All Comments on 'Legion'

by Griscom

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Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Ban5 months ago

TRUE STORY: About 15 years ago, I started working with one of our new hires. She was an incredibly beautiful blonde woman in her mid 30's. After we worked together for a while, she told me that she had been divorced for over 8 years, but liked to "date" regularly. After a month or so, she approached me to say that she wanted to "date me". I explained that I was married (I wore my wedding ring every day - how did she miss that?) and told her that I wasn't interested. She said that she didn't care that I was married, was attracted to me, and that we'd just be having discrete sex together. I declined. She was persistent though, and I finally had to explain that I loved my wife and that nothing would ever happen between us. Months later, she began dating one of my managers - who was single. On the drive to visit an out of town client with my manager, he approached me for some advice. It seems that during the course of their brief relationship, she had told him that she'd been with over 100 different men since she had been divorced. She and her previous boyfriend had been regulars on the swinging scene in her previous city, and that she "loved the attention" especially with multiple partners at once. My manager said that the sex with her had been incredible and that everything he could think of was on the menu. He enjoyed her company, and they seemed compatible outside the bedroom. He wanted to know my thoughts on having a relationship with a woman with over 100 previous sex partners in the past 8 years. Without mentioning her attempt to bed me, I told him that everyone would look at her circumstance differently. I expressed that I'd have no concerns about a short term relationship. However, for me, there were a pile of concerns that he'd have to consider carefully if pursuing a long term relationship with her. I told him that when the time was right, he should have an honest discussion with her, and put his concerns on the table. Then go from there. They dated for a few more months - became exclusive - and I was told that shortly thereafter she asked him if he ever thought about having a threesome... with another man.... He said no, and then decided that he'd seen enough. She remained as an employee for another 6 months and moved away. She did excellent work and I was sad to see her leave, and wished her well. BRB

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is a hard one. On the one hand its a well written and poignant short story. On the other, it raises some very valid questions about body counts, and to whether or not they should be disclosed when starting a new relationship. Personally, I feel the past should stay in the past, and unless someone is a virgin (which might need some discussion to make sure their first time is as pleasurable as possible) there's no real reason why you'd need to share a body count with your partner.

That being said, this isnt a usual case, their respective body counts are so different, that the husband is right to assume that sex means to very different things to each of them. On the one hand, you have sex as an expression of love and intimacy, on the other, sex as a simply biological process that brings pleasure. Chances are, even without knowing each other's bodycount, that difference of opinion would have led to cracks in their marriage and ot makes sense to end it sooner rather than later to minimise the collateral damage.

It's also worth noting, that while the story has a promiscuous wife, I truly believe that you could swap the genders of the characters without really changing the story. Had Randi be the one to discover that her husband was the one with a bodycount in the hundreds, Im sure she'd have also have doubts and started second guessing their marriage. Yes, the fact that her husband is in effect slut shaming her is terrible, especially when he shares the details of his wife personal sexual history with his friends, (he should have kept it to himself) but given the circumstances I sont think he was wrong reconsidering his marriage to her.

All in all, an excellent story, not only for how well written it is, but also because of the questions it asks, and the debate I'm sure will follow in the comments as people read it. 5 Star

MartyMartiniMartyMartini5 months ago

Fun concept and pretty funny also. Nice job!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A decent premise and story line, horribly executed. Poorly written times jumps, bad 4th wall breaks, and a horribly rushed feeling left me disappointed.

WargamerWargamer5 months ago

The past is the past and cannot be changed. It should always remain where it belongs, in the past. He was a dick, a complete dick. If she continued the past into the future fair enough. But if the past was firmly in the past and she turned a new leaf, then it’s time to move forward to the future together and forget the past.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Karnevil...if your daughter is a slut call her one. Truth hurt??

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The question of whether a partner's body count is important is interesting. I think the answer is found in evidence. The protagonist only had one real piece evidence, the number, and confabulated speculative narrative about the significance of Randi's number. Then using the number to put every aspect of Randi in the most negative light, instead of considering the question of Randi's potential to be a good wife and partner. I don't disagree with the protagonist's conclusion. I have a problem with the process used to create that conclusion. Choices based on moral dogmatism don't always create satisfactory results.

vitochivitochi5 months ago

I think he pretty much nailed in his explanation. Sex / love making is (should be) the highest form of intimacy 2 people can share. If she treats it as a physical activity shared with acquaintances, then what is special and unique only to their marriage? Since this is the first he is hearing about it, it’s reasonable to conclude that she has not had a life altering change in perspective. She would not be laughing and joking about it with her friends if she had changed dramatically. If she really had changed, she probably would have confessed her past before the wedding, knowing that she was going to face people who knew her as a “Ho”.

