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Older white bartender and young black man.
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"What can I get you?"

"Just a beer would be OK," he responded.

"Bottle or draft?"

"Bottle will be fine."

Kim opened a Budweiser and slid it across the bar. She smiled at the thin black man and asked, "Can I get you anything else, sir?"

"No thanks," he said as he watched the short skirt stretched across the big ass on the attractive older white woman as she walked away.

Kim wondered what brought the black man in to her bar. On the rare occasion that blacks drank in her bar, there were usually at least two or more of them. She really didn't care who drank at her bar as long as they didn't cause trouble.

During the next few hours, the young man continued drinking and sending messages on his phone. As Kim sat a beer on the bar in front of him, she said, "On the house. Is everything OK?"

He hesitated and then put his phone down and looked at Kim. "Not too bad," he thought. "Maybe a little heavy, but not much. Nice smile and not too many wrinkles on her face. Maybe late thirties or early forties."

He said, "Yeah, I'm OK." He paused and looked at her. "What's your name?"

"I'm Kim and I run this place."

"Hi Kim. I'm Darnell."

"What's your story, Darnell? You look like you're trying to drown your troubles. Is it something you can share with your friendly neighborhood bartender?" She took a quick look at the clock and added, "In the next 15 minutes? It's coming up on closing time."

Darnell smiled at the bartender and shook his head. "Can't do it in 15 minutes, but thanks for the offer. It would take a lot longer than that."

"Well," she said, "I don't have anywhere to be, so if you order at last call, I'll stick around and listen if you want." Kim turned and announced last call and then hustled drinks for the next few minutes. When she came back to Darnell, he nodded and pointed at his almost empty bottle. Almost thirty minutes later, Kim locked the door behind the last customer and walked back behind the bar. She quickly cleaned the top of the bar while Darnell nursed his drink. She sat another beer in front of him and then left to clean off the tables. When she returned, she grabbed a beer for herself and then said, "Let's sit at a table so I can get off my feet." Once they were seated, she said, "OK, honey, what's your story?"

Darnell told her about his marriage to Shanice almost eight years ago. They were just out of high school and both had just gotten jobs. Shanice worked at a fast-food restaurant and Darnell was a custodian in a middle school. Two years later, Shanice got pregnant, and their daughter Nia was born nine months later. After that, their marriage went downhill until they were divorced two years ago. After that, Shanice began hanging out with a tough crowd drinking, partying and using drugs, and eventually she just disappeared. He hadn't seen her a couple years and had no idea where she was now. Her parents wear deceased, so his parents watched the baby while he worked and even gave him an occasional evening to go out and unwind.

Kim reached across the table and patted Darnell's arm. She felt bad for this attractive black man sitting across from her and worrying about his daughter. Neither of them said anything for a long time and then he looked at her and said, "You look so sad, Kim. What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," she said.

"No. I told you what was on my mind and now it's your turn. So, let's have it."

Kim sat for a long time and was thinking what she should say to him. Finally, she said, "Darnell, when I was 20 years old, I got married. After a few years, we discovered that I couldn't have children so my husband dumped me because he wanted to be a dad. With the divorce settlement, I put a down payment on a doublewide and started to work here. And here I've stayed for the last 20 years. But my double wide is paid off, so at least I'm making progress. So, that's why I was down. Your ex-wife doesn't spend much time with her daughter while I would give anything to have a daughter to spend time with." She paused for a minute and then said, "Another beer?"

Darnell nodded and Kim got up and walked back to the bar. Darnell couldn't keep his eyes from her big ass as it moved inside her tiny skirt. His eyes moved down and he thought she even had decent legs for a slightly overweight 40-year-old white woman. As she came back across the room, he stared at her big breasts as they bounced inside of her tight peasant-style blouse. She grinned at him as she sat down and said, "My eyes are up here, Darnell." When he lifted his eyes, she said, "I'm a fat old woman, Darnell, but it makes me feel good when men stare at me. That's why I dress like this. It's the only way I can get men to stare at me. Besides, I get bigger tips when show my tits and ass."

Darnell smiled at her and said, "I don't think you're fat. How much do you weigh?"

