Laura, The Lorry Driver


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"It's lucky you didn't bring a man back with you. Finding a fallen woman like me here, it would certainly set the neighbours talking!"

Laura remained frozen in the doorway, feeling Bea machine gun her with pointless conversation, but felt reassured that her skin had recovered a healthier colour, although her hair had dried into a tangled mess.

"You'll have to warn me if you want to bring someone back. I can disappear and leave you alone to get busy; you don't want me cramping your style."

Bea propped the iron up off the board and presented Laura with a perfectly ironed pair of her own white cotton panties, held by her thumb and forefinger of both hands.

"I never guessed you'd be a plain Jane in the smalls department, what with your long legs and height, men must be clamouring over a sexy dark horse like you. You need something to tempt your man, Laura, not these passion killers."

Laura mentally rolled her eyes. Being positive she'd made it obvious to Bea, men weren't in her contacts page, but it must have gone over her head.

"You know, I wouldn't normally iron undies or socks, but not knowing your preference, I ironed them anyway, as I'm the guest here."

At last, Bea paused as she carefully folded them and placed them on the pile. As Laura went to speak up, Bea just took the baton up again.

"What do you do when you get home from work? I don't want to ruin your routine? I bet you'd love a nice cup of tea. Luckily, I know how to satisfy you in that regard."

Laura wanted to laugh at the double entendre and drivel Bea had unwittingly spewed out, but Bea didn't give her the opportunity as her hand grasped Laura's and guided her to her leather sofa.

"You sit there and relax whilst I make you a cuppa. I know just how you like it."

Laura sat down, almost in shock, as her sanctuary from the pandemonium of the world outside lay around her like shattered glass from Bea's machine gun repertoire. Inside, her stomach developed a small knot of panic, like an echo of her long-forgotten depression.

Bea trotted out of the lounge, leaving a shell-shocked Laura welcoming the silence. Laura sat back and closed her eyes, relieved to be left alone, trying to lose the unwelcome anxiety from her past. As she imagined her happy place, a bath-robed Bea danced into view, but with her mouth taped shut.

She re-enacted her ironing board wiggle, allowing Laura to gaze upon her wonderful cleavage, wishing for her to slip the waistband knot and reveal them to her. The image morphed to Bea under a light waterfall in paradise, her bra and thong clinging to her, just like earlier, but this time Bea seductively danced for her.

Laura floated in her daydream, watching Bea's one arm reach out, winding around an imaginary rope, like an exotic dancer. Her other hand absentmindedly twisted her salon-finished hair bangle about her finger as she licked her tongue around glossy cherry-red lips and her twinkling crystal blue eyes drew Laura in for a kiss.

"Here you are, how you like it. I even found you some Hobnobs."

Laura's fantasy broke into a million pieces to join her metaphorical sanctuary on the thick carpet floor. Her eyes opened to see Bea placing a plate of biscuits on the glass-topped coffee table in front of her and scooting a coaster across to within her reach to rest the mug on.

Laura's patience went the way of her fantasy and it exploded forth out of her mouth before she could stop it.

"For fuck's sake Bea, peace; I like peace and quiet when I come home from work. I like to sit, chill, and do fuck all, before taking a shower. Oh, and indoor voice, please? I'm not at the other end of town; I can hear you perfectly well."

Before Laura finished, she knew she'd gone too far, but it was too late. She could see Bea's heart break in half in the crystal blue windows to her soul and guilt ran through her. Bea Stoically stood up and with her thumb and forefinger drew an imaginary zip across her mouth, pressing her lips tightly together.

A red hot poker seared through Laura's heart, knowing that at her lowest ebb, she'd dealt a killer blow to her only friend when she should have been her most forgiving. A tear caught in the corner of Bea's eye and she strode out of the room.

Laura heard Bea's bare feet pad down the bare wooden hallway, as the knot in the depths of her stomach returned as the guilt of her outburst seared deep inside her. The silence rang around the house like a bell tolling, twisting the dagger into the tangled anxiety in her gut.

Laura felt ashamed. She made her way down the hall. First, she checked the kitchen, then found Bea standing at the spin dryer in the bathroom. Her shoulders bobbed up and down as she cried silently.

Bea struggled to stem her crying as she heard Laura behind her. The uncomfortable silence lasted an ice age, as Laura tried to find the words to console the one person she never wanted to wrong.