Sure the number is big, but it’s just an indicator of her values. Those values and her character determine her commitment to their marriage. Also, marriage is supposed to be 2 people become 1. That means, no secrets, absolute trust, no holding back, nothing hidden. These are huge goals, there are many things we don’t like to admit even to ourselves let alone someone that we love so much we can’t imagine being without. But her number isn’t a secret that she can’t admit to herself or something nobody else knows. It was such public knowledge and well known, that it was celebrated as an achievement.

It’s not just the number, but all that it took to get that number. “Fragile male ego” isn’t even part of the equation.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The MC is a total knob. Marriage is hard enough, add in holding your partner responsible for what she or he did when young and immature and before you met, is ludicrous. She and her friends were pretty stupid talking about her past in front of him, even if he knew about her, but his reaction and divorce were way overboard.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It's well written and definitely interesting, but I'm on Randi's side here. I'm curious what the narrator would consider an acceptable body count to be? Also, our hero's assertion of what sex means to Randi is flawed. It assumes that someone's approach or value of sex is static - but that's not true- people's relationship and ideas with sex (or alcohol, drugs, music, religion, etc) change as we age. Her promiscuous college years changed as she slowed down to 6 encounter in the time between graduation and meeting her husband, indicating that her valuation of sex also changed.

A thought exercise: let's say your current partner got a hold of your search history from your early 20's and dumped you because she didn't like the type of porn you watched back then. Would she be right?

Insecurity (male or female) is something that we should overcome, not embrace, and that the narrator chose to run away rather that talk it out suggests that in addition to being insecure, he is also immature.

I'm not voting on the story - it's well written and I would only down vote it on a philosophical disagreement.

Dry_opinionDry_opinion5 months ago

Liked the tone of the story. Expressing personal preference without being preachy.

Interesting short story. Thanks for sharing.

shaman43shaman435 months ago

The protagonist is correct all of this is his perception and feelings. Cannot argue with them. I find his perspective shallow, unkind, egotistic, judgemental to the point of disgusting in his treatment of anther human being. Disappointing read.

BrentJWBrentJW5 months ago

It’s easy to see from the comments that this could be a category defining story that spurs others like George Anderson’s, February Sucks stories. Props to Griscom for exploring a somewhat unexplored subject. I hope other authors give a tip of their hat by including the word Legion, in their title. The variety of comments and reactions indicates the many avenues this topic could go.

Buster2UBuster2U5 months ago

Ha Ha Ha I guess that I should try to do a follow up story because I have always valued experience very highly! There is NO number to high for me! Thanks Buster2U

njlaurennjlauren5 months ago

The MC is an ass, pure and simple. For one thing, according to the morality he claims to have, having any sex before marriage makes him dirty, whether it was in a committed relationship or not. It is true that how people views sex is different,

Seriously, how many ppl ask about their partners sexual past or care? Did he tell her how many ppl he slept with?

Do I think what she did was a good thing? No, bc her actions to me were childish, it is like the guy who beds a lot of women ( and no, they aren't looked down on, that is bullshit. In college the body count of girls laid, esp among the frat boy types, was big even back 40 years ago).

I can understand him being upset finding out about it the way he did, it was jarring I'll admit. But unless he had asked her about her past and she lied, it is irrelevant.

As long as she didn't have any STDs untreated or like herpes, you aren't sleeping with every person she slept with, that is idiotic.

He is also an ass because he never even talks to her, he treats her like shit, calls her filth,etc. Never gives her a chance to explain herself , or show that she wasn't like that any more. If he really bc of his personal values has a hard time with recreational sex, why didn't he ask her before they got married. Did he assume she was a virgin? Funny thing, when people get serious with each other they tend to talk about things like values, How come he never brought it up?

And the ending says he is a hypocrite, which many ' moral men' are. So he dumps her brutally, degrades her. Then Mr morality seduces a 20 yr old Indian girl and is thrilled to find out she is a virgin, and proceeds to say he is using her for his own needs. He brags about only having sex in a meaningful relationship, yet he is using the girl as a cum dump, no relationship, he is using her. Not exactly surprising, most 'moralists,' like the MC are like the religious leaders who proclaim chastity and virtue yet were sexual leches and perverts.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice5 months ago

5 stars for originality. I know opinions are all over the place on the ethics of the MC leaving Randi over her history. As someone that has been cheated on, I can understand a husband being wary. Given that the couple had no kids, and only were married in the story for a year, if husband has fallen out of love w/ Randi, then he has no ethical requirment to stay with her. His logic is not crazy either as when a person has that level of promiscuity, in the real world, some level of psychological problems are going on.

GlancerGlancer5 months ago

Clever writing - engaging yarn…

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


If you’re trying to manipulate your son in law to stay married, and his pointing out her flaws that he doesn’t want to live with triggers you so much, I hope he cripples you if you’re foolish enough to attack him.

You seem to have the same problem as many people here, namely you seem to believe that women can do nothing wrong, that they aren’t responsible for their choices, and that men mustn’t ever hurt a woman’s feelings, even if she’s The Whore of Babylon!!!


