All Comments on 'Kim Pt. 02'

by Andyhm

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  • 237 Comments (Page 2)
ReaderectionReaderectionover 1 year ago

I guess Kim rejecting the proposal from her other boyfriend in front of her parents was supposed to be some big romantic gesture, but that doesn’t really work. The only reason she was in that situation was because she lied to the other boy, lied about her relationship, and denied that relationship to the other guy that was going to propose. She has created all of these situations by not being truthful and forthright. Agree that here’s zero reason to trust Kim with the sample.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

geeze...can you drag this pitiful thing out any further?

JH4FunJH4Funover 1 year ago
I Didn't Like It Much ⭐⭐

First, I must acknowledge the writing was good and met most of my qualities for a Good Read ⭐⭐⭐.

However, to me the story took too much of roundabout path to get to the current ending after 4 pages. While this was supposed to be a 2 part tale, it looks as if the story is not finished. That leads me to put in the comments FTDS. LOL

It is you tale as the writer. I do have not problems with the tale itself or the fact that it is in multiple parts. I appreciate the fact that breaking it into smaller more consumable sections allows people like me (slow readers) to enjoy the read and anticipate the upcoming part/chapters/sections.

I have enjoyed many of your tales and most all of them are Good Reads ⭐⭐⭐. I don’t normally give comments on Good Reads, so I have probably not made comments on many of your stories/tales. However, me giving this one, “ I Didn't Like It Much ⭐⭐.” I felt I needed to give one.

The roundabout method to tell the tale and the not finishing the tale were the reasons for my rating low. That is my opinion and like any other comments should be taken with a grain of salt to digest.

I am looking forward to seeing where you take this if you decide to FTDS. It matters not to me if it is RACC, BTB or just living the best life as the finish. It is your tale.

Keep Writing


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

only thing I ask is don't have him raise the other man's baby. if it not his....divorce is the only way. If it is his I can see you going either way. But if they stay together there has to be some form of consequence for her. I would like to see him have an affair while in Ireland and tell her about it when he gets back. Not as an "in your face" but more clinical. Just to let her know that he can be fine without her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Enjoyed the second chapter but there is an inconsistency. When Kim first meets Michael Simone tells her that she told Michael Kim is happily married. Michael is present when she does so. Then, the next day, Michael is supprised to learn that Kim is married. An edit to clear this up for future readers would help. Still, since I'm the only one that commented on it, it might not be that big an issue.

UnassignedUnassignedover 1 year ago

This story is taking a bit more mundane an arc than I'd thought from part one - her family and their machinations have turned out (so far) to be Checkov's guns. She was taken borderline raped by Simone, though perhaps not in the legal sense. I'm kinda pulling for them to stay together.


Well written, of course, and I'm looking forward to the next installment.


Side note, IANAD but if she's already pregnant by Ben, then taking a morning-after will have no effect (of course, it also wouldn't be necessary). She should have gone ahead and taken it.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 1 year ago

She cheated because she could and because she wanted to have that pleasure despite being married and she will cheat again when she desires.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very good story. I can empathize with both spouses. H has an inferiority complex because of his upbringing and being black while wife comes from a wealthy white mainline family and she is extremely good looking and popular. So I can see his attitude. I can also see how wife got caught into the planned and superbly executed seduction. I do not agree that wife had an obligation to tell her husband of all her lovers before they met and the fact that she worked with her old lover would not have been an issue excedpt for the planned drugging by alcohol.

I agree that both Michael and Simone should be charged with rape, she as a co-conspirator. The baby issue could and should have been resolved with the morning after pill. Then wife should have confessed. Michael and Simone are pieces of trash that deserve punishment.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Re the comment about switching DNA. It is possible but they would have to find another black man since Michael is a white male.


LT56linebackerLT56linebackerover 1 year ago

When I see a Boss 302 Mustang, I get all queasy inside. I drink too much scotch and don't realize it. So when the model from the car show drops my drawers and sucks me off, then pushes me down on the hood .... You get the picture. The Bear thinks she's delusional. He should find this asshole and send him to hell. Then, the same with someone. Some friend. The Bear is disappointed.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah, we're gonna hear about how the parents were involved in planning the weekend (shock, gasp!), how some x was put in her glass of champers (oh, poor baby Kim never had a chance), how they expected her husband to divorce her so she can marry someone from her side of the tracks, etc., etc., etc. But they won't divorce, of course. The fix is in, just one more RAAC coming our way.


