Lady Justice: A Time Lady Reborn


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It was late into the night when the Arbiter awoke to hear the sounds of an intruder. He secretly hoped that it was one of the disgruntled members of the Council, driven by disappointment and betrayal, prepared to end his pitiful life for good. His body would regenerate, perhaps cleansing his mind of the horrifying details of the last few hours. Even more tempting, was the thought of denying his regeneration. Allowing his body to consume itself; to disappear into darkness forever. Wishing for death after dishonoring his family, himself, and his people, he allowed the intruder to make their way to his bed chambers.

The door opened to reveal a ghostly, angelic form. "Hello, my love."

"Aryess! What are you doing here? You should have escaped this system while you had the chance," the Arbiter protested.

"I couldn't leave without saying goodbye; and thank you." Aryess smiled wickedly. "If it wasn't for you, I would have been dead by now. Can you appreciate the irony in my plan? You were to be sentencing me to death, but instead, you were the reason for my release. It worked out marvelously." She cackled with laughter.

"You set me up? All of this was a game to you?" The Arbiter slowly rose from his bed, fuming.

Aryess was glowing with excitement as she continued to laugh manically. "Oh dear! You are too much. Did you really think that we were two, long-lost lovers finally reunited; one sentenced to death, and the other, her executioner?" She howled. "Oh no! Dear boy, this isn't a fairy-tale! What sort of rubbish do the children of Gallifrey read for bed-time stories?"

"You're a monster! A murderer! You manipulated me!" the Time Lord roared.

"Don't be a fool! You were too easy. I can read your filthy mind, remember? I knew what you wanted, and I took advantage of it. And you, you took advantage of me, as well. A helpless prisoner, molested by her captor. What will the good people of Gallifrey think of you now? Who will they call monster, Arbiter?"

The Arbiter bolted from his position at his bedside to seize his former lover. He wrapped his strong fists around Aryess's throat, as they fell violently to the floor. Aryess waited patiently for the rage to boil over. She watched calmly as the Arbiter sobbed and struggled to kill her.

I can see you, Arbiter. I know you. You are weak and broken, Aryess goaded. As the Arbiter clutched her tighter, Madame Aryess slid a long, silver blade gently between his ribs. Suddenly, his imposing strength wilted, and he slid to the floor next to her, spilling blood across her pale, naked body.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it? I felt your mind when I entered. You seek an end to your humiliation. We both have our freedom, now, my love. Go into the next world at peace, dear Arbiter." Aryess gave him a long kiss to his forehead, as the Arbiter gasped and choked for air on the floor. Aryess crept silently from the room, and vanished.

The Arbiter felt the sticky pool of blood accumulating on the floor beneath him. He struggled to rise, as he felt his body begin to burn. He shook and trembled, as death finally took him. His regeneration was starting. His bitterness and contempt drove him on. He would not allow for this to be the end. He would be reborn; cleansing himself of his past sins. He could change into something new, something better. His bedchambers shook and exploded around him. The Arbiter felt the fire in his brain begin to eat away his memories and identity.

As the fire burned low, and the white heat settled, the Arbiter found himself lying half-naked on the floor of his bedroom. He stood slowly, and anxiously. In a horrifying flash, he realized that he still remembered everything. His dream of a fresh start faded. He could feel his bitterness growing stronger. He had been consumed with it, before being consumed with the fire of his regeneration. He had grown stronger with it. It was now all he that had left. He walked slowly to a mirror next to the wardrobe and beheld the strange form reflected at him.

He was a woman. Tall and slender, with ghostly white skin and long black hair. The Arbiter slowly opened his bed-robe, before quickly closing it. He peered deep into the eyes of this stranger; taking a moment to realize what had happened. He reached up and traced the curve of his face with a shaking hand. He couldn't help notice a striking resemblance to the woman who had betrayed and murdered him. In death, drowning in contempt and hatred, he had transformed into the visage of the one he had hated most. The Arbiter would be forced to look into the eyes of his betrayer every day, and be reminded of the mistakes he had made for her love.


