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I mean, he knew I was gay. He was aware of it, but...I'd always been careful to make sure he was never...confronted by it. Until today.

Well, whatever, I thought. It's happened. I'm involved already. I'm gonna end up going with Reid to his mum's on a Wednesday evening for one of those dinners sometime soon. And after, I guess I'll lug him over to my own folks' place and say; 'Hey everybody, this is my boyfriend Reid', and they'll all be so fucking thrilled they'll wet themselves...

Or not. Because I went to his house the next day and screwed everything up...

As I stepped inside his door, instead of getting one of those bombshell kisses, I got my arse grabbed. Hard. Then Reid stepped back and said;

"Damn, J, those pants are something else. But please tell me you're not working on Sundays as well now?"

I reminded him that I'd said I was gonna check on his wiring once the switchboard was done, and that was why I was wearing work clothes. That went down okay. He let me into the crawlspace under the house, dusted the spiderwebs off me after I backed out again, set up a ladder below the ceiling hatch and stayed below keeping up a commentary on the fineness of my arse and/or my trousers while I climbed up and inched around in the fetid heat of the roof space for a few minutes.

Then I came back down and he asked me what the verdict was.

"I'd replace it if I were you," I told him. "Definitely the cabling running via the ceiling anyway. The stuff under the floor's maybe not so bad, but..."

"But why would only you do half?" he prompted.

"Yeah. And while it's not necessarily in terrible condition, none of it's up to current code."

He exhaled slowly. "Okay. So what'll it cost? About?"

"Uhh, well...unfortunately cable is pretty expensive at the moment. Something to do with computers using lots of copper. On the other hand, it's a small house. Soo...could be, I dunno, worst-case scenario maybe seven hundred for cabling? Probably a bit less, and then if you wanted to replace the sockets and switch-plates as well, another two hundred, two fifty on top? 'Bout that?"

Instead of a slow considered nodding, followed by another 'okay', I got a hard stare.

"And the labour?"

"If I do it for you, there isn't any labour, is there?" I shrugged.

"Well, unless you're gonna do it by waving your magic fairy wand and poof, it's all done, then yeah, I think there is, J!"

It might've been the sense that he was digging in. It might've been the 'fairy' bit. It might've been the little faggy hand motions he made to go with it, I don't know....

"I beg your fucking pardon?" I growled in a tone that suggested it was actually about time he begged my fucking pardon.

Reid didn't hear it. "Did you really think I'd just let you re-wire my entire house for free, J? Really?"

"God, you absolute muppet!" I spat. "Don't you get it? You pay for the materials! It's not free!"

He glared. "Stop acting dumb as a rock, J, because I know you're not! If you do a job for no money, you know, without getting're doing it for free! That's basically the definition of the word!"

Look, I am dumb as a rock, and the proof of that is that I got the red mist from hearing Reid call me dumb as a rock when in fact he was saying that I wasn't dumb as a rock...but anyway, I went off at him and he came back at me, and we yelled some horrible, horrible shit at each other in his nasty cramped hallway, hemmed in by that fucking ladder still set up below the roof hatch, and in between all the angry words buffeting back and forth, the little voice in my head said to me;

'See? This is why we don't do relationships...'

Yeah. Because I mess it up, and it makes me all agitated, and then I go and do dumb shit to get rid of all the extra...feelings, and...

I looked over at Reid and noticed that his eyes weren't slitted in a glare anymore. They were wide open...and welling.

I was instantly, totally, disarmed. Slain.

Fuck...I was making him cry...I felt hollow, I might cry myself...

"Honestly, J," he whispered thickly, "how much of a cunt do you think I am!?"

I opened my mouth. Shut it again. Swallowed. Thought about what I was gonna say.

"Reid," I said quietly, pleadingly. "I don't think you're a cunt at all. I don't. Truly. I wouldn't be offering to help you if I thought that, okay? Okay?" I took a hesitant step forward, trying to bridge the gap, to repair this thing.

"But I would be, wouldn't I?" he hissed. "I would be, if I, a guy who can get loan extensions at less than five percent interest because I'm already fortunate enough to have a mortgage, took advantage of a guy who's up to his neck in credit card debt at what, fifteen percent?"

"Seventeen," I mumbled.