Plus, it's all "woke" and shit, y'know, white woman with black husband; extra points for that, don'tcha know. This is the perfect story for feminist women, who've lost all morals. "It's NEVER the woman's fault, even when she says it's her fault: you know she doesn't mean it or believe it and furthermore, she expects you to argue in her defense. That's why all the talking, talking, talking. She's desperate to prove it's not her fault, at all, in any way, and that means lots and lots of talking.


And why is the author submitting multi-part stories 3 months apart? As a kindness to your readers, you should submit the whole story at once or, if it's multi-part, on consecutive days. Readers give a lower score when they have to wait, which is what I'm doing with 3 stars. When the RAAC comes, you'll get 2 stars on all the parts. And you're wrong if you think we can only vote once.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well written .... yes! But knowing this writer's predisposition to submit "cheating WHORE wife Apologist" stories, it is a foregone conclusion that a RAAC ending is on the way.

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 1 year ago

Normally I would call bullshit on an slut making, orgasmic art experience, but my best friend from college lends credit to this experience. She was naturally an art major, and we spent a summer in Paris following our sophomore year. She was into the impressionist movement, and when I say "into", I mean she would weep and get light headed and fainted, yes fainted, at the Musee d'Orsay. I didn't get it. She would spend hours at a painting if she could while I could tour the entire building by noon. I was even embarrassed at her loss of control but after seeing the passion she had for art, I admired her even more and was even envious, since I never felt that strong for anything or anyone at that time. We are still dear friends and yes, she moved to France.

This is a wonderful tale from a writer that I adore and I squealed with joy seeing this story being continued. Thank you for this Andy and I can't wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well Simone deserves to get every joint in her body crushed

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 1 year ago

Is this headed to that old fallback of drugging the wife? Damn, I hope not but the way it's written sure sounds like it.

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

Kim is a delusional adultress. Pretty funny though, that the coalburner might be knocked up by a White man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just another cuck story.

lujon2019lujon2019over 1 year ago


Speaking of a whiney bitch, take a look in a mirror and you'll see a big whiney bitch


But when I look in my mirror I dont see you, are you sure you understand how mirrors work?

FantasyTrainFantasyTrainover 1 year ago

GARBAGE! Fruit loops!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Only little kids, politicians, Jerry Jones and LT56 refer to themselves in third person. Hell, I guy it's a writing skill as well as a personality disorder.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well done thus far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Now she has cheated once it will be easier the next time Get rid of her mate whether the baby is yours or not (jaybee186)

maninconnmaninconnover 1 year ago
The Arts

Something that can quickly identify artists is how quickly they can be consumed by both the process of creation and by the process of appreciation. To be so close to a master’s work can indeed be so consuming you are unaware of time passing or the things that go on around you. It’s quite plausible to me that Kim was unaware how much she drank, and also that she was easily seduced by a woman she had once so strongly loved. It’s not a huge leap to a guy slipping into the mix of a passionate encounter, fueled by champagne and the thrill of being so close to examine long out-of-circulation Renoirs!

My only uh-uh came from the fact that paintings of some value were displayed in a sunlit hallway. Light is the enemy of fine paintings, and sunlight is most damaging.

But the story is excellent! Thanks for writing!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

Two and a half months is too long between chapters.


"it won't help if I tell you who he is." - It's not her place to decide what will help HIM or not! It may not help HER, but who gives a fuck? It may hurt him, but that's HIS decision to make, not hers.


"No, the friend was the person who arranged for me to meet Michael one weekend." - So, unless he drugged or raped her, she still cheated.


How could her father "destroy" him? He obviously didn't.


No need to go back in time to Kurt. We know she had the threesome with Simone and Kurt, there's no need for the "blow-by-blow" description.


I'm no art lover, but I still can't see her practically having an orgasm over the paintings.


Okay, the first time she was drunk on the champagne and the other sensations, but what about the second time?


She should have taken the morning after pill.


WTF?! We wait 2 1/2 months and the story's STILL not done? When you post the next part, please tell us at the start if it's the conclusion or not.


@Whackdoodle, if she wanted to cry rape she should have done it then, it's too late now.


I have no problem with her bisexual history as long as it stayed in the past. At this point, even without the baby, even without Michael, I couldn't trust her around other women.


@Irinmike Re: "if Kim was alert enough to demand Michael wear a condom," - It wasn't Kim, it was Simone who demanded that he wear a condom.


@BigBlueKat, correct, SHE doesn't want to risk aborting Ben's baby, she never actually asked him. Why didn't he say, "I don't care if it's mine, I don't want to risk it if it isn't."


