Lesser Gods Ch. 17-19A


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Zoe stared into Grey's eyes, getting lost in their deep blue depths, "Sometimes you holding me is all that keeps me together," she said very seriously.

"I had planned on staying here with you tonight," Grey said, "If you need me to hold you together, I will lie outside your covers and do just that."

"That's the most noble offer any man has ever made to me, but what if I want more than that?" Zoe asked.

Grey searched her face before dropping to brush his lips softly across hers. Her tongue flicked out, barely touching his lip, making him groan. He pressed his lips to hers more firmly and sought entrance to her mouth, which she granted willingly. His tongue stroked her palate before swirling against her own tongue in a way she had never experienced.

Zoe melted into Grey's arms, melding herself to him from knee to shoulder. The brush of his chest against her breasts was enough to cause her nipples to contract, sending a molten current to course to her center. Grey pulled back a little, and Zoe whined a small reproof.

"I don't know if it is purely noble, but if you think so, I won't disabuse you of that belief," he said, smiling and blushing just a little.

Zoe smiled back at him, "I'm not sure noble is what I want from you, but I also think you don't know how to be anything else." She tiptoed to place a gentle kiss on his lips, hoping it would ignite more, but knowing somehow that he had already decided tonight was not the night. She thought how odd it was, in her experience, that she wanted to be physical more than the man did.

"It isn't that I don't want to," Grey responded to her thoughts, "just that now is not the time. Zoe, my love, you have been through so much, and even now you are dealing with the drug withdrawal and the threat of attack." He brushed her hair gently from her face, tracing down her jaw, his hand coming to rest warmly against her neck.

She nodded, choked up with the emotion of it all. After a moment she responded, "I thought you weren't going to read my mind anymore."

"You were projecting far too strongly to be ignored. I am having a hard time, to be perfectly honest, not responding to what you are projecting. Perhaps you should go get ready for bed, then I can start to tell you about myself, if you would like that."

Zoe just looked at Grey for a moment, appraising what she saw in his beautiful blue eyes. How had those eyes ever scared her?

"That would be great," she answered, "I'll just go get ready for bed...in the bathroom," she felt nervous, in a way she hadn't ever felt before. This man loved her enough not to take advantage of her feelings, and to be there for her, purely for her own benefit. It felt strange and wonderful.

She wore pajamas that someone had packed for her, since she hadn't been back to her apartment, and climbed under the covers to lay on her back. Her shakes had worsened, and Grey laid a hand on her forehead to settle her system. Then he climbed onto the bed beside her, facing her but not touching her, and asked, "So what would you like to know?"

"I don't know. Just start at the beginning. How did the lesser gods come to be, and why divide into good and evil?"

"We don't have a creation story. No one believes the stories Zeus and some of the other gods tried to tell us. We were probably created before humans, we don't know for sure. For a long time, the lesser gods, or angels, or messengers, could all appear in God's presence, but over time, that stopped for all but a few of God's dearest. We communicate with God through prayer, and dreams and visions, much as humans do."

"Why did that happen? I mean, why can't you appear in His presence like before?" Zoe asked.

"As I told you, many of the higher beings struck out from God and revealed themselves to humans. God didn't force himself on humans, and they would intermittently forget about Him. These other higher beings were much more involved in human lives, in mostly destructive ways. Because they exhibited power, people would worship them. It's sickening some of the things the lesser gods did to people, and had people do to each other. I believe God stopped allowing His creations to enter His presence because sin made it dangerous for the created beings to see His pure goodness. A sinful being would be destroyed in God's presence if not covered by His forgiveness and grace. God stopped allowing us into His presence for our own good, even though it was our sin that made it dangerous for us. That's how merciful God is."

"So as the angels fell into sin and darkness, God protected them from the consequences of their choices by not allowing them to see Him anymore," Zoe restated, "But I thought God was vengeful and held us responsible for our choices?"