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Did well with this.

My 1st reaction would have been I never knew you.

Who are you?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

". . . a man who actually loved her and was sorry that I was not strong enough and self-confident enough to be that man." But he WAS strong enough and self-confident enough to "be that man." And that man didn't was a Ho for a wife. No, she wanted a man who was compliant and dull witted enough to gamble on her fidelity.


Quite possibly she could end up being a faithful loyal loving wife. Possibly. If he just found out his wife was a drug addict, an alcoholic, a kleptomaniac in college, he might decide that the odds were against having a long term successful marriage. What if the wife found out the husband kept score of how many women he got pregnant, how many engagements he broke, or just how many jobs he got fired from for chronic tardiness and minor infractions? Yeah, that man might be a very poor risk for financial security. And very very juvenile stupid behavior. Not good marriage material. Too bad it was found out after the marriage.


I'm sure she'll be much more successful with a future husband, once she is finished fucking every man she meets.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

Female: "I want a man who is over 6" tall, and I don't give a flying fick that it's not in any personl's control, I am entitled to my preferences. AND I want him to be jacked, rich, confident AND have rizz. And if he isn't that, he's not really a person, and definitely not worth my attention even as a date, never mind a father of my babies". Other women: "OOOOOOH GRRRRL POWER! YOU deserve what you want and your preferences are paramount".


Male: "I'd like a wife who isn't a proven super slut who clearly is a high risk of cheating and divorce later on, as well as being unsatisfied with me sexually since in her multitudes, there sure was someone better than me. If a woman doesn't like that it's men's preference, she can simply choose to not be a town bicycle". Females: "Evil Patriarchical Chauvinist Pig, how dare you infringer on our freedom!? You will take the used up bicycle and think you are blessed".


5 stars. And all the idiots who downvoted this, should look at ACTUAL RESEARCH/STATISTICS, showing relationship between pre-marital partner count and likelyhood of cheating, divorce, STDs, etc... But then most of you are brainless commie zombies who don't care about facts, just your feeeelingzes.

mndhanson017mndhanson0175 months ago

People are failing to recognize that he was right because she added another 11 to her body count, she was not ready to settle down like she is claiming that she wanted. She did not leave those wild days behind, she was going to cheat and he got out before it happened. If she truly wanted to settle down, she should have made those relationships work. Another thing in a relationship is honesty, she was never honest about her body count, which her friend had said that he didn't know, it's likely if he had known, he would not have married her because like he said, she did not see sex as something special, just a means to get her rocks off, she was getting bored and continued to get her rocks off, she sees sex as meaningless, if you think sex is meaningless, you shouldn't be in a relationship.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

Oh, and to prove the MC right - if the wife thought that it wasn't a bad thing she was so promiscuous, **why did she deliberately lie to her soon to be husband by omission** , hiding the truth from him? Exactly. Because even she knew it wasn't a good thing to be proud of, when trying to build a marriage.

phill1cphill1c5 months ago

if a man had 110 partners, he'd get an "attaboy".

This story is just a two-year old male tantrum. He's upset because she's a bigger stud than he is.

phill1cphill1c5 months ago

stars. And all the idiots who downvoted this, should look at ACTUAL RESEARCH/STATISTICS, showing relationship between pre-marital partner count and likelyhood of cheating, divorce, STDs, etc... But then most of you are brainless commie zombies who don't care about facts, just your feeeelingzes.

Interesting that this commenter, while lauding the validity that statistics bring to an argument, didn't actually provide any. So, clearly, he ain't got none. FLUSH!!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Randi and her folks should be glad MC is gone. She can do better.

Calico75Calico755 months ago

I understand the MC's feelings about his wife (and his feelings are his feelings), but I am sorry it turned him into a sexual predator/slut to have sex with a virgin that he is not in a relationship with. There goes his count of 5 all of whom he was in a committed relationship. He lost what little high ground he had at the end. Well written though.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The problem wife had was reliving the glow of her skank days with her friends. Kind of hard to walk that back. Had she knocked that talk down immediately saying that was something in her past she was not proud of, she may have been able to recover.


Unfortunately, she wound up comfirming in MC's mind this is who she is. Her bedding 10 guys post divorce solidified his case.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well, that girls has a long way to go to catch up to my wife. I began sharing her with friends in high school and I stopped counting at 200. That was about 10 years ago. I’d say she is closer to 300 now. And many of those men fucked her several times each. One of my friends fucked her at least once a week for about ten years.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This story really sucked. Who in their right mind finds something like this erotic? You have to fucked in the head to get off on something like this.

green117green1175 months ago
another comment directed at the author -

Again - look into anger management?... and by that I am saying that I like your stuff - you have a truly twisted sense of humor (as in "Jackdaw Collingbone, your mind is truly twisted") (dang - I don't like to be too obscure - try the work of S. Clay Wilson) but I worry that if irritation is now your muse, then the other bits will lose out.

