Lake Chantrain


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I smiled, yeah, everyone loved Kelsey.

I waited dutifully for over an hour then Kelsey came out and WOW!. She had professional makeup done and her hair was swept back and then hung down and she was stunning. I caught my breath, "Kelsey you look stunning!"

She melted, "Aww Andrew! I'd kiss you but my makeup..."

I brought my phone out. She posed for over fifty shots and enjoyed it. She was who she now had no modesty and loved showing off. I held out the robe and she shook her head, preferring to remain undressed now wearing only some silver lowish heel strappy sandals they had provided her.

We gathered and wandered around for ten minutes until curtain when Brad announced everyone into their robes and I handed Kelsey her robe. She looked great, posing with the robe both open and closed. I definitely needed my own Shutterfly account. I had thousands of images of my wife and I wanted my own photo books of her.

My mom was to be the fourth singer then Kelsey the fifth. I had to admit I was a bit nervous and I looked at my wife who watched the first woman walk out with her husband. It was the woman from the first audition who walked out with her husband who Kissed his wife, untied her robe and removed it from her. She sang 'I Don't Want To Miss a Thing' by Aerosmith. Unsurprisingly, she nailed it. No, she was not the most attractive (That is what Kelsey is for!), but the show was as much about talent as the performance being nude.

My mom was the fourth to perform and came up wearing her new silk 'Chanter Nu' robe and again my father stood next to her, untied the robe, and then removed it from her. He kissed her cheek sweetly then whispered something in her ear. She melted a bit and smiled at him. Yeah, I know... again. My parents still being in love makes my day every time I see it. My father walked off and took his seat in the front row. My mom sang her song, 'You're Still The One', to my father as if she owned the song.

Kelsey took my hand and looked at me as we started walking onto the stage. She loved me, but as I knew her more subtle signs, she was getting off on being in front of the audience. It wasn't a sexual turn-on, it was a pure ego feed. Objectively, Kelsey has a run-of-the-mill pretty face. Her body is centerfold stardom and she knew it. Yes, I am fine with it and in fact like it. I want my wife to grow and I love her new confidence as she learns just how amazing she is.

We walked out onto the stage. It was otherworldly to see six hundred people in a packed house watching us as we came to the front. I untied her robe as she looked at me with that same expression and I removed her robe. I whispered in her ear, "I love you... show off."

She smirked a tenth of a second then I left the stage to take my seat next to my father. My wife looked me in the eye oddly, and then she started 'Crazy' instead of 'Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher." Her eyes never left me the entire song. She was singing to me and that song became our song. A thirty-one-year-old song... became our song and everyone in that audience knew she was singing it to me. Her expression and the love in her eyes spoke volumes.

She finished the song and the audience erupted. Kelsey OWNED the audience. She looked at me and smiled the smile of her life. Anyone who thinks women don't have egos is wrong and that audience was feeding her ego all she could take. I smiled. My wife, my lover, and my best friend was on top of the world.

As Kelsey walked off, my father said, "Son, you married an amazing young woman. You have married the second-best woman I know... after your mom, of course!"

She left the stage and I watched the rest of the performers. Most were attractive and yeah, I don't mind a little eye candy. At the end of the show, I was to meet Kelsey backstage then we were to walk to the lobby for a meet and greet. The performers were still wearing nothing but their silver low-heel sandals. We lined up at a side door and we were announced in the order that we performed.

We were announced, and then were to mingle in the lobby with the guests. They lined up immediately to talk to Kelsey. How she could get that much adoration as people gushed about her to her face, yet she was humble at the same time and the most common thing she said was, "Thank you. You are so kind."

My Kelsey!

By the time we got home, she was exhausted and we went to bed immediately. No sex, but I held her so close and her fading words, "Andrew, I love..." as sleep took her and she lay in my arms.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Sunday performance was similar in almost every way except the start time was six instead of seven-thirty. We had started the day making love and she was dead tired by the time we got home at half past eight that night. She just wanted to cuddle on our oversized recliner under her old pink comforter in our darkened living room.

