All Comments on 'Laid off'

by CurrentParameter

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InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 2 months ago

Good story, but for me as reader would be interesting why she cheated and why she let her ex father her children.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 2 months ago

Love the last sentence!


Diecast1Diecast1about 2 months ago

Like the story. AAAA++++

TajfaTajfaabout 2 months ago

I agree with infosauger. There isn't anything about why she married him or why she got pregnant by her lover. Did she ever love him or was he just a convenience? For me this type of story stands and falls on the confrontation. In this story we heard nothing from the wife as to what happened? Why did she play him for years? Still thanks for the story.

nickbgbnickbgbabout 2 months ago

Something that often intrigues me about these scenarios is how some fathers just cut ties with their kids cold turkey once the DNA results are in and the divorce is filed. It all seems too clean, cold. Presumably he’d loved his daughter and baby boy since they were born and poured his heart into their happiness, so how can it be so… easy? It is arguably a worse crime than the long-term adultery. It’s not like it happened once either, Beth planned it out and did it twice. So I guess I’m saying that I’d still want to be in their lives to some degree. I also would want to know how someone (Beth) could be that cruel and without any remorse. Was the whole marriage a sham from the start, was he merely a placeholder husband?


“We went to the nearby animal safari on Monday. You know where you drive through the park and the baboons try and rip the side mirrors off your car?” - This did make me chuckle. Children do love the possibility of mummy/daddy’s car being pillaged. lol

jflindersjflindersabout 2 months ago

Nice story, I'm giving it 4 stars, but I have a suggestion for people who are making up or don't fully understand the law. Don't specify where people are. That way you'll avoid having people like me tempted to tell you the law was misstated (or ignored) in the story. I'm happy to have someone give law for some fictional unknown jurisdiction, but it at least partly ruins the story for me when someone misstates Canadian divorce law.

(In case one wonders what the issues were, one of them isn't much of a problem. The writer has simply made up that a one year waiting period can be reduced for a "mitigating circumstance." Adultery isn't a mitigating circumstance and where that or cruelty is the ground for divorce there is no one year wait to reduce. (There is a 30 day period between the judgment granting the divorce and the divorce being effective, which can be reduced for "special circumstances" where both spouses agree not to appeal the judgment. Adultery being a ground would not be a special circumstance for that 30 day period.)

It isn't that there is a one year waiting period which can be reduced. There simply isn't one. The confusion might come from the fact that there is no "irreconcilable differences" ground in Canada, rather one of the possible grounds for divorce is one year separation. It takes a year to have that ground of divorce. If the ground for divorce is something other than separation, there is no such one year waiting period.

I'd have skipped writing about that one if there was nothing else as it doesn't really affect the story much, but in addition the rule against condonation has been ignored. Where as here the husband is having sex with the wife, not for the purpose of reconciliation and with the wife thinking all is normal with the marriage, for the purposes of grounds for divorce he's condoned the adultery which has already occurred and can't use it as a ground for divorce.

Him continuing to have sex to the wife doesn't really add anything useful to the story, while creating a legal problem for him.)

Karn9Karn9about 2 months ago

Good BTB story! 4*

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 2 months ago

he must have got caught playing around.

go figure

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfabout 2 months ago

Though a decent story, it is a tad incomplete. Why did she marry him in the first place? How and when did the affair start? And finally, as I say all the time, FINISH THE DAMN STORY. Too many loose ends.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 2 months ago

nickbgb wrote, "Something that often intrigues me about these scenarios is how some fathers just cut ties with their kids cold turkey once the DNA results are in and the divorce is filed. It all seems too clean, cold. Presumably he’d loved his daughter and baby boy since they were born and poured his heart into their happiness, so how can it be so… easy?"


That's always the problem in these cheating wife with kids stories: the emotion is directed against the wife, but that usually results in little time, or effort, on the parts of the authors for the emotion of losing the kids as well. We see stories in which the wife is a total skank, and the father gets the kids, but, in real life, that's pretty rare. We see stories in which one or more of the kids aren't the father's. In the most famous, February Sucks, and a few others, in which the father stays with his wife for the sake of the children, we see all kinds of comments telling us that the father is a wimp and a cuck for staying with the wife.


