Last Few Days of Summer


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"Thanks. You know, you're so easy to talk to..."

"I think you're actually learning something. Compared to when we first met, you're a champ any girl would like to go out with. Speaking of going out, when will we be going out?"


"Go out. You know, a date. When will you be asking me for a date?"

"Uh, I don't know about that. I mean, we're just practicing and all."

"And practicing means practicing dating. So...?"

"Uh, Chari, would you like to go out with me sometime?"

"Nah, Will, too weak. You need to be more assertive and have a definite plan. Try again."

"Chari, would you like to catch a movie with me this weekend? I hearMy Cousin Vinny is showing in town."

"See, Will, much nicer. Direct, a definite plan. She might have already seen it so you might want to have a back-up proposal in place. OK?"


"Sure, Will, I'd love to see it. When should we go? Now, Will, at this point you should already have an idea of the show times and I know we've not had time to review this so let me call the cinema and see what their times are."

After fiddling around with the Yellow Pages for a few seconds, she picked up the phone and called. Upon listening to the canned message for a couple of minutes, she smiled and told him the movie was on at six p.m. and seven forty-five. "OK, Will, try again."

"Uh, Chari, My Cousin Vinny is showing at the theater this Saturday, uh, tomorrow. Would you like to go see it with me, please?"

"Yeah, Will, that sounds great. When should I expect you to pick me up?"

"How about seven fifteen?"

"Sure. Thanks. See you then," she paused, "See how easy that was? Now, I guess you don't have a car with you."

"No, but I could ask to borrow my folks car, I guess."

"Do they know about me?"

"Uh, no. Maybe I shoulda told them."

"No, that's perfectly OK. They might freak seeing an old lady with their son."

"Hey, you're not old!"

"That's sweet of you, Will, but they might not want you to be going out with a twenty-six-year-old. Why don't you come down here and I'll let you drive the car and we'll practice dating. OK?"

"Yeah, sure. See you then."

"Well done, Will. Look, I'm going to head into town for some groceries. See you tomorrow evening, OK?"

"Yeah. Great," he grinned.


The next day he did his run early in the morning and watched some TV and read a few old books which were lying around the house. By mid-afternoon he was pacing the floor. Once his mother left to go to the grocery store, he spoke to his dad.

"Uh, Dad, I'm gonna go out tonight."

"Sure thing. Meeting anyone?"

"Yeah, I ran into a girl down the beach and we'd like to hit a movie."

"Great. Need the car?"

"No, not really. She has one..."

"Son, in my day and age the guy was always responsible for the wheels. Take the Chevy."

"You sure? Hey, thanks Dad."

At seven fifteen he drove up the driveway and parked behind Chari's VW Beetle. He marveled at how it had numerous decals from places all over the country as well as some political ones. He walked up to the door and rang the bell.

"Hi, Will. Right on time."

"Yeah. You ready?"

"Yep, just about. Let me finish putting on my face." She stepped out for a few minutes and reappeared wearing nice lipstick and a bit of eye shadow.

"Gee, you look really nice tonight."

"Thank you. Now, that's something any girl is going to like hearing, so good one. Keep it up....Shall we go?"

"My car is right outside."

"Oh, so we won't need the Beetle? Your parents know?"

"Yeah, I told my dad and he insisted I take the car. Said it was the guy's responsibility."

"OK. Great." He walked with her to the car and went to get in.

"Will. Stop a second. You gonna leave me out here?"

"Uh, no. Sorry. I guess I should open your door."

"Yes. In spite of women's lib, most females like to be treated extra nice on a date. Opening the door is so easy to do. And don't forget any door into a building."

Once she was in the car, they drove off with Chari giving him dating advice. "A first date is not a sex thing. Got it? It's a chance to get to know one other. You don't go pawing at her. And don't even think about sex. Even a kiss is not guaranteed. Sometimes they're OK, sometimes not. But don't demand one. A movie doesn't let you talk very much, so it's a good idea to follow up with an invite for a coke or something. And be yourself. Don't get too nervous. Relax and enjoy yourself and she'll get to see the real you."

"Wow, sure is a lot to remember."

"You'll do fine and I'm here to coach you."

The movie was hilarious and both laughed frequently throughout. Near the end, Chari let her hand drop onto his and they ended up holding hands until the lights came up. Outside they wandered down the street holding hands until they found a tiny restaurant and went in to get soft drinks. They sat across the table and talked about the movie laughing as they recalled some of the funniest lines.

