Korrupting Kayla Pt. 02


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"Yes?" She asked.

"Good morning," Tiffany replied, "My name is Tiffany, and I have a scheduled appointment at 10:00. May I come up, dear?"

"We're expecting you!" The woman answered, "Please come up. Park anywhere that's convenient."

There was a buzz, and the big, black gate clicked, and then began to roll aside. Tiffany drove through, up the long, tree-lined drive, and around a fountain in front of the big house. Kayla gawked at the fluted pillars supporting a large marble overhang, where a big set of banded double doors stood shaded from the morning sun.

"Don't look like a tourist, Kayla," Tiffany chided, "Remember that a man is whatever room he is in. Or woman."

Kayla looked at her curiously.

"It means that you adapt to your surroundings. You're not a bewildered 18 year old, awestruck by the big, rich house. You're a sexy, confident young woman, with a set of tits that would make Mother Teresa jealous. You woke up and commanded a horny bitch to eat your cunt, because it's what you goddamn well deserve. The world can kiss your big, perfect butt."

Kayla laughed at that, and felt better. Tiffany parked the car beside the fountain, further back from the row of luxury cars that were already parked in front of the house. She got out, and pulled her wheeled bag from the trunk, heels click-clacking across the stone drive as she strutted to the front door with Kayla in tow. The door was opened by a matronly older woman in a smart, conservative dress, before they even arrived at the last step.

"Welcome dears," the woman said warmly, "Please, come in. The ladies are expecting you."

"Thank you, ma'am," Tiffany said politely, "May I assume you run the affairs of the house?"

The woman smiled at her delightedly, nodding, "Gisselle," she said, and gave a neat curtsy.

She beckoned the two girls to follow her through a spacious foyer, and down a wide hall behind a grand staircase. Kayla held her head up, and tried to look like she belonged, but it was difficult not to gape at the luxury on display. As they proceeded down the hall, passing a number of closed doors, the sounds of laughter and chatting women drifted their way, punctuated by the occasional expletive.

All eyes turned to them when they entered the room, and Kayla froze. The group of 4 women were scattered around couches in the big, open room. They were all dressed in expensive designer skirts and dresses, sipping mimosas as they chatted away like the attractive pack of cougars they were. They flashed hungry grins at the two teens.

"Will there be anything else, ma'am?" Giselle asked one woman, in particular.

"Thank you, dear, no." She replied, and stood to greet the girls.

"Good morning girls," she said, extending a hand, laden with sparkling rings, to Tiffany, "Vanya," she introduced herself.

"A pleasure," Tiffany said, taking the woman's hand, "I'm Tiffany, and this is Kayla."

"Two for one deal at the toy store?" Another woman quipped from her couch, swirling her drink and throwing it back.

"Two can certainly take better care of you than one," Tiffany said with a smile.

The woman laughed, and said back, "I prefer 3 or 4. Or more."

"The slut over there is Diane," Vanya nodded to the woman, who grinned and refilled her glass from a pitcher.

She went around the room, making introductions. Tiffany easily fell into playful banter with each of them, while Kayla just shook their hands nervously. Each of them eyed her cleavage wolfishly.

"And does Ms. Kayla not speak?" asked an asian woman they were introduced to as Liu.

"Ms. Kayla is here to observe today," Tiffany explained, "to see if she likes the delicious world of erotic games, spicy toys, exotic oils, and raunchy restriction."

"I like her," Liu commented, as though Kayla were another trophy to be bought, "Just look at those big, gorgeous tits!" She chuckled.

"Heel, you lesbo bitch!" Vanya snapped, playfully, "You'll scare the poor thing to death."

She took Kayla's hand and led her to a couch, where she sat her next to a ravishing black-haired beauty in a frilly mini-skirt, whom she'd been introduced to as Elena.

"Sit here, Kayla," Vanya commanded, "Elena and I will keep you safe from the Asian tigers."

"You just want her all to yourself," Liu complained, "Never did want to share your toys."

Vanya only smirked at her, and let her hand fall to Kayla's exposed knee. To her other side, Elena did the same. Kayla could feel the heat of their skin against her own, as she tried to relax, and keep her legs closed to hide her naked sex. She suddenly found a mimosa pushed into her hand, and Vanya gave her a conspiratory wink.

"I'm, um, only 18," Kayla said.

"We won't tell," said Elena.

Kayla took a tentative sip. She'd never had alcohol before. Today was a lot of firsts. Elena nodded approvingly.