The truth is that if divorce follows adultery, it's far less the bitch and the bastard who get burned than it is the kids.

miket0422miket0422about 2 months ago


Unfortunately, at least for me, lack of any actual dialogue with Beth after having her served left the story feeling a bit sterile and emotionless.

For someone who just had his whole life shattered it didn't really feel like the MC was all that hurt.

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for Writer! What a Great BTB story. I loved the last line..."Glad that she is enjoying paradise." describing his soon to be Ex chasing her live in lover out the front door. LOL that was a nice final touch. Good Job writing, good effort. Thanks for the Read. Buster2U

AccelarVesterAccelarVesterabout 2 months ago

My only complaint with these stories where the husband is not the kids' bio-dad is there world is torn apart. The "Dad" they knew just disappears and another male is now named 'dad'. There has to be a better way.

ArdieffArdieffabout 2 months ago

Yeah, those kids will have deep seated issues....

Slick742Slick742about 2 months ago


ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 2 months ago

Maybe Beth found out about Bill's other bastard kids all over the place. Did she think she was his one true love?

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionabout 2 months ago

I liked the story except where he was willing to cut ties to the kids. I can understand the bitterness with his wife, but the kids didn't do anything to him. He was there when they were born, probable cut the umbilical cord. Thought they were his, began raising them as his and they only knew him as daddy then 'WHAM', it was like he just turned his emotions off for them. That is just too cold hearted. Personally, I could never do something like that. DNA doesn't determine love when it comes to babies. Just saying. Maybe you could write a sequel where they find a way to get back together and were the draw of him missing the kids was the catalyst that drew them back to one another for the sake of the kids in the beginning before it changed. A BTB that turns into a reconciliation in part 2. Gave this one 4-stars because of the treatment of the kids. Part 2 could be 5-stars. Give it some thought.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 2 months ago

Love it when a "B" gets "B'd"

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 months ago

Enjoyed the story, Thanks for your writing.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 2 months ago

I enjoyed that a lot, just selfishly wanted more.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 months ago

Good story overall. I would have liked more depth between plot points to create a fuller storyline. Not sure about Canadian law, but US law isn’t so simple if you find out you’re not the biological father. If Canada is similar, you could have added a plot line to run that topic down. 4.2* overall.

Pinto931Pinto931about 2 months ago

Story needed a bit more emotion and detail. Conflict is what makes these BTB stories interesting.

desecrationdesecrationabout 2 months ago

Good autocremation by the delusional wife and her even more delusional lover.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good story of a really bad time in our hero's life, that has to be really rough, that ... trifecta?

Love the little snippet at the end! A shoe ... in paradise!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It is sad that he had no remorse about the kids.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Try to use longer sentences to avoid choppy sentences. I loved your ending with the shoe throwing episode. Your story was an enjotable read.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 2 months ago

It was good; but in Canadian courts, if your bane is listed as the parent and you’ve been the “father@ for a year or more, then in the best intrests of the child, you’re still the father.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A good story but let down somewhat by the absence of a confrontation between the spouses, which is an essential ingredient in a LW story. This left too many ends loose and too many questions unanswered.


Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 2 months ago

Good decwnt story.

It have been nearer to geeat if inly @CurrentParameter elaborated more to the ending. But it is your story thank you @CurrentParameter.

SunnyU2SunnyU2about 2 months ago

In the long run, once she gets rid of Bill, Beth might be better off. Neither men gave a rat's ass about the kids.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Liked this.

FlamethrowFlamethrowabout 2 months ago

One of the best last lines I have read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Needed more flesh on the bones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Why would anyone hookup with a cheater knowing that it isn’t you they like or love, it is the new conquest and the excitement of keeping a secret right 7nder the others nose. I loved the show at the end. Classic ending. Gotta go ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good story and pretty complete. For me, A bit more at the end would have make it better. What happened to Beth, did the kids hate her and Bill?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Kind of clinically dry and emotionless. No motivation for the wife's behavior and no satisfying confrontation. Decent writing, though, so I can see some future story improvements.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 2 months ago

Needs to be fleshed out more.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 2 months ago

It was a good effort, but missing all the real meat of the story:

1) There was no explanation for why Beth decided to take a massive shit on her husband... for their entire marriage.

