Lady Godiva of Mercia

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The origin of Nude Day finally revealed!
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Eighteen, a beauty queen
She made a ride that caused a scene
In the town

Her long blonde hair Hangin' down around her knees
All the cats who dig striptease
Prayin' for a little breeze
Her long blonde hair
Falling down across her arms
Hiding all the lady's charms
Lady Godiva

Recorded by Peter and Gordon back in the day.

Hey, any of you pot smoking geezers recognize the song? It dates back to the groovy old sixties when my parents wore their hair long and wild and stared dreamily into lava lamps. For some reason my parents later thought I should be brainwashed as well with their oldies music. Thus, when this Nude Day Contest was announced the 8 track in my head started playing this song (over and over and over-just try to get it out of your head if you know the tune!)

Anyhoo, I thought Lady Godiva would be the perfect historical figure for a Nude Day story. First, I'm going to give you a little historical perspective (come on, you can stand a short break from masturbating over all the titillating stories you've been reading).

Lady Godiva was the wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia toward the end of the 12th century. (BTW, I would marry a wart infested troll if that would make me a Lady. Lady Alexis...hmmm, I like the sound of that.) The Earl was a mean old bastard who imposed onerous taxes on his subjects to keep up with the other Earls, Dukes and Viscounts of merry old England. See? Nothing much has changed in 800 years!

The subject of my scribbling, the Lady of Mercia, was as cool as her husband was a dick. She felt badly for the poor people of Mercia and constantly harped at him to lower taxes so their subjects could live better (she must have been the first Republican). Finally, the nasty old Earl proposed a diabolical trade with Lady Godiva. If she would ride her horse naked through the streets of Mercia he would lower taxes. He must have thought he would silence Ms. Godiva with this plan because what woman of that era, much less the Lady of Mercia, would ride a horse naked through the town? (Actually, I would but that's another story.)

Apparently Leofric the Prick didn't know his Lady GaGa very well.

Of course, all characters in the story are 18+. I even changed the age in the song-sorry Peter and Gordon.

And here is exactly how it happened:

"M'lady, the Earl requires your presence immediately!"

Lady Godiva clenched her fists in irritation as she peered at the servant standing at the door to her dressing quarters. She could tell the nervous man was eyeing her voluptuous body, quite visible under the sheer dressing gown she favored. Lady Godiva stood and strolled slowly over to where he stood. She touched his shoulder length hair that curled under toward his neck.

"Who does your hair?" she asked enviously. Her own thick hair fell well past her waist in glorious golden tresses. She tossed her head to one side which caused her naked breasts to wobble under the silky fabric.

"It, it's my friend Fredic of Hollowood Forest. He wants to call it a 'Pageboy' because of my job in the castle," the servant stuttered as he watched Lady Godiva's prominent pink nipples harden under his lecherous gaze.

"I might have you bring him to me some day. I get so tired of my long hair."

Lady Godiva's full figure was like an exquisite hourglass to the anxious man who could only squirm with discomfort as his prick hardened inside his loose, velvet pants.

"Tell the Earl that I will join him when I choose, not when he chooses," Lady Godiva told the servant as she brushed his hard dick with the back of her hand.

"You can handle that message, can't you?" she asked seductively as she stepped closer to the nervous page. His rigid cock stood straight out and poked her soft midsection. She swayed from side to side mesmerizing the squirming man and stimulating his prick to the point of explosion.

The fearful servant suddenly turned on his heels and ran at top speed down the stone walled corridor. Lady Godiva's laugh followed him as disappeared around the bend. She dropped her gown to the floor and massaged her swollen nipples with her fingers. Her thoughts were on the page but she knew it was an impossible situation. The Earl would behead anyone who laid hands on her. Even though she could defy the Earl at times, she also knew that she was his property, just like any of the serfs and knaves in dominion of Mercia. This is why she felt so much compassion for the lowly people. She knew she was really only chattel, like one of the braying donkeys in the market.

Later, Lady Godiva curtsied with great irony in front of the Earl and said with mock humbleness, "You called for me, M'Lord?"

"I called for you hours ago you ungrateful wench," Leofric fumed as he watched her fake grovel. What made matters worse for him was that she was the daughter of an important Prince of the King's court. Even though by law he owned her and could do anything he wished to her, he also knew his own life would be in danger if he did. All he could do was imprison her in the castle and try to bend her to his will. This rarely worked at all, as she constantly mocked him with her quick wit and sexuality. Even now, as she curtsied before him, her magnificent breasts nearly fell out of her low cut gown. His cock twitched at the sight even though she had refused to fuck him since the first night of their marriage years ago. The fact that he had raped her anally that night meant nothing in his dim, inbred mind. He just knew that she held more cards than him when it came to overt revenge. However, it pleased him that she could not fornicate with other men either because of his absolute power over all men within his realm.