I don't know what the argument was about (not my business) - but is it worth it?

Useful rant on exclusivity - my most recent experience about the phenomena was chatting with a fairly intoxicated friend who was 1 into the BDSM scene, apparently and 2 complaining that sex does not imply intimacy. Truth - intimacy is much harder than sex - intimacy requires trust much more directly than sex does. Mental condoms don't allow touch, if you know what I mean.

I think this category would improve if more people realized that the real issue lurking behind the infidelity motif was loss of intimacy. Trust? Perhaps that, but I think these issues are all manifestations of the same underlying thing.


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago
5 star

Great story. Boy it burnt the men hatters ass didn't it! Thanks for writing a reality story. And for all you liberal idiots that thinks the fucked-count doesn't matter.....your wrong. VD is a bad thing to pass on to off-spring, just like a mother on cocaine passes to her newborn think about some of this shit you write about in realistic terms! You may call it fiction but ideas start in the mind as possibilities (fiction) and not fact.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It's not the years. It's the mileage. Folks with that kind of body count have severe difficulty pair bonding and staying faithful. Not saying it can't be done. But you're talking about the exception to the rule.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

@Wricketts why would it be ok for the "dud" to be a slut? Why would a woman want to be with such a man? The same points this story raised can be just as easily applied.

The problem with this story is not the premise, it's the fact that it was rushed and incomplete.

fritz51fritz515 months ago

Terrific! 5 *s

Wh00sherWh00sher5 months ago

Actions have consequences.

What a missed opportunity. Sharing her emotions from seeing his initial reaction then as the divorce unfolded would have had an extra dimension.

You could have personalised her much more.

There is a tipping point where a lot of people would say "whilst we all have a past, I just can't look past just how promiscuous you were" it implies they are never going to be satisfied and would be inclined to look elsewhere in the future.

You'll get flamed for whatever you choose, especially in this world we live in, but whilst his choice is something I can absolutely agree with, you didn't try to explore the shades of grey in this situation.

BeBopper99BeBopper995 months ago

5* Enjoyed the story. The main character dodged a big bomb called Mega Slut. Write On!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

4* because it was well-written but the MC deserves -5* for being a hypocrite. Everything she did was before she met him and it is disgraceful that he is holding her responsible for her past actions. She dodged a bullet.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I think that anyone who has a body count of over 100 should just forget about marriage and go pro. I mean, really, what could possibly be new to them? Nothing new to explore really. No new positions to try. Nothing untouched to give a potential spouse that's theirs alone to have.

If I wanted the town pump, I'd buy a gas station in Nowheresberg.

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut5 months ago

My apologies if I missed it, but the MC doesn't appear to have a name. It's not Nelson, is it?

Ask a darts player or a cricketer!

InchesofInchesof5 months ago

Fantastic story. Perfect example of the analogy of the "modern" relationship expectations in society. A woman is perfectly within her rights (according to most commenters) to expect a man to provide an excellent job/salary, a swollen bank account,six pack abs and a 12" cock, a house, a nice car and a lavish lifestyle when all they bring in is used pussy. "SLUT SHAMING! BODY COUNT DOESN'T MATTER!!" everyone screams, but it does, actually. If you can dismiss his personal feelings as childish, then I can dismiss your outrage just as easily. Can't turn a ho into a housewife.

PolyLvrPolyLvr5 months ago

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this tale isn't the flex he thinks it is.

Lucky she got out when she did.

Tomh1966Tomh19665 months ago

Slut vs heartless bastard. Neither person is marriage material. If I had to choose which person I like better I would go with Randi. Plus, he was seducing a supposed good girl at the end of the story. As I said, heartless bastard.

Good job Griscom, food for thought kind of story.

Inka> Female: "I want a man who is over 6" tall. LOL pretty much all men are more than 6" tall. Yeah, I know, typo but it was a chuckle.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago
I thought the rule was...

what happened before marriage was just that. Has she been faithful since? Has she been completely dedicated and loving?

I guess she could turn it back on him. "You fucked that slut Betty?! You knew how much I hate that bitch! Oh my God. That slut found out about your filing for divorce and called me up bragging she fuck you! How can I ever touch you again after you had your dick in her? You got your divorce asshole!"

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppy5 months ago

This story only demonstrates the hypocrisy of the BTB mafia. Maybe she should have revealed how promiscuous she had been? Maybe he should have asked her? Maybe he didn't ask her because by the time he began courting her, she had settled down?

The MC is somewhat reasonable to question her future fidelity because of her past promiscuity. There is a correlation between the number of premarital partners and infidelity. However; if she had been "only somewhat" promiscuous as he was, she was already in the danger zone. He is a bad risk to.

