Kim Pt. 02


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Simone coughed in embarrassment. "It was the sofa, not the table. I was sucking his cock, and he had his hand down my panties; I'm surprised you didn't hear us."

"So, because you wanted to fuck him, you decided I should as well? What the fuck am I going to tell Ben?"

"Why would you want to tell him anything?"

"Because the bastard didn't use a condom the last time, and I'm not on the pill, you stupid bitch."

"I'll get you a morning-after pill if you are worried."

"I can't; I could be pregnant with Ben's child. We've been trying for a baby, and there's no way I could get rid of his."

"And if Michael has succeeded, what then?"

"I'm fucked if I know."

"When did Ben last make love to you?"

"Thursday night, I caught the Friday morning flight to join you."

"Look, I know Michael used a condom the first time; then he fucked me a couple of times while I ate you out. There was no Cum in you then, and I'd have noticed. So if you are pregnant, it will be Ben's."

"He was fucking me when I woke up this morning, and I'm pretty sure he was bareback then."

"Why the fuck didn't you stop him?"

"Christ, Simone, I was barely conscious, and I thought it was Ben. It wasn't until afterwards, when I saw you asleep beside me, I realised my mistake."

They both fell silent; the only sound was the car speeding along the road.

"Even if he was bareback that last time," Simone mused. "He can't have had much left in him. We'd had a long, long session the night before, and I'd sucked him dry before he fucked you. Then he came in me at least twice while I was enjoying you. I sucked him off again after you fell asleep, and while he came, it was just a couple of drops of pre-cum. Did you wash yourself out?"

"Of course I did."

"Well, then you should be okay."


Present day:

"So you expect me to accept, Simone and Michael set out to seduce you, and you were unable to resist," I said.

"No, I wanted you to hear why I broke every promise I had ever made to you. I'm not trying to excuse my actions; I should have known better. I never set out to betray you, and it will never happen again."

"Fine, it'll never happen again," I said sarcastically. "But you are ignoring the fact you are pregnant, and it could be his."

"Don't you think I know that? I'll take the test as soon as possible. If this baby is yours, then I hope you will accept I never intended to sleep with them; what happened was a drunken mistake, and you will forgive me."

"And if it's not, then what?"

Kim said nothing for a long time. I could see her twisting both hands together. Something I'd seen her do when she was under extreme stress. Then she placed one hand on her abdomen while reaching the other out to me. The look in her eyes made me take the proffered hand.

"I'll call the clinic on Monday and book the paternity test as soon as possible," she said. "You will need to book an appointment for your sample."

"Are you getting one from him?"

She sighed, "I don't need one from him; if it's not yours, then it would have to be his. He's the only person I've slept with since I met you. I've no intention of talking to him ever again."

"How can you not talk to him? Won't you have to deal with the sale of his paintings?"

Kim gave me a wry smile and squeezed my hand. "The auction house has decided not to act for Michael's family after someone hinted that possibly several pieces in the Schmitt art collection were on the Nazi art register. And the provenience of the Renoirs is suspect; at the time his family bought the paintings, the gallery was known to handle forgeries and stolen art. Michael's business desperately needed a cash injection to survive, and the delay will cause their business to suffer immensely."

I allowed myself the briefest of grins; even the suggestion that a painting might be Nazi-looted art was enough that no auction house would touch it. And one suspect painting would taint a complete collection.

I refocus my anger back on the woman sitting next to me. I stood up, "Kim, we are just going around in circles and getting nowhere. I will pack a bag and get a hotel room for the next few days to give you some time to decide what you want to do. I'll take your test, but remember, I will not help you bring up someone else's child."

"If it's yours, then what?"

"Then we will have the child we always wanted, but then the question is, will we have a marriage?

"I made one mistake, Ben. Is there any chance you could forgive me?"

I paused to consider, and it didn't take long to understand that, given the circumstances, I could. Ever since I'd first met Kim, I'd expected something like this would happen. Only I'd assumed it would have been at her instigation, not the callus seduction of her by two cynical operators. The stumbling block for me was the parentage of the child. If it wasn't mine and Kim insisted on keeping it, I saw no hope for us. And yes, you can call me shallow, but that's how I felt.

Kim continued to watch me, finally breaking the silence. "What are you going to do?"

"That depends on what you decide." I hesitated and added, "I need some time to think; there's a project in Ireland that has been after me to sort out a few issues. I was supposed to visit the site next month, but this seems the opportune time to go."

"You can't just run away; we need to sort this out."

"You've had a couple of months to come to terms with this. Don't you get it that I need some time as well?"

"How long would you be away for?"

"A week, maybe two, that should give you long enough to get your test done; I'll leave you my sample before I go."

With that, I went upstairs to pack and make arrangements for my trip. The contractor was ecstatic to hear that I could be there next week. I was booked on a flight the following afternoon, and the atmosphere in the house was extremely uncomfortable. Kim cooked, but we both barely tasted the meal. When I went to bed, I saw that Kim had left the door to our bedroom open, but I bypassed the invitation to sleep in the guest bedroom for a second night.

When I got up the following day, Kim had gone out. There was a note on the kitchen table that said she'd gone to see her parents. Beside the note was the DNA test kit in a plastic bag. I took the hint and swabbed the inside of my cheek, and placed the kit back on the table.

Kim hadn't returned by the time I needed to leave. I scribbled my hotel address on the bottom of her note and left.