"I'm still waiting to hear your answer to my challenge about lowering taxes for the filthy peons outside the castle. Are you willing to ride naked through the streets like the common whore that you are?" he asked with sneer. His yellow teeth bit off a chunk of turkey leg, half of which hung out of his mouth. He stuffed the rest into his overflowing mouth with a grubby finger and chewed noisily. He leered at her with his bloodshot eyes and wiped his greasy hands on his velvet pants.

Leofric chortled out loud as he upended a flagon of mead into his gaping mouth. He knew that his so-called wife would not dare expose herself to the masses because of the repercussions from her father, the Prince of Wales. He was the future king of England and would not allow his daughter to live long if she embarrassed him in such a manner.

Lady Godiva smiled sweetly at her husband and said in a mild tone, "I will ride naked if you put into writing what you promise to do. When I complete my ride you will be bound to lower taxes. I propose that I ride on July 14th. That day will go down in history as the day the people finally became free of your crushing taxes."

The Earl was so astonished by her statement that he dropped his precious beer mug on the stone floor which consequently shattered into a thousand pieces. Even though he was very dim-witted he also had an animal's cunning when it came to things that were to his advantage. He reasoned that if she rode naked through the streets and other men saw her he could justly declare her a whore and put her to death. That would then open the door for him to remarry a less confrontational woman.

"Excellent! I will sign the agreement immediately!" he exclaimed with glee. Leofric literally rubbed his hands together like a little kid about to get candy.

"Fine, I have the agreement right here. Sign it and I will ride tomorrow," Lady Godiva calmly said as she slid the agreement across the dirty table.

The Earl peered at the bewildering words on the parchment. He scrawled his 'X' on the spot she pointed to and leaned back with satisfaction. He envisioned her graceful neck being fitted with the hangman's noose already.

Lady Godiva turned away from his leering face so as to not reveal her own pleasure with his final agreement. She merely picked up the parchment paper and proudly walked back to her quarters.

Guinevere, Lady Godiva's lady in waiting, was anxiously pacing when Lady Godiva arrived back in her rooms. Lady Godiva waved the parchment victoriously when she saw Guinevere.

"I got it! We can finally help our people," she exclaimed.

Guinevere looked at her Lady with trepidation. "Are you sure you want to take this risk?" she asked Lady Godiva.

"Yes, I do. Please hurry and carry out my plan. You know what you must do for this to work."

The young lady in waiting rushed out of the castle and summoned a small group of women to a straw roofed hovel on the edge of Mercia. When they arrived, Guinevere whispered Lady Godiva's plans and then sent them quickly to spread the word to all the other women in town.

The next day at dawn Lady Godiva went down to the stable whereupon she found her massive white stallion Lucky tied to a post, patiently pawing the ground. There were no stable boys or anyone in sight so she dropped her dressing gown to the street and stood stark naked next to her horse. She climbed up on a box next to her tall horse and settled herself side-saddle on his broad back.

Guinevere had back-combed Lady Godiva's hair earlier so that she could strategically arrange her flowing, golden locks over her jutting breasts and then pile the long hair in her lap, covering the womanly mound between her legs. Lady Godiva's pubic hair was blond and wispy and perfectly matched the hair flowing around her nude body.

Lady Godiva flicked the reins of her stallion and urged him forward with a clicking noise. The horse's rocking motion immediately caused a reaction in Lady Godiva's lower torso. Naturally, she had never ridden a horse naked and didn't realize how stimulated her genitals would be from the rough saddle. She squirmed in pleasure and felt her nipples harden under the hair hiding them.

The sun was just rising beyond the castle walls when Lady Godiva rode across the drawbridge into the city. She confidently looked around the area and smiled to herself at the complete absence of people. After she crossed into the main street of Mercia she looked back at the castle and saw the Earl standing on the parapet flailing his arms in anger and frustration. He was howling for his minions to come out of hiding to see his wife riding naked through the streets and therefore cause humiliation to the Prince.

No matter how much the Earl ranted and raved not a soul appeared to witness Lady Godiva's naked ride through the village. By this time Lady Godiva knew that her plan had succeeded. She had Guinevere spread the word to all the women of Mercia that on July 14 they should close all their doors and windows, keep their children and husbands inside in exchange for the promise that lower taxes would result of their hiding inside that morning.