2) There's no conversation between husband and slut wife, so we were robbed of a proper confrontation.

3) Victims of paternity fraud are usually devastated by the news. Realising that the kids aren't his is one of the worst traumas that a man can be faced with. I don't blame him for distancing himself from her bastards, but that would have been horrific for all of them.

4) What happened with the real consequences for Beth? Where was the public shaming? You forgot to follow up on him revealing to her parents what a cruel monster their daughter turned out to be.

5) No happy ending for the betrayed husband? Getting a new mundane job elsewhere isn't exactly a big win.

The real winner here was actually Bill. He got to screw his wife and Beth for 5+ years, fathering 5 kids between both women.

It doesn't really matter that he'll be broke after the divorce. On purely genetic terms, Bill hit the jackpot: Bill = 5, Francis = 0. Not only that, but he tricked Francis into raising two of his kids for five years, along with all the costs incurred.

Rwg7Rwg7about 2 months ago

An interesting read. Thanks. I don’t mind that legal details are wrong in a story. We are story tellers not lawyers. I have tried my hand at BTB stories and I’m not good at them, I keep wanting to finish with a reconciliation. Maybe one day. Keepup the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Where is the BTB? This was as rewarding as a prostate exam.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It was OK…..but it really fell flat WRT the discovery of the infidelity; the process of him getting his legal ducks in order; and the eventual implementation of his legal actions.


And then no real confrontation, and thus no real explanation for her behavior. And thus…no emotion. No catharsis.


The bones of a good story was there. The execution was just tepid.


3 ***

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Save your innk.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

"Unfortunately, the interviewer didn't have the same result from the interviewer." - Shouldn't the second one be "interviewee?"


"so now that child support would be off the table" - Why is it off the table? There might be time to contest paternity for the younger child, I'm not so sure about the older child.


Why are cheaters shocked when they get served with divorce papers?


"I dropped the whole alimony thing" - Why? He's still out of work, he'll need the support.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

What's Beth sorry about? Why would she be concerned about damaging her lover's marriage? Why live this sham of a life for years? Why marry, then deceive and betray our mc in such a callus manner? Just way too many questions.

And to the commenters who question a cuck who leaves the kids, do they consider seeing reminders of the humiliation, degradation, contempt on a daily basis and the effect it would have on his sense of self worth, dignity and pride as a man?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

There’s no burning in this story. Divorce isn’t burning. Letting the government know that the marriage contract is broken isn’t a punishment, it’s the minimum consequence of betrayal.


Everything that happened here flowed directly from the cheaters’ choices. The MC didn’t get any extra money, in fact he didn’t even get the maintenance money he was owed! No one was beaten, crippled, maimed, or killed. No one was sold into sex slavery. The children weren’t given to some childless couple so that the slut would cry every day for the rest of her life.


This was a straightforward Divorce the Bitch story with no burn whatsoever!



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Reed Richards wrote: “The truth is that if divorce follows adultery, it's far less the bitch and the bastard who get burned than it is the kids.”


Which is why it’s just better to arrange an “accident” for the cheaters. Children adjust better to a dead mom than a slut mom!



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Why post this on an "erotica" site?

There is nothing "erotic" about this story, now is there?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

He was to nice to the whore

nixroxnixroxabout 2 months ago

5 stars - I liked the flow of this story and it was well written.

Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A good, if unemotional story. I can't believe it was that easy to leave the two kids that he had raised to that point and little was said about them. I would have liked a little more reaction - screaming and shouting, but that's just me.

truthandjustice99truthandjustice99about 2 months ago

What a cowardly piece of shit the ex husband is The kids aren't his biologically but he just pretends after the years with them they don't exist He needs to be neutered

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 2 months ago

good story, and finally a man that just moves on. The thing that most comment or have a problem with is him cutting ties with kids that aren't his. But no one seems to have problems with her trying to pawn them off on her husband. That's what most cheaters depend on. The bond that he has with the child or children. In the end what most of these men will come to learn is that no matter how much they love the child and the child loves him.....he's not the father/dad/pops. And she will constantly remind him of that, so why put yourself through it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I.E ‘Just one man’s opinion - why would he consider reconciling? She was cheating on him throughout the marriage and intentionally got pregnant twice to her lover and was prepared to have him raise them? And you think he should get back with her for the sake of the other guys kids? What would he gain by reconciling with a malicious, manipulative cheater he could never trust?