"Jesus christ!" he snapped. "That's...fuck, that's bad, J. And...given I can pay, and you need the money? I couldn't live with myself if I made you do it for free!"

"But, but," I stammered, "you don't charge your mates for jobs! You just...don't!"

"I'm not your mate, J..."

"Yeah, you are!" I protested.

He stepped forward, closing the last of the gap, taking hold of my chin. "You do this with your mates, then?"

...afterwards, in the echo of the kiss, while I was buzzed and floating, he pressed his forehead to mine and spoke...

"I'll make a deal with you, J. You re-wire my house. I'll pay you for it, at regular rates. And if, in six months' time we're still doing this thing, and you're still uncomfortable with the whole deal, then I'll let you reverse the payment, and I won't make a thing about it. Okay?"

"Okay," I whispered, and even though I was still blinking and horned up and longing, I recognised that proposal as less of a genuine choice than it sounded. Because, really, how likely was I to give back money I already had? Even if I stayed uncomfortable about it for that long - which I probably wouldn't...

But I sorta didn't care anymore. He was still holding my face and I wasn't gonna disagree with him, 'cos really I just wanted him to kiss me again.

He did, and then he got down on his knees and did a whole lot more, while I stood there panting and gripping one of the upper rungs of the ladder so hard that there were corrugations in my palms when he finally raised his face again...

Once my head cleared, I made some conditions of my own. Like, if this was going to be a job I charged out, then I was gonna do a proper quote. And before that I was gonna take another, better, look at everything - with a tape measure.

"Alright," he agreed, as I zipped my fly and started up the ladder again. "And will you let me feed you when you're done?"

My eyes wandered from his face to his groin and back again, questioning. Reid saw it and winked. "Doesn't have to be one or the other, y'know..."

Yeah, I thought, as I hoisted myself back through the hatch. Maybe he's right. Maybe I...we...can have it all...


I like my work. Always have. So there was that. But there turned out to be a bunch of other upsides to re-wiring Reid's house over several weekends. Firstly, I didn't get asked to go on any more freaking walks. Second, he always made me dinner, and he was a mean cook. And third, sex.

And Man, if I thought I was perpetually horny, Reid was...out on his own. It seemed like it wasn't possible for him to walk past me without grabbing or fondling a chunk of my body. Even when he was in the middle of some project himself. Whereas for me...I mean, my ego didn't mind at all, but I'm not a multi-tasker. When I'm working, I'm working. So it kept surprising me.

I'd be on the second step of a ladder, pulling cable for a light connection, and he'd saunter through the room on his way to get some more paint, or switch to a roller or something, and slide his free palm up the inside of my thigh, up all the way, and kinda gently saw it back and forth over my taint...I'd be kneeling down fitting a face-plate to a wall socket and a huge hand would drape lightly over the back of my neck, fingers trailing down, inside the neck of my shirt, fanning possessively out on my chest...

I took my meds with me the first weekend, but I ended up coming home anyway. I mean, I have enough trouble sleeping, and adding in a whole other body to the 'strange bed, strange place' thing just seemed like it might be pushing things a bit far. I explained all that, in a seriously long-winded way, to Reid, and he seemed cool with it.

"You're not mad, right?" I checked.

He smiled at me, a soft sweet smile. "J, I am the furthest thing from mad..."

"I might get there one day," I shrugged.

He smiled again. "No rush..."

No rush. I thought about that, later on when I was at home by myself, and wondered if some aspect of Reid's chill was rubbing off on me. Because I kinda felt the same. I hadn't fucked him yet, and normally I'd be gagging for it after this long. Before this long., it seemed like we'd get there one day. And in the meantime, what we were doing was...yeah...ka-fucking-boom and all that.

The next weekend I was working on his kitchen, which...ugh. Never liked kitchens. They tend have a whole load of hot-points, all of them in super-irritating places. Right in a corner, so you can't even get a hand either side of them to work. Up high. Down low. Inside the fucking cabinetry, I'm looking at you, dishwasher and microwave...

Fortunately Reid's kitchen was old-fashioned enough that it didn't have dedicated little under-bench cubby for a microwave. Unfortunately that meant it was also old enough that it had a wired-in stove. And those things? They're heavy. They're wedged in between cabinets with maaybe enough space to fit a finger each side. They're not on castors. And usually, after thirty-plus years of sitting exactly in one spot, they're basically welded to the floor, and if you really heave them, you leave scratch-marks...

