Lessons in O-Chem Ch. 05

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An explosive reaction and the positive feedback loop.
8.3k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/26/2019
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The next few months passed uneventfully for Laney and the Professor. She had enrolled in the spring session of organic chemistry and so the Professor continued teaching her, both in the classroom and off campus. Ever since they had come back from the Miami trip, Laney felt more at ease with the Professor. She felt like his equal instead of some young girl doting on him.

"So when it gets a little warmer outside, say the end of April or the beginning of May, these dahlias and lilies will shoot up and grow really fast." The Professor was saying as they looked at the barren flower beds outside his house. The last snow had finally melted, but it was still cool outside. Even so, Laney could tell the sun was starting to come up earlier and set later - a promise that warmer weather was on its way. It made her think of their holiday vacation and she gripped his arm a little tighter, then smiled as he looked at her.

"It's great that you have so many hobbies." She said. "Between working, taking classes full time and studying for school, I feel like I don't have time for anything else."

"That'll change once you finish school." He told her. "You have this semester, then one year left. After you find a full time job, you will feel like you have more time in your life to find things you are passionate about and want to be involved in."

He was always careful when mentioning the future because truthfully he didn't know realistically how long their relationship would last. He didn't want to marry and have kids with her because he didn't want to tie her down. He was so much older. Laney had never said anything about children or marriage and secretly he was grateful that she was not pressuring him. But it also made him sad to think that one day she might leave him in order to be with someone her own age. It was a double edged sword and either way, it was going to hurt. He tried not to think about it and just enjoy the time they spent together.

They walked onto the back deck and sat in the sun, looking out at the young grass starting to grow, and the buds that started forming on nearby trees.

"What's your favorite season?" She asked.

"Spring. New life bursts forth. Each day forward brings a little more light and warmth. It's nice to see the beautiful colors emerge." He said quietly. "What about you?"

"Summer. It's hot and you can go outside without a coat on. And there are thunderstorms and you can go to the beach and go swimming. There are so many fun activities you can do outside."

"There are a lot of activities you can do in winter, too. For example-"

"Don't even-"

"Skiing." He said with a laugh.

Earlier in the year, after a big snowstorm hit the northeast, they had spent a weekend up in Vermont so the Professor, who loved skiing, could teach her how to ski. They found out she was actually horrible at it. She couldn't keep her balance and fell down repeatedly. A few times she almost skied into other people. After the first day, she spent the rest of the time in the lodge studying while waiting for him to finish up his fun.

She pretended to pout and playfully hit his arm. He grabbed her and pulled her close. They started making out and she straddled him, moving her crotch slowly along the hard bulge that formed in his pants.

"Laney." He said, slapping her round ass through her jeans, then gripping her butt tight so he could grind against her harder. He just wanted to bury his hard cock into that sweet tight well. "We have to go inside."

"No." She whispered in his ear.

"No? Seriously you want to do it right here?"

She bit his earlobe then sucked on it. "Yes."

Well, what the hell. He lived on a quiet street and there was complete privacy in the backyard. His cock strained against his pants, yearning to be free. She was fingering the top of his pants and he undid the button and fly, feeling around for a moment, then letting himself out.

"Mmmm precum." Laney dropped down and put him in her mouth, sucking him hard, causing the Professor to moan. She pulled him out and rubbed the spongy tip against her lips. A slight breeze blew, causing her saliva to feel cooler on his skin and it created a tingly sensation. She added more saliva on his member, then started to rub her hand up and down, causing him to squirm and moan. Then she stopped.

"I want to watch you do it." She said.

"Watch me do what?"

She went down low, licking from the base to the tip, then rubbing her tip around the sensitive head. "Pleasure yourself."

He laughed nervously. "I don't really do that."

She was putting the tip in, creating sucking. then pulling him out with a satisfying smacking sound. "Everyone does it."