"Bea, I'm so, so sorry. I've not shared my home with anyone in a long time. When I invited you here, I meant it. You're my only real friend in the world and I love you to death."

The shock of her own words rang around Laura's head. She'd not used the 'L' word in such a long time, but in her use of it, she realised she'd spoken a truth she'd been avoiding. She held her breath, wondering if Bea would discover her secret.

The world stopped turning and paused as she waited for a reaction from Bea.

Laura wanted to scream at her to answer, but she'd done enough shouting already. Bea turned with a sombre look on her face, her eyes dulled and bloodshot once more. Laura's hopes for an answer were dashed when she saw her lips clamped together by that imaginary zip.

"Bea?" Laura implored.

Bea's eyes flashed with a glint of mischief and she raised her pencil-thin eyebrows as an index finger comically came up to tap her mouth, showing the zip remained closed.

"Oh, for fuck's sake Bea, I'm sorry; please don't make me feel any worse than I already feel."

Bea shook her head and tapped her forefinger on her lips once more.

"Talk to me Bea, please?"

Bea's thumb and forefinger gripped that imaginary zip and peeled her mouth open. As she relaxed her lips, showing a slight gap, Laura could see them redden as they quickly filled back with blood. A split second later, Bea ran across the bathroom to wrap herself around her in an enormous hug.

"I'm sorry; you're my only friend too. I know I talk too much, too loudly and be annoying, but I can't help it. When I'm stressed, it's my way of dealing with it."

Ignoring a year's worth of fantasies, Laura hugged her friend back. Previously, Laura wouldn't have been able to ignore an attractive woman pressing against her, let alone a near-naked one who is short enough that a simple hug had her head buried in her chest.

But her priorities had changed from wanting to seduce her, to hugging her bestie better and protect her from the world outside. Laura bent down and brushed her cheek over Bea's head. Rather than inhaling the peach sophisticated shampoo she always imagined, her own supermarket brand filled her nostrils instead.

She kissed Bea's scalp as a protective mother would a hurt sibling. Bea's muffled voice came from deep within Laura's jumper. "I'm so, so sorry. I'll go to the council tomorrow and get on their housing list. So I won't be here too long."

The anxiety returned to the pit of Laura's stomach, joined by the guilt of her stern words in the lounge.

"No... No, you won't. I have some savings and can manage for a while yet."

Laura stifled a laugh. "If I struggled with you, I certainly couldn't cope with a stranger around here, so I've not got a choice. You're going to have to stay."

Bea giggled a stifled giggle and squeezed Laura. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Look, stay, sort out your police problem, put that boyfriend behind you, find yourself a job and then help me out with the rent."

Bea's head nodded, bobbing up between Laura's chest. The two friends released their hold on each other. As Bea pulled back, wiping her eyes dry, she looked up at Laura.

"Maybe we need some ground rules. If I stay, I'll try to give you space and quiet time, but if I forget and jibber jabber on before you lose it, you're to tell me, okay?"

Laura nodded, "Okay, bestie."

Bea grinned, and grabbed Laura's arms to pull her down to her level as if to kiss her, which confused her concept of their friendship until Bea pecked a friendly kiss on her cheek and whispered, "Thanks, Bestie." At that moment, Laura understood that whilst she'd vocalised her boundaries, Bea had demonstrated hers.

Bea released Laura and skipped back to the tumble dryer. "Right, get out of here, so I can get a bra on, before the neighbours talk. Then we can see what you want for dinner, my treat. I'll cook whatever the working girl wants and has in her cupboards!"

Before leaving, Laura's eyes lingered on Bea to reassure herself that they'd rebuilt all the bridges between them. Laura returning to the lounge to collect the clothes Bea had ironed and to tidy them away.

As Laura pushed her underwear drawer closed, she heard Bea enter her bedroom behind her.

"Phew, that's better, not that I mind being naked around you."

Laura turned, coughing and spluttering with laughter, to see Bea wearing her dry, but stretched, grey tracksuit and a pair of socks. The zip of her top sat at the joint between her bra cups.

"Bea, please, when we are around other people, think through what you're going to say before you vocalise it."


"You come out with statements that anyone listening would misconstrue. Yes, technically, I am a working girl, but you must know it means something else?"

"Ah, you mean a prostitute? Ah, sorry," Bea pulled a sad face, pouting her lower lip. "You're angry with me again?"

"No, here between us it's lovable... Er endearing, but other people would take it the wrong way."