Paternity Freud is an awful thing, it’s caused men to commit suicide or cause mental and emotional scars that affect the rest of their lives.

And there’s not even some magic pussy here, their sex life was once a week and pretty boring due to the difference in their shifts, life’s stresses (and probably her getting plenty elsewhere). She wasn’t all that loving, when he lost his job she offered no comfort but simply looked out out has it affect her side thing. Straight on divorcing she has the lover move in too.

So why would he want to have her back? You must be some sort of simp/cuck lover or just crazy.

Has to the kids, their both very young, the one year old will hardly notice him being gone bad even the three year old is unlikely to be effected by him leaving. His connection would have been broken when he discovered the paternity Freud and that both of them where not his, maybe your idea would be sound had even just one been his.

Maybe you also also expect Bills wife to consider reconciling for the kids sake and maybe also accept Beth’s kids into her home to?? Nah didn’t think do, duel standards suck

Also to Accelar Vester, maybe the women who instigate the cheating and Freud should consider that??

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 2 months ago

First story I've ever seen where the dad walked away from the kids when he found out they weren't his. Real life I think as young as they were.

Sailor59Sailor59about 2 months ago

All the comments about him just cutting ties with the kids rings hollow. How many kids have their real father cut out of their lives by vindictive mother's and sympathetic courts? Or young children who never really know bio dad because Mom brings in new daddy boyfriend into the house. Kids always pay the price.

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerabout 2 months ago

Yes, they do always pay the price. But who tenders the Bill? Francis, or Beth?? Come on, He loves them, but as they say, 'children always need their mother.' I love it when the courts and the society asswipes get it shoved back in their faces. I think he will try to stay in their lives somewhat, but hey,' talk to their mother' and bio-dad'. I hope he gets a happy ending up in the frozen north. 6 stars because it was not a perfect ending- for everyone. Good story. More, please. The Bear approves. Just see if you can help her 'friend' have an 'accident.' Wouldn't bother me- at all.


ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 2 months ago

ZK wrote, "Reed Richards wrote: “The truth is that if divorce follows adultery, it's far less the bitch and the bastard who get burned than it is the kids.”


Which is why it’s just better to arrange an “accident” for the cheaters. Children adjust better to a dead mom than a slut mom!"


The problem with that being a mother who is dead and a father in prison.


Yes, there are a lot of stories in LW -- I even wrote a couple myself -- in which the bastard gets severely maimed, and even killed, and in true LW fashion, the perp got away with it, but let's face facts: most of the time people don't get away with it.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 2 months ago

Charlottetown, huh? Stuck on Prince Edward Island? Move to Maine, which is a lot prettier, and then you can eventually become an American!

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 2 months ago

4 stars, above average. I liked that the MC didn't play around, no "well maybe I can forgive" sort of stuff after finding out she was cheating, only waited long enough to confirm the kids weren't his and then dropped the hammer. Nice to have just a pure BTB. Only real complaint is I would have liked an explanation for why the wife cheated/got pregnant by her ex and a more complete ending if not a second chapter dealing with the MC healing, the pain of what happened didn't seem to hit him in this story like he was in shock.

katibkatibabout 2 months ago

In terms of style, this is pedestrian. But justice is served, and that is always good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

You wrote more of a reaction from Bill's wife than you did for Beth. Without any "Why" or "What were you thinking" it's only part of a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I had previously mentioned that you wrote more about Bill's wife than you did her..


Yeah, it was BTB, but it was also BTK, as in Burn the Kids. The man they consider their father suddenly wants nothing to do with them. No, I don't expect him to be a full time father or even part time, but SOMETHING.


This was so simplistic it's 2 at best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Boring PG material. You should write for the Lifetime soap opera channel.