I have to say, her resting on me leaning half on my chest as she relaxed on me, her bare body on mine. No sex again, but she relaxed completely on me, trusting me, loving me, and finding comfort by being with me...


Thursday, Oct 11, 2018

I walked into work on a cool October morning and walked in the door. Two people turned and looked at me strangely then I noticed everyone was looking at me strangely. I wondered if the previews of 'Naturally Yours' had started early or the entire office had gone to see Chanter Nu.

There had been a few quiet announcements during Monday meetings, but everyone was used to the fact that I lived on Lake Chantrain. They had even announced that I was going to be on Movie Max, but that had garnered just a few looks and more shrugs. Lake Chantrain was a known thing about me.

I walked by Andrea from accounting who smiled at me and I found her smile a bit stilted and odd. Usually, when something unexpected about Lake Chantrain came up at work, it was some kind of smirk, rather than a smile. The next minor detail as she and her husband had visited Lake Chantrain on a day pass so that was unlikely the cause of her odd expression.

I looked at Andrea, paused, then asked, "Okay. What did I do? Did something come out? I know a few weeks ago that they mentioned me being on Movie Max next week, but the previews were not supposed to start until tomorrow."

Andrea asked, "You don't know, do you?"

I shook my head.

Andrea brought up her phone, looked around then typed something in.

Mrs Johanssen had taken a video of my wife's performance of 'Crazy' from Friday and posted it on the Lake Chantrain website on Saturday morning. I looked at Andrea in shock. Someone had taken the video of Kelsey off the website for Lake Chantrain and had posted it on YouTube. The video had over a million hits.

I looked at Andrea in more shock and she smiled, "Your wife has it bad for you. One thing comes through that video if you watch her face; She loves you... completely."

Andrea laughed, "A shotgun wedding. Now I have heard it all!"

I went to my desk and sat down. My life was more and more like some story on the internet except that the author was surely insane. The previews of Naturally Yours did indeed start the next day and the following Monday started even more odd looks and smirks. No, not upset because abnormal was my new normal.

Friday, October 19, 2018

This was the night of the premier of the video Movie Max had taken of us for Lake Chantrain and we were given three free years of all of their channels for our participation. We gathered at my parents' house where everyone in our social circle had gathered. My entire family plus Hans and Carlos, Mr and Mrs. Johanssen. We were all dressed. My brother's now long-term girlfriend, Lissie was there and scared to death of anything to do with naturism, but she was there to support him. I noted that she sat very close to him and was very affectionate toward him. Yeah, I think a ring is in someone's near future.

I was kind of surprised Lissie was willing to watch the premiere of 'Naturally Yours', but as I said, I think she was there to support him. She was so shy around everyone except my brother. She was a shy little woman, more cute than beautiful. Cute face, five foot nothing, and thin. She seemed to draw strength from being near my brother and they seemed a good match... except the naturism thing was sure to be an issue.

My parents had rearranged the living room around their new prize, an 85-inch LG OLED TV along with a surround sound system they bought at Best Buy they bought with the money they received from Movie Max.

My mom got up to dim the lights after everyone was seated and comfortable with drinks and snacks everywhere. It was eight o'clock as I sat with my wife on a couch ensconced leaning into me as the Movie Max logo appeared then started with a video. She had brought over her favorite old pink comforter. Once underneath, she put my hand under her shirt onto her breast. Yeah, no bra. She smirked at me and I made no move to start stimulating her. She just liked having my hand on her boob and of course, I did not mind having a nice handful.

The very first scene of the video was video of me sitting next to Kelsey with a voiceover by Claire, "What happens when you take a couple who lives the naturist life inside a Naturist resort year-round and invite another couple who has never even tried it?"

The scene cut to one of the rooms in the resort. Christopher and Julia were sitting in their room wearing regular clothing. Apparently, they had taken video in the hotel room the night before.

Claire asked, "So tell us about yourselves."

Chris said, "I am Chris Farrell and this is my wife Julia. We met in college and quickly became exclusive. What can I say, we clicked and never looked back. We married a month after graduating and are looking forward to buying our first home together."

