll software. He also (misleadingly) went along with her resume listing his small local restaurant chain as her workplace.

After everyone enjoyed the champagne, cake and a round of goodbye hugs, the celebration finally broke up just before 3 AM. Kerry made it home safely and flopped on her bed, still wearing her usual post work jeans and sweatshirt. Sunday morning, usually quiet downtime for her after the busy weekend nights, was spent breaking down her apartment, filling boxes for the movers to take away and cleaning up so she'd get her security deposit back.

By Wednesday night she had everything packed away except her carry-on bag holding a few days clothing and her toiletry kit, and a backpack for her laptop, tablet and assorted cords and chargers. Tired but satisfied to be ahead of schedule on her packing, she relaxed in front of her laptop, eating some Grubhub fast food. Scrolling through her email she was happy to see a message from Marianne, one of a small number of high school friends she was still in touch with.

Besides the usual brief update on what was going on in her life, Marianne's message included a link to a Facebook group for the 10 year reunion of their graduating class, scheduled to happen that weekend at their school. She asked if Kerry was planning on attending, but said she wasn't going to be there, writing, "Besides the hassle and expense of coming back halfway across the country, the organizers are all from that clique who never had much use for me, so I guess I feel the same way about them now!" Kerry remembered getting the same link from an organizer of the event, but as busy as she'd been lately she'd completely forgotten about it.

Kerry clicked on the link and read the message from the reunion committee and saw right away that Marianne had been right; everyone organizing this event was from a self-selected group who seemed to have been officers of every class year, every club and organizers of every special event. "Annoying, but no big deal," she thought, "I hadn't really thought about going, and seeing who's running this show just validates that plan!"

Though she wasn't interested in attending, Kerry couldn't help clicking through the names of classmates who had already responded. Even though she knew Marianne wasn't going to be there, she was curious about whether anyone else in her circle had responded; if three or four of them were going, she could imagine going herself. She saw the names of five other friends, all replying that they weren't going to make it. "At least I got updated email addresses for Rachel and Emilia," she thought, "so It hasn't been a total waste of time!"

Since she had the response list open, providing email addresses for many classmates and links to their pages at several social media sites, Kerry's curiosity led her to poke around to see what information she could find online on the status of various members of her class.

Out of the 160 or so members of her class, Kerry was able to find at least a little bit of information on almost 140. On Facebook alone, once she worked her way through the friends of friends of friends made available by starting with the Facebook reunion group she had found over 100 pages full of what those classmates shared with the world about their lives! With a scattered and disjointed picture of her class in front of her online, she was now curious about how the 2023 reality compared with what their world looked had looked like back in 2013. She found the box she'd packed her yearbook in, pulled it out and sat down to compare the past and present of a few of her classmates.

A lot of the changes she saw were to be expected; several guys beginning to lose hair, most of the class looking a bit heavier, more than a few looking WAY heavier. The information she found about careers, where people lived and whether they'd reached many of the goals they'd had as teenagers surprised her.

It seemed like a lot of the people who'd been at the bottom of the high school social hierarchy had done very well, or at least better than might have been expected. "It certainly seems that way in my group," she thought. Rachel was already practicing law, Emilia was well into her residency to become a cardiologist, Marianne had been promoted to Vice Principal at the middle school where she taught, and Eric had recently had his first novel published.

It occurred to her that if she'd shared its details, nobody would be very impressed by the trajectory of her career over the last few years, but she had every expectation that the next few years would look quite different.

One of the engineers at her pre-stripping workplace had landed at a startup online services firm. They were growing fast, too fast, really, and he had remembered her ability to bring order to an office full of engineers, each of whom was sure his way of doing things was the right way. That, along with her knack for picking up any software and quickly become adept in using it effectively led him to get in touch with her. After a series of zoom call interviews they had offered her a job.

The flip side of the lower caste of her class having exceeded expectations was that it seemed like the majority of the kids who'd been at the top of the heap might have peaked in high school! A few fast food outlet managers, a mall security guard and several who left the career line of the response form blank were middle of the pack, with a classmate serving time in a state prison at the bottom of the heap and a vice-president of a local bank leading the upper crust of the class of 2013. Kerry recognized the bank officer's name and remembered that his father was the owner, making his son's rise a bit less impressive!

The name of one of the people with no occupation listed caught Kerry's eye. This girl, Stephanie Lorden, had been the bane of Kerry's existence from 7th grade right through her graduation from high school. For no reason Kerry had ever been able to figure out, Steffi loved to torment her. Kerry's weight, her hairstyles, clothes, all became subjects to criticize. Kerry had been an easy target, moving to town and starting to attend their school later than most of her classmates, who had already formed tight little groups. Kerry was never really obese, but she was chubby enough to give Steffi material to mock her, as well as the loose clothing she wore to hide her weight.

"Lumpy!" Kerry grumbled, "She gave me that nickname in 7th grade and I didn't get free of it until I left for college!" She hadn't thought about it in years, but was instantly furious when she remembered it. Her college years had truly turned her life around; she began exercising, loving the way she felt whenever she reached a new goal or skill. Besides becoming more fit, without a nemesis to drag her down she gained confidence and came out of her shell socially. Her good grades and her family's financial struggles got her a great aid package, letting her spend money she earned on nicer clothes. The Kerry who graduated with honors was a very different person from the girl who arrived there in late August 2013!

