Kyle the Weremoose Gets Lucky


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He stampeded through the yard and vanished into the trees.

Gina chased him but didn't dare enter the woods. Those hunters would be out there somewhere.

She felt sick with worry. Did Kyle still have enough human in him to avoid the hunters? In the dark of the forest with all the high-tech equipment hunters now had, that didn't seem likely. Still, he was small for a moose. He might go undetected.

Gina walked back to the house, turned on the outside lights and waited on a chair inside the patio doors.

If Kyle found a girl moose, she hoped he could mate with her to relieve his terrible need to rut. Then they could look for a cure. She would do anything for him and vowed to spend the rest of her life seeking a way to stop his terrible transformation, if that's what it took.

Gina felt oddly jealous at the thought of Kyle enjoying himself with anyone else, even another species. But that was silly. It wasn't love. It was only instinctive animal need, far different from the bond they shared. She would support him if that was what he needed.



Gina woke, disappointed she had fallen asleep by the doors. From the distance came the hollow boom of shotguns followed by the sharp crack of rifles.

Feared the worst, she ran into the yard, ready to fight her way through the woods, find the hunters and tell them the truth about Kyle. Anything to get them to stop.

Kyle broke from the woods, galloping across the yard towards her. He sped past and clattered through the patio doors. Gina ran inside and slammed the doors shut.

He was breathing hard, eyes wide. Sweat was forming on his hide in the warm air of the house. How far had he run? With his long legs, he must be able to move fast.

"Are you hurt?" Gina asked, running her hands over his flanks, looking for wounds. "We have to hide you! Come into the living room. Can you lay down by the couch and stay quiet? The curtains are drawn. No one will see you in there."

She had Kyle settled on the floor and checked for injuries when a sharp rapping came from the patio doors.

"Excuse us, miss, but by any chance did a moose run into your house?"

Gina fixed him with a stare that made the hunter blush and look away.

"Uh, yes, miss. I know it's a stupid thing to ask."

"Well," Gina said, "There was one earlier, but I gave him a muffin and he left."

"That's pretty funny, miss, but see, the tracks across your lawn lead right up to here and then don't go anywhere else." He gestured behind him to the torn-up sod.

"Well, it must have doubled back," Gina said. "I hear moose are cunning like that."

From the living room came a crash.

The hunter peered around her. "What was that?"

Gina glanced behind her then said, "It's Kyle. My boyfriend. We were watching Little Shop of Horrors. He's not feeling well. I need to go check on him." She started sliding the door shut. "If I see a moose, I'll call the number on your flier, okay? Now will you please get out of our yard?"

Grumbling, the men left. With a sigh of relief, Gina ran to the living room.

Kyle was standing, one leg thrust through the glass top of the coffee table, a look of regret on his long face.

"Oh, Kyle, how did you manage that? Are you bleeding? Let me see."

Gina bandaged the cut on Kyle's leg and cleared away the glass. He lay in front of the couch then Gina curled up with him and stroking his side. She enjoyed the fuzz of his coat, his warmth, and how the musky moose smell blended with Kyle's human scent that she knew and loved.


Daylight. Gina woke with a start, surprised to find herself on the living room floor. Then she remembered the previous night. Kyle's arms were around her with his naked human body spooning her from behind.

He blinked open his eyes and yawned. "It happened again, didn't it?" he said.

Gina kissed him, stroked his hair and told him everything that had happened.

"Oh, Gina. How could I do that to you? I'm a monster! An out of control horny moose monster!" He buried his face in his hands. "You should have let them shoot me."

Gina gasped. "Don't say that! Don't you ever say that. We'll figure this out. Right now, we just need to find some way of, uh, giving you relief. Then you won't need to go outside."

Kyle raised his head. "Uh, well. About last night..."

"You found a she-moose? You got it on with her?"

Looking sheepish, Kyle said, "I remember finding one. Smelled her scent long before I saw her. Another bull was there. He was huge! He came at me and I remember locking antlers. He was stronger, but I fought him off. Superior technique, I guess. I was a pretty good wrestler in High School."