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppy5 months ago

I just can not help myself.

What is the correlation between the number of premarital partners verses the risk of marital infidelity?

I can not find a study that directly answers that question. However; if the risk of divorce is a surrogate for the risk of infidelity, then we have good data.

The bottom line is that a woman with many premarital partners is only slightly higher risk than a woman with only a couple of partners. If you want low risk, marry a virgin who refuses to have sex with you prior to marriage.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I think that " slut shaming" WAS the intended theme of this story. Author accomplished their goal.

The narrator wasn't meant to be flawless, or even "not wrong". The narrator was meant to provide a common POV, and deliver a plausible outcome. Another author goal, achieved.

If the newlywed wife had actually lied about her past, if she had said she only had a few long term relationships prior, but the awful truth was revealed as is in this plot, then I'm sure many more comments would have found his actions to divorce more justified. I give the author credit for understanding that. It being a technical lie of omission creates the Grey area to keep this a thought provoking tale. SO another author goal achieved.

However, the weak parts of this story are the talk with the parents. NOT PLAUSIBLE, as written. The hypocritical ending, I think was intended, meant to remind you that he was no hero, nor saint. Still, rough endings that sour the tone, struggle here with this audience. As always, the dialog between characters is the issue for readability. The wife was afforded zero voice. Even if it was to say bullshit crap logic arguments, while that wouldn't be satisfying either, it WOULD have served to flesh out her character, and provided balance.

I agree that this theme of body count issues and the inevitable problems that surface in a relationship is wonderful fodder for many variations in future works. I suggest dumping these characters, and trying again. But dive deeper into the personalities, and create a few plot scenarios that test out if what they say they believe is actually what will inform their choices.

Meantime, I like rewarding authors who meet their goals when posting here for no compensation. You definitely earn 4 stars, and the 5s that you get are not just BTB fantasy worship either.

GOOD JOB! And Thankyou

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Not exactly the same but I had a friend that married a woman who he later learned was a stripper and escort during college. She said she quit when they dated etc. and he was in love so he stayed but told her he was upset etc. 6 years later in their marriage times got hard with layoffs and she announced to her husband that she took a job stripping (she was still good looking at 33) and was going to look into escorting just until they got back on their feet. That ended the marriage. He said no way she said it means nothing so he knew it was in her DNA. Like this guy said in the story that to some sex is sex but to others it means something.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

@phil - I actually posted the link as a comment, but somehow it didn't get approved yet. Let me try again

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Personally , If my wife to be had enjoyed so many bed partners , I would want to know before we married .

In much the same way I would want to know if she couldn't bear children , or if there was a defective gene in her family history etc .

Supposing she prostituted herself to pay university fees , or to help pay her bills in hard times ? Would you want to know ...... I certainly would ?

When married , her past becomes part of our future .

Getting married and then finding her taĺy was in three figures would be something of a shock to most people .

And you would want to know simply because of the fear of being around people who know of your brides sexual past and are having a secret laugh at ' the chump who married her ' .

For instance , take another look at your wedding album . See the photos of her laughing with her friends .

How many of those girls know of her scorecard ? How many of the guys know her intimately ?

How many of them were you introduced to , and you remember thinking how friendly they appeared .

They weren't smiling at you , they were probably laughing .

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Interesting story. Many times the comments are more entertaining, than the story.

Just to stir the pot more. I would pass on the town bike as well. She would cheat. It would just be a matter of time.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago
Study about hypergamy.

So many comments siding with the wife tells me that either that study about the consequences of hypergamy on females is not at all well known or there are a lot of cream pie lovers. To each it's own I guess. One thing would be kink shaming and quite a different one to raise awareness about the issues the family will have to face down the line.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c15 months ago

Anyone who has a hundred bodies is someone to run away from.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Maybe MC dumped wife because he didn't want to contract legionnaire's disease. Yeah, I know. Boo! ( I agree) 😁

mattenwmattenw5 months ago

Your protagonist really reached into the bucket with the brown substance! But that's why they say "Marry in haste, repent at leisure." 5*!

oldmanbill69oldmanbill695 months ago

He sure was slow. That is always in the first ten questions.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Very well written and exciting story. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Meh. Three stars. It didn't do much for me. Randi repeatedly weeping, crying, etc. was a bit much. It made her one dimensional.


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A woman from down under claimed publicly to have bedded over 300 partners (bot men and women) in JUST one year. She said she felt empowered. Internet dating really helps - can you imagine the work needed if you had to meet and vet all these people IRL?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x5 months ago

@njlauren, it wasn't ANY sex before marriage!

60022Mallard60022Mallard5 months ago

Right move for me I'm afraid.