To be continued

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NallusNallus7 days ago

Second or third time reading this. I admit this time I just did the start in the last couple pages. She did not set out and never had plans to cheat so I think she deserves pass on that on the of that she knows what happens knows what triggered it knows how to intervene and knows how to stop it from happening again And maybe even prove that somehow that done, he sure as hell should take her back

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

"I made one mistake, Ben. Is there any chance you could forgive me?"

Well, of course, this is a femdom fantasy story after all, so there will be a merest handwaving of bullshit, and the fact that you're a worthless piece of shit will be erased from everyone's memories and emotions. There will be no actual consequences that don't involve a few hankies.

King_MacAulayKing_MacAulay9 days ago

Would still love for you to continue the story.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c110 days ago

The women in your stories really have no accountability. There is always a reason out of their control for cheating.

dob092095dob09209511 days ago

2 years, no part 3. Very poor. I’m sorry I read it. Good story though. I enjoyed what there was.

Obviously any real man would not accept wife getting pregnant to another while married and stay in the marriage. My 2nd wife had a child when I married her, I think her son was 26. I met him soon after marriage. Totally different to marry a woman who had children before you. No cheating or deceit.

AceAureliaAceAureliaabout 1 month ago

The story is well written; however, it spending a lot of time on immaterial information that isn’t relevant to the story. It goes on and on. The amount of time and pages used to cover college and the Simon/Michael escapades would be better utilized on expounding on the consequences of infidelity. You could have also dedicated more time developing the MC (Kim’s spouse) I don’t remember his name which should be an indicator of how poorly developed his character is. There is no emotional investment in Ben (I think that’s his name). You could keep the other stuff but Ben isn’t done much justice in establishing a connection with him.

dinotail2023dinotail2023about 1 month ago

Where is the damn ending? I would give both parts a minus 10 because there is NO ENDING!!!!!!

moultonknobmoultonknobabout 1 month ago

Just more bullshit carrying on from the first load of bollocks and after all this crap the stories still not finished, why bother at all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

1. On page 2 Simone said that Kim was happily married. On page 3, Michael said Simone never told him Kim was married.

2. No appraiser would touch a painting, especially by an old master, with their bare hand.

3. I'll pile on with all the other comments that you should never start posting chapters if the whole story isn't finished. Just gonna upset people.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Too bad. Never finished. It sounds like it was clearly intended NOT to be Ben's child. 4 stars.

skruff101skruff1012 months ago

May as well write this author off, hasn’t posted for two years, and according to the last entry in the ‘about’ section they’re too busy at the moment (which is a euphemism for ‘don’t hold your breath’).

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Note to authors: Please wait until a story is finished before you start posting chapters, then post them all in short order. Really, please. I'd rather never know that a story even existed instead of having one just stop in the middle.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Seriously? Take the morning after pill. With a confession she might get a reconciliation but NOT if pregnant with another man's child. Wtf?

DessertmanDessertman3 months ago

I will rate it once I have reached the end.

I will say that what I have read so far badly needs better editing. There are misspellings, incorrect homophones and missing words. Just generally sloppy work.

The switched POVs were

also distracting and confusing.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor633 months ago

Don't go any further. The author did not finish the story. Too bad.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Why would a woman not take an after sex pill just for one night. If she was already pregnant surely it would be more important to save her marriage. I think you should have stayed with your original theme rather than change directions using an excuse that was dodgy at minimum.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Ditto previous comments sucked in reading this with no closure a year after the last "chapter"

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

2 years since last submission. If author is still alive, hopefully they will complete this series. It has several directions it an proceed from where it left off.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

The story was really, really good... The ending SUCKED!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Please finish, I gotta know what happens!

Pretty brutal though. Not only does she betray him in the most egregious way a woman can betray a man, she makes another man's dream come true; sex with two women.

Although, it did kind of seem like she was borderline raped.

Still, no man should ever ever ever have to raise another man's child. It's a deal breaker. A man is entitled to raise his own biological child to pass on his genes and continue his bloodline--not some other bastard's genetic child.

Hugo999Hugo9995 months ago

Enjoyed immensely a good read and worthy of a next part

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x5 months ago

Over a year ago I said how I hate waiting for new chapters, and here we are, over a year and still waiting.

CriosCrios5 months ago

It's unfortunate this story may never be completed. From his notes, the author had decided over a year ago to step away from Lit. Also, one of the very best Loving Wives story ever posted here, "The Rings" has been pulled as the author decided to publish an actual novel based on that story. :(

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well, I guess no Andyhm on lit anymore

Grote_01Grote_015 months ago

To bad that the story has no end.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

First story I’ve read of this writer. I’ve enjoyed it but wish I’d have read the ending first and found out it’s unfinished. It’s been a while to still be incomplete. Waste of time to get invested in a story that’s probably not going to be finished. LM

orion2bear2orion2bear26 months ago

Can not stand story that leaves you hanging

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This was the first piece I read of this author. I won't read another. Leaving a reader hanging like this is a betrayal of the reader's trust. FTDS

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit6 months ago

This is a VERY bad story! No, let me rephrase that, -this is a very GOOD story, very badly told. It suffers the fete of all stories that are written episodally, particularly when those writing episodes are in widely spaced, brief, unplanned hap-hazard, and unscheduled intervals. It has precious-little fluidity, is jumpy, jerky and snatchy, with gaps and disconnects which all serve to make it hard work to follow.

Reading it is difficult enough, following it is harder still, and keeping up with it a Faustian epic- a far too tedious and onerous task that would sap and drain the soul of a Saint!

This Reviewer thinks that many might wish to wait for the film version to come out!


CD1929CD19297 months ago

I doubt if this Author will ever finish this. He states it a 2 part series.

He very well might be done with it--which sucks

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