Gina nodded. "Okay, and so then what happened?"

"Well, she was... receptive. I guess moose have a courting ritual. Somehow, I knew what to do. Then when the time was right..." Kyle looked at the floor. "I couldn't go through with it. I love you, Gina. I can't cheat on you!"

Gina stared. "Cheat on me? What, you think I'd be jealous of a moose? Worry you'd run off with her and raise little mooselets?" She hugged him. "Oh, Kyle. You dummy. You big, sweet dummy. You could have gotten rid of your frustration! You wouldn't want to go out again if you change tonight."

The pair sat in silence, thinking of the situation. If Kyle escaped again, the hunters would surely kill him. Or Animal Control would capture him then when he changed back in the morning, he would end up in some secret government lab for the rest of his life.

Even if Kyle evaded the hunters until the full moon waned, would it happen again the next month? Once snow fell and the trees were bare, anyone would be able to track him in the woods. Or maybe all he needed was to mate, then he wouldn't change again until next rutting season.

They needed a cure, but even the best scientists in the world would take years to find one, if they ever did. Gina suspected weremooseism was a chronic condition.

What about folklore? Was there a hint there? Should they kill the moose that bit him? No, that was vampires. Could they find a wise Roma woman who knew how to lift the curse? But there was always some terrible price to pay when you did that, if the stories were true.

"Kyle," said Gina, softly. "Tonight if you change, I want you to bite me."

Kyle blanched. "Are you insane? Infect you with this horrible disease? Why would I do that?"

Gina took both his hands. "Don't you see? I'll change when you do. I'll be a female moose. You could mate with me. All night. As much as you wanted. You would never need to go out looking for tail ever again."

Tears formed in Kyle's eyes. "But... there's no cure. It would be forever."

Gina hugged him. "Yes! Forever. I love you. I want you forever. I want you to fuck me forever, no matter what shape you're in.."

She pulled back and smiled, teary-eyed herself.

Kyle said, "But—"

She touched his lips. "Shh! It's the right thing to do. And you know, when I had cats growing up, I always wondered what it would be like to be in heat."

Kyle smiled. "You've been in heat every day since we met."

"Only for you, Kyle. Only for you."

Kyle pulled her into a long kiss, then said, "I'm so lucky to have you, Gina, but I love you too much to inflict this disease on you."


That evening they waited in the garage to see if Kyle would transform again. They had repaired the back door, reinforcing it with extra wood. The garage door was badly dented, but it looked intact enough to hold up for one more night. Their biggest concern was the noise if Kyle rammed it again. Neighbors can be nosy.

"It's been two days since full moon," said Gina. "How many more nights do you think this will go on?

Kyle said, "Not for very much longer. I've got to keep—aarrgh!"

The grotesque transformation began. Gina watched helplessly, wishing she could stop the agony of Kyle's morphing into moose.

When moose Kyle wobbled to his feet, Gina noticed how further developed his antlers were, looking more mature than the previous night. Immediately, Kyle lifted his muzzle to sniff the air.

Gina tried soothing him as he became agitated. "Take it easy, Kyle. You're okay." She held her arm in front of his mouth. "Bite me. Do it!"

Kyle's eyes rolled, and he recoiled, tossing his head in refusal.

"Please! We can be together," Gina pleaded. "If you go outside tonight, those hunters might—"

Outside, yelps and barking came from the distance, followed by shouts. Moments later, someone tried the handle of the garage back door, then banged loudly. They heard multiple angry voices and the eager whine of hounds.

"Okay, open up! We know the moose is in there. Why are you protecting it? You're putting yourself in danger. Thing's crazy. It needs to be put down!"

They had to escape! Gina looked around desperately. The car: it was the only way.

Sliding open the garage door, Gina looked around. The suburban streets were empty. The hunters were all clustered around the back door. Perfect.

