Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 04


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Everybody stopped talking and turned back to the 'stage' as music once more resounded through the room from the speakers. Geiger recognized Motley Crue's version of 'Smokin' in the Boys Room.' The intro played and Diamond had not yet come out of the restroom, but as soon as the drum fill came and the full song started, the restroom door opened.

Immediately the room erupted in male cheers of approval. Even Geiger got into the mass howling. He had never heard so few men make so much noise as wolf whistles, catcalls, and all sorts of cheers echoed through the warehouse at the amazing sight of Diamond in her outfit.

Skipping out of the restroom straight to the poles she was dressed as a hot schoolgirl. She had on a red plaid skirt that bounced up to her hips as she skipped, revealing a ruffled, panty-covered ass. Her top consisted of a long-sleeved red woolen cropped sweater several sizes too small, her breasts pressing against the material as if trying to burst out while her cleavage bulged out of the deep V-neck of the sweater. Her bare midriff displayed the blue naval ring as thoughts of Nick missing the show came to mind.

Accompanying her outfit she had on white ruffled ankle stockings and what he estimated were at least 7-inch spiked heel black platform shoes—the epitome of stripper shoes; however, what made the entire outfit was her long auburn hair in pigtails, tied high on her head with red ribbons.

She showed her true profession as she gracefully skipped to the pole in her obscenely tall pumps, making the movement look natural and completely sexy in the tall stripper shoes. Reaching the pole she jumped up, spinning around as her plaid skirt fluttering around her hips, then flipped her stripper-shoe-covered feet over her head, blatantly flashing her ruffled panties.

As she spun she tucked her knees in, then twisted and extended her arms and legs out from the pole, her body completely parallel to the floor. Spreading her legs and dropping down a few feet before stopping with her arms, she thrust out her body perpendicular to the floor and parallel to the pole and undulated her body in a body wave, the movements so fluid and graceful it looked ethereal.

The agents went wild as Diamond showed her talent, working the pole gracefully as the song played. At one point she was spinning and fanned her legs out, then impossibly rolled her body as her legs fanned out and around while her body twirled around the pole. Her upper body strength was amazing as she resembled a human pinwheel around the pole.

Inverting herself, she stuck out her body, holding it parallel to the pole and repeating another smooth body wave. Then she stuck her body straight out, again perpendicular to the floor but this time facing the ceiling as she held herself up by only her thighs. While the clapping interlude of the song played, Diamond also clapped her hands, urging the agents on. Geiger was caught up in the excitement as he joined the men, standing and clapping and cheering her on.

Diamond then climbed up the pole to the ceiling as the ending of the song came. Turning so she was facing he ceiling, her back was once more parallel to the floor, she tucked one leg around the pole and stuck the other straight out. Looking at the crowd she blew a kiss, then immediately dropped rapidly down the pole, stopping only a foot above the floor! The agents stood up applauding and Geiger joined them, amazed at her using only her legs to halt the free-fall descent, her body still parallel to the floor.

The next song started—the agent immediately recognizing AC/DC's 'You Shook Me All Night Long'—and Diamond dismounted from the pole on her feet, strutting out to the middle of the gathering of agents. When the beat started she began writhing her body in the middle of the group, her hands moving over her breasts, then down her stomach, finally moving over her ass while the agents went wild.

Slowly she began unbuttoning her sweater as she gyrated, her pigtails waving around her head seductively. As each button was undone the sweater sprung open inch by inch due to how tight it was wrapped around her large chest. The men around her were going wild as more and more of her cleavage was revealed, along with the protruding globes of flesh. Then as the refrain hit, she spread the sweater out, whipping it off.

The crowd of agents went nuts as she spun around, her pigtails fanning out behind her as she revealed a transparent white halter top partially covered by a half-cup black bustier pushing her tits up high. The hater top was almost completely transparent, her full breasts and areolae fully revealed.

As Diamond danced before the group, whipping her sweater over her head, Geiger saw the other agents had become more embolden--probably by his groping of her chest the previous set. Hands now slid across her stomach, her ass, running up and down her smooth muscular legs.