"Er ah, I see, like when I said I didn't mind being naked around you?"

Laura nodded, giggling, "Yeah, and earlier, when you said you knew how to satisfy me."

Bea's bright blue eyes glinted, and she burst out laughing, "Well, now I hear it, I see what you mean. Sorry, I'll try to be careful in the future."

"Come on, let's find something to eat, then while you cook I'll shower, as not only am I starving, I feel filthy."

Bea laughed, "Filthy? Maybe you should think twice too!"

Laura rolled her eyes in frustration, laughing at her bestie turning the tables. "Come on, you."

They headed out to the kitchen. After a little horse trading on what was available that didn't need defrosting and what they both liked, Bea got cooking and Laura went for a shower.

Standing in the shower, Laura reflected on the speed at which her world had changed. She enjoyed the calming pattering of massaging droplets of warmth, landing on her body, and running down her back.

Laura thought she could hear singing over the noise of the shower and the closed bathroom door. She tried to focus on it, trying to narrow it down to identify the song, assuming Bea had turned up the radio, but the distance and background noise made it impossible.

By the time she'd finished and wrapped a towel around herself, the singing had stopped. It was only after drying herself and she stood in front of her mirror, flicking the hairdryer over her jet-black hair, drying and brushing it. She thought she could hear it again.

Putting her hairdryer down, Laura realised the house was quiet again. It was only back in her bedroom. Slipping on some leggings and a fleece top, she heard the singing again. With only two closed doors between her and the kitchen, she realised.

"Bea, you were singing!"

Laura announced as she entered her kitchen.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to."

"No, I only caught a little, but it's lovely."

Bea blushed as she scooped the mashed potato out onto plates.

"I love to sing, or just hum along to a soundtrack in my head. Mostly when cooking and when I'm happy. I hope you don't mind?"

"No, it's nice that you feel comfortable enough to sing, especially after what you've been through today."

"Oh, I'd forgotten all about that. It was just nice to be focused on cooking."

Laura blushed as Bea turned her back to slip on some oven gloves, open the oven, and slide a tray out. She couldn't help but glowed with pride, happy knowing Bea felt comfortable. Bea continued to dish dinner out and the pair sat down and ate traditional bangers, and mash, with fried onion, peas, carrots and gravy.

As they ate, sitting opposite each other, they chatted, but now Bea waited for her friend to comment before starting her next thread or answering her own question. Laura liked the new calmer Bea and warmed to having company in her house.

After tidying up, they made another cup of tea and retired to the lounge. They sat together on the leather sofa, as they tried to find a program to watch on TV. They settled on a film but when they arrived at the channel as the adverts began.

"Ah, I forgot. There was something I meant to do." Laura said as she left the room.

Laura returned, waving a long brush.

"Your hair is driving me mad. Even if it takes me all night, I'm brushing those knots out of it."

Bea ruffled her hand through her hair and grimaced.

"Oh, it wasn't a priority earlier."

Laura sat down with her legs spread apart and patted the gap in front of her. Bea smiled and moved across, smiling.

"Has it been a while since someone has nestled between your legs?"

"Bea!" Laura glared at Bea.

Bea giggled naughtily, "Yeah, I heard that one, but I couldn't resist one more, just between us girls, sorry."

Bea settled down, placing her hands on Laura's knees, soon enough for Laura to pat the brush hard on top of her head.

"Ouch, that hurt!"

Bea rubbed where the brush had landed.

"It was supposed to."

"Are you able to see the film?" Bea asked as the credits scrolled through.

"Well, if you were normal height, no but as you're short."


Bea slapped Laura's thigh.

"It's only because you're freakishly tall."


Laura replied as she brushed Bea's hair.

The film progressed with the odd moan from Bea as the brush caught a tough knot, with the two only talking during advert breaks.

"This is nice, thanks, Laura. No one has brushed my hair for me since my mum several years ago."

"I must admit, it's quite therapeutic... It's been a long time since I last brushed someone else's hair, too."

"Who was that?"

"My ex."

"Did he have long hair, also?"

"She did."

It didn't take long for the implication of this to sink in and Bea turned her head in shock to look at Laura.

"She? I thought you had a boyfriend."

"No, I told you ages ago, way back at the start of the summer, but you were in one of your long, never-ending discussions, so it never sank in."

"Ah, sorry. I'll try harder in the future."

"Hmm, let's see if you can keep it up. But I do like the new you!"