Claire asked, "And what do you do?"

Chris said, "I am a business consultant doing analysis of profit and loss for clients. I'm behind the scenes running numbers and finding data."

Claire asked, "Julia?"

Julia smiled and said, "I do web page content and development. I have a background in the marketing side and on the creative side even creating content. I have done a lot of photography for example."

Claire asked, "So you both work from home?"

Both nodded.

Claire asked, "Does being together so much strain your relationship?"

Julia shook her head strongly, "No. I love Chris deep into my soul. Even if I am doing work, his presence in our office is comforting to me. We don't have to talk or anything. Just being near him gives me a peace that I love."

Claire smiled, "Young love is special. So, what do you want to gain out of this?"

Chris laughed, "Well, we are getting enough to help with a down payment on a house."

Claire nodded, "Anything else?"

Julia thought for a second, "I don't know about the whole nudist thing. I'm willing to give it a go though."

Claire asked, "Are you nervous?"

Chris nodded. Julia nodded more.

Claire pondered their response and asked, "So let me ask. Why are you doing this? Besides the financial end of it. Surely there are lower impact ways of helping with a down payment on a home."

Julia thought for a second and answered, "Curiosity."

Claire said, "What do you mean by that?"

Julia answered, "Just that. Experiencing the unknown. I was very scared when you and Movie Max approached us in the mall. We were walking out of Macy's when you came to us and told us that you were the host for this show about naturism. At first, I was bewildered thinking, 'Who says this?" Then I was thinking that it might be like that place in Jamaica that swingers go to. I remember you said the place you were going was different and that wasn't the case.."

Claire said, "We deliberately chose a more family-friendly place than that. Introducing a couple to naturism is one thing. Introducing them to swapping is very likely a bridge too far."

Chris nodded at Claire, "You are very persuasive."

Julia said, "And it did not hurt that the contract with Movie Max was fairly long to read, it was written in plain English. When we met Carl Washington and the director, Liz Farnham, the producer we were told we could ask as many questions as we wanted and make any clarifications to the contract we wanted."

Chris nodded, "They said they could refuse the changes, but they didn't. We put in our own clarifications at the end of the contract. The first condition was that there was explicit language that said no swinging or swapping in any form. The only other one was that the cameras were to only take video from a normal viewing angle and not try to get gyno shots of my wife."

Julia blushed a bit, "The thing is, in the long run, some shots might be a bit explicit. I mean, my lady parts are shaved around my opening."

Claire said, "My lady parts are shaved completely. They will see as much of me as they will of you."

Julia laughed nervously

They played most of our Thursday evening interviews introducing my family and the background of our family then switched to video of them in their hotel room Friday morning.

Chris and Julia went into the bathroom then the scene cut to them coming out of the bathroom, both wearing identical gray robes.

Claire was shown wearing an identical gray robe, "Nervous?"

Both nodded.

Claire said, "I hope to allay some of your fears. The couple you are going to meet are roughly the same age as you and are very nice people and are monogamous. It might help you feel better to know that Kelsey, the wife, has made it her goal of showing that Lake Chantrain has nothing to do with swinging or swapping."

Chris and Julia looked only slightly less nervous.

Claire said, "It is time to head out and meet Kelsey and Andrew, the other couple.

The video showed them leaving their room and heading through the door right before the lobby, then it swung around to show us waiting for them as we stood between the pool and the beach.

It was a bit jarring to see myself on television, even if we were still dressed at that point. Claire came to us and after a fairly short interview, asked us to remove our robes. We disrobed then were followed by Claire who took off her robe.

It was interesting to see their reaction up close as the camera focused on them when Claire asked the Farrells to remove their robes. It was clearly easier for Chris than Julia, but she did manage to remove and drop her robe. She had to force her hands down at first as her natural reaction was to cover. I noted the views of all of us were often knees to just over our heads. Movie Max wasn't doing strict crotch shots, but they were full-body and full-frontal.

We had our interviews where we went over how Kelsey and I met and then talked about naturism in general. We walked around the lake as Kelsey walked her regular tour, pointing out features of the neighborhood and the amenities available to both guests and residents.