Everyone who she introduced him to from her past life will be a question mark and everyone she introduces him to in the future from work or whatever will be question mark.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Damn weakass lame excuse to leave a marriage

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x5 months ago

I have to repeat an earlier comment that the length of their relationship has to be taken into account. They've only been together for about two years, married for one. There hasn't been time to build up a history of fidelity and restraint. Maybe if they had dated a couple of years, and she wasn't easy to get into bed, and they'd been married five or more years with no hint of anything untoward, it would be easier to put the past in the past.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The very fact that this story has garnered such commentary, and a GREAT deal of it thoughtful and intelligent, and on both 'sides' - means this should be a SOLID and INCONTROVERTIBLE 5-Star Rated story. Isn't the idea of fiction to garner emotion and discussion????

Too many people vote on whether or not they like the characters or their choices or based on what they would do in a similar situation. It's akin to the Amazon reviewer who leaves a 1-star review of the product because FedEx lost the package. Argh!!!

inka2222inka22225 months ago

Looks like LE isn't allowing posting links, so just google "The harmful effects of early sexual activity and multiple sexual partners among women" - the PDF of the study is freely available on the web

FabGMxFabGMx5 months ago

Uhm its an interesting premise. One who needs that us readers make a good effort in suspending our incredulity, because i almost sure couples with marriage or long term relantionships prospects do discuss their past, before or shortly after marriage/commit themselves.

While the reaction of the husband could be called egotistical or puritan, its one or the rare occasions in which "your fragile male ego" its an aproppiate response/explanation. Yes, 100 sexual partners in some cases more than 1 lover per encounter do make difficult to move on, by the pure number, its totally posible that the wife already have bag the best sexual experience(s) of her life, something that judging from all her bragging and obvious lack of remorse its very likely.

However the husband do come like a narrow minded person, at while his case and logic its not without merit and some degree of reason, the fact that it is not even even willing to give the chance for her to speak, for her conduct in the past -keyword is past- and just go and look for the easiest way of the marriage. So i dont feel to much empathy for him, even less with his final attitude. Granted its not promising commint to the young lady at the end, but thinking its not great of a deal if she ended up having an intense libido as his ex wife, and not is his bussiness if that happend, painted him like an hipocrite.

Its a 3 for me. Its a fast ball of story, on which its fast pacing and lack of developtment among the characters make dificult care about them.

KamaroticaKamarotica5 months ago

the orientalism at the end is icing on the cake of a rather unlikeable protagonist. If the idea was the write a story about very unsympathetic characters, it was nailed!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Funny old world , isnt it ?

Here we have a young woman who enjoyed sex for fun . Lots and lots of sex , with different men , different techniques , different sizes no doubt . Lots of horny lads to sample and enjoy . And being single , uncommitted to anyone , now is the time to do just that .

How many times have we read , " its my body., I can do as I like with it " .

Well this is that time of her life when she quite literally can .

Remember , she did all this before meeting her Mr right ?

There's no way of knowing if they will stay true to each other . She obviously liked him enough to want to marry him so that must count for something , surely .

Let's think on to the other extreme , the girlfriend that wants to remain a virgin for her wedding night .

And at some point in her marriage she points out how she feels she has missed out on ' life experiences ' and wants to take a series of lovers to redress the balance ?

Proving that she who owns the pussy runs the show .

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This was an interesting exploration of a situation where the wife never cheated, but the husband still had a reaction to her previous sexual history. I enjoyed the read but did not like the characters, especially the husband. He came across as self-centered and hyperfocused on sex. He didn't really register as a believable person, because he completely ignored the love and connection aspect of marriage. Normally people don't just marry someone because of sexual reasons, they marry because they love the other person, feel safe with them, connected with them, and want to spend their life with them. I understand that the thoughts the husband had were believable, but they didn't marry after meeting the first time yesterday. It just didn't become an actual story to me rather than just a writing exercise since the characters were so cardboard. I think a more intriguing approach would have been to explore the dichotomy of feelings this revelation would have created in a more believable character.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This might be an interesting story to find on a blog or substack about the psychology of sexual promiscuity and marriage. It was reasonably written and at least mildly thought provoking. It was also pretty one dimensional and simplistic. But it's biggest problem was the venue the author chose to publish it in. This site is for erotic literature, not moralistic commentary. It is obvious that the author intended this to be some sort of lecture on the evils of adventurous (promiscuous) sex, but not in a helpful way. Instead they are talking down to the audience, in essence saying, "How dare you enjoy the smut on this site; repent now or suffer the consequences!" To which I ask, what the hell are you doing here reading this material then? Vote with your mouse and go somewhere else where you'll be more comfortable and won't feel the urge to preach to the rest of us. For these reasons, I gave it one star.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x5 months ago

I don't think the MAIN point is whether or not her earlier promiscuity may or may not lead to later or infidelity.