She KNOWS how she gets when she's examining great art AND drinks too much, but keeps holding her glass out for more?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is actually better than I expected given the starting point. Usually flashbacks, after an established narrative is already known, can be quite boring, but your writing is good, and the characters are interesting. Pay no attention to the closet cucks lashing out at you. According to them every wife should be burnt at the stake for even imagining a sexual encounter with anyone but her husband. To think that some people might actually forgive someone they love for any transgression is beyond their ability to conceive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Pretty pathetic. Weak and long explanation for her cheating. With holding voting until next part posted but if it follows the expected ended (cuck) or raac it'll be a big "0."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm waiting for part 3. Kim was a long shot wife from the beginning and Ben long expected it to happen,her cheating. However, Ben has not called her names or tried to humiliate her in any way shape or fashion. Curious to see who the father of the baby and the final outcome. If the father of the baby is the Michael fellow will Ben and Kim break up,if so will she go to Michael. Their romance has been a spectacular a impossible union from the beginning ,can Ben forgive and forget because she is a very special woman,one he is so lucky to have.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I find this an oddly satisfying story. Certainly different. I think my attraction is that both main characters seem in love but pragmatic at the same time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Oh, one more thing. Besides pragmatic characters, yours is the ONLY story that I’ve read here where “met in college” is actually relevant and adds to the narrative. I didn’t skip over that this time. Really.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like this so far. The wife is typical of most women they don't want to answer a direct question that they think they can explain away or side step. Can't wait till the next part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent second chapter. Your writing is flawless and the plot line was clear. We are waiting for the next installment.

phill1cphill1cover 1 year ago

I really like it so far. Realistic reactions. The cheating explanation was as good as it probably could be: mistaken identity. So there's definitely some path to reconciliation or not.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor63over 1 year ago

I love the story. Very well done. The question I have is would she have ever told her husband what had happened if she did not get pregnant? She was not forced into this but did it anyway. A real warning sigh for the husband. I look forward to seeing how this all works out.

kiteareskitearesover 1 year ago

I'm thinking Michael and Simone need burning to a greater or... no just a greater degree... they are a pair of vile predators. This is a job for Saddletramp.

Kim, it's a pretty weak reason, pissed and wound up by the paintings. I think the 1st thing she needs is a change of career, if getting that close to good art gets her so wet.

Well written and engaging. I'll mark the whole lot once it's finished, saves me going back and 1 bombing if it isn't :D

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 1 year ago

Cannot wait till the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So far the presentation for the affair is not plausible nor justifiable. She wanted the affair and that is inexcusable. In my opinion regardless whose baby the father is she is toast. She just rambles to hear her lips flap with whatever she can contribe. All of her adult life she has done what she wanted to do with no concern for anyone else's regard. Marriage always takes the combined partnership first as a couple. She only wants that when it is convenient not with honor to the relationship. The author will not be able to convince me otherwise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So far it looks like a setup for an undeserved RAAC. maybe you shouldn’t wait three months between posting chapters. I’m pretty sure I’ll never finish this shitty cuckold story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why does it matter that she's pregnant? She fucked another man! Divorce her and move on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She said she didn't have a threesome when she cheated, but that is a straight up lie. Bye bye, nice try! That said, your writing is solid, entertaining and your characters are fleshed out and compelling. Thanks.

Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

Wife is a tramp and a whore. Hubby needs to divorce her and tell her to "go to hell you cheating whore"! 5 stars, where is the rest of the story?? Great Story, Great Writing, Poor excuse for a wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hate the concept, the characters, and the writing.

Wherever this story goes, the husband is a cuck and a wimp, the wife is a cheater and a tramp, the female friend assist in rapes, and the art owner is guilty of rape. Not much of value left to write about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

does any body ever finish a damn story... jesus christ

Cracker270Cracker270over 1 year ago

Very disappointed

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please finish the tale. Thanks for the tale. I wonder who's the baby's father and if the reconcile or get divorced.

Jlyn1Jlyn1over 1 year ago

Waiting for the finish.So tired of incomplete stories.High hopes for this

one.Four stars for now.

DarknsDarknsover 1 year ago

Still unsure how I feel about this story and the characters but I did read all of Part 1 & 2. Perhaps Part 3 will help resolve that so I look forward to reading that (hopefully soon).

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Like the rest of you, I am tired of people filing stories that aren't finished! Since I would never do it, I assumed no one else would, but lately this same thing has happened to me on at least three other stories, so I refuse to make comment on any of it, except to say the writer is on shaky ground as far as me reading any more of their work.