Lady Godiva felt so secure that she was truly unobserved that she let the sexual stimulation from her saddle grow unabated. She was so aroused that she decided to swing her leg over the saddle and ride like a man for the first time. Lady Godiva groaned out loud as her engorged clitoris rubbed against the rough leather saddle. She gripped her bare legs tighter on her horse which caused Lucky to break into a trot.

Because of the horse's faster pace and motion Lady Godiva's hair wafted away from her body, exposing her bouncing breasts to the fresh morning air. By now, Lady Godiva was nearly delirious with the exhilaration she felt riding naked through the streets and the inadvertent stimulation of her wet pussy on the saddle. Her rosy tipped nipples were as hard as the cobblestones on the street. Lady Godiva held the bridal reins in one hand while she tweaked and caressed her nipples with unabashed bliss.

Lady Godiva turned her horse around at the end of the village and paused for a moment. She was terribly close to having an orgasm but she knew it was time to get back to the castle before the townsfolk reappeared. As she glanced at one of the rough wooden huts at the very end of the village she sensed someone observing her. With that in mind Lady Godiva urged her gallant steed into a headlong gallop back to the castle. Her hair cascaded behind her like a golden flag flying in the breeze. Her prominent breasts bounced with each stride of the horse. But mostly, her wet pussy was being pounded mercilessly by the galloping action. Lady Godiva was panting and gasping with ecstasy as the castle came into view.

Lucky knew instinctively where the stable was so he slid to a halt by planting his legs solidly against the soft dirt. Lady Godiva was pushed forward on the saddle with the sudden stop, causing her inflamed clitoris to be pressed roughly against the pommel of the saddle. She screamed with pleasure as the most intense orgasm of her life racked her body. Lady Godiva leaned forward and hugged Lucky's neck and shuddered as spasms from her battered pussy pulsated up her body.

The Earl of Mercia glowered down at Lady Godiva knowing she had tricked him thoroughly. Not once during her ride did he see a single person leave their hovels. Without any evidence from someone in the village that she rode naked in public, he would never be able to prove to the Prince that she actually did it. Worse yet, now he was obligated to lower taxes because of the document he had foolishly signed.

Lady Godiva slid off her horse and walked on wobbly legs toward the castle. Before entering she looked up at the Earl on the castle wall and blew him a kiss.

Ok, dear readers, that is the true and factual story of Lady Godiva. It has to be true because they named a chocolate after her for cripes sakes. Over time, the tax abatement of July 14th became lost in the rumors of how Lady Godiva caused it to happen. Thus, National Nude Day adopted July 14 as an appropriate date to celebrate the baring of our bodies.

Oh yes, one other little factoid. Remember that eye that Lady Godiva felt observing her? It turned out that indeed a lowly serf by the name of Tom had drilled a hole in his wooden door so that he could see what was going on in the streets that day. Since he lived alone he thought he could get away with it and not jeopardize the tax abatement. However, the sight of the naked Lady Godiva so inflamed him that he bragged to his closest friends about seeing the nude rider. From that moment on he became known in history as "Peeping Tom".

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lowkeyonelowkeyonealmost 8 years ago

You learn something every day, thank you.

OneNemesisOneNemesisabout 11 years ago
It's a story (and a half)

Anon must have missed the fact that this story takes place in an alternative universe called " Story Land" where the Prince of Wales came into being in the eleventh century.

Good story. I enjoyed it very much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The heir to throne of England was not styled "Prince of Wales" until the 14th century. Before that, the Welsh ruled themselves.

ChucksSiteChucksSiteover 12 years ago
Very True to the Pseudo Accounts but I don't recall

any description of the wonderfully stimulating genital rub that made this story so titillating. Speaking of tits, I also don't recall that the hair went flying in the original story, but why stick with details when pure eroticism is at stake. I love the way you took this legend and turned it into an erotic thriller. But you missed the sad occurrence of the Peeping Tom who turned blind at the sight. Now modern young men are warned not to jerk off or they will go blind. Could young Tom been doin' the dirty with a hand job as Godiva rode by?