"God is merciful and patient. He saw our rebellion and chose to give us more time to repent and return to Him. The power we wield can be intoxicating. Most of us strike out on our own at some point, seeking power and recognition, but that never ends well. Many come back to serve God, some join the forces of darkness. Those of us who choose to live in the light fight the destruction that threatens humanity through the lesser gods, dark angels, demons, what-have-you."

Zoe had to speak, "You said 'most of us strike out on our own', but I heard that you never went through that phase, that you have always been faithful."

Grey smiled and shook his head, "You heard wrong. I had a selfish season where I left the Legion of Light. I never interfered in human affairs to any extent, but I did reject my calling for a time. Legends build up, even among our own kind. Be careful about believing boasts of any sort."

"Okay, so you aren't perfect. I guess that means I have to reevaluate this whole relationship," she said playfully.

"I think I told you a few times I was a sinner, just like everyone else. I've just had a lot longer to practice self-control than most people," he retorted, ducking his face down and nuzzling her ear for just a second, "If there's evaluating to do, I hope we'll always do it together."

She flipped so she faced him, and he scooted back a few inches. "I don't think I'll ever stop loving you," she said very seriously, touching his cheek lightly, then she rolled back onto her back, "So tell me about your family."

"My father was called "the White King" by his army. My mother was called "The Black Queen" because her coloring was dark. I was referred to as Canus Fillium, "the Gray Son", though my given name was Crinion. Somehow, Canus Fillium stuck, and that was what I was called until a few centuries ago when a good friend suggested I alter it to the English, Greyson. "

"So if I called you Crinion, would you even recognize it as your name?"

"No one has called me that since my mother died when I was just five," he answered with a hint of sadness.

"I'm sorry your mother died when you were so young," Zoe said in sympathy. As difficult as her mother's mental issues had been to live with, Zoe still missed her intensely.

"It was a very long time ago," Grey said, "It is my sister who I grieve for."

" Abigail," Zoe acknowledged, "Because she is with Z."

"Yes. Abigail is a few years older than me. She was devastated by the loss of our mother, and always blamed our father for her death," he said sadly, "She ran away when her powers solidified at sixteen. She is a seer, too, though not as gifted as you. She also learned to fight, living with my father and me. She can transport, and she can make people believe just about anything she tells them, and by people, I mean human and angel alike."

"So she could have been my rescuer, I mean, she has the necessary abilities?" Zoe asked.

"Yes, she has the ability; I just don't know why she would do it. Abigail never does anything that doesn't benefit Abigail, first and foremost."

"That may be true, but someone in their court helped me escape," Zoe said logically.

"Someone did at that, and I hope I get to thank them someday," Grey said, looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table, "But it is late, and while I hardly sleep, you are recovering from abusive treatment as well as high-powered drugs, and should get some rest."

"I want to hear more about your family, your life," Zoe said earnestly.

"And we will have millennia to discuss it," he said decisively. "Roll over."

"Would that be toward you, or away from you?" she asked teasingly.

He motioned for her to roll away, frowning at her, but with a twinkle in his eye that told her he was not actually mad at her.

"Okay," she said, rolling onto her side facing away from him, "If you insist."

He scooted close to her and wrapped his arm over her protectively. "I'll stay until you are asleep, and I'll check back on you often."

"Don't put me to sleep," Zoe requested quickly. "I want to fall asleep slowly, knowing you're here with me."

She could almost hear him smile as he tightened the arm around her and rested his head on the pillow behind her. Even without any help, she fell asleep quickly, safe in the arms of the one who loved her.



Journal of a lesser god

She has returned to us! Even more wonderful: she loves me! But we must prevent her vision of her own death from coming true. The entire Legion is on high alert to protect her, the most precious thing on Earth to me! God be with us.


Zoe startled awake, but immediately felt the arm draped over her tighten, and the head behind hers nestle in closer. She smiled. Not sure if he was asleep, she tried to move an inch away, in order to turn over.

"It's just before dawn," Grey said in a gruff whisper, "I could set my clock by you," he laughed lightly, cleared his throat and moved away from her.

She felt a chill where he had been so warmly pressed against her. She turned to face him.