They showed us on my deck and then my parent's back deck as we had lunch then met the rest of my family then finished with Susan telling her story. Chris and Julia still looked a bit nervous, but it was becoming clear to them that the video was not going into swinging or swapping which worried them and they seemed more comfortable.

The least surprising time of the video was our day at Gunnison Beach. How Movie Max convinced some National Park Service person to let us walk naked from the roadside rather than having to start well past the road and onto the beach was answered when some guy wearing an NPS ranger outfit said something along the lines of the publicity being good for the entire Sandy Hook Peninsula Park. Gunnison is only one of several beaches at that park with the rest not being clothing optional.

They did cut down quite a bit of the conversation from Gunnison including the parts where Claire laments the demise of her broadcasting career. That is probably for the best though I did note that the part about her being single and available were left in though a bit subtly. Claire does deserve her second career and I do hope she finds that man for her life. I know my life would be incomplete without Kelsey.

They showed small snippets of Sunday's activities until they got to the party. Movie Max had done a rather long interview at some point on Saturday with Carlos as he sat in their living room next to Hans. It was the part they showed immediately before they showed Chris and Julia meeting them for the first time.

Yes, they did show the shock of Chris and Julia seeing Carlos' foot-long trouser snake for the first time and yes, the helicopter move was apparently a must-see. I still laugh at peoples' reactions and Kelsey still finds it unfunny. Yes, I know that I am still a mental midget.

They did show quite a bit of the dinner and quite a bit of Chris and Carlos trading off DJing. Carlos was very gracious in sharing that spotlight with Chris. At the end of the night, it even showed Carlos and Chris exchanging numbers and even friending each other on Facebook. Chris took Carlos' DJing Instagram page information and signed up to Instagram just to follow him.

The program ended with the final interview where Chris and Julia spoke about how the experience had changed them. They were talking about going to see a local naturist facility in Ohio to see if they liked it without outside influence. The final shot started as Chris and Julia walked out the lobby door fully clothed and they got into a limousine. The limo took them away just as Kelsey started her normal Monday tour as the camera panned back as the limo's tail lights showed as it got near the exit and Kelsey started her walk with her regular tour group. Then the credits rolled.

I looked at Kelsey and asked, "Well, what do you think?"

Kelsey smiled and said, "I hope to do something like this again."

Yeah, I know we all saw this coming a long time ago.

Monday, October 22, 2018

I walked into work not knowing what to think about 'Naturally Yours' premiering and oddly, little happened. My boss passed me as I walked to my desk and he gave me a nod and a quick and quiet, "Good job keeping your professional life out of your Movie Max premier."

It was weird to think about how many people that I worked with saw my entire family buck naked as this was a whole new level. I got a few nods and two inquiries about day passes for which I gave the office contact information. It's ten bucks for the first pass that lasts two and a half days for a couple who are first timers which covers a weekend Friday at four in the afternoon through Sunday at nine in the evening. If they book a room, the pass comes with the room.

I was hoping one of the two people who quietly came to me would follow through next year. It wasn't a huge deal, but Justin Traver's wife is very very pretty, and yes, even though I see naked people all the time, I like eye candy and she was definitely eye candy. The second person who inquired was Bea Willard. You can imagine, she is older and definitely not eye candy. She is a very nice person though.

The day ended with a whimper and it turned out Kelsey on YouTube was a much bigger event. I was nervous for nothing. That was until I got home.

Kelsey greeted me at the door and I could read her. Fortunately this time she did not start with, "We need to talk."

I could read her and perhaps she knew it best for me to start the conversation, "You want to talk to me about something."

Kelsey nodded, "The radio station WAGS called. They want me and my mom to be on their morning show tomorrow and you can imagine how they want us dressed."

From the way she said it, I instinctively knew Kelsey wanted to do it. I nodded, "You want to do it?"

Kelsey nodded, "Yes."

I laughed and said, "You really want to do it."

Kelsey nodded, "It's good publicity for Lake Chantrain."