The main point is that he wasn't told and given the chance to make his own decision. We all have our biases in what we're looking for in a partner, some more benign than others. Maybe a person who is careful with money doesn't want someone who is deeply in debt or has declared bankruptcy, and might be upset to find that it had been hidden from them.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Frankly, you really do have to wonder what would be happening with her after the honeymoon phase of their marriage was over. She really had NOT changed as evidenced by the fact that in short order after the divorce, she did another 10 guys.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

His body, his choice

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Loved it. It tackled a topic that guys don't even dare mention on social media nowadays, or they just get shouted down, or told how awful they are just because they don't want to be with a girl that's been ridden harder than the village bike.

Being a slut with a body count is nothing to be proud about and, to me, at least signals a profound inability to make good decisions because you can't tell me that a twenty or thirty-year-old really made an effort to be in a relationship with 10+ guys. Hopefully, in series and not parallel.

OOAAOOAA5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Thought provoking but eventually pointless. High body count alone can't account for shit. Yes, it might indicate a rabid slut with poor impulse control. It could also indicate someone who knew they weren't ready for serious commitment and decided to try the lifestyle and see what all the fuss is about. In my humble and purely anecdotal evidence, the quiet, shy and low body count types, are the ones to fear the most when it comes to betrayal. As a society we have created such mystique around casual sexual encounters, that we have made them appealing to people who haven't engaged in them. The ones who have dabbled, know it's nothing special and very often underwhelming. Her inclination to hide her past was the real red flag.

Chimo1961Chimo19615 months ago

The high body count is important because she bragged about it to her friends. She was proud of being a slut. If she kept it to herself, it wouldn’t matter. O one wants to marry a woman who has fucked everyone you know.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Inka2222 if your study is from the one from heritage, it means nothing and is skewed to make sure their beliefs are correct, you can stop citing a bogus study.

26thNC26thNC5 months ago

The body count, over 100, is off putting enough, but the fact that she did this without ever being in a relationship is the killer. When this girl gets mad, bored, or just feels like it, she won’t hesitate to add to her count because it means nothing to her. She is not marriage material.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

For all the reasons you listed throughout this sad tale I have to simply hit "PUNT" when it comes down to the final play of the game--i.e. to decide whether to believe that whatever came before doesn't matter, only that you're the last man standing next to an "experienced" woman who now knows what she wants and what she wants is you for all the reasons a person chooses a "life mate";

or to check out of a life with that person--again, for all the reasons you cite in the story.

ME, I'd probably go with the odds which already point toward the fact that 40% of all 1st marriages, 60% of all 2nd marriages, and 73% of all 3rd marriages end in divorce--so why not go with the facts and give yourself a chance to be one of the successful ones SINCE THE WORST POSSIBLE OF A LIFEMATE'S FAULTS IS ALREADY KNOWN.

Like I said--"PUNT".

Good thought-provoking story. More please.


GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppy5 months ago

I just wanted to offer a bit of information to put the story in perspective of modern reality.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Nicely done . Interesting topic.

Myself and wife had count of 3 and 3 and these were short relationships in college.

Got together and took us 10 years before we had really good physical side. Wished we had both had a few more experiences especially more than weekend flings and learnt and experienced more before getting together.

Great learning together BUT took a while to get where we could have been years earlier.

For both body counts of mid teens seems reasonable in my sheltered view

TC Ireland

shadrachtshadracht5 months ago

Really good, until the ending. He didn't have a meaningful relationship with the neighbor girl. It makes his other speeches feel like hypocrisy. Maybe if you'd thrown in something about him changing, or being broken, or whatever. As it is, it feels duplicitous. 4*

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

How come, in most storiies, people marry people without knowing who they are, where they came from, what they did, what their values are...

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well, this felt a disjointed tale. A marriage "tilt" like a pinball machine. Hubby learns wifey was sluttish some 6-9 years earlier. 90 guys in 4 years. 10 before, 10 aft. And he, only 5. A case of disorienting numbers. And yet it all seems meaningless. Not because of her former promiscuity. Because whatever they had has lost meaning. Because hubby only cares now about numbers. Because author cares nothing about letting the woman speak. Because author likewise cares only about numbers.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Much Ado about nothing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Too bad she didn't tell him early in their relationship abouther past.

My wife was up front as soon as we started dating, told me all about being promiscuous, assigned me my "number" (higher than almost any statistic you'll find, but still lower than Randi's), and told me she'd continue seeing (and fucking) others until the two of us got serious. I'm glad I stayed with her. True to her word, she dumped the others and has been faithfully mine for nearly very happy 40 years.

A woman with a history is to be prized, but only if she's honest about it.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver3 months ago

While I would want to know my partners past, it is just that, her past.

There was no discussion about her having possibly cheated.

I guess I don't grasp the idea about feeling inadequate or insecure.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Isn't this all about your silly male insecurities? Your fragile male ego?" This always seems to be the weaker position/argument in the various stories. Also, to me it translates to: My feelings are more important and carry more weight than yours.