Looking at Steffi's photos, it almost looked to Kerry like they had some sort of weird inverse relationship thing going on. While Kerry had become way more attractive, Steffi wasn't within 50 pounds of getting into her old cheerleading uniform. Steffi looked like she didn't put much effort into her appearance anymore, while Kerry had become so accustomed to being watched she just automatically put her best foot forward whenever she went out in the world.

"Karma, maybe," Kerry thought, wondering if Steffi has been subjected to some sort of cosmic retribution for the way she'd tormented Kerry. "I'm not surprised she's not coming," Kerry thought, "I wouldn't either if I'd let myself go the way she had!"

Looking at the only photo of herself in her yearbook, Kerry shivered as she thought how that insecure girl could easily have ended up having the dreary life Steffi was now living. Looking at the many pictures of Steffi in the yearbook, anyone would have guessed that by now she would be a well put together, accomplished young woman.

It occurred to Kerry that she now looked more like people in 2013 would have expected Steffi to look at 28 than Steffi actually did herself! That realization led her to compare her own yearbook portrait to the handful of current photos on Steffi's Facebook page; sure enough, the 2023 Steffi looked more like Kerry as a high schooler than the attractive girl she'd been in school!

Getting to see how poorly the kids who'd been cruel to her were doing began to feel intriguing to Kerry. She knew it wasn't very kind of her to take pleasure in the misfortunes of her classmates, but when she thought about how miserably they'd treated her she got over any guilt she felt. She began to think about changing her mind and attending the reunion, figuring it wouldn't hurt to sleep on it.

Bright and early Wednesday morning, Kerry walked to her favorite coffee shop and over her bagel and latte weighed the pros and cons of attending the reunion. With a quick check online she was able to eliminate one item on the cons list; the price of her ticket to Seattle was now low enough to more than offset the change fees as well as the cost of a decent hotel room for the extra night she'd be adding to her trip, even almost covering the cost of a basic car rental! Overall, her extra costs were so minimal that they really weren't a concern.

The factor which finally tipped the scales in favor of her going to the reunion was a bit of curiosity about how her hometown was doing. She hadn't been back there in six years, having no compelling reason to return after her parents had retired to Florida. With no family left anywhere nearby and her relocating clear across the country, she wondered if she'd ever visit her old places again.

Her decision made, Kerry dug into her packed boxes, looking for an outfit more suitable to wear to the event than the jeans and t-shirts she'd been wearing to clean out her apartment. She settled on one of her more formal outfits from her office work years. The houndstooth pencil skirt and white silk blouse were probably less dressy than what many women might be wearing, but she guessed they at least were appropriate.

As she closed up the boxes once she had found the right shoes and accessories to go with her chosen outfit, she couldn't help laughing at herself for holding on to so many things she had worn in her most recent job, despite most of them being inappropriate pretty much anywhere else! She also chuckled as she imagined the reaction she'd get if she were to walk into the reunion dressed for work at the Doll Haus!

Kerry spent the rest of Thursday and most of Friday just relaxing at her apartment, the coffee shop or a park she knew she'd miss. The arrival of her movers Friday afternoon broke up the monotony but left her with even less to sit on or sleep on; she had nothing but a rickety office chair to sit at her kitchen counter with and a mattress not worth moving to sleep on. Both nights she alternated between bingeing TV shows and more browsing for any details of how her classmates were doing.

Before dawn on Saturday morning, Kerry rose far earlier than she liked, nodding off during the cab ride to the airport. When she finally settled in to her seat on the flight to Charlotte, she hoped having some time to go sightseeing in her hometown would justify the early departure! A good nap as airplane naps go perked her up and she steered her rental Mustang to her hometown, arriving in time for lunch.

Kerry considered one of the new restaurants which had opened since her last visit, but ended up stopping at a diner which though it was decades older than her she'd never been to; it had been the favorite hangout of Steffi and her gang, so for Kerry and her friends to eat there would have been like asking to be harassed.

As Kerry studied the menu she noticed a waitress studying her. The waitress looked like she could have been working there since the place first opened for business. When she finally came over to Kerry's booth she didn't ask what she could get her, but first greeted her, tentatively, "Stephanie Lorden? I heard there was a reunion this weekend, and was wondering if you and your friends might stop by."

"You, uh, recognize me after all this time, Debbie?" Kerry answered, noticing just in time the name tag on the waitress's uniform. "Of all the possible people she could mix me up with..." Kerry forced a smile, saying, "Yeah, I'm here for the reunion, but haven't seen anyone else yet."

"Oh, I'd recognize you any time, as much time as you kids spent in here!"

When Debbie brought her chicken salad, Kerry bluffed her way through a short, gossipy conversation, learning that Steffi had flamed out of college after 3 semesters, moved back to Jackburg for a year, and then moved to some town in Wyoming a couple of years after that. "I never believed that rumor about you leaving because you were pregnant," Debbie added.

"Well, That is a pretty good reason to move away," Kerry answered cryptically, figuring that if she had to put up with being mistaken for Steffi she could at least have some fun with it!

Cruising around town that afternoon, Kerry was glad she'd gotten away from Jackburg; the town hadn't exactly fallen on hard times, but most of the place looked like it was stuck in 2013, or maybe 1980! She spotted a few other classmates walking around town, but nobody she cared to interact with; she was pretty sure she recognized Jessica, Paige and Abby, all part of Steffi's gang, talking with Jason, who had been Steffi's boyfriend most of their time in high school.