Lady's Maid Ch. 09: Elected

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In which Lady Pixie finds her feet, and a few other parts.
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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/15/2019
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It felt odd in Town without Annie. I got the Agency to find me a new maid. Julieta was a sweet young thing, and she did me well, but she was not, nor ever could be, Annie. What she and I had was unique. The question for me was what, if anything, could replace it - at least where it needed replacing.

I told Julieta I would not need her at week-ends. It hardly seemed fair to expose her to my chosen life-style, and to be entirely frank, I was not sure how that would continue now Annie and Alice were together.

It was with huge delight that I saw them at the barrier at Piccadilly when I arrived on Thursday evening, and after embracing, we retired to my hotel. We dined, unusually in the main dining room, I did not want Alice and Annie to feel in anyway that I was expecting what we had before; I would not trespass if, indeed, trespass it was.

It was lovely to see the pair of them so happy.

Annie told me all about school where she was effectively running the show, leaving the teachers free to teach. Alice said she was very good at it, which surprised me not in the slightest; there was nothing to which Annie turned her hand which was not thereby improved. Alice was getting on with her teaching, and helping run the local Labour party, which Annie had joined. I teased her, which she took in good part.

I told her about Julieta and why she was not there. I asked about how they were coping and whether it had created any problems, them living together. Alice said not, the sort of people they knew were free-thinkers and could cope with two women living together, and others? Well others simply assumed it was an economic arrangement.

"But Pix, how are you coping?" Annie looked concerned. "Are your special needs being catered for?"

Sadly I had to confirm that they were not, but, oddly enough, I did not mind, I knew that if I wanted, Annie and Alice would oblige - but I didn't want.

We settled down to a new routine only in so far as I would come up by train. Dot, bless her, found a nice young man who wanted to marry her, and a nice dowry later, she and Albert settled into a terraced house just down the road from where she had been born. I was invited to the wedding, and went along with Alice and Annie.

Dot looked the way every bride should look on her wedding day, and the whole event was a great success. Her eldest child was a daughter, whom, rather sweetly they named Cynthia; their second, also a daughter, was named Annie, and so it was that memories of our secret were carried on into the next generation. At the reception after the wedding, Dot asked me if I minded losing her to Albert, and I reassured her. It had been a pleasurable interlude, but like Annie and Alice, what mattered to me was the happiness of those whom I had loved. How many, I wondered, would have suspect what Dot and I had been to each other?

And so time passed. In 1928, to my utter delight, Mr Baldwin delivered on his promise to enfranchise the "flappers," and women like myself, under the age of 30 (well I was the grand old age of 29) were allowed to vote. That awful Mr Churchill mouthed off about it being the end of civilization as we had known it; well good thing too, I thought. What I had not known at that point was that this would change my life.

Christmas 1928 was the first I had spent without Annie, and I can't pretend Archie was an acceptable substitute. With the family all at home, Lady Cecily felt unable to do anything to further our liaison, which I totally understood; but it failed to make me happier. But I was delighted to received a card and a wonderful set of Jane Austen from Annie and Alice; so sweet of them. I even used the telephone to wish them a happy Christmas.

It was on Boxing Day that Archie stunned us all - all that is except his father the Duke. At dinner he revealed he had received a letter from Mr Baldwin, who had decided to make him a peer in the New Year's Honour List. It would, he told us all, be announced on 1 January. Being a bit dense on these things it was not until the Duke said:

"So Pixie, what will you do with yourself of a week-end now?"

that I realised it would effect me. I looked puzzled at my father-in-law.

"You do know, don't you Pixie, that as a peer, Archie will have to give up his seat, there will have to be a by-election; you can finally get your week-ends back. Don't think, my darling, we have not appreciated what you have done for Archie, but as Baroness Fortescue of Hampstead, you won't need to be doing it any more."

Well, I thought, in some ways that was a bit of come-down. As the younger daughter of an earl, I enjoyed the honorific title of "Lady," but if Archie was becoming a Lord in his own right as the lowest rank of the peerage, a barony, I'd be a Lady in my own right, but Daddy had always thought barons were a bit infra-dig. But what I really objected to was that Othello's occupation would be gone. My tongue worked faster than my brain.