Kim looked at him with surprise and said, "You're not supposed to ask a woman how much she weighs, Darnell." She paused and then said, "But since it's just the two of us; I weigh 146 pounds and I'm 5'6" tall. And as you can see, a lot of that is in my tits and my ass."

"My favorite parts," Darnell responded. "You look like about a "D" cup." She nodded her headed. "OK," he continued, " since I guessed that one, I would say you're about 38-26-38."

"I've never told anyone this, but I'm 39-30-44. Now, are you happy?" She asked grinning at the young man. He nodded his head.

"Well Darnell, I think it's time I locked up," she said while standing and grabbing their empty bottles. She carried them behind the bar and dumped them into the trash. She opened the cash register and pulled the money and walked through the door into the office. When she came back, Darnell was standing and watching her. She grabbed her purse and walked to him and grabbed his hand. "Come on. You can walk me to my car."

She locked the door and Darnell walked the older woman to her car. When they got to the car and she unlocked her door, he turned her and said, "I wish you were my little girl's mother." Kim teared up and Darnell stepped forward and hugged her. They stood like that for a couple minutes before Kim pushed back and then kissed him on the cheek. As she pulled back, Darnell, pulled her to him and kissed her hard. Her body melted into his and his hand slid down her back and rested on her ass. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and she reciprocated. They were both breathless as they broke their kiss. Kim smiled at him and said, "Good night," and got into her car and drove away.

Darnell didn't come in the next night or the one after that. On Friday night, Darnel returned and sat at the bar watching Kims big ass in her short shorts and her big braless tits bouncing in her tight tank top all night long. Both of them knew that she shouldn't be wearing shorts that short or going braless in a tight tank top at her age and weight. But Darnell enjoyed looking and they both also knew that her tips for the night would certainly reflect her attire. Darnell hung around and hoped to spend some afterhours time with the chubby white bartender, but the bar was permitted to remain open two hours later on the weekend. Eventually, Darnell began to fall asleep so Kim tapped his arm and told him to go home. He settled up and then went out to his car, where he promptly fell asleep.

When Kim finally got the last customer out the door and cleaned the tables and put the cash in the vault, it was almost 3:00 am. She slowly walked to her car and saw another car nearby. As she approached, she saw a head and quickly ran to the car. When she looked in, she smirked when she saw it was Darnell. She walked around the passenger side and got into the car. When she shut the door, he stirred and then woke up. He jumped when he saw her sitting there.

"Are you OK?" She asked. He nodded his head. "Do you want me to drive you home?"

"Only if you'll stay," he slurred.

She grinned at him knowing he shouldn't be driving and said, "I don't think that's a good idea."

He looked at the older woman and then pulled her to him and kissed her. He kept his hand on her cheek. At first, she was hesitant, but then she put her hand behind his head and pushed her tongue into his mouth. He immediately reciprocated. As they continued to kiss, he slowly slid his hand down to her breasts. He moved back and forth between her breasts and she lightly moaned as they continued to kiss. Since she was braless, he started to tweak her hard nipples, which elicited a moan from her, "Mmm. Ohhhh. Hmmm."

Finally, she pushed away and said, "We should stop, Darnell. I'm too old for you."

He smiled at her as they stared at each other only a foot apart. He slowly reached over and pulled her back into a kiss. As their tongues wrestled back and forth, she put her hand behind his head and her fingers gently tickled his neck. His hand went back to her breast and she made no effort to stop him. He twisted her nipples again and she moaned.

They continued kissing for a few minutes and then he leaned back and said, "Come home with me." She hesitated and then slowly nodded her head and said, "Only if I drive. And when we get there, we'll see what happens." He quickly jumped from the car and ran to the other side and opened her door. She got out and before she could move, he embraced her and kissed her again. His hands both roamed to her ass and he pulled her to him.

He told her the address and then promptly fell asleep. Kim followed his instructions and eventually pulled up in his driveway. She woke him and helped him inside the house. She was impressed with the neat and clean house. She noticed the dolls and the doll house in the corner as she helped Darnell to his bedroom.