"Well, Tiffany," Vanya said, "You'd best go on with it. We're all here to spend our money on your, undoubtedly large assortment of fuck toys. Our friend, Karol, was very happy with your recommendations."

Tiffany set her bag down, unzipped it, and began. Kayla sipped at her drink nervously.

"Let's talk about what we want, Mrs. Vanya,"

"V, if you please," Vanya said, her hand sliding gently across Kayla's leg. Elena began to rub her other leg. Kayla tried to concentrate on watching Tiffany's presentation, slurping her drink down.

"V," Tiffany repeated, "You'll find that I have little pretext, and less shame,"

"That's the truth." Kayla said, and then caught herself.

The women all giggled, though, and Tiffany smiled at her. Apparently, it had been the right thing to say, and the rest of the tension in the room faded away. She found her drink, suddenly, refilled.

"So, I think we can all drop our own inhibitions while were here," Tiffany continued, "And just be women, discussing what we like, what we want," She began to run her hands up her own sides sensuously, "The way we want to be touched," one hand slid across her breast, the other between her legs.

The women were more attentive, now. A light buzzing sound hit their ears, and like magic, small vibrators were on each of Tiffany's pointer fingers.

"About the things we want done to us," Tiffany went on, her vibrating finger sliding under her dress, "and the things we want to do to each other," She looked pointedly at Kayla, "Sometimes all it takes is a touch to turn an ordinary moment, into the erotic," she snapped her hand out from under her dress, and flung each of the ladies their own tiny vibrator.

The surprised women caught them, flinching, and then giggling as Tiffany reached back under her dress.

"And sometimes a tiny little thing can turn that boring touch into something new," Tiffany said, running the vibrator through her bare slit.

The women fidgeted with their tiny vibrators, slipping them on their fingers, and turning them on, as they laughed and threw back more drinks. Tiffany reached into her bag again, and began to hand each of them a small sampler of oils and lotions.

"Combine that touch with a little bit of nature," Tiffany said, "and I promise the results will be orgasmic,"

Kayla was enrapt at Tiffany's display, her cheeks red. She couldn't believe how easily she put herself out there. Her head was feeling just a bit like it had cotton in it, and the two women's hands on either of her legs seemed to be working their way further up. It felt nice. She relaxed, parting her legs slightly.

"Can we see how orgasmic?" Diane asked.

Tiffany looked to V, who nodded.

"Would you like to volunteer?" Tiffany asked, her voice husky.

"I was thinking more of your friend," Diane said, "Just thinking about that cute little thing's wet snatch is making me horny."

"Thinking at all makes you horny," Liu said.

Diane shrugged.

"I'm afraid Kayla is just here to watch," Tiffany said, weakly, glancing at her friend.

The women to either side of her had managed to pry her legs a bit further apart, now, and Kayla's bare cunt was on display for the whole room. She didn't notice, but she reddened with embarrassment at the comment, and sucked on her drink. The womens' hands rubbing the inside of her thighs felt very good.

"Hmm. Shame," Diane said, looking disappointed.

Kayla could see the matching disappointment on Tiffany's face, though she quickly hid it. She felt bad, now. She knew that Tiffany needed to make big sales for her job, and she couldn't stand the thought of ruining it for her. She'd been so kind.

"What...what would I have to do?" Kayla squeaked.

All eyes turned to her in surprise.

V took one of the small oil bottles marked Fire 'N Ice, and opened the top.

"Well," she whispered in Kayla's ear, "we just want to rub a bit of this sexy oil onto your bald little pussy, and rub it with the vibrator, so we can see how it works."

Kayla felt her tummy flutter as she realized her legs had spread, and tried to clench them shut. The two women's hands stayed firmly lodged between them, though. She felt herself getting wet. A feeling of shame filled her as all of the women in the room looked up her skirt at her exposed pussy, and with that feeling came one of intense arousal. Her mother would be furious, seeing her spread legs and naked cunt on display for these strange women. The thought sent a tremble of sexual energy through her body. Her head felt light from the drink, and the constant rubbing of her legs and thighs by the older women.

Before she could even answer, Vanya slid her oily finger through Kayla's moistening lips, and everyone in the room held their breath as Kayla gasped at the feeling. First, it was cold, but as Vanya continued stroking Kayla's wet fuckhole, the oil warmed. She heard the sound of a zipper, somewhere, and then noticed her skirt was being unzipped by Elena. A moment later it was open, and she was sitting on it as Vanya continued to stroke her.