He watched as Alex Hildrum, another one of the junior agents, moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach. Diamond proceeded to spoon with him, her body undulating as her facial expressions made her look like she was having sex while she ground her ass into his pelvis.

Diamond then broke away from the agent's embrace, sitting in another agent's lap, David Wagner. While she gyrated in his lap the senior agent wasted no time feeling up her chest through her halter. Nonplussed, the woman continued her lap dance as if her tits were not being contorted all over the place beneath the halter top. Geiger and the other agents watched as she slowly leaned back, her breasts straining against the halter and did a backwards cartwheel from the other agent's lap, dancing again in the middle of the crowd as they cheered.

As the song ended, she dropped herself into a perfect split, her arms over her while the men cheered.

Getting up as the next song started—'Strut' by Sheena Easton—Geiger watched as Diamond did actually strut up to the rubber matted area, still amazed at her balance in her tall 'come fuck me' shoes.

She began dancing, her hands moving all over her body as she swayed sinuously. Dropping herself to the floor, she fanned her legs out to the crowd, crawling around the stage seductively, her face pouting like the naughty schoolgirl she was dressed as.

When the first refrain came she again strutted across the floor, her ass moving exaggeratedly as she rubbed her body. Placing her hand over her crotch, she pumped her hips, then dropped to her knees and seductively swayed her torso still grasping her crotch as the agents yelled their approval. Then she rolled over and crawled to the other side of the makeshift stage area, standing up as the second refrain ended.

As the slow interlude came, Diamond reached up beneath her skirt, slowly lowering her ruffled panties. Turning around she jutted out her hips, causing the skirt to fly up and reveal her bare ass cheeks to the crowed as the ruffled panties dropped to her ankles. Stepping out of the white frilly material, she kicked them into the crowd.

Now when she danced the skirt bounced up flashing her ass cheeks as the agents roared their approval. Facing the crowd, they saw she was also wearing a black G-string, the dress continuing to bounce up as her hips moved, her covered crotch flashed to them.

The song slowly came to an end and Diamond suddenly ripped off the bustier, her breasts now moving freely beneath the diaphanous halter top, tied just below her breasts to the crowd's delight.

Immediately the next song started, the men joining in and yelling out the words of the introduction, everybody recognizing the song:

Step inside, walk this way

You and me babe, Hey, hey!

Geiger smiled at the stripper song of stripper songs, 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' by Def Leppard, began playing. Diamond sexily strutted out into the crowd once again, her hips swinging exaggeratedly as her tits now swayed along without the support of the bustier.

If the men were bold in their touching her before, they were now like octopuses, hands grabbing her bare ass cheeks, rubbing her legs, stomach, a few even reaching around from behind her to squeeze her tits.

Diamond paid them no heed, her body undulating sexily to the beat of the song.

As the refrain started with "Take a bottle..." Diamond reached over to one table where another agent, Craig Kao, was drinking whiskey and Sprite. As the next lyrics played "shake it up" Diamond began pumping her hand with a bottle of unopened Sprite in it. Looking at the cheering crowd, as the title refrain came she pointed the bottle to her chest and twisted the cap.

Immediately the shaken bottle exploded upon her breasts, neck, face, and stomach. The men cheered as the foamy liquid—looking almost like cum—ran down between her breasts, face, and stomach. The halter top practically disappeared as it became saturated with sticky soda. Diamond dumped the rest of the bottle across her tits as she slowly danced to the song.

Throwing the bottle to the side, she began massaging her breasts through the nearly invisible halter while her hips swayed wildly. Putting one arm across her stomach, she grabbed her crotch with the other, her hips making humping motions as she closed her eyes and did a sensual body wave, swaying to the song.

When the next refrain came, she grabbed the two nearest agents—Max and Tony—and pulled their heads to her breasts. The agents, taking her hint, began licking the flesh of her mounds. As the agents licked the sticky fluid from her, Diamond closed her eyes, swaying seductively as she danced with her arms around the two agents who were practically suckling her.

Geiger watched as Max said something to Tony and as the woman continued to sway, the men reached up, each grasping their side of the neckline of the halter and pulled, the thin material ripping apart easily, baring the succulent tits.