XluckyleeXluckyleeover 1 year ago

Please finish your story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So, in 2027 we may finally get an answer?

Lyon796Lyon796over 1 year ago

An excellent story, well written. Five stars!

Here a woman, Kim, is seduced by a former female lover, Simone, with that woman’s current male lover, Martin, joining in the seduction. Kim’s defenses may have been compromised by a large quantity of champagne and lead her to sex with Simone and Martin. In their first encounter, Martin wears a condom. In the same night, Martin fucks Kim again but without a condom. Martin’s unprotected sex with Kim is done knowing that she was trying to conceive a child with her husband, Ben. The end result is Kim being pregnant without knowing, with certainty, if the child's father is her husband. Kim’s revelation her pregnancy and of the uncertainty of the paternity of the child creates the dramatic tension and makes for a compelling story. The events, while contrived, are plausible in the suspension of disbelief required of fiction and are certainly not outrageous.

A well written story does not require that we approve of or are even comfortable with the actions of the story’s characters. Kim has certainly betrayed her husband and that is not mitigated by her drunkenness. First, she is obviously a cultured, and otherwise intelligent woman who is sexually experienced enough to how her body will respond and to take necessary precautions in her behavior. Secondly, she was certainly aware of her weaknesses: “You know how I get lost in the moment when I'm studying paintings by the masters. You two could have been fucking on the table beside me, and I wouldn't have noticed." Finally, and most damming is Kim’s statement: "I made sure he [Martin] used a condom the first time; it's the second time I'm not sure about." Here she confirms that she was aware she was having sex with Martin and could have stopped it and certainly should have. She was a willing participant in her adultery: “Kim pressed back, enjoying the feeling of the hard cock as it moved inside of her. Both of them moved slowly but with purpose, and Michael's purpose was achieved as he shuddered and spent himself inside the woman's eager flesh. Kim drifted back to sleep with a warm glow in her pussy.”

Her husband, Ben, is shown as very devoted husband very much in love with his wife. The hurt caused by her betrayal is evident in their discussions. Ben’s refusal to raise another man’s child, i.e., to be forced every day of his remaining life to face the physical evidence of her betrayal, is pointedly understandable. The foreshadowing of things to come is expertly described with Kim touching her abdomen as she discusses the pregnancy with her husband: “She instinctively placed a protective hand over her lower abdomen, and with that simple gesture, I knew our chances of staying together were low. She was committed to having this baby regardless of who the father was. And as much as I loved her, the thought of watching her body grow if the child wasn't mine was more than I could consider.”

As for Simone, she clearly explained both her objective and willing participation: "I admit I wanted the chance to make love to you again. Michael was keen to discover why Kurt couldn't stop talking about that weekend. I helped him plan your seduction, and I wanted to share him with you. I told him how you get lost in the art, and all Michael would have to do was keep your glass full." And all Kim had to do was use her head and stop drinking.

The author has a myriad of possibilities in the next chapter including: that the child is Ben's and they then are left to deal with Kim’s betrayal and whether Ben can forgive Kim; that the child is Martin’s and Kim has bonded with the child and cannot abort or give it for adoption thus ending her marriage to Ben; or that the child is Martin’s and Ben accepts it as his own – I see this as most likely impossible. Other subplots for any of the above scenarios include Ben discovering Martin’s identity, traveling to Germany, acquiring a high-powered hunting rifle and blowing Martin’s head off, which, I confess to be my favorite.

The tension between all characters is realistic. The author has successfully conveyed the anguish of both Ben and Kim and the choices that both will have to make. I look forward to the next installment.

TajfaTajfaover 1 year ago

Hi Andy it's been about 6 weeks since part 2. Any chance that you will be posting part3 soon?

ejsathomeejsathomeover 1 year ago

Andy, I've always enjoyed your writing. But why do you keep us waiting interminably for additional chapters? I decided after reading your first chapter that I would wait to continue reading after all the chapters were published. Chapter 1 was published on 9/28/2022, chapter 2 on 12/11/2022. Why must you make us wait and wait and wait. My suggestion: wait to publish anything until you've finished writing ALL chapters. It's the considerate thing to do. In any case, thanks for your contributions. It started out as a fine story, but . . . FINISH THE DAMN STORY, please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It is clear that most of your readers want to see an end to this and all your submissions to there must be something of interest in the tales. Guess I will be on of the sheep following the goat to the final pens. I don't understand why you created so much middle story about the cheating wife with her lesbian lover. If Ben can pull his head out of his posterior he will see that Kim is the same as the other controlling women in his life. Child or not he needs to take charge of his life and move on and away from Kim and her entitled control over his future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


NicealloverNicealloverover 1 year ago

I can’t wait for the next chapter. Kim is a loving wife who was seduced by a former girlfriend who knew her weaknesses. The critics who say she should have known better are unreasonable. The entire thing is plausible and very entertaining. It’s rare but cases have been reported where a woman is pregnant by two different men at the same time. It’s just food for thought!