She opened the rear door of their car. Dragging and pushing, she forced the reluctant Kyle headfirst into the backseat. To make room for his antlers, she folded the front passenger seat forward. Kyle knelt across the rear seats, his head over the folded passenger seat. Gina started the engine.

"Hey! They're trying to get away!"

Gina squinted from the flashlights shining through the windshield as she gunned the engine. She backed out of the driveway then sped away, tires squealing. In the side she saw the mob spilling into the street, waving their guns and flashlights.

"We'll head to your parents' place," she said. "They'll be shocked, but they're family. They'll help. Plus, their place is way out in the woods. You can be a moose as much as you like."

She swerved onto the rural highway that eventually led to Kyle's parents' house. Moments later, headlights of three pickup trucks blazed in her mirrors. Gina floored it, but their little car was no match for the souped-up trucks that followed.

Gina saw in the mirror the back of each truck held five or six yahoos each, hooting and waving guns. She could almost hear banjo music as they pursued.

Gina hit the brakes, bringing the car to a crunching halt at the side of the road. She got out just as the pickup trucks screeched to a stop.

The leader hopped down from the cab of his truck and members of the mob leaped from the back. They racked their shotguns in preparation.

Shielding her eyes from the glare of the headlights, Gina yelled, "Why are you following us?"

With a confused expression, the leader said, "You've got the moose! You were getting away."

"So?" said Gina. "We're out of the neighborhood now. He's not a threat to anyone anymore."

The leader scratched his neck. Behind him, the mob made angry murmurs. A hound yelped.

"Well," he said, "guess that's so. Where are you taking him?"

"None of your damn business. Don't worry—he won't bother the neighborhood again. I promise. Now get out of here before I call the cops."

There was more confused grumbling from the mob, some shuffling of feet, then the leader touched his hat to Gina and climbed into his truck. The trucks turned and headed back down the road.

"Guys," Gina muttered. "They watch too many action movies."

In the car, Kyle was grunting and bleating, tossing his head and kicking the doors.

"No, Kyle. Wait until we get to your parent's place. You can get out there."

Kyle thrashed and moaned, becoming so distraught Gina feared he would hurt himself or destroy the car. Reluctantly, she let him out.

Kyle clambered from the car to stand beside the road. He sniffed the chilly air.

"Kyle, no! If you run off into the woods here, I might never find you again. How would you get back to the house in the morning?"

Gina stepped in front of him, pulled back a sleeve and offered her arm. "Bite me, Kyle. Please! It's the only way."

Kyle turned his head, shutting his eyes in refusal.

She pushed his long snout until he was facing her again. "Dammit, Kyle!" she said, "I'm not going to lose you."

Gina backhanded the side of his muzzle. Kyle bleated in pain and surprise, drawing back. Gina belted him again, this time harder. The third time, she slapped him viciously on his sensitive snout.

Kyle bellowed. Eyes narrowing, he lunged forward and nipped Gina's hand, then shoved her so hard she stumbled and fell backward.

Gina inspected her hand and smiled. It was just a little bite, but with luck it would be enough.

In the clearing stood a she-moose, her soft brown hide gleaming under the waning moon. Her ears twitched and swiveled, instinctively on guard for predators.

Gina was amazed how aware she remained in moose form. The animal part of her dominated, but human thoughts persisted dreamily, like she was under sedation.

Her moose nose, intricately sensitive to every scent in the wilderness, filled her senses with images and colors from the night breeze: the decay of the wetland, the freshness of the trees all around, her own musky presence and somewhere beyond the trees, the beautiful, exciting scent of a bull moose in rut. Her bull moose.

Kyle emerged from the pines. He snorted and tossed his magnificent antlers, sending a thrill joltinh through Gina. He was threatening, virile, commanding and so beautiful she could not stand still. Her heart thumped forcefully in her chest. The heat within her flared into an aching desire so immense she felt it could never be satisfied yet compelled by some irresistible driving force, she knew she had to try.