"Good morning," she said, smiling, "I like waking up with you here. Can we get married today?"

"Whoa, good morning to you, too," he said laughing, "I said soon, not tomorrow."

"What's stopping us?" she asked seriously.

"Nothing, I suppose," he answered thoughtfully. "I just thought you might want a real wedding, with a dress and flowers, and guests, maybe."

"I have a dress, and flowers can be bought, and the only guests I care about, except for Jenna, are your employees, so they show up pretty regularly anyway," she said matter-of-factly.

"You have a dress?" he asked.

"I made a dress with my mother, for a special occasion, and she died before I wore it. I decided to keep it for something really special," she replied. "It's a lace, cocktail-length dress that would be fine for an informal wedding ceremony. "

"You're serious!" he said in surprise. "Wouldn't you rather wait until you've finished withdrawing from the drugs first."

"I feel fine," she said looking at him dubiously, "Are you getting cold feet?"

"Not at all. I just didn't expect you to go from questioning getting married soon yesterday to wanting to get married today, today! I love the idea," he said, smiling.

"Can someone go to my apartment and get the dress from my closet? In fact, can someone take me to the apartment so I can get some other things I'd like to have?" she asked, getting out of bed and going to the dresser.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. Remember, we are still on high-alert, trying to keep you safe." he said, following her out of bed and across the room.

"I won't be there five minutes. Travis will be with me, and someone who transports," she started.

"That would be me," Grey interrupted.

"But you shouldn't see the dress," she said, completely serious.

"I'll close my eyes," he said, exasperated, "I'm not letting you go there without me. I shouldn't let you go there at all."

"Okay, it's settled. We'll go after breakfast. We should stop into a florist for a bouquet, too," she continued as she carried her clothes to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

"What just happened here?" Grey said to himself, shaking his head.


Zoe came out of the bathroom a half an hour later. Still making plans, "You need to get Enrique here, and the Haskins'," she stopped abruptly. "Good morning, Travis. Where did Grey go?"

"Off to do those things you were just mentioning. I expect Mrs. Haskins will be in a frenzy trying to plan a wedding dinner in a few hours time," he answered, looking at her with a smirk.

"What do you find so amusing?" she asked him.

"Fastest romance I ever saw. First you hated him, then you get kidnapped, and now you're marrying him. Strangest couple ever," he said, shaking his head and chuckling softly.

"I'm glad I amuse you," she said, sarcastically, "But I have too much to do right now to take time to play. We need to go to the apartment for some things as soon as Grey is able."

"How are you feeling, physically?" Travis asked, looking at her critically.

"Not bad. I have a headache, and a little nausea, but the shaking is minimal," she explained, "I think last night was the worst of it. It'll get easier from here."

"I hope you're right. Last night was pretty awful," Travis said, following her to the door, "but Grey kept you stable all night, so we really can't be sure if this is how you'd feel without his intervention."

"Always the optimist, aren't you?" she said, opening her door into the hall.

Suddenly Lloyd popped in next to her, saying, "We're compromised!" grabbed her arm and 'pop' they were in another place.

Travis, who transported with them by grabbing Lloyd's arm, was suddenly on the floor at Zoe's feet, nearly knocking her over, and rolling to prepare for his attacker's next move.

Lloyd grabbed Zoe's hand and they were suddenly in another place, dark and stuffy. Lloyd dropped her hand, then grabbed it again and 'pop', they were transported a third time in about as many seconds.

Zoe turned to ask Lloyd what was going on, but the man holding her hand was not Lloyd. She looked around her and immediately knew, she was back in Z's mansion! How did this happen? How did they not only figure out the safe house she was staying in, but the next two places Lloyd took her, which were likely also safe houses prepared by the council? There had to be a traitor amongst Grey's colonels!

"There you are you naughty girl," came that dreaded voice from behind her.


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blackknight314blackknight314almost 2 years ago

Good job; thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

No time to comment. Can't wait to get to the next section.

QueenSparrowQueenSparrowover 12 years ago

Keep it coming! :) I love the romance going on, and the secret deceptions. o0o.