Rob_mDearRob_mDearalmost 14 years ago
Lucky was lucky

I would have enjoyed some insight into Lucky's own perspective on this adventure. Certainly, being ridden by Lady Godiva, while skillfully giving her such pleasure (always tell a male that he's skillful at such things), would have been an experience worth relating. At the least, his name was fitting... I should have been so Lucky.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 14 years ago
History rewritten

The way I heard the Lady Godiva story, there was a crowd of people on both sides of the street in town, as Lady Godiva rode through side-saddle. All the men on one side of the street didn't say a word, but the men on the other side cheered, "Hurray for our side," a cheer which has continued to this day. Thanks for an interesting story, and good luck on the contest.

coloradoexilecoloradoexilealmost 14 years ago
Well Done Once Again

Great story, Alexis. One way you could have changed it was to find a way for Mr. Peeping Tom to get "Lucky" after having seen Lady Godiva riding through the town! Please keep writing and posting.

BenLongBenLongalmost 14 years ago
Bravo M'lady

Bravo! Once again m'lady has spread her wealth of history among us knaves. Pray Tell, must we wait for another contest to hear more of the orgasms of Lady Alexis or her creations?

SplendidSpunkSplendidSpunkalmost 14 years ago
I regret that She had but one orgasm to give to her country!

OK, I know I say this over and over but WOW, I do love your gift of lip! You can spin words of any size shape or color and Mr Stiffy always comes out for a look! Sadly, I do rememebr not only the silly tune, but having long hair and smoking pot whilst listening to it over and over in my head thinking of someone you just described riding naked thru the town. Now I have no hair but the images you placed so gently in my mind are wonderful. I have a flagon full of images of the White Stallion, Lucky, and of pink nipples and damp clits, a mouth curved in an everlasting Oh and the stable boy enjoying his task of cleaning the saddle.

Keep writing Alexis please keep writing!

Irish_countryIrish_countryalmost 14 years ago
Thank God For History!!!!!!!!

Loved the story and learning something at the same time.

hongluobohongluoboalmost 14 years ago
Sassy Alexis

no other word fits you better..... your humorous, sassy, and fun outlook on life and writing just permeates this lovely ditty on the Divine Lady G. As a pot smoking old geezer, I am just so lucky to have discovered the fountain of vitality that permeates all that you write....

and MightyPuff... you have me searching the web now for that classic ELP song.... which is going round and round in my ole head while I am avoiding work and thinking of Lucky horses and saddles (yikes).

Cedar_NeedleCedar_Needlealmost 14 years ago
Very nice!

I found this to be very clever and a good read... Well done! Good luck in the contest!

MightyPuffMightyPuffalmost 14 years ago
I can see it now...

Lady Godiva refuses to melt on Big Lips & His Stones---"Can't Get No Satisfaction!!!"

Loses her virtue on them "tumblin' dice"... As her "Ruby Tuesday" has her "19th Nervous Breakdown" on her "Beast of Burden", too bad, she "Can't Get No Satisfaction" because her Lord has a "Heart of Stone" & "Sympathy for The Devil", but in the end, "With No Expectations", her "Sweet Virginia" might get her "Rocks Off"!

That's enough--I'm too STONED!!! ;)

(Lucky me)


DanielQSteele1DanielQSteele1almost 14 years ago
Great historical fiction!

As I mentioned in a comment on another of your stories, you've got a great voice. Your personality comes across in what you write, and it's an appealing voice. Lady Godiva is not that hard a sell, but to be able to write a historical piece with no overt sex but still is still hot and funny, that's good writing. Still, it's too bad she never managed to get "satisfaction." Maybe a sequel, hmmmm?

PheeGeePheeGeealmost 14 years ago
very cute

I love your ribald way of handling this bit of history! :)

FredthecanuckFredthecanuckalmost 14 years ago
A good short read

Not so much a sex story but then it doesn't need to be to be a good one.

Humorous and sassy Lady Godiva got off on a Lucky dare. Might be interesting if she had ridden a Black Beauty, but then that would be a different story. The gent that saw her, could he be a John Thomas? No, that would make her Lady Chatterly.

Teasing aside, I enjoyed your efforts with this story, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
What a LUCKY horse

An interesting part of history, how do you fancy coming over to Coventry and re acting the part. An interesting and well worked story yet again Alexxxis

Irish_countryIrish_countryalmost 14 years ago
A very "LUCKY" Horse.

Alexxxis, what a GREAT Story ..I loved it enjoy learning History ...about chocolate , peeping toms and the first vibrator...

bdoggriffenbdoggriffenalmost 14 years ago
told with wit

The conversational style worked well with this story. Lots of fun. Thank You!

zebralightzebralightalmost 14 years ago
Beautifully done

A genuine historical story, with just enough sauce to take it's place in Literotica. Good luck in the competition!

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