On the way back to her place, she thanked him for the invite. He escorted her to the door and nervously looked at her.

"Will, relax. We had a good time. What you want to do now is suggest, imply or even say outright you want to do this again. She'll let you know. And you're nervous about the kiss question, aren't you?"


"Let me tell you something. A kiss is not a mandatory payment for a date. A kiss is a mutually pleasant activity which may or may not occur after the date. The best advice I can give is to let the girl be the leader. She'll let you know. So, for tonight, let's pretend she's shy and doesn't stand close and doesn't hug you and doesn't look up at you with her mouth close to yours. What do you do?"

"Uh, I thank her for the nice time and tell her I'd like to do it again."

"Perfect! And if she's interested, she'll smile and look in your eyes and say she can't wait. OK?"

"Yeah. Got it."

"So, Will, coming by tomorrow?"

"Probably not. My folks are big church people and Sundays are days of rest. Once we get back from church, we'll lay low, take it easy and have a big meal. I'd like to come by on Monday, though..."

"I'll look forward to it, Will. Goodnight," she whispered as she reached up and lightly kissed his cheek.


Monday afternoon found Will again running down the beach towards the Gunderson's place. He was excited to talk with Chari again and was hoping maybe she could do some more 'teaching.' She was not on the deck but the Beetle was in the driveway so he wandered up towards the house and gently knocked on the screen door.

"Hello?" he called out.

"Hello," came the reply as she came down the stairs and into the common room. "I was tidying up a little upstairs. The place was a mess and I figured I'd help out a little. Come in."

The large room looked comfortable with two sofas, several beanbag chairs, a bookcase filled with books and board games and an old TV console. "Looks like there's plenty to do here," he said.

"Yeah. I finished my Grisham book yesterday and I've been looking at some of their books. Someone here likes bodice rippers."

"Bodice rippers?"

"Haven't you heard that term? Those are racy romance novels. Name comes from the theme of the maiden having her bodice ripped off by the manly guy as he devours her."

"You like that stuff?"

"Not my favorite, but they can get me a little excited, I guess. Uh, what excites you?"

"I'm a guy. Anything about girls excites me," he admitted sheepishly.

"Does this excite you?" she asked as she stood tall and slowly ran her hands down across her breasts and abdomen.

"Well, yeah, of course."

"What about this?" She pulled her top slowly off to reveal the tiny red bikini bra.

"Yeah. Sexy."

"You've got it bad, don't you?" she teased. "Here, let's talk some more about girls, women and dating."

"Yeah, sure."

For the next hour or so, she spent time teaching him about women, what they like and what they don't. "Remember, every girl is different but I think those basic rules will apply for every one of us. Can you repeat the basics for me?"

"Uh, yeah. Uh, girls usually need more time to get excited than guys. There's no rush. Spend time on the little things that she'll appreciate. Be nice and polite. Don't demand. Don't expect anything and take everything she has to offer willingly. Uh, wait, I know there's more."

"What'd I say about PDA?"

"Oh, yeah, no PDA unless she starts it. Holding hands is usually OK. Kissing is up to her."

"That's right. Kissing is up to her. You ever kissed anyone, Will?"

"Yeah. My date to the senior prom."

"Who was that?"

"Oh, a girl from my chemistry class."

"Any chemistry between you two?"

"No, not really. Neither of us had dates so we agreed to go together informally. Danced a few dances and when the last dance was over, I kissed her."

"How was it?"

"Weird. Kinda messy."

"Well, that settles it. Your next lesson is on kissing."


"Might as well. Now a few rules about kissing. Forget the tongue, at least at first. Don't go shoving that thing down her throat. Let her be the first to bring the tongue into action. Even then, go slow. And kissing doesn't mean you get to let your hands roam all over her. Arms around her back are fine. But no groping or grabbing ass or going for the girls."

"Wow. OK."

"So, let's pretend we're watching TV and sitting next to each other. Here, sit here, and let's hold hands. How might you start to kiss her? Remember, she's watching the idiot box."

"Lean over and, uh..."

"How about you gently raise her hand to your lips and gently kiss the back of her hand?"


"So, do it."

Will raised Chari's hand up to his face and gently gave a soft peck before lowering it again. Chari turned to look at him with a sparkle in her eye and slowly raised his hand to her lips. She gave a slow, sensual kiss on his palm, a kiss which included a tiny stroke with her tongue.

"See? See the difference in the message?"