The only indication Diamond was aware of what happened was her taking the ripped halter top and shrugging it off her shoulders.

Max and Tony immediately took a bare nipple in each of their mouths as Diamond's head fell back.

As the woman continued swaying, Geiger saw Max slide one hand down the strippers stomach, dropping lower and began rubbing the woman's crotch. In response she ground her pelvis against his palm. Meanwhile Tony's hand had reached around and was roughly groping one of her ass cheeks.

A few other guys copped feels of her ass and crotch as the song slowly drew to an end. Finally extricating herself from the mass of horny guys, Diamond walked to the poles before the next song came on. As she walked and swayed to the poles, Geiger could see her nipples sparkling in the light from the agents' saliva, her nipples prominent from the attention they had received.

Geiger was impressed as a couple of the junior agents brought over mops and cleaned up the spilled drink on the floor. Seeing him looking at them, Alex Hildrum shrugged and said, "So she doesn't slip if she comes back."

The cheering from the rest of the crowd brought his attention back to the woman on stage as another stripper anthem began to play—Warrant's 'Cherry Pie.'

Diamond walked slowly and sexily around the pole topless, her large naked breasts perky with her nipples curved up slightly, her pigtails still giving her the naughty schoolgirl look. She did a flip-like cartwheel while holding the pole ending upon it, spinning rapidly around as Geiger realized this was the rotating pole.

Flipping herself upside down, her legs in a split, she contorted her body, extending it out and then flipping back over, showing off her bare ass as the pole continued rotating. Geiger did not know any of the names of her moves, but understood they were all high-end, advanced maneuvers based on Rachel's practice. He watched in amazement as the woman continued her routine, the pole's inertia continuing to rotate her around while she performed.

When the a cappella section played Diamond was walking around the pole, wildly swinging her hips to the left and right as the agents clapped:

Swingin' to the drums,

Swingin' to guitar,

Swingin' to the bass in the back of my car.

Ain't got money,

Ain't got no gas,

But we'll get where were going if we swing real fast.

Immediately Diamond ripped off her skirt to the roar of approval by the agents. Turning and jumping back on the pole, Diamond finished her routine in nothing but her shoes, ankle socks, and G-string—her perfect ass and tits moving passionately.

As the song drew to a close Diamond came off the pole oscillating her body and whipping her hair all over as her tits and ass shook, ending the song in the splits with her arms over her head to the shouts of the crowd.

The next song began playing—'My House' by the Mary Jane Girls—and Diamond once again sashayed out to the crowd. Reaching the center of the almost dozen agents she began swinging her hips wildly, her hands cupping her breasts, moving them back to grip her ass as she danced to the song.

Once more agents' hands were all over the woman as she continued to dance as if they were not even there. She seemed oblivious as her ass, tits, thighs, and even her hair was felt, fondled, and groped, her lack of response only urging on the agents.

As the first refrain played over the warehouse speakers the woman began to step away. Geiger saw two agents—Chris Gellatly a senior Special Agent, and Owen Barela a junior agent—each grasp a side of her G-string to pull her back; instead of stopping Diamond continued walking forward as the G-string first stretched, and then broke, the ripped material falling from between her legs to the floor.

Diamond did not even hesitate as Geiger saw her make a beeline to Vogel, briefly wondering why she was focusing on the fat guy as the crowd yelled their approval to her now naked state. The humanitarian side of him wondered if the stripper felt she was doing the obese man a favor by paying attention to him, as most women obviously ignored the robust man.

Diamond began swaying her hips and body in front of the large man as the song played, giving him another sensual lap dance, only this time completely naked. She lowered herself into his lap, facing the crowd as she began to grind her ass into his crotch, her knees scissoring towards the crowd as they beheld her exposed slit as her thighs opened and closed.

The crowd went wild when Vogel reached his hands around the woman, his right hand grabbing her breast. Then his other hand moved straight between her spread legs! There was a brief moment of complete quiet amongst the agents as they all stared in amazement as Vogel's fat middle finger slipped between the folds of flesh into the woman's vagina before erupting in cheers.