When she got him to his room, she pushed him on to the bed, but he pulled her on top of him. As soon as they landed on the bed, Darnell's lips were on hers and his hands were squeezing her ass. They kissed and their tongues wrestled as Darnell's hands moved under Kim's short skirt. Kim wasn't sure how far she should let this go, but had to admit that she was enjoying the young black man's hands on her ass and his sensuous kisses.

His hands quickly found the waistband of her bikini underwear and he slid his hands inside. He squeezed her bare ass and Kim quietly moaned. They continued to kiss for a few minutes and then Kim rolled to the side so that she could spoon his slender body. He turned to face her and his hands immediately found her fat breasts. He squeezed and kneaded them and Kim fell back on the bed and gave him access to her body. She knew this was wrong for many reasons. She had had many one-night stands and she knew they usually didn't end well, and she didn't want to ruin her budding relationship with this young man.

Darnell's hands were under her tight tank top and were kneading her bare breasts. Kim moaned and pulled his head down for a kiss. As they were kissing, Darnell moved one of his hands down across her stomach to the waistband of her miniskirt. He felt her involuntarily suck her stomach in, so he slid his hand inside her skirt and underwear. Before she could stop him, he slid a finger in to her soaked pussy and began fingering the older woman. "Unnnggh!" she moaned. "Aahhhh!"

He slid in a second finger and Kim's pussy exploded in a massive orgasm. Kim smiled at him and said, "Let me get out of these clothes, honey," as she stood and stepped into the bathroom. She quickly used the toilet and stripped. When she stepped from the bathroom and walked towards the bed, all she could hear was Darnell snoring. She looked down and realized that he was out cold. She smiled at his black slender body and then returned to the bathroom and got dressed. She left him a note that she would return his car in the morning and then drove home.

Kim dropped off his car the next morning and Uber'd back to the bar to get her car. She thought about Darnell most of the next day. She knew that her body had taken over and she had almost made a big mistake. She had had one-night stands with several customers of the bar through the years, and she had had a few longer relationships. She knew the men just wanted to fuck the horny old bartender in the miniskirt and then brag about it to their friends as they sat around the bar watching her ass as she bends over the cooler and her tits as they bounce inside her braless tight blouses. But it was also scratching an itch for her, so she wasn't too upset about it. But this would have been different because she had never fucked a man who weighed about the same as her or was more than a couple years younger than her or who was black. And Darnell was all three -- he weighed two pounds more than her, was 14 years younger and was black. No way was this going to work.

That night she wore her new white denim skirt to work. It just barely covered her big ass. She also wore her new blue vest with three short gold chains in the front. There were no buttons holding the vest together. It had a five-inch gap between the two sides of the vest and the chains stretched across holding the vest together. The male customers loved it and told her so. Each time she leaned down to the low beer-cooler, her skirt rose up to display almost half of her massive ass.

As Kim waited tables, several of the customers fondled her ass and tried to slide their hands in the gap in her vest. She enjoyed the attention and didn't quickly remove their hands. And it showed on her tips. Eventually Darnell came in and sat at the bar. He couldn't believe how hot Kim looked, and when she brought his beer, he quickly apologized for the previous night, but she just laughed it off and said that it was karma.

Darnell sat at the bar for the whole evening, but he hardly drank anything except coffee and an occasional beer. He was almost drooling at Kim as she was delivering drinks and getting her body felt by many of the customers. He had an erection almost the entire night. An hour before closing, she was spending a lot of time at one of the tables with four men. They were all laughing and having a good time when the conversation turned somewhat serious. One of the men handed Kim a pile of bills and she stepped next to him and let him rip the hem on the side of her skirt to her waist.

They all laughed and he heard Kim say, "Well, now I guess I can take bigger steps so I can get your beer to you faster."

She came back to the bar and opened four more beers and delivered them back to the table. As she was putting them on the table, one of the men put his hand inside the torn slit of the skirt and cupped her big ass. Darnell was about to get off the stool and confront him, but Kim laughed and playfully shoved his hand away and laughed as she walked back to the bar.

For the last hour, many of the men took advantage of the torn skirt to grope and squeeze the 40-year-old woman's ass. When she finally locked the door, she turned to se Darnell still at the bar. She smiled and said, "What a night, but I did great on tips."