I managed to coax and jimmy the sodding thing out far enough, over several minutes, that I could jee-ust get both wrists in behind if I stood off to the side at a weird angle, and decided that was as good as it was gonna get. Ten minutes later, and I was nearly done when Reid walked in to get a glass of water, grazing my butt on the way by.

I heard him gulping noisily for a few seconds as I worked away bent over, and then he was back behind me, squeezing, fondling...

"Christ, J! This ought to be illegal..."

Then he was stepping forward, fitting himself to me, holding my hips, rubbing up and down my crack with his hardening tool, humming to himself...

I snorted. "You do know I'm a top, right?"

He leaned forward all the way over me, draping himself warm and heavy over my back, reaching around with one hand to hold my head and turn it sideways, and once my ear was by his mouth he breathed directly into it...

"I know that's what you think."

I dropped my screwdriver.

We both heard it fall, into the nasty void behind the stove. Reid peeled himself off me and stepped back, and I spun round to face him, to tell him...I don't know what, because when I saw him, standing there wide-eyed, a hand over his mouth - a hand he was clearly laughing behind - I started laughing too.

"You stupid fucking horny leg-humping puppy! You're lucky I like you! How am I gonna get that back?"

Reid steadied himself, squared his shoulders. "I guess I'll help you pull it all the way out."

It took a bloody age to get the stove all the way out, because it always does, and then of course the floor underneath was vile - because it always is - and Reid wanted to clean it while he had the chance, so I left him and went back under the house to set up a bit more cable in preparation for the following week.

I tried to concentrate, but I was rattled. Why did I that? Dropping tools is not a thing I do - but my brain just absolutely short-circuited for a moment there.

It wasn't what he said, I told myself. It wasn't that. It was how he said it. That voice. That soft liquid hypnotic voice, so close I could feel it, pouring into my ear, melting my mind, giving me goosebumps. Making me hard.

Making me hard again now I was thinking about it. Fuck. He'd fucking infected me. Now I was as horny as him, dammit.

I didn't want to work while my focus was off, so I crawled back out the little door and bolted it shut again. Time to call it quits, J. No need to slog it out 'til five on a Saturday anyhow...

Reid was still on his hands and knees scraping grime off the floor when I walked past.

"Going in the shower," I said curtly.

"Right behind you." He chuckled. "Though not literally this time..."

I got a huge wash of...something come over me as he said that, a hot wave passing through my body. I had to stop and put a hand up against his hallway wall to steady myself for a moment, and for sure, if I'd been holding a screwdriver, I would've dropped it. Again.

That fucking mouth of his, I thought, as the water cascaded down around's dangerous in more ways than I'd already realised...

I was done with my shower by the time Reid appeared in the bathroom - having four siblings means you grow up with a bit of military approach to the use of hot water.

"Don't bother getting dressed, eh, baby?" he murmured. "Go wait for me in the bed, just like that. I'll be five minutes."

He took way more than five minutes, but it didn't matter because I was clean and comfortable and relaxed...and thinking. Thinking about the things that guy said, and the way I responded to them. Like...he called me 'baby' just before. He did it a lot, actually, first I'd told myself I was tolerating it - that it made sense to give plenty of leeway to someone who handed out such superlative blowjobs - but really by this point, I was wallowing in it. I liked it, even though it didn't square with how I thought of myself...

I started idly tugging at my cock as I lay spread out on my back, my mind wandering on to other things...

"Getting ready for me, huh, baby?"

There it was again. I just grinned. "Think that's your job..."

Reid catapulted himself across the room, landing with a bounce on the bed beside me.

"Damn straight it is! Hands off my dick, wanker!"

He tore my arms away and pinned them to the mattress as he dove down on me with his mouth. I could totally have got free, even though he had gravity on his side, but I let myself be restrained, because it was kinda funny, because I didn't want to mess with his flow, because...

...because I liked it...

I balled my fists and curled my toes and groaned, loudly and involuntarily, and Reid raised his head, letting my dick go with a slurping pop.

"No, don't cum yet, J - not yet. You need a moment?"

"Uh-huh," I gasped. Or...quite a lot of moments...