"OK, your turn."

"Look...I'm no good at this."

"Only because you've never given it a try. So, come on, show me."

He took her hand, raised it to his lips and gently kissed the palm. While still holding her hand, he kissed her at the wrist, then slowly every two inches up her arm to the elbow. Right above the elbow, his kiss seemed to make her go crazy. She shivered a bit before she grabbed him, giving him a big hug, squeezing her breasts on his chest before she laid a quick peck on his cheek.

"See what your kiss did to me? Who says you don't know kissing?"

"I just decided to kiss up the arm, that's all..."

"Shit! Do you have any idea of what that did to me?"


"Good things. Drove me crazy," she murmured.

"Crazy?" he stuttered out.

"In a good way. Do you have any idea how sexy it was when you kissed above my elbow?"

"All girls like that?"

"No, of course not. That's why it's so fun with a new person. You get to try old things and new things. I happen to have an erogenous zone (You know what that is, right?) inside my elbows. And you hit one. Phew. Pretty exciting."

"Uh, could we get back to practicing?"

"Sure. Let's pretend you kissed her hand or arm or whatever. Now you want to kiss her on the lips. How're you gonna do it?"

"Uh, I dunno."

"Well, you need to approach her slowly. You can look her in the eye until you're close. So, if you're sittin' there, you can turn to her and slowly bring your lips close to hers. Go ahead and try."

Will moved slowly towards her and once he was a few inches away, Chari tipped her head up to meet him and closed her eyes. He dropped his lips down to her and let them meet hers. It was completely clumsy; his lips were dry and they bumped noses.

"It's OK," she whispered, "Don't move just yet. Your approach was great but you need to moisten your lips before you touch hers. Turn your head a little more. Let your lips loosen a bit, soften up, I should say, and let them slowly explore hers."

Will followed her instructions with an approving hum from her. The kiss felt great and he couldn't believe how sweet it was. She slowly broke away and looked at him through half-closed eyes. "Nice. Very nice. You're a natural."

"Uh, not so sure about that."

"There's only one way to find out. Try it again."

And he did. And again. And again. With each session he became more confident and even more assertive, applying a little bit more pressure. Chari pulled away from him and smiled, "You're getting the hang of it, but don't get too gung-ho. Let her response be your guide. If she is into it, she'll let you know. If not, her lips will get tight and she'll pull away."

"Tell me more about the tongue."

"Several rules about tongue. One, like I said, don't go forcing it. Let your tongue tease her. Lick her lip a tiny bit. Tickle both the upper and lower lips. If she's interested, she'll respond. And two, do not, whatever you do, force your tongue down her mouth. No tonsil hockey. If, and only if, she wants it, she'll guide you and be pushing her tongue into you. But I'll tell you, most girls don't like to fight off a deep-probing tongue. And finally, no lizard tongue."

"What's that?"

"That's when someone keeps flicking their tongue rapidly. Don't do it. Slow and steady wins the race."

"OK. Got it."

"Another thing about kissing. Like you learned before, there are lots of places that can be kissed. Different girls like to be kissed in different places. Some places to think about are the neck, the ears and the collar bones. Later on, you may think about the low back, behind the knees and even on the inside of the thighs. That one really gets me going."


"Feels good and is a promise for things to come, at least a girl hopes so. Uh, ready to practice more?"

"Yeah, please." They resumed kissing as they had before but with more intensity. Chari let her mouth sag open a tiny bit and Will let his tongue trail across her upper lip. She slipped her tongue out to greet him. What a wonderful sensation it was! Their tongue-tips slid across each other and she became a little more aggressive, slipping hers inside his mouth a tiny bit. Some instinctual process let him carry on, gently probing, tickling and sucking.

Tired of sitting side-by-side, she hopped over and climbed on his lap, facing him before resuming the kisses. Both became aware of his response. His cock enlarged and tightened in his shorts and rubbed up against her bikini-covered pussy.

"Mmm, you feel good," she whispered.

"You, too."

"It's OK to hug me more. Hold me tighter."

Will held her to him and gently rubbed her back. He remembered her instructions to avoid letting his hands roam too far although he desperately wanted to feel her boobs. Oh, he could feel them squish slightly against his chest, but he so wanted to feel them with his hands. After another round of kissing, Chari leaned back and gazed at him. "You are one, fast learner," she giggled, "You kiss better than so many guys who have had far more experience."


"You like kissing?"