Pinto931Pinto9313 months ago

It’s not really about the number it’s the attitude that says sex isn’t important. Once a slut always a slut.

AllNigherAllNigher3 months ago

Did it ever come up? Did he ask? Doesn't sound like she lied, and he was a complete dick about it when he found out. At the diner she wasn't hushing people, so didn't seem to think of it as something he'd be upset about since it was before their relationship. Indicated she probably never left to him about it and they just never made an issue of history.

Also, you may say that she had acasual attitude about sex, but that was in college. The next 10 years after that there were 10 guys. Not small but not crazy, so it indicates she DID change. College was a wild time and she started to settle down after. Then settled completely when she met him.

So no respect for the guy, sorry. If it bothered him fine, but the way he treated her about it was for shit. That was his wife, and he had zero concern or respect for her as a person. Sounds like she didn't cheat on him. Basic human decency would have him discuss it and explain why he couldn't live with it and NOT try to slut shame her when she didn't do anything wrong to him.

And how was his attitude about the Indian girl any better? Thought he was all about a relationship... Sounds like he had been at 5 because no one would fuck him, not because he was just soooo good and selective.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA2 months ago

The line about licking the men's room floor says it all for me. Fragile male ego is a myth. Some people have at least some pride and moral character. Also a partner who doesn't see anything wrong with 100 partners in four years would tell her boyfriend about her past. The story was cut and dry and the wife didn't have any or many friends at the wedding as they harpooned her like a big Tuna.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

He who ignores history is cursed to repeat it and only a complete room temperature dope would not give creds to 100 fucks in college. Maybe her major was "stoop en taken"?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Sorry but what her life prior to this insecure lad really is non of his business . I’m a man and I still don’t understand how if this guy had bedded 100 women he’d be a stud . Yet she does the 100 and she’s a slut ? Can you say ‘ insecure hypocrite ‘?

desecrationdesecrationabout 1 month ago

Casual sex has been a flaming disaster for the human species, just like all other forms of individualism. Uncle Ted Kaczynski was right about a few things if you replace "technology" with "individualism." He understood that oversocialization and low self-confidence were a pair in partnership. But I really started this rambling comment to say that I like how bloody efficient your stories are. What some writers get to in three pages, you do in a paragraph. You also seem to know more about the law and less about crime than many writers here. And you named this one for the best Deicide album, so there's that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Should you be valued less for your body count? Obviously not. But people with high counts do seem much less desirable and there is ample evidence to suggest correlation between high counts and infidelity.

Don’t even get me started on the hot wife scenario. That’s just ick.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylove22 days ago

I guess we will never know. He has his feelings about it. But he is, to put it bluntly, being a dick about it. I am surprised that her dad did not point out that prior behavior does not necessarily predict present or future behavior. And the incredibly insulting way he refers to his wife and her current state. Is she a “slut” now? Is she hooking up with guys mindlessly now? So why call her a “slut” now?We would have to know why she slowed and then stopped. But the author is not interested in telling us that. There is a story there. All we get is weeping. Which covers a lot of stuff which would have made the story way more interesting. I think that stops your story from being top class.


And as for the metaphors he uses to disparage his WIFE, dad could have said: “I get it; you are ticked. But insulting my daughter with your metaphor shows your smallness—of spirit and of mind. After all, would you lick the floor of someone else’s bathroom? Or even your own? I don’t think so. You want a virgin for a wife, son, or should I say, soon to be ex son-in-law. Good lick (I mean “luck”) with that… Then again, I guess if you use bleach on the floor and in your spouse to be privates… and mind … then maybe it could work?


Thank you for the thought provoking read.

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

MC is a complete insecure asshole. Slut shaming the mother in law for saying she had 20 people is beyond belief. I would have decked him there and then I’d I was the father in law. He doesn’t deserve any happiness as he will always find fault with something in his relationship. Should just admit to himself he wanted out of the relationship and he used this as the excuse. All the justifications he uses are just absolute garbage. If I was his friend I would not have been in his side with this one. The other thing I find stupid is the women talking about past conquests in front of him, especially as hers is so high, if you agree 11 is high, as an old fart I have no idea what is acceptable these days. I have never experienced that in my own friend group. Chat man to man and probably women to woman but never combined group. Always asking for trouble, unless a shared experience with all involved so is out in the open. Can’t get on board with this story have no sympathy or empathy with the MC and leaves a sour taste that he walks away and seems to have a happy life. She did. It cheat on him and prior to this big revelation he was happy. To sum up good story as it has provided a lot of thought and differing comments. It is interesting the comments in favour of his reaction, hear people have no forgiveness in them whatsoever, but I bet if they did something wrong they would expect people to understand and forgive. They are the type who get caught speeding or parking a car where they shouldn’t and then blame everybody but themselves and tell everybody who will listen how they are hard done by. We all know the type. Although I do not agree with the ending I have to give 4 stars for the story.

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