"But Pa" (he loved me calling him Pa) I said to the Duke, "who will succeed Archie as MP? The seat is a marginal, and this close to a General Election we wouldn't want to lose it."

"Gad, Pixie, you've a head on those little shoulders, you're right, let me have a word with the Whips. Don't suppose you'd stand until the General would you? They know you and like you."

I clapped my hands with delight. Oh the Duke was a clever man, goodness knows where Archie got his want of brains from. As the Duke was a power in the Tory Party, and Mr Baldwin wanted more women MPs, I found myself travelling up to Oldham for the selection.

Annie and Alice met me as usual, and they, like me, were terribly excited.

"Oh Pixie, Lady Pix MP sounds so wonderful!" Annie was so happy for me that it made my heart sing.

Mr Shufflebottom, the agent, was equally pleased.

"Well your ladyship, if I says it as shouldn't, I'm delighted. You've done so much here that Labour will not get it back this side of the General."

Alice had already said she would not stand against me, it would, she said, be silly as I was as good an MP as could be imagined. That meant that Labour put up Fred Smith, the local union organiser who had so irritated me during the General Strike.

Archie was formally called to the Lords in April, which meant that the by-election would take place in May, but as fate, and Mr Baldwin had it, that did not happen. Realising, belatedly, that the parliament elected in 1924 was nearing its five year term, Mr B decided to have a General Election.

Whether I should have been chosen if it had been known that a General Election was imminent, I doubted, but as I had been duly selected, I found myself facing the full force of a national campaign.

Golly it was hard work.

Alice was wonderful, putting her local knowledge at my disposal, and Annie was indefatigable on the stump. Mr Shufflebottom asked which of the national policies I wished to campaign on, and disliking them all, not least the silly slogan of "safety first," I stood on Archie's, or rather my, local record.

The old Liberal Nonconformist conscience found vent for its puritan instincts, by asking whether a woman who danced the Charleston was the sort of person Oldham-West needed as an MP; nor had my glimpse of stocking been forgotten. To listen to the Liberals, you'd have thought I was the Whore of Babylon; good job they knew nothing about Sapphism - they'd have fainted.

Labour attempted to paint me as an out-of-touch aristo from London who'd never done a day's work in her life and was just inheriting her husband's seat. I was delighted when, at one of the hustings where Fred Smith said just that, one woman stood up during the questions and asked what he'd done to feed the hungry during the General Strike, commenting that "Lady Pixie was on the front line helping us." She got a huge round of applause.

I went third after the Liberal, Alderman Taylor, and Fred Smith. They'd both majored on my shortcomings. As per usual, no one had provided a microphone my height, and, anticipating that, Annie had pushed a soap-box under the lectern.

I pulled it out, flashed a glimpse of stocking (to loud applause) and launched in:

"Well, constituents, I have heard a lot about my shortcomings, and as you know, I am so short that I can't reach the mic unaided, but when it is a matter of coming, as you know I have been here every week-end for five years. I love this place and all I can say is I have done my best for everyone, regardless of party affiliation. Nor will I criticise the Alderman, who has served Oldham well for forty years, nor even Mr Smith, who sincerely thinks that MacDonald's policies are best for the country. All I'll say is this, if you vote for me, I'll continue to do my best."

It was the shortest speech, but as the Oldham Chronicle put it, it was "greeted by loud applause, such is the hold that Lady Pixie as she is universally known, has on the local imagination."

Gosh, was I glad that I had worked hard, because nationally it was becoming clear that after five years of Mr Baldwin, the country wanted a change. I was hearing from the Whips in London that they thought we'd just squeeze in. I was not sure they were right.

So it came to election night and the count. By then I had spoken myself hoarse, and without Alice and Annie would have collapsed. I was nervous as we were called onto the platform to hear the results:

"Fortescue, Lady Cynthia, the Conservative and Unionist candidate, 19,505 votes"

At that there was a gasp, Archie had won the seat five years earlier with a thousand fewer votes - could it be?

"Smith, Frederick Edwin, Labour and Cooperative candidate, 18,500 votes."

I looked at Annie and Alice, who were beaming, I'd beaten Smith, surely now?

"Taylor, Alderman Sydney Wilberforce, Liberal, 16,002 votes."

A roar went up! I'd done it, I'd only gone and won the bloody seat in my own right!