"Love it. Never knew how good it could feel."

"Let's quit talking and do some more practicing."

After they had another few rounds, Charity broke away and murmured, "I think you've got this."

"Good teacher."

"Thanks. Great student."

"Oh, look at the time. I'm gonna have to scoot here pretty soon."

"OK, for tomorrow, we'll have you practice kissing like you might need to in real life, you know, like on a date. You up for it?"

"Yeah. For sure."

"Well, you're leaving me now, so how about you practice a 'Good-bye' kiss?"

Will leaned over to her and gave her the perfect kiss. It was soft, sensual and sweet, the kind that says so much in such a short time.


The next afternoon he arrived around three. Chari wasn't on the deck so he went up to the door and knocked.

"Hi, Will. Here for some more training?" she laughed as she came to the door.

"Yep," he responded as he leaned over her and gave her a gentle, soft but quick kiss.

"That was a perfect greeting kiss. Have you been practicing?"

"No! On what, anyway?"

"Just teasing. Come on in."

She led him into the house and grabbed a couple of Cokes. He was struck by how attractive she was wearing a bikini top and a loose, thin wrap-around from the waist down. They chatted briefly about a few things in the news before she turned to him with a sparkle in her eye.

"So, I guess we need to give you more practice. I suggest we do several pretend situations and see how you respond to them. OK?"

"I guess. Like what?"

"Well, in one I could pretend to be a shy girl who needs a little coaxing. Or I could be the girl after the second or third date, you know, ripe for a little bit of fun. What do you think?"


"Remember, kissing and everything that comes after are not promised or guaranteed. You need to let her lead the way. Once she's comfortable with you, more things are bound to happen. Let's first set up how you might respond when you escort her up the steps to her house. With this girl you've had a fun evening but she's not ready to let you even hold her hand."

"Got it."

"Thank you, Will. I had a good time. The movie was nice..."

"Hey, it was fun, Suzy..."

"Suzy? What a name!" giggled Chari.

"Now, let me finish...Hey, it was fun, Suzy. I'd like to do this again sometime."

"Yeah, me too. Good-night, Will," Chari said as she pretended to turn away.

"Can I call you in a few days?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice," she said as she looked back at him. He leaned over and gave her cheek a tiny little peck and straightened up.

"Good-night, Suzy."

"Perfect. No pressure, a tiny gesture, no lip-locking. You nailed it."


"Now, let's try a situation where she's been holding your hand all evening and, while you're walking up the sidewalk, she scoots over and lets her body touch yours."

For quite some time, the two of them practiced numerous dating possibilities. They even had a few sessions on the couch pretending to be watching a movie, one with the parents upstairs and one with them gone. Will took her recommendations to go slow and let the girl be in charge to heart. On their last practice run she pretended to be very frisky and was the aggressor but when he let his hands slip uninvited towards her breasts, she pulled back and reminded him he needed to get her approval before going any further.

"Now, for tomorrow, I suggest we practice making out. Major French kissing and perhaps some roaming hands. Interested?"

"Yeah! Great! What time should I be here?"

They agreed to an afternoon session and as he got ready to leave, he leaned over her and gave her a gentle hug and a warm, loving kiss.

"Mmm. Nice, Will. See you tomorrow."


The weather turned fairly stormy on Wednesday and he was lucky to get to her place before the rains and lightning hit. Fortunately, he had his father's cell phone with him and was able to reassure his parents of his safety and he'd get a ride home around dinner.

"A stormy day is a good day to make out. Interested?"


"Let's sit on the couch. Here, lean over here and give me a kiss."

Their lips came together and within a short time they were engaged in deep, heavy making out. Will let his kisses drift down her neck to her obvious delight. She shivered and clutched at him, moaning softly. He kept his hands carefully on her back, feeling her smooth, bare skin. Will couldn't believe how sexy it was and he desperately wanted to feel even more. At one point her right arm moved behind her and he could tell she untied the string. As he moved his hand up her back, he came to the loosened string and gently tugged it open.

"OK?" he whispered to her.

"Mmm-hmm. And, by the way, it's good to ask like you did."

He completely opened the string and let the ends fall to her sides but kept his hands sliding over her back. Only when she whispered it was OK to explore a little did he slide one hand around to the front. Her breast was a wonderful soft but yet firm swelling on her chest and the nipple seemed to be like a large BB. He was thrilled to be feeling her but he didn't try anything else. Finally, she broke off the kiss and leaned back.