For the second time today Geiger watched as somebody finger-fucked the stripper.

Diamond's head fell back against Vogel's shoulder, her hips beginning to grind up and down as the fat man's hand worked in and out of her cunt. As the men cheered the obese man on, Geiger saw Chris and Owen—the two agents who had ripped off her G-string—move to each side of the woman. Seeing them, Vogel let go of the woman's breast, his other hand still rapidly fucking the woman. Diamond still had her head back, her eyes closed as her hips ground against the hand working her pussy and clit.

Completely absorbed by the fat man's fingers, and oblivious to the two agents next to her, Geiger watched as Owen and Chris bent down, each taking a breast in their mouths.

The woman let out a scream, everybody knowing at least one, if not both agents, had bitten her nipples. Again the woman cried out as her legs suddenly extended, the tall stripper shoes pointing straight out as the song ended. In the silence that followed, everybody watched awed as the woman's body started shaking, then cheering as she unashamedly orgasmed violently in Vogel's lap, the two other agent's mouths still suckling her breasts.

Slowly the woman lowered her stripper-shoe-clad feet to the ground as Vogel pulled his finger out and the two agents suckling her moved back. Her nipples glistened in the light from the two agent's mouths as the crowd applauded her performance, getting louder as Vogel raised his hand, giving the finger to everybody as they beheld his finger, coated with the strippers nectar. Then to everybody's wonder while grinning over her shoulder, Vogel moved his hand to her face, inserting his middle finger into her mouth as she cleaned off her own juices from his digit!

Geiger saw Vogel whisper something in her ear as she nodded to him, getting up off his lap and retrieving her discarded clothing. The other agents individually thanked her for the great show as they started pooling together their wallets, handing her a stack of cash to reward her for her efforts. She tried to refuse, but they insisted, shoving the wad of money in her hands.

Geiger saw her pick up the G-string, ruined from the other agents, watching as she tossed it into a nearby garbage can. Somebody handed her skirt to her and thanking them, stepped into it and slid it up her hips, the material once again failing to cover her ass or crotch. Next she picked up her discarded halter top off the floor, the material still saturated with soda. Instead of throwing it out, Geiger watched surprised when she put it on, tying the ripped center together which drew her tits close together, amplifying her already prominent cleavage.

Diamond then walked up to him as he told her it was the best show he had ever seen. Actually blushing, she thanked him. The woman's top openly displayed her breasts, but pushing his carnal thoughts from his mind, he went into FBI-mode once again.

"Nick, did you get what you needed?" he asked.

He watched as the woman's eyes widened and subsequently nodded.

He was about to tell her she could put her street clothes back on when she said, "Agent Vogel said your branch chief wanted to see me in his office," she told him.

Geiger looked around briefly, not seeing the large man in the room and shrugged, taking her to the back where the only other finished and enclosed office besides the Comms Room was in the building, just to the side of the restroom. Knocking on the door and hearing the muffled male voice say to come in, he told her he would wait outside and take her home when she was ready.


As Jen stood outside the FBI branch chief's office, her mind was a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions and thoughts; however, one thing resurfaced over and over as she sifted through her conscience—what the hell had she done?

She had been surprisingly impressed with the outfit, feeling a naughty sensual thrill anticipating how the group of agents would react to it; however, their roar as she exited the bathroom was more enthusiastic than she had foreseen. Skipping out onto the 'stage' their applause and cheers of approval had been louder than most nights at the club.

Performing her pole routine, she had become completely absorbed in her dance, feeding off the crowd more and more as she entered almost a Zen-like trance state. Her maneuvers were executed perfectly, desiring to give the cheering agents even more. She knew Mary and Denise would have been in awe at the difficulty of her moves, agreeing it was her best performance ever.

The rush continued as she danced amongst the agents, her already excited body continuing to gratify herself off the fervor of the crowd. When the agents started fondling her she was not bothered or concerned. It was not unusual for there to be more 'hands-on' touching during private engagements versus the club—which was how she was treating this session. In fact most private shows went as far as the dancer let them, her knowing some girls even had sex with party participants for more money.