"I hereby declare the said Lady Cynthia Fortescue the duly elected member for Oldham-West."

Annie and Alice hugged me, Mr Shufflebottom was beaming, as well he might on a night where Mr Baldwin lost his majority and where most of the marginals in the north-west and north-east went back to Labour. I'd not only held my own, I'd increased the majority.

The party afterwards was one of the few that night which was not a Wake in the region for the Conservatives. Mr Shufflebottom pulled me aside and hugged me, so excited was he.

"Lady Cynthia," (he always called me that) this is a reward for all your hard work. It is your victory milady."

What made me happiest was that I could still come to the constituency every week-end to stay with Alice and Annie. It was worth it.

Given what had happened nationally, with MacDonald and Labour winning their first ever parliamentary majority, the mood in London was sombre for the Conservatives. There was a lot of talk about Mr Baldwin being replaced, but as the main (self-proposed) candidate was that little toad Churchill, it remained talk.

Mr Baldwin and Sir Austen Chamberlain (Archie's former boss at the Foreign Office) were my sponsors when I was sworn in, and I was just beside myself with excitement. Alice and Annie were in the Strangers' Gallery and joined us for drinks afterwards on the Terrace overlooking the Thames, as did Archie who, of course, had lost whatever job it was he had had. He remained a peer of the realm, but seemed less than keen on a job in the Shadow Cabinet, preferring to spend more time with his boyfriends in Berlin.

It was a fun evening, and afterwards we all adjourned to our town-house in Mayfair for a celebratory dinner.

To my delight, Lady Dora had turned up, but her cad of a husband, Sir Rory (as he had become in the last honours' list) was elsewhere. She looked sadly at Alice and Annie, who were happily chatting to my mother-in-law and showing every sign of being in love.

"Oh Dora, darling, what's up now?"

"Oh Pix," she said, turning those sad baby blue eyes on to me, "Annie looks so happy. I was just thinking how much I wish I had someone to look at me like that!"

"What," I smiled, looking into her eyes, "you mean like this?"

Our eyes met and the electricity fizzed.

"I'd thought you'd have found someone else Pix," Dora said, her voice suddenly hopeful.

"Oh darling," I said, "as if, it's not as though women with our tastes grow on trees."

"True," Dora laughed, and as one of the waiters filled her glass, I came a little closer and whispered into her ear:

"And after all, it's not every little pet who would be able to meet your special needs - that is if you'd like to serve me darling."

She blushed, and I could see Annie was telling Alice to look in our direction; they both stared at us as though to encourage us.

"Oh Pix, do you mean, oh, would you? I know you have the same instincts, could it work?"

"Darling Dora," I whispered into her delightful shell-like ear, "submissives make the best Mistresses, as they know what a sub needs."

She blushed deeper.

Alice and Annie were upon us.

"And what, pray, is going on here, Lady Pixie MP?"

Annie smiled.

"Is it what I think?"

"Well, Annie," I giggled, "that depends on whether you think I am proposing to put Lady Dora on a lead and use her for our mutual pleasure!"

"Oh Pix, you, a Mistress! Really?"

Annie looked delighted.

Alice blushed and intervened:

"Why not Annie," she giggled, "it isn't as though such a switch is unknown."

"Oh," I said, jesting back, "don't tell me that Alice sometimes keeps you in order?"

That must have been how we found ourselves back in my bedroom after the last guests had gone. Ostensibly it was for a nightcap, but somehow this seemed to require us to strip to our undies.

Alice slid to her knees between Annie's thighs, with Dora following her lead between mine.

"Who'd have thought it, my little Pixieslut, both of us with a willing pussy-eater!"

I giggled, but that turned to a low moan as Lady Dora pulled aside my knickers to begin licking my cunt.

"Hey," I moaned, "less of the Pixieslut, oooooh Dora, that feels good, it's Miss Pixie now!"

"For old time's sake," Annie said, as she began to caress and pinch my nipples.

'Sure," I said, reciprocating.

The sheer erotic pleasure of playing with each other's nipples as our lovers ate us out was so stimulating that it took every bit of self-control not to cum too quickly, but cum we did, falling back on the bed together as Dora and Alice cleaned us up.