"Wh- why d-did you let that guy rip your skirt?"

She laughed, stuck out her hip and said, "Because he offered me $300 to do it. I only paid $25 for it and I can fix the seam where it's torn."

She quickly closed out the register and then opened a beer for each of them. When she handed him his beer, he said, "Shouldn't wear underwear when the slit is that high. It ruins the effect." She put her hands on her hips and smirked at him as he got up from the stool and walked to her, kneeled down and boldly pulled her panties down her shapely legs. She continued to smirk at him as she stepped out of them and watched Darnell put them in his pocket.

"And what do I have to do to get my panties back," she asked while still smirking at him.

Since she hadn't objected to having her panties removed, Darnell walked to within inches of her and said, "I want you to take me home again." He reached out and unfastened the three chains holding her vest together. She continued to look at him as he spread the vest open and put his hands on her big breasts and gently squeezed.

She continued smirking at the young black man and asked, "And how is taking off my clothes helping?"

"Well," he said as he slid his hands to her shoulders and slid her vest down her arms and on to the floor, "I'm just making sure you're not carrying any weapons."

"And am I?"

He pulled her in for a kiss and reached down and unfasted and unzipped her skirt and pulled it over her big hips. He kept kissing her as her skirt hit the floor leaving her wearing just her cowgirl boots. He turned her around so her back was toward him and reached around putting his hands on her breasts. She moaned and leaned her head against his chest. "Oh Darnell. Baby, that feels nice."

He moved one hand down her body and cupped her moist pussy. She sucked in her breath and he knew she was on the verge of an orgasm. When he slid a finger into her, she exploded. "Aaarrrggggh! Ahhh fuck! MMmm!" Her legs gave out and Darnell held her tight so she wouldn't fall on the floor.

He said, "No weapons, but you'll still have to come with me, Ma'am."

She turned around and kissed him. Her tongue moved quickly into his mouth as she thought how effortlessly he had stripped her and fingered her to an orgasm. She continued to kiss him as his hands roamed freely over her voluptuous body. He gave her another orgasm before she finally pushed back and said, "It's getting past your bedtime, isn't it young man? I suppose I should get dressed and take you home."

He grinned at her and picked her clothes up and gave them to her. She quickly put on her skirt and vest, but neglected to reattach the chains across the front. After locking up, they walked to his car, and she made Darnell get in the passenger seat so she could actually drive him home.

He held her hand as they entered his house and then he turned and kissed her. "You gave me a boner all night with your sexy outfit and flirting with the customers like that," he said.

She smiled at him as she felt him moving the vest down her arms to the floor. "Maybe that was my plan, Darnell." She reached down and gently squeezed his hard cock. "And I see you still have that boner, don't you?" As she lifted his tee shirt over his head, he unfasted her short skirt and let it fall to the floor. They kissed again and she stepped back and began taking off her cowgirl boots. Darnell quickly dropped his pants and stepped from them. When they looked back up, both were naked and they only hesitated briefly before their bodies came together.

Their hands roamed over each other's bodies. She licked his chest as he twisted her hard nipples. He fingered her wet cunt as she jacked his big black cock. It didn't take them long to move to the floor where she opened her big thighs and he quickly moved between them and slid his cock into her waiting pussy. She screamed as his cock had her fully impaled and his balls were slapping her ass.

Darnell fucked her gently at first, and then he increased his tempo and began ramming his cock into her pussy. Even though she weighed almost as much as he did, her body was bouncing on the floor like she was a rag doll. Her legs were wrapped around him and she was moaning and coming like a whore.

The first time was intense, but not long because Darnell nursed his erection all night long. But the second time and the third time lasted much longer and were just as satisfying for the lovers.

After they both woke up in the morning, she looked at Darnell and said, "I usually don't like to have one-night-stands, especially with my customers. I hope this doesn't.... "

He put his finger on her lips and said, "I don't want this to be a one-night-stand, Kim. I want to spend time with you, and not just in bed."

She had an ear-to-ear smile and said, "Really?" He nodded and she leaned across his body and kissed him. After breakfast, Kim sucked his cock and then let him fuck her ass.