Tiffany began pulling more items from the bag, and moved over to where the action was happening. She already knew that her presentation was done. These horny old women were about to turn Kayla into their plaything. She wanted to make sure that she showcased some appropriate products, as well as helped to keep them from getting too out-of-hand.

Elena slipped the ring vibrator on, and pushed it against Kayla's clit. Kayla's hips rocked as she closed her eyes and moaned.

"My," Vanya said, "I think this does feel nice. Doesn't it, Kayla?"

"uh huh..." Kayla groaned as the vibrations pulsed through her. Vanya slipped her oiled finger into Kayla's snatch. The oil alternated hot and cool, sending strange feelings through her pussy.

Tiffany pulled Kayla's hands above her head, causing the already-tight shirt to pull even tighter. Distantly, Kayla felt her wrists being tied with something, and then Tiffany was leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"You're doing great, Kayla. They love it. Just relax. Enjoy it. I've got you."

Then, her vision went dark as Tiffany put a soft blindfold over her eyes. Now, all she could do was feel. Feel the two women's hands between her legs as she felt herself cumming, gasping as they continued to play with her. Someone began undoing the buttons on her shirt, and soon she felt her big tits come free, the shirt open. There was a collective sigh from all the women.

"That's so good, Kayla," Tiffany whispered, "You're such a good girl. We're going to make you feel so nice. Just relax."

Kayla squeaked as she felt something clamped onto her exposed nipples. The pain was sharp and biting, but not wholly unpleasant. A moment later the clamps released, and she orgasmed again, crying out as the clamps squeezed shut once more. The women pulled her legs further apart and spread more oils onto her naked cunt. Tiffany continued to play with her fuckhandles, tweaking the clamps on her nipples, rubbing and squeezing her flesh.

The oils dripped through her slick pussy lips, down into her ass. Vanya turned Kayla's head toward her gently and the older woman's tongue slipped into Kayla's open mouth. Between her legs, she felt a new sensation. It was rubbery, curved, and poking at her slick hole, running up and down the length of her slit. Her face was turned to Elena, and the other woman was kissing her, now, tongue and lips locked on Kayla's. She squealed into the woman's mouth as the rubbery thing slid inside of her, and she realized in the back of her overwhelmed mind that it was a rubber penis. Someone was pushing a fake penis into her!

Her world became one climax after another as the women manipulated her body. They stroked the rubber penis in and out of her, while rubbing her clit with the vibrator and the oils. Her nipples were clamped, unclamped, tugged, sucked and licked. Three, or perhaps four of them raped her mouth with their squirming tongues, while they all whispered filthy things into her ears.

"You have such a sweet little cunt..."

"I love your hard nipples..."

"You love that big cock up your pussy, don't you, you big-titted slut..."

"Yes, suck on her tongue, baby..."

"I'd love to watch a group of hung studs gang fuck your gorgeous body..."

On and on it went, until Kayla thought she might pass out. She didn't know how long it went on, until finally, the clamps were removed for good, and her wrists were unbound. She squinted against the light as the blindfold was removed. Exhausted, she still flushed as everyone in the room stared at her exposed body. She knew she must look like a mess. Hair matted with sweat. Her shirt undone, big tits hanging out, nipples swollen, red and aching, her cunt smeared with oils and her own fuck cream.

"Now that," Vanya said, cleaning her hands with a towel, "was a sales presentation."

Elena handed Kayla a glass of cold water, while Liu wiped at her sweaty head with a cool cloth. Diane gently began to clean between her legs.

Tiffany began to put the toys into little baggies, where they'd be separated from the unused merchandise. She'd had a great time, which made up for the loss of any sales. After all, these old bags just wanted to have their fun with a couple of young girls, it seemed.

Vanya laid a hand on her shoulder, while her friends fussed over putting a very confused Kayla back together.

"I think it's safe to say," the older woman began, "That you're going to do very well out of this today,"

Tiffany raised an eyebrow and Vanya continued, "where can we place our orders?"

Tiffany lit up again, producing a tablet from her bag.

"Let's see what we can do," She said, and sat back down with her host to start taking orders.

One by one, each of the women sat with her to place orders. Meanwhile, they fawned over Kayla.

She sat wedged between Diana and Elena, with Liu perched on the coffee table in front of her. Elena nuzzled her neck, while Diane lightly stroked her belly. Liu held her hand.