"Do you remember this taste?" Alice asked as she kissed me. I nodded, Annie's unique bouquet was one I'd never forgotten. As Annie kissed Dora, she said how good it was to taste me on the lips of my slut, which made her moan.

As Annie and I came down from our high, it was time to concentrate on Alice and Dora. I handed Annie the two girl-cocks which Archie had been kind enough to bring back from one of his Berlin visits.

The sight of Alice and Dora on all fours, arses up and heads down, was too much to resist.

"Old time's sake," Annie said, as she knelt and licked my girl cock. I reciprocated.

So it was that Annie ploughed into Alice with her girl-cock lubricated with my saliva, as I did the same with Dora, plunging Annie's saliva deep into her.

It felt strange, but in a good way, to watch Annie fucking Alice from behind, while I did the same with Dora. As before, we got into a rhythm and kept it, both of us smacking our mounds against the firm arses of our lovers as they moaned with pleasure.

I pulled on Dora's hair, Annie followed suite with Alice.

Dora and Alice kissed each other as we plunged in and pulled out. Dora came first, Alice followed swiftly, with Annie and I kissing. It felt so good.

As we disengaged, we took to the big bed, lying together in a lovers' huddle. And that was how Julieta found us in the morning. But, good girl that she was, she simply brought more tea and toast.

And so, a new phase began for us all - but that, as they say, is another story which, if I can stop Dora licking my pussy for long enough, I may yet tell.

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PixiehoffPixiehoff30 days agoAuthor

Not to worry, kbone, I am not the sort of woman who minds being corrected xxx

kbone1kbone130 days ago

I have to apologize to you about SUITE! I looked it up and there were a whole bunch of different types. Including the British version of the spelling! Again, I want to apologize about it . Thanks for my venting

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, Reading. I hope you will be inspired to read the sequel xxxxx

Reading_is4funReading_is4funover 1 year ago

An ending to my taste...thank you very much for this sweet eloquently written story...

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, darling Erica xxxxx

sissygirlErica17sissygirlErica17over 2 years ago

I do believe this one line from this last chapter in this walk you took os on sums it up perfectly Miss Pixie - "submissives make the best Mistresses, as they know what a sub needs." Well Done, Very well done Miss ! MP as in Mistress PIxie * giggles *

PixiehoffPixiehoffover 2 years agoAuthor

Well, I am delighted, as always, to be of service, and it is wonderful to know it has helped you and Queen Ana xxx

deniedBitchdeniedBitchover 2 years ago

So this story as a whole was recommended to me by my dear Queen Ana. I'll have to admit that frequent edging was expected of me while reading it and that the story very much aided me in that. I very much loved it. The style and wonderful eloquency it is written in was lovely to witness. Even though I did not quite expect to get hit with "the feels" during the second to last chapter I was very happy with the way it was resolved in the end. It was wonderful. I do look forward to what's to come given that Ana does tend to be another person like many in this story who loves to keep me denied.

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much for completing the journey my darling, it is a joy to have you with me xxxxx

EvieUKNEEvieUKNEalmost 3 years ago

Ii say to Dora to enjoy Lady Cynthia while she can as she’s bound to get very busy again soon. Pix this was a wonderfully engaging read that captivated me from beginning to end. I love your beautiful writing style and you are costing me a fortune with groups of 5 preety stars, but you are worth it, and so are your stores! xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Tom, I am so glad you enjoyed it and were kind enough to take the time to tell me xxx

Tom78634Tom78634almost 3 years ago

The entire story was one of the best thank you

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Mmm, must catch up soon darling sister xxxx

Valkyrie77Valkyrie77almost 3 years ago

Delicious once more, both in style and content. Very enjoyable reading, lovely Pixie!


PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much - yes, Heledd, I will look at your story xxxx

HeleddHeleddalmost 3 years ago

I love the story and I'm falling in love with Pixie!

The best thing is the exploration of submission and how happy it makes Pixie. Is something I'm trying to explore and I'd love you to comment on my story.

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Almost right! She was the first one to take her seat. The first one elected was a Sinn Feinner, Constance Markievicz, who refused to take up her seat, leaving the ebullient Nancy to be the first who took it. Love the D Day Dodgers song which I did not know about. I am, of course, taking considerable liberties here, but am so glad you are enjoying it. There is a nw chapter about to be submitted xx

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