This is a site for SEX stories, not high school essay

jmm999jmm999about 2 months ago

I thought of a good line but it would have ruined your story.

"Francis, the DNA results came in, and they confirm George was fathered by Bill. Brenda was gathered by the ice cream man."

26thNC26thNCabout 2 months ago

Great story about another idiot cheating wife who thought her double life would never be found out. Good move using the layoff as the indirect method of busting the cheaters. I agree with LT56 that Bill needs an “accident “. Maybe a slipped jack or faulty hydrologic left could happen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Pretty standard cheating wife stuff. Nothing original. The writing was a bit stiff as the author seemed more intent on showing how clever his cheated on husband was. The man finds out his wife been cheating their whole marriage and none of kids are his. Oh well, let’s move on. 2*

Walton4544Walton4544about 2 months ago

Tennessee just passed a paternity law that babies have to be tested as soon as they are born. They must have a lot of cheating wives down there that trick there husbands into raising someone else's kids. I enjoyed the story.

TrustingagainTrustingagainabout 2 months ago

Seems that there needs to be a follow-up with the wife’s new life from her point of view. Unfortunately she not only destroyed her marriage but the kids life as well.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 2 months ago

Sad story, but I did like the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Depressing, but a reflection of the story being well told.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

1st, for "Walton4544", like many southern states & Kentucky & W Virginia, are you surprised that women're cheating on their husbands? The flip side is a lot of husbands're cheating on their wives-- but they don't get pregnant.

Like that commenter, I enjoyed the story. But you mentioned BTB; whatever there was could be called the only way to really deal with a cheating spouse (divorce), tho the surprise to Beth was surprising. Outside of that, there really was no BTB that I saw. Outside of how the divorce was given to the wife, nothing that wasn't written many times over. 3 stars; I'm feeling a bit generous. Bob

silverthorne16silverthorne16about 2 months ago

Surprised that the MC didn't bother suing the lover for back child support, for all the years that he had been duped into thinking the children were his. Plus, the wife committed fraud when she knew that the children were not his, but had his name on the birth certificates anyway.

consulting91consulting91about 2 months ago

That was an interesting story and a great twist on the btb genre. I wonder if she knew all along the kids were Bill’s and she was taking him raw and making the husband always use condoms per Bill’s request.

tralan69ertralan69erabout 2 months ago

This could have been a really good story.

So many things left out that would have made the difference of a so so story and a great story.

Part 2 seems to be in order. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The story would have worked better if it was just the 1yo kid. It would still hurt but with not much time for bonding, it's at least believable. With three years of treating a child as your own.....nope. He wouldn't be able to leave like that unless he was a psychopath. The kid is already developed and has full interactions with the parent. For all intents and purposes, she's his child. It's little details like this that can make or break a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Apparently, the author hasn’t of condonation. He knew about the affair before having sex with her on more than one occasion. Thus he “condoned” her actions in legal terms. But withholding the fact that the kids were not his raised another legal issue and cause for divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

@ReedRichards: “The problem with that being a mother who is dead and a father in prison.


Yes, there are a lot of stories in LW -- I even wrote a couple myself -- in which the bastard gets severely maimed, and even killed, and in true LW fashion, the perp got away with it, but let's face facts: most of the time people don't get away with it.”


As of a year ago, the unsolved murder rate in America is just under 50%. Granted that includes gangs and the homeless, and it varies by jurisdiction, but it still doesn’t paint a good picture for the so called justice system.


My wife watches a lot of true crime shows. The first time I saw one with her, I laughed myself silly. She asked what was so funny, and I pointed out who the murderer was, and all the mistakes he made. This was 15 minutes into a 2 hour documentary. I’ve watched other examples, and came to the conclusion that the police are only able to catch idiots!


If someone has an IQ above room temperature, and enough self control to plan it out instead of snapping, a betrayed spouse absolutely can get rid of their problems. Not difficult at all!



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Why are some stupid women so enthralled with the bad boys? They are attracted to the low life ass wipes who treat them like shit and are perfectly willing to screw over the good guys who sacrifice everything for them.

