All Comments on 'Kim Pt. 02'

by Andyhm

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  • 237 Comments (Page 3)
kalash777kalash77710 months ago

I'm just wondering: do you get your kicks out of writing stories without finishing them, and making your readers beg for more? No, seriously, why not finish the story and then post it instead of teasing readers with half-finished ones? You're not the only one who does it. Is it a trend? Why not make a note in bold "this is a work in progress and you may be left waiting indefinitely for continuation. Read it at your own displeasure".

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian10 months ago

Read the author's profile, and you'll see WHY he hasn't finished. Dolts.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Sorry. Your MC is pretty pathetic.

All of us would feel paralyzed initially with that betrayal sprung on us.

But by the next day? I'd have had her bags completely packed. Her car loaded.

Adios muchacha. Just let me know if the kid is mine. If so? We'll work out the custody and child support arrangements.

My lawyer will be in touch. Have a nice life.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good story so far. Hope you are able to get back to it soon and may your health problems be soon in your rear view mirror. Best wishes


gprevgprev10 months ago

A story without an ending.. I'll not be wasting my time reading any more.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Somebody finish this turkey.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I understand that you (the author) are under no obligation to keep writing free stories, if life gets too busy.

But you left this on such a cliffhanger! If you're not going to write stories anymore, can you at least post a one-paragraph epilogue stating if the baby was his and what happened to their marriage?

StrictThursdayStrictThursday8 months ago

Great story, as ever. Hopefully you’ll take pity on the readers who discover too late the painful cliffhanger that awaits them.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Nothing worse than intimating a complete story then leaving it unfinished. I won’t be reading any more by Andyhm

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Unfinished stories automatically receive a 2.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This author is an ass. Why the fuck didn’t he finish this story? Automatic 1*. Lazy jerk.

usaretusaret7 months ago

Another author who leaves his readers hanging. Sorry to have wasted my time. It’s almost a year since he left us hanging.

usaretusaret7 months ago

Not only does he not finish his last story (Kim) but he leaves a link that doesn’t work.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Would've given this 1 star but can't say I hate this story but I definitely don't like it. Toooo long, rambling needlessly, & frankly, on the boring side. Left after the 1st page on this part. Having 2 pages or so (last part) on their history/ meeting turned me off. 2 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I, for one, enjoy a well developed, engaging storyline, and this is certainly that. So, please, don't be disuaded by some of the previous comments. I suspect the real angst is more about being left waiting a year for the storyline to continue. I do hope your health problems have not returned, and that we'll be graced with promised 'To be continued' in the near future. Indeed, I'm still very much looking forward to it.

Many thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Is there really any need for a third chapter, all you have to do is read some of this guy's other stories, to see what the ending will be. A variation on his usual RAAC ending is my prediction.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You know we catch a glimpse of author's personality through their stories, and if the mc is truly like the author oh god, you need help author, and if the author's a girl you need extra help. Besides that what a wimpy cuck husband, in all this LW stories I'm now seeing a pattern , a wimpy cuck husband who no matter how much of slut the wife is will take her back no matter what, no character in the husband at all, it's the wife's fault let her show true remorse,guilt and action to even get a second chance, literotica should have a category for this wimpy cuck husband so the author's can out their stories their..

dinotail2023dinotail20235 months ago

How can you write a story with NO ending......NO conclusion???? I give it 0 stars if possible. Disgusting.

moultonknobmoultonknob5 months ago

Just as big a load of bollocks as the first part. I read one paragraph then skipped to the end as it's all as boring as fuck.

6King6King4 months ago

⭐ Thankfully this was nevr completed, it's real trash.

RuttweilerRuttweiler4 months ago
I would have enjoyed an ending

Thanks for taking the effort to write this. I’m not going to attack you for not ending it. I thought it was actually pretty good so far.

I think most of the negative comments that you’re getting from the resident chuckleheads are because the protagonist did not immediately set fire to his wife and cackle with unsuppressed glee while roasting marshmallows over her burning corpse.

Anyway, thanks for your effort.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Let's see if I understand this correctly. She left a test kit on the table. He swabbed his cheek and left the sample on the table. She's the epitome of trustworthiness and would "never" screw with the sample. This beyond stupid.

And the fatal flaw. The story is unfinished.

Cwsmooth2000Cwsmooth20004 months ago

What a very good story

Please finish it someone

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I'm really disappointed that this has been left hanging, now over a year. Yes, I understand that life gets in the way, other priorities can certainly take precedence, and hope that the author is OK and doing well.


However, "Kim" is, presumably, just a few very short installments. Why wouldn't you have the entire story complete before you publish the first chapter (and then follow with the rest every day or two)? It's not Game of Thrones. Left as-is, it's an insult to your readers.

CD1929CD19293 months ago

I doubt if this Author will ever finish this. He states it a 2 part series.

He very well might be done with it--which sucks

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit3 months ago

This is a VERY bad story! No, let me rephrase that, -this is a very GOOD story, very badly told. It suffers the fete of all stories that are written episodally, particularly when those writing episodes are in widely spaced, brief, unplanned hap-hazard, and unscheduled intervals. It has precious-little fluidity, is jumpy, jerky and snatchy, with gaps and disconnects which all serve to make it hard work to follow.

Reading it is difficult enough, following it is harder still, and keeping up with it a Faustian epic- a far too tedious and onerous task that would sap and drain the soul of a Saint!

This Reviewer thinks that many might wish to wait for the film version to come out!


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This was the first piece I read of this author. I won't read another. Leaving a reader hanging like this is a betrayal of the reader's trust. FTDS

orion2bear2orion2bear22 months ago

Can not stand story that leaves you hanging

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

First story I’ve read of this writer. I’ve enjoyed it but wish I’d have read the ending first and found out it’s unfinished. It’s been a while to still be incomplete. Waste of time to get invested in a story that’s probably not going to be finished. LM

Grote_01Grote_01about 1 month ago

To bad that the story has no end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well, I guess no Andyhm on lit anymore

CriosCriosabout 1 month ago

It's unfortunate this story may never be completed. From his notes, the author had decided over a year ago to step away from Lit. Also, one of the very best Loving Wives story ever posted here, "The Rings" has been pulled as the author decided to publish an actual novel based on that story. :(

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 month ago

Over a year ago I said how I hate waiting for new chapters, and here we are, over a year and still waiting.

Hugo999Hugo999about 1 month ago

Enjoyed immensely a good read and worthy of a next part

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

Please finish, I gotta know what happens!

Pretty brutal though. Not only does she betray him in the most egregious way a woman can betray a man, she makes another man's dream come true; sex with two women.

Although, it did kind of seem like she was borderline raped.

Still, no man should ever ever ever have to raise another man's child. It's a deal breaker. A man is entitled to raise his own biological child to pass on his genes and continue his bloodline--not some other bastard's genetic child.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

The story was really, really good... The ending SUCKED!

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Jan 2023 I’m afraid that for the foreseeable future I’ve had to put hold any work on current and future stories on this site. There is so much going on in my life currently that I’m unable to justify the time I spend writing short stories. Hopefully this will be a temporary h...


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