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

blah, blah, blah. no ending, no revenge on the 2 cheaters, etc.

TajfaTajfaover 1 year ago

Are you intending to finish this one?

It's a long time to wait for, hopefully, the conclusion.

EzoA45FEzoA45Fover 1 year ago
Useless, boring, long-winded chapter

I don't understand. Who cares if the child is his or not, the dumb cunt still cheated!

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

How many times in one story do we need to read the phrase, what if it is not mine. Please explain why a man is shallow for not wanting to raise another kid. Please explain why all the glossing over of her actions. The only important factor is who is the dad. Otherwise he just sucks it up and life goes on happily ever after. She was still going to cheat with her girlfriend, she just ended up cheating more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Don't bother finishing this story. Go wash your car or something equally useful

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 1 year ago

Shallow, for not wanting to raise another man’s child?

The way it’s presented, sounds like the problem is his pride. Maybe pride is part of it, but there’s more serious issues involved.

Splitting because he couldn’t trust her, with a child to continually remind him, doesn’t help the mother regain his trust.. A toxic environment is a good reason to split.

Cracker270Cracker270over 1 year ago

Special corner of hell reserved for writers who leave their readers hanging.

chrisp69chrisp69over 1 year ago

why would you leave it hanging like that. I'm with Cracker270's comment

Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

If hubby forgives his cheating wife it makes him a cuck. He will never be or feel like a man if he doesn't divorce the cheating slut. There is only one thing to do with a wife that fucks other men, behind your back. That is called DIVORCE! She is a big girl, she knows what she was doing and wanted to do it. That makes her a cheating slut whore wife. He will NEVER be able to trust her again, and he shouldn't trust her. He needs to disappear and move on, just get away from the slut. She may be pretty, but there are lots of pretty women out there that are sluts. I know, I've met most of them! Still, Great writing, 5 stars.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 1 year ago

I know, for certain, if there happens to be a part 3, I WON'T be reading it. Too much wasted time reading this shitty story.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 1 year ago

I know, for certain, if there happens to be a part 3, I WON'T be reading it. Too much wasted time reading this shitty story.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 1 year ago

All I know is, if there is a chapter 3, I WILL NOT be reading any more of this really shitty story. If this writer has a point, he had many, many opportunities to make. Dragging it out with numerous chapters just turns some of us readers off.

PlayswellwithotherswifesPlayswellwithotherswifesover 1 year ago

Do you plan on continuing this story line?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Bullshit. There are no mitigating circumstances. If the author finishes this it will be a cuck-out by the MC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I disagree with those commenters who don't like the story. Not perfect, certainly, but also interesting in it's description of a failing marriage. Not a cuck adventure or fantasy BTB. Given the recent date of this story, would it be too much to ask for a continuation? It would be interesting to see how this story resolves the problem. The interesting point is whether the marriage would survive even if the child was by the husband. A custody issue of a new born or infant would be an interesting story all it's own, but also what it would be like for a cuckolded husband to stay in an even partially loveless marriage with a child not his. Parents sacrifice a lot with infants precisely because of the love factor. Or if a guilt-ridden wife could deal with only partial forgiveness of a no longer trusting husband. That the guy has a self-confidence problem wouldn't help either. I had a very, very close pair of almost childhood friends who went through something similar many years ago. Knew them both extremely well and so close that my wife took a while to become comfortable with our intimate friendships. Then she had an affair partially from a deep depression with drug dependecy and got pregnant, and they struggled for 2 years before he ended it despite her best efforts to jointly raise his non-biological child. During that entire time, all the little things, gestures, and intimate expressions of affection were mostly absent. It was extremely sad because we were close couples, and staying close to my longtime friends was difficult. Not to mention the child of a divorced, longtime female friend who calls us (honorary) aunt and uncle. This author should try to explore this series backstory more.

Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

And people wonder why I don't drink, I never want to give up my self control to anything or anyone. Definitely a marriage crisis situation! Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to the release of the next chapter. I appreciate your and your Muse's creative imagination and literary abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your multifaceted vision and exceptional talents.

Schlouis57Schlouis57about 1 year ago

Très déçu par cette histoire d'un auteur que j'apprécie pour ses histoires habituellement. 0*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Three and a half months later and we still don’t know why Kim cheated and whose baby it is. Maybe the author hasn’t yet decided what excuse to use.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

enjoy the simple stark realism - no special forces, billionaires, or death squads in sight LOL I mean they have their place ... I guess.

Hope you are still enjoying living on a boat in France and that you can go on with this story, you tell a good tale in a great style. A great author once said something to the effect its not the grammar but if your audience understands and sees the images you create. You seem to do well on both counts.

You obviously enjoy writing don't give it up if you can, will be enjoyable to see how and where you take this one.

Now if you introduce special forces, billionaires, a death squad or two I'll just have to drink Irish whiskey to get through it... again

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story.

When will the next part come out?

It'sbeen a whilesince the second part!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Way too much backstory...

orion2bear2orion2bear2about 1 year ago

Hate stories that end in cliffhanger and yo neverget full story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story. I hope Ch 3 is soon. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

From sampling this writer’s other works, I will finish the story for him…

After finding out the baby was not his, he could not leave the woman he loved alone to raise this child. Ben felt part of this tragedy was his, also. Ben remembered the times he was not kind enough towards Kim and this caused her to cheat.

As time passed, they wanted more children, but they had to resemble the one Ben loved with all his heart. He was able to find the real father and arranged to have him impregnate Kim several times over their marriage.

Sounds like something this author would write.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Come on guy, finish the series

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Where's the ending from 6 months ago?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

loved the story but is there going to be an ending

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I read the other works of this author, and yes… it is the other man. The writer is working on the ending now. Not for me.

billyblazebillyblazeabout 1 year ago

Is it really that hard to finish the damn story before you start posting it?

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 1 year ago

I had given the story a higher rating initially, but downgraded now to 1* because ii appears that author will never finish the story. I will return to regrade if story is ever finished.

NallusNallus12 months ago

Too many harsh comments here for a story that obviously captured peoples attention.

I have two storylines going myself, and if I waited for the stories to complete, I would never publish anything. I wonder if the readers that complain about the delay have never read a series of books from authors before.

Yes, the backstory is rather long, but in real life, people are complicated, and the prior situation mattered.

Other harsh comments were just ridiculous, as I’m sure Andyhm knows.

My guess is, if the baby is not his, then she will have a choice to make because he will not abide by raising a child that is not his. (Sadly, her father would likely welcome a connection with a wealthy family.)

If it is his, then he will get past it.

I would hope he would bring to her attention his concerns mentioned earlier.

{ Concern that any kind of acceptance on his part will validate her actions,

Concern about her apparent escape from reality when she is enthralled in art, and how easily she was taken advantage of,

I would think he would question her inability to be aware she was becoming drunk.


More, I am sure.

She loves Ben, he knows it and that she was set up.

I don’t think unassertive Ben would go after Micheal.

As with others here, eagerly waiting more. :^)

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

1 star because it was incomplete. Gave the first part a 5. Kim doesn’t deserve him, he doesn’t deserve what she did to him. Was looking forward to a conclusion where he walked away from her and her flimsy excuses.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

She destroyed him. So get even slip her drug to abort fetus that would have made her father happy as the baby of a rich family.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Not finished, 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Finish the story

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not a tough story to finish....So, maybe you should get to work.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Are you going to complete it?

Would appreciate it.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Every woman is easily manipulated and not to bright.

Boardman68Boardman6811 months ago

I wonder if the other participants would have a difficult story to tell about Kim cheating on her husband in a threesome. "It is easier to avoid temptations than to resist them." She put herself knowing in a place of temptation.

wHATFRAt72wHATFRAt7211 months ago

Well written. I like the story line. Now Finish it!

h2osh2os11 months ago

I hate that you never finished the story

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

If you aren’t going to bother finishing a story tell us up front so we don’t waste time reading it.

xtc5xtc511 months ago

To be continued


groaningbumpgroaningbump10 months ago

Really enjoying this series. Hope you are able to come back and finish soon. Thanks for sharing! - gb

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Jan 2023 I’m afraid that for the foreseeable future I’ve had to put hold any work on current and future stories on this site. There is so much going on in my life currently that I’m unable to justify the time I spend writing short stories. Hopefully this will be a temporary h...


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