The Arbiter now laid helpless, strapped to a cold metal table. The Tarot had been taking pieces of her for days. She was still ripe with regeneration energy after her most recent transformation, so her body had healed quickly. This was no consolation during the astonishing pain of the procedures. Aryess would allow Justice to live long enough to wish for death, just as she had that night, three hundred years ago.

Footsteps approached the cell, and Justice could see the face of her captor through the transparent energy shield that enclosed the cell. The guard allowed Aryess to pass into the cell, before replacing the barrier.

"Hello, old friend." Aryess smirked.

"Hello, Aryess. I was just thinking about you."

"Really? We have so many pleasant memories, don't we?" Aryess mocked. "I have to say, I'm drawing a bit of a blank. I don't remember you being so... curvy. Have you put on weight?"

"This?" Justice looked down at her voluptuous naked form, strapped tightly to the exam table. "This is new."

"So that explains why my surgeons haven't killed you, yet? Still regenerating, I take it? It does seem to drag on. Hopefully, before we're through, we'll get to see another version of you. I'll have fun killing that one, too! That's the beauty of killing a Time Lord. You get to do it over and over! I'll see you soon, my love." Aryess left the Time Lady in isolation once more.

Justice remained alone in her cell for days after. She would not wish for death this time. As much fun as Aryess promised to have murdering her over and over, she would take equal pleasure in watching her former lover fail each and every time.




Chapter Twenty-One


It had been two years since his return to Earth, and in his isolation, Daniel had begun using his abilities with abandon. He had eventually moved from the small, New England campus where he had been living. He had moved to a large mansion in California. It had been easy to acquire the luxurious home, and free amenities with a few simple suggestions. Bending minds had become second nature. He had long since abandoned his feelings of guilt or restraint. He had also continued to amass an army of female concubines.

Power over others had become its own reward. Every action, no matter the level of depravity, was met with immediate validation. From Daniel's perspective, people loved to please him. It was the nature of his manipulation. He had begun tapping into others' fantasies, but soon realized that nearly everyone was open to his fantasies with a little encouragement.

Daniel was waited on daily by beautiful, naked women. They would cook and clean for him, feed him, and fuck him. He never lived a moment without taking pleasure amongst his spoils. Women would suck his cock while he ate, even while he slept. He rarely needed to leave the house, but when he did, he would continue his wonton sex out in public. It took little effort to convince spectators to either join in, or get lost. Mostly, he stayed at home, living out his fantasies every day. He had long ago given up on the delusion of leaving this world behind. After a year of hopelessness, he had succumbed to the realization that he was lost here, forever abandoned by the ones he loved. He had stopped thinking about the TARDIS, Justice, and especially about Alanah.

Daniel sat in his large living room. He had two women under each arm, sucking and kissing one another, and two more between his thighs, fighting over his cock. Laid out on either side were several other women wrestling with one another, crying with orgasms. Another sat over him, her ample breasts smothering his face. This went on for hours every night. He would not rest until each one of them were properly fucked, and filled with his cum in every hole. He had been testing the limits of his orgasms, as well. He found that he could shoot full streams repeatedly for over fifteen minutes. He would lay out a dozen women on his floor and shower them, while another stroked his cock, and a second tongued his asshole. He had eventually brought in some men into the mix to change things up. He allowed them free reign over the women, and it gave him some male companionship outside of the bedroom. He had found that the women would toy with them for a while, but were always drawn back to Daniel and his insatiable libido.

Daniel began launching a steady stream of cum over the heads of the women pulling his cock to orgasm. This caught the attention of several others. Soon an audience of giggling naked beauties fought and wrestled with each other to see who could catch the most. Usually, that girl would be the next to get fucked. It was a position of great honor amongst his harem.

The girl lying on Daniel's abdomen, stood to turn around. She squatted over his face, allowing him to drive his tongue deep into her asshole, as his cock continued to spray. Two other girls stood to help her stay balanced as she began quaking with orgasm. They pinched and pulled on her nipples until she was done. After his lengthy string of orgasms had subsided, Daniel beheld the women kneeling before him. They lined up for inspection, dripping with the remains of his cum shower. There were two beautiful, large-breasted brunettes in the center who had received the brunt of the jizz. It covered their round tits and dripped steadily from their faces. He reached out to take both of their hands, to a chorus of sarcastic boos. The rest of his sticky lovers went back to teasing and playing with one another. They would have their chance again later.