CatBrownCatBrownover 12 years agoAuthor
From the Author

Thank you anonymous for your defense of me. Lo_Pan makes little more sense to me than he makes to you. I have no idea what "holding the readers hand" means, or what this story not being his particular idea of erotica has to do with the place I chose to break the chapter. This story contains erotica, not porn. If you want something stronger, try my single entry stories. If you like a complex plot, with erotic elements, then enjoy this one. If you don't enjoy it, move on (there are literally hundreds of thousands of choices, no one is making you read this one). If you have something constructive to say, say it. If you want to leave a complement (as Lo_Pan did, in a strangely backhand way), I thank you. If you just want to be mean and make no sense, find another outlet, this one is inappropriate.

I am allowed to remove posted comments from this board, but I'm choosing not to because those of you who are kind and encouraging should know how precious you are to those of us who write, especially when our efforts receive Lo_Pan's brand of vitriol. Many of you have read all or nearly all of my work, and comment frequently, and I really appreciate you. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I do not understand all the "rules" everyone seems to have when it comes to writing! I love the plot and the characters and how you incorporate the journal entries into the writing.

Not every story is explicit bump and grind sex, hence why Lit has categories!


Keep it up cat! Great writing!!!!

Lo_PanLo_Panover 12 years ago
Dear Anon poster....

You truly are a very special one yourself. Without knowing all the facts, and without knowing who, what or why, you go throwing compliments and insults around. It's not like you were invited to participate anyway. Now, as to me being 'worked up'? You haven't seen anything yet, honey!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
There'll always be one....

CatBrown, your intellect is unquestionable, your imagination profound. Your writing here has both entertained and intrigued. For what it's worth, your ending for this chapter seems, to me, to be in a natural break.

Lo_Pan has just worked himself into a very special snit.

There's always one. ;)

Lo_PanLo_Panover 12 years ago
Dearest Cat,

Oh, I'm sorry, did I step on some toes? Did I offend a precious author? Oh dear! How silly of me! I'm really not that type of guy....... *(MUCH!)!

If you can't take criticism, then don't publish on a public forum. Now, I know that you didn't like what I said, and I get that you were offended by it. But, you did write something that struck me as foolish. It was apparant that you had split the chapter in two, and that the next part would see the other half of the 'chapter'. It was apparant from the number/letter in the chapter title. Anyone who needed a roadmap for it, shouldn't really be reading 'erotica'. Nor, I suspect, should you really be writing it. Haven't seen any yet, and I usually don't give people more than two chapters to establish both a relationship between two characters, and at best a third to establish intimacy. In this series, you have so far pushed my tolerance and patience to the limit, in a way that I enjoyed for a chance. Despite the fact that you warned us all, in your original 'author's comments'. I've really seen some good writing here, and you do have talent. But, one silly little "I need to hold the readers hand" just spoiled it all for me. I've generally enjoyed the story, the way in which you write, and the characters that you created.

But, now you've spoiled it all for me. Sorry!

Don't bother replying to me, I'll just delete it without reading it.

MizTMizTover 12 years ago
Dearest CatBrown

your best cliffhanger yet. It is almost better that you stopped here otherwise this abduction wouldn't have the dread it does is having to wait for the next chapter. Seriously, I love that you stopped here.

Can't wait for the rescue to be followed by a wedding!

Lo_PanLo_Panover 12 years ago
Dear CatBrown,

Cutting a chapter in half isn't a 'writer thing', it's an idiot thing! Don't mistake the two, please? There's a big difference. One I suspect you'll never, ever learn.

Have a nice life!

cariebearcariebearover 12 years ago
i love it

Why else would I be reading at 4 am I need more Gray is going to freak so is Travis I can't eait

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
Is Lloyd the traitor?

Zoe assumed that the two jumps that they took were into safe houses that had been compromised. But what if they weren't? He could have jumped her to someplace that he knew that Z would be waiting. Lloyd had been difficult for her to read... oh, drat! I just need more!

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