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 2 months ago

No actual BTB in sight. Just a wronged husband who gave proper retribution to the actions of his unfaithful wife. That said retribution ended up burned down her life is just an added bonus.

Which is quite fine with me. 👍

114FSO114FSOabout 2 months ago

Fucking Cunt. Got just what she was entitled to. Absolutely fucking nothing.

114FSO114FSOabout 2 months ago

Fucking Cunt got what she deserved for cheating. Fuck her by the whole soccer team, then ship her sorry ass to a Mexican Whore House.

RandomcarrotRandomcarrotabout 1 month ago

To the anonymous commenter about the supposed ease of getting away with murder, that's not going to work when there's an obvious motive tied between you and something like a wife or ex-wife. Speaking theoretically, you really aren't going to get away with murder unless your target is someone you have no connection to, even if you are going 200 IQ no mistakes mode. There are too many factors involved if you try to frame someone else, but if you don't and aren't lucky enough that someone else immediately jumps out as having more motive by sheer coincidence, then they will know you did it and you will not be able to stand up to months and months of scrutiny and pressure.

One of the problems is that unless the victim is part of a 'high risk group' like the homeless, sex workers, people in the criminal world etc, that occupies the vast majority of murders the case isn't going to simply get put into the big pile of unsolved to be soon forgotten, it gets made a high priority with resources dedicated to it.

Regguy69Regguy69about 1 month ago

Pretty good joib of writting a BTB. I always feel sorry for the kids in these types of things. The wife is a worthless cunt, he's lucky he discovered her shit when he was still young enough to go find a good woman and start over.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

@randomcarrot: You have a great deal of unwarranted faith in the police. Did you know that police departments select for lower IQ, because higher IQ brings independent thinking, and officers are just supposed to follow orders?


Yes, any time a woman goes missing, they always look at her husband. However, it’s really not difficult to create scenarios where that scrutiny would be limited in scope and duration.


If you think getting rid of someone who betrayed you is morally wrong, say that, but don’t hang your hat on the idea that it’s unacceptable because they solve most disappearances. They REALLY don’t, especially when there’s no evidence, including no body.


It’s almost impossible to arrest someone, let alone get a conviction, without a body, or large amounts of blood.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Only critic is how do you stop loving a baby you raised for over a year to 3 years

MountainMan1336MountainMan1336about 1 month ago

Not a bad story although I really think Francis should have put a world of hurt on Bill. Maybe if Bill spent a couple of weeks in Intensive Care, that would have made Francis feel better. As for the cheating slut Beth, she now has to foot the bill for everything all on her own. Let's face facts all wives cheat in one form or another, weather physically or emotionally they all try to find something on the side. I used to work as a bartender and you would be surprised at how many wives would come in with their husbands on the weekend, yet show up with another person during the week and usually during the workday for their extra long lunches. I gave this story 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

He has a daughter and she loves her father … dna changes the bio but you leave an innocent child .. crappie story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Agree with the kids thing from below. You don't just turn off a switch.

My main question is why? Why was she having the affair, and still wanting to fuck the cuckold? Why did his ex even marry him in the first place? No resolution there, so it felt incomplete.

RanDog025RanDog025about 1 month ago

I love it when cheater get their just rewards but didn't he love the kids enough to stay in contact with them, well?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

First page. I think the language is a bit stilted. One piece is "you are" in conversation. "You,'re" would work more smoothly. Back to the story...



AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Not bad but not great either. The last part was weak. You really need to use contractions to loosen up the dialogue, I'm, you're, it's, etc. Four stars, but pushing three.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Changed my mind. How could he just turn his back on babies he loved? Three stars.



Calico75Calico7523 days ago

Pretty good read. It us a classic BTB. However, I agree with other commenters about the kids. At least he could have shown more remorse about leaving them behind.

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

you are not alone in this but it really gets old with a story line of the husband has great acting skills while he gets proof and his money in order. None of that seems like real life. Just go with a confrontation and the fall out emotions and resolutions.

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Get proof and your money in order before the confrontation. Doing that after the confrontation is stupid and is only real life for stupid people.

chytownchytown2 days ago

*****Interesting story although I am amazed at how he just left two kids like that even if they were not his. Thanks for sharing.

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