Daniel took the two women aside, leaving the rest in a sweaty pile of sex. They escaped to a nearby bed. His mansion was full of beds and sofas in every room. He was able to keep an eye on the continuing action in the living room, while the two brunettes got to work on his cock. One beauty swallowed his member, while the other lapped up his cum from her face. After a few minutes, they switched, until his cum had been washed away, and his cock was ready to unload again. He pushed it deep into one of their asses while the second laid beneath her, eating her pussy. Daniel withdrew, as a gush of cum began spilling out, and rammed his cock deep into the throat of the other.

After a solid hour of fucking between the three of them, Daniel left the girls to go to the kitchen. The two brunettes stayed behind to clean his cum from their bodies with their hungry tongues. Two sexy cooks had prepared a feast for all the guests. It was an assortment of barbeque chicken, burgers, steamed vegetables, potatoes, pasta, salad, etc. The pans of food stretched across the vast counters of his kitchen. He thanked the cooks the only way he knew how. They shared his cock beneath the table while he dined on their delicious meal. He finished eating just as he was ready to unload. They moved their aprons to the side, revealing their luscious naked bodies beneath. He glazed their breasts with his own creamy sauce before leaving them to return to the party. They smiled graciously as they replaced the aprons over their sticky bodies and continued their work in the kitchen.

It was hard to admit to himself, but Daniel had begun to grow bored. His excitement had peaked a few months ago. Now it seemed that every orgy-filled day was becoming a chore. He had tried to change it up by bringing in other men for the girls, starting games and contests, even pushing the bounds of decency. Soon, he found himself escaping the parties in secret and retreating to a private room. He would spend time there alone, while the raucous orgies continued downstairs. Eventually, his loneliness crept in, sending him back to the party to drown it out. Every day he fantasized about leaving it all behind. He wished he could start over somewhere new. Try to live more modestly. He was always drawn back into his decadence, however. This was a life that he had always wanted; able to live freely in his depravity. He felt obligated to continue to give into it.

Daniel found himself back amongst the wreckage of bodies after he had eaten; welcomed enthusiastically with open arms and legs. He let himself feel the crushing weight of a dozen bodies swallowing him up. Just before he threw himself back into a carnal haze, he heard a voice screaming.


He pushed several slippery bodies aside to look up. All around him were smiling, moaning faces. He couldn't hear anything, but the sounds of rapture. He shook his head and dove back beneath, but he had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind. He couldn't concentrate on the sex happening all around him. Frustrated, Daniel stood up to gather his wits. As he stood, three women pounced on his extended cock. He closed his eyes to listen. He drowned out the sounds of the orgy, and heard the faint screaming again.

"Daniel! Please!"

"Do you hear that?" he asked the girls surrounding his cock.

"Hear what, baby?" one asked.

"I thought I heard someone screaming."

"Oh that's probably Stephanie. You know how loud she gets when she's cumming."

Stephanie spoke up from behind him. "It wasn't me this time."

"Weird," he muttered.

Daniel allowed himself to be taken by the women at his feet. His cock slid into their mouths one at a time. He looked up to see a busty red-head watching the action with enthusiasm. She sat alone, toying with her pussy, squeezing her enormous breasts as she watched. He remembered her from a few nights ago. He had thought she looked like Justice, with her disproportionately huge, natural breasts and red curls. He had emptied his love all over those breasts, remembering a day fondly, back on a time-traveling spaceship, where he had done the same to Justice. This new red-head was not as magnificent as Justice, but she had the same wild spark in her eyes. He began thinking of her while having his meat handled by the trio of girls.

Daniel allowed his mind to wander. Finally, he gave into the memories of a past that he had been trying to lock away for over two years. A sudden sadness began to take him. He looked back at the red-head, who was shaking with orgasm at her own fingers. He silently wished to be back on the ship. He had had enough. Daniel closed his eyes and focused one final time.