He knelt up and straddled my stomach, and I thought he was gonna pull himself off all over my chest again, but instead he leaned over to the side for a little bottle, and then he reached around behind himself...

I groaned again, and he stared down at me, a bit fuzzily, because presumably his glasses were back in the bathroom...

"That's right, baby," he murmured. "You're gonna lie on your back just like that, and I'm gonna work myself open a little, and then I'm gonna sit down on you, niiice and slow. Yeah?"

"Oh shit, yeah," I said, slightly more high-pitched than normal, as he reached to the side again and passed me a condom.

God, it was so worth waiting for. More than I could've...just - more...he had a tough time with my girth at the beginning, and in between his trying not to show it, and throwing out these subtle little cues of struggle...fuck, it was a heady combination...

All the way down my shaft, blowing careful measured breaths, but each with a tiny stutter, a tiny shudder in there, until he bottomed out and sat completely still for a moment, closing his eyes, opening his mouth and letting go a long, satisfied sigh, and he was so snug and so hot on my cock and I wanted to just be touching him everywhere and I didn't have enough hands and already I was dangerously close, my dick twitching and jerking in its sleek straightjacket...

His dick, on the other hand, his beautiful handcrafted tool, it'd had lost a bit of volume on the journey and was lurching to the side, pointing to his left hip instead of his navel, not symmetrical any longer...but it came back to life over the next minute or so as he shimmied and gyrated, seeking the best angle, chasing that special spot...

And when he found it he opened his eyes and looked at me, and damn...the raw cock-drunkness I saw there, all on display for me - it changed in an instant how I felt about face-to-face fucking. I'd always been one for taking a guy from behind, because...why would I not want to see the arse I'm pounding? But in that moment I realised; why would I not want to see the effect I'm having?

I watched in awe as the effect took hold and spread when he began to ride me, careful and slow at first, bracing himself with his hands on the downstroke, but flushing on his cheeks, his neck, and then when he abandoned the cautious approach and then when he let me take hold of his hips and help him along and then when his jaw hung loose and his head tipped back to the ceiling...

"Fuck, I'm not gonna last, I'm not gonna last!" I wailed in frustration.

Reid's response to this was to plant himself hard down on me and take hold of his dick and start jacking it absolutely frenziedly, and he got there fairly fast - but still I was already shooting by the time I felt him clasp and shudder around me, and those warm little pulses landing on my belly...

I tried to apologise for my shitty stamina, but Reid shushed me with a finger to my lips.

"Iss good, though, right?" he slurred druggedly, as he dismounted and tucked himself in beside me, pillowing his head on my bicep.

Fuck, he looked so...contented...almost like he should've been sucking on his thumb or something.

I reached my other arm over so I was hugging him properly. "Yeah," I whispered. "It was good."

It was so good that we lay together basking in the afterglow long enough that we both fell asleep, only waking when a car alarm went off somewhere outside, and then of course there was crusty cum approximately everywhere, and a nasty used condom lolling on the very end of my dick, and it was half-dark and still that wah-wahing going on out the window, really churning me up inside...

I didn't stay to eat. I didn't even shower. I just had to get away from that noise.

I texted Reid when I got home. "Sorry to bail on you like that, alarms kinda mess with me."

"No worries," I got back. Then, a few seconds later; "And we have proof of concept now at least."

Whaa...proof...of concept?

"Eh?" I texted.

"We established that it's possible for you to sleep in my bed :)"

Oh. Right. "Yeah, was a nice little nap..."

It was a better nap than I ended up getting in my own bed, but hey, some days it's like that. There was plenty of thinking to be doing with the waking time. I was still kinda struggling to absorb the fact that I had a boyfriend, that I'd had a boyfriend for seven weeks now, that I hadn't screwed it up, that it still felt good, that Reid was sorta becoming part of...the shape of my life...meeting up every Wednesday, every Saturday, texting or talking every evening, and it didn't feel like too much.

If anything, it maybe felt like not quite enough. I'd been at the pub with the boys as usual yesterday - twelve guys, beers and fries, big screens, plenty of banter, a load of background hum, and I'd kinda checked out of it all - I could distinctly feel my phone in my pocket with the way I was sitting, and it just made me think about Reid. I wanted him to call me. I wanted to hear his voice, I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to be with him...