He trotted to her. They rubbed muzzles, gazing into each other's eyes. Gina felt so alive and ready she wanted to scream. Instead, she lifted her head and issued a low nasal wail ending in a grunt. Kyle skittered, snorted and stamped with excitement.

They circled each other, grunting and bleating, sniffing, shuffling, the readiness of each other a boiling, fiery presence searing their senses.

Kyle nudged Gina's flank, then moved behind her. Surpressing an urge to bolt, she shivered in anticipation. It was too much. She couldn't let him take her. She had to let him take her. Her legs felt locked, immobile as Kyle sniffed and nosed her hindquarters.

When his tongue swabbed her in one long admiring lick, Gina nearly collapsed from the intensity of the joy. He licked and probed, shaking her with exhilaration tinged with embarrassment. She felt too exposed; not only of her intimate places being probed by his tongue, but of her very soul. Kyle had to know the effect he was having, igniting the wildfire of lust within her aching to be quenched.

Is this how animals experienced the world? Was everything so bright and vivid and real all the time? To Gina, her human existence seemed muffled in comparison, like shuffling through life wrapped in gauze.

Finally, Kyle ceased his questing tongue, leaving Gina weak, hollow and dizzy from the overwhelming blasts of ecstasy. She wasn't prepared for the glorious elation that lifted her when he mounted her, pushing inside with shocking intimate slowness. She hissed, moaned, and shook with weakened legs as surging orgasm after orgasm wracked every part of her.

Gina's thoughts dissolved. She became a creature of pure senses, buffeted by hot rapture each time her lover entered her, then filled with ravenous, intoxicating yearning each time he withdrew. He still stretched her, but there was no pain, only surge after surge of a fulfilling blissful completeness.

Gina felt a glowing sense of connection to Kyle. She was possessed by him, and knew she possessed him. They would forever nurture and care for each other, no matter what form they took. She existed for him. He existed for her. Standing in the field, expressing their love before all of nature, theirs was a mating for life. Gina had never felt a love so powerful. She felt an inextricable oneness with Kyle, with the lush bounty of nature around them and even with the stars in the eternity above.

Kyle's thoughts at that same moment were, "I'm getting laid! I'm getting laid! I'm getting laid! I'm getting laid... uuuuhhhhh!"

Gina lifted her head and cried out her rapture to the universe. Behind her, Kyle plunged into her with one final thrust and joined her in their chorus of life.

Their howls rang through the forest—the mighty, earthy howls of the were-moose.

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SyleusSnowSyleusSnowover 3 years agoAuthor

Privates1stClass: Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it. With a story like this the jokes practically write themselves.

LustyScribe: (still love your username) Thanks. I bet somewhere out there, someone has made a video of Bullwinkle and Natasha Fatale getting frisky ;-)

LustyScribeLustyScribeover 3 years ago
Now that was fun!

Neat concept! And somehow, I don't think I'll ever see Bullwinkle quite the same again LOL. Very well done, SyleusSnow!

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 3 years ago


Weremoose! This was the funniest Halloween story I've read in a long time. Good luck in the contest.

SyleusSnowSyleusSnowover 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks, rayirony. Now, go and sin some more, my child ;-)

Thanks also yowser. I'm sure doctors would love to treat weremooseism. So many opportunities to overcharge when treating rare diseases.

dwoelfle, and SisterJezabel, so happy you enjoyed it. Next year maybe I should write about were-kangaroos. But that sounds silly. Zombie kangaroos?

rayironyrayironyover 3 years ago

Thank you Irreverend Snow !

yowseryowserover 3 years ago


A clever rousing romp in the backwoods of desire.

'weremooseism was a chronic condition'

Ah yes, luckily not a pre-existing condition or health care would never touch it.

SyleusSnowSyleusSnowover 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks, Omenainen. You're too kind. But this sweet, tragic tale is moose *erotica*, not porn. ;-)

SisterJezabelSisterJezabelover 3 years ago

Phwoar! If only there were moose in Australia...

OmenainenOmenainenover 3 years ago

Hands down the hottest moose-porn I’ve ever read in my life.

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