He wasn't lying. Everybody was horny when they were young. As he got older, and never had a long term suitor, he absorbed himself in sports and activities to keep his mind off of being lonely. Of course, he did it a few times recently in order to test the effectiveness of the serum he created. Since he started a relationship with Laney though, he sometimes felt like a cum machine when she was around, needing and wanting her so often. It was invigorating, and satisfying, and draining. He grabbed his dick, covered in thick saliva, and started stroking as she watched and occasionally put his head in her mouth, adding fresh saliva. Soon he was bucking his hips. squeezing and going faster, panting as his balls got ready.

"I'm gonna cum."

She had on a thin button down blouse and ripped it open, her lace bra in full view. She pulled it down, exposing her rosy pink buds and small pale breasts, and he aimed, stroking faster as she leaned forward, rubbing the head against her right nipple, hardening it as he groaned and suddenly ropes of thick white cum shot out in waves onto her soft pale skin. He coated each of her breasts and panted as he watched the sticky mess slowly slide down.

She was grinning as she got up. "Professor what a mess." She said.

He started trying to put his member back. He was going to need to change his clothes. He could feel the excess saliva had dripped down onto the rest of his body. "You know you like it." He said confidently, looking at her still exposed breasts. There was so much cum. It started running down her shirt towards her belly.

"Let's take a shower. " He said suddenly.


They showered, then started making dinner. The Professor had an awesome recipe for chili, so they started cutting up peppers. Laney poured some wine and turned up some pop music and started dancing while she cut up vegetables. Admittedly she did not have a good singing voice. But she could really shake her hips. Soon the Professor was watching her more than the onion he was chopping up.

"Ow, damn it." He said, dropping the knife unexpectedly and looking for a paper towel.

Laney ran over with a napkin. "Oh no, I'm sorry."

"No, no it's my fault. I was paying more attention to you than what I was doing."

They went into his bathroom where he watched as Laney carefully cleaned it, then dressed the cut. She looked so concerned. After the wound was bandaged, they went downstairs and picked up where they had left off. Soon a delicious aroma emanated from the kitchen as the chili simmered on the stove. They started watching a movie, and ate bowls of the bourbon chili topped with cheese, sour cream and crumbled up tortilla chips.

After the movie, they cleaned up and went to bed.

A few weeks later, they were down in the basement, going over sample exam questions.

"What's an enantiomer?" The Professor asked.

Laney thought for a minute. "Um, it's when a pair of molecules are flipped around, opposing each other." She started to draw an example.

He sighed. "It's when they are mirror images of each other. We spent a week on stereochemistry. Did you absorb any of the material?"

Laney thought that was pretty harsh. "I know some of it. It's not easy for me, you know. Not everybody is as smart as you."

He took off his glasses. "Look, the final is in about four weeks. And I have to grade your exam the same as everybody else whether I love you or not."

Or not. The words seemed to echo in her head. Come to think of it, the Professor had started to act different lately. She couldn't put her finger on it, but he seemed a little moody which was highly uncharacteristic of him.

"Is there something you want to talk about with me?" She asked carefully.

It seemed to catch him off guard. "What? No. I just really want to see you get through this."

"Am I still going to see you in the summer after I'm done with your class?" There was a sudden chill in her heart as he took his time answering.

He sighed and she knew she wasn't going to like what he said next. "Do you still want to see me after you are done with my class?"

"Yes. Yes I do." She said a little vehemently. "Don't you want to see me still?" She couldn't believe this. She had tears in her eyes. What was going on with him?

He could tell by the tone of her voice that she was upset. "Laney, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. But it's no secret that you are obviously going to outlive me. I don't know if I can put you through that."

He was looking at her earnestly. She grabbed him, holding his soft cheeks in her hands. "I love you." She said. "We need to cherish the time we do have together. Don't you love me?"

He kissed her before answering. "Yes I do. I just don't want to disappoint you. And if we stay together I'm afraid that will be inevitable."

She didn't say anything back. She kissed him, long and hard, letting her fingers rake through his hair, pressing him closer to her. She felt his hands on the front of her shirt, pulling it up, revealing her thin bra, grasping her small breasts