Bea smiled and turned back to the TV, patting Laura's knee. The film restarted and Laura absent-mindedly continued to brush Bea's hair. Later, during a lull in the film, Laura could see Bea fidgeting.

"What's up?"

"Mmm-mm." Came Bea's negative response.

"Come on, you'll do yourself a mischief trying to keep quiet."

"Hey, I'm not that bad! Okay then, when hunting around earlier for my wet clothes, I saw the spare room all made up. You're not expecting company this weekend, or are you hoping to get lucky?"

"Ahh, no and no. I made it up to take some pics to put up online. There's a website that advertises rooms to rent for a fraction of what others want. I thought it would be a more attractive photo than just a bare bed in an empty room."

"Oh, that's okay then. I wouldn't want to cramp your style at the weekend if you bring someone home after a good night out."

Laura groaned and whispered under her breath, hoping Bea couldn't hear.

"Fat chance of that!"

Laura saw Bea react and regretted it. She knew Bea wouldn't let it drop, seeing her head twitch, dying to ask, but the film had now picked its pace back up and she held onto her thoughts. Laura hoped the next ad break was far enough away that she'd forget.

When the film broke for the adverts, Laura remained blissfully unaware, having forgotten all about her comment, when Bea turned around to face her.

"You don't sound too confident about your chances of meeting anyone."

"Eh? Oh, that, I'd hoped you'd forgotten... Let's just say, I'm not on the market at the moment."

"Whaat? Oh, come on, you're a real catch. Any woman worth their salt would be lucky to have you. Especially once they see your wonderful smile and dark, mysterious brown eyes."

Laura groaned, and her shoulders drooped.

"Oh, come on. You're attractive and slender, you stand..."

Before Bea could finish, Laura angrily cut in.

"That's the trouble, Bea. They see my height and are intimidated, or they expect a man. It's not like I've got any hips to prove them wrong. If I ever get past that, I'm labelled the butch husband in the relationship. Maybe, just for once, I'd like to be the short, cute, pretty one."

Laura bit her tongue; she didn't want to take her frustrations out on Bea, as it isn't her fault. Bea looked surprised.

"I'm sorry Laura. Are you sure? As I've never seen you in that way."

"Are you sure? I remember the look you gave me when I first climbed down from my cab when I took over the deliveries."

"Aw, now that isn't fair. It's only natural to expect a lorry driver to be a bloke. But now I know you, you're a wonderful friend."

Laura sarcastically smiled at her, but Bea wanted to build on her praise for her friend, "You're a great listener, too."

"I get little choice; I can never get a word in edgeways!"


Bea cheekily slapped Laura's thigh.

"Despite that last remark, you've a wonderfully strong personality and you know what to do in a crisis. Look at the way you took charge earlier, bundling me up into your truck, and before I knew it, you'd taken me in."

Bea's hand remained reassuringly on Laura's thigh.

"You need to get out there, so they get to know the real you, as I do."

Laura felt her cheeks blush. She'd never considered Bea thought that much of her. However, knowing Bea, she would not let this drop. Laura needed to divert her attention, to get her away from digging too deep into this uncomfortable topic, as she knew where it would lead.

"We need to get you out there, with a little make-up and nice clothes. I could be your wing woman!"

Bea laughed at her little joke, but cut it short when she saw Laura's eyes darken.

"I know you mean well, and I appreciate it. I really do, but no and no. Although I'd be happy to have you as a wing woman if I ever need one."

"All you need is a little self-confidence. It'll be fun."

Bea bit her lip, stopping mid-flow as Laura shook her head.


Laura waved her brush at the TV screen as the film had returned.

"Why not?"

Bea could see she'd crossed the line as Laura bit.

"I don't want to get into it now. We've both had an emotional day, and I don't feel like confessing anything. If I'm ever going to tell anyone, it will be you, but not now."

Bea lowered her eyes. In submission, she patted her hand on Laura's thigh, leaving it there as she turned back to the film. Behind her, Laura sulked, unable to lose the dark menacing cloud over her and the little knot which had returned to the pit of her stomach.

At the next break in the film, Bea realised Laura had stopped brushing her hair, but she didn't want to move away from her snug position. Laura had leaned back on the sofa once Bea's hair had lost all its knots. During the adverts, neither wanted to talk, but as the film restarted, unprompted, Bea leaned back onto her friend and snuggled back into Laura.