"I would kill for tits like these," Diana said, rubbing Kayla's sensitive tits through her top.

"I haven't seen something that hot since Cabo in 2012!" Elena purred, and the other ladies giggled at some inside joke.

"I have some friends that will want presentations, if they'll all be like this!" Liu said.

"Um, thanks," Kayla said, flushing with shame, "I didn't really know it was going to be...like that."

"I don't know if this whole nervous, innocent thing is real, or not," Diane said, "but it sure works, honey.

They did their best to make her feel better about the fact that she'd just let five women use her like their personal sex toy all morning, but Kayla still felt very confused about the whole thing. She couldn't understand why she just complied with it all. As soon as her cunt...no, her vagina. Sluts had cunts. Good girls had vaginas. As soon as her...vagina started getting warm like that, she just couldn't say no to the good feelings. It felt so naughty, and so good!

A short while later, Tiffany closed up her bag. She went to each woman, tapped her phone to theirs and transferred her DigiCard to them. Giselle came and saw them out of the house, and in a moment they were back in Tiffany's car. Once they were out of the drive, and the gate closed behind them, Tiffany parked the car on the side of the street. She looked at Kayla and leaned over to hug her tightly.

"Oh my God, Kayla! You're the best friend I have ever had. That was incredible! You were so hot!"

Kayla blushed, and hugged her back, awkwardly.

"I hope it helped," she said, "I just didn't want to be the reason they didn't buy anything from you."

"Well, you became the reason they bought everything from us. Do you have any idea how much we just made?"


"Those horny birds practically bought the whole catalog. If they're actually going to use it, I sure wouldn't mind an invitation to that party!" She laughed, "seriously, though," she whipped out her phone and started punching numbers into a calculator, then turned it so Kayla could see.

Kayla's jaw dropped. It read $6,700.

"Half of that is yours," Tiffany said, "Not a bad day, huh?"

Kayla shook her head. She'd never seen that much money in her life. Maybe Tiffany was onto something. If she could make that kind of money every week, then she could get away from her crazy home! Tiffany shattered her dreams the next moment, though.

"Now, a good day is a good day," she said, "but I have to be real with you. They're not all going to be like that. I'm pretty decent at it, so I do pretty well regularly, but there are just as many that are a bust."

"Oh..."Kayla said, suddenly dejected.

Tiffany saw Kayla's face fall in defeat, and put her hand on her friend's.

"Hey. Don't do that. I'm just laying it out for you honestly. There's days that are bad, days that are good, and days that are great. It's just like anything else in life, right?"

"I guess so," Kayla agreed, "I was just kind of hoping that I could, you know, make some money and get out on my own. You don't know how crazy my mom's gotten. And the weird Professor. Even my brother's becoming weird, like them."

"Today was a great day," Tiffany went on, "and there will be a lot of other great days. If you really think you want to do this, I'll talk to my boss, and see what he can do. Even if things like today aren't really for you, they have all kinds of different departments. Maybe, there's something better for you?"

Kayla brightened at that, asking, "Do you really think?"

"Sure. I'll talk to him on Monday! What do you say to some lunch?"

Kayla paled. It was bad enough to have her big boobs hanging out in front of those women. She didn't know if she could go out in public in the tight top, and tiny skirt with her naked vagina underneath. Tiffany saw it, and sighed.

"You just let a group of old ladies strip you naked and make you orgasm over and over, and you're worried about some people seeing your amazing cleavage? Oh, Kayla. It'll be good practice. Start taking control of that hot bod, babe!"

Kayla fidgeted in her seat, and then nodded her head. Tiffany threw the car in drive and cruised out of the rich neighborhood. They stopped for lunch, and spent the time talking and laughing, relating the tales of their lives. Kayla tried to ignore the hungry stares of the men, and some women, but she couldn't help the warm feeling in her pussy.

Cole was out when the girls arrived back at Tiffany's home, where Kayla laid on the bed and quickly fell asleep. Tiffany climbed on beside her, and snuggled her, falling into a nap herself. In her dreams, Kayla was blindfolded, her hands bound, and her legs spread. A woman's seductive voice whispered something in her ear that her sleeping mind couldn't make out. A big, warm, throbbing penis slipped up and down her wet little slit. This was no rubber penis. Not this time. She panted and felt someone's rough hands grasp her nipples, as the penis slipped just inside of her.