Justice had established a psychic link between Daniel and the TARDIS. He had tried for over a year to call the ship back to him, but had failed every time. He had long since given up any hope of its return, but the desperation of that moment had finally driven him back. He wanted free of this mess he had created. He could start a new life somewhere else. He focused as far as he could.

Please. Please come back.


He had heard it again. Daniel pulled his cock from the grip of one of his girls and started pacing around the room.

"I can hear you! I can hear you! Please answer me!" he called. The crowd of people gathered for the festivities stared at him in wonder. The sudden silence helped Daniel focus.

Please come back! I need you! Daniel pleaded.

Suddenly, a low hum shook the room. Furniture moved, and bystanders began screaming.

"It's an earthquake!"

Daniel stood stoically as the shaking began to take form in the center of the room. The humming ceased with a loud thump. Before him, encircled with terrified, naked bodies, stood a large glowing sphere. Daniel's eyes welled up with tears as he approached the object slowly. He held out his hands to touch it, but before he could, a large door opened to the side. From inside, a bright glow of white, hot light escaped, washing over Daniel's body. He closed his eyes to let the light cleanse him. When he opened them, an angelic, golden-haired woman emerged from the orb.

"Alanah? Is that you?"

"Daniel! Oh my god!"

Daniel dropped to his knees, exploding with sobs of joy and despair. "It's you! It's you!" he groveled, as he crawled at her feet.

"What the fuck is going on here? Who are all these people? Where are we?"

"Please, don't leave me again," he begged.

"Leave you? You left me, asshole!" Alanah screamed.

"I called for you. Begged for you to save me!" Daniel wept.

Alanah could not take her eyes off of the gathering crowd of naked women staring at her with reverence and terror. "Daniel, what the fuck is this?"

"I'll explain later. Please, take me away from here."

Alanah looked at him skeptically, before helping him up. She gave him a quizzical look, as she turned and walked back into the TARDIS.

Daniel turned to the people in his mansion who were gasping and crying at what was happening. He didn't know if they thought Alanah was an alien, or an angel, but he would not be able to let them remember these events. He closed his eyes and reached out to them one final time.

Once he was back inside, Daniel saw Alanah waiting impatiently at the control panel. "Thank you, Alanah. Thank you for not forgetting about me," he offered meekly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? First, you decide to leave us. Then when I come back to get you, two weeks later, you're what? Having orgies? Then, instead of looking guilty, or apologizing, you're crying and begging. What has gotten into you?"

"Two weeks?" he exclaimed. "Two weeks? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Alanah stepped back startled at his sudden transformation.

Daniel stalked her around the control station. "Try two years, Alanah! Two fucking years! I called, and called. You never fucking answered!" He turned angrily to the TARDIS computer. "You! You never fucking answered, either! You left me down there alone. What was I supposed to do? I thought you had abandoned me, or were dead. How was I supposed to know? Where the fuck is Justice? She needs to fix this fucking ship, before I start smashing shit!"

Alanah ran up to Daniel and slapped him hard across the face. "You asshole!" She ran off crying; leaving him trembling with fear, anger, and shame.

Daniel eventually found Alanah curled up on the floor of Justice's wardrobe. She was clinging to a white sheer cloak and sobbing. Daniel kneelt quietly next to her.

"I'm sorry, Alanah. I've been a complete asshole. I was an asshole before, I was an asshole after I left, and I'm a worse asshole now that I'm back. Please, tell me what's happened. Where is Justice?"

"She's gone," Alanah whimpered. "Aryess took her, and Justice sent me away. I've been floating around for a week, trying to get the TARDIS to take me to you. Something must have fried its circuits during the abduction. The Tarot used some sort of tractor-beam-thingy on us. I don't know how Justice broke us free. She ran off without saying goodbye."

Daniel hung his head solemnly. He wanted to comfort his former love, but thought the timing was probably wrong. "I can't believe it. I can't believe they found you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there."

"There's nothing you could have done. It all happened so fast. She's gone, and Aryess has probably killed her. She left me alone. You left me alone!"

Alanah began sobbing heavily, and Daniel could not help but wrap his arms around her to comfort her. She laid her head on his chest, as the two companions wept together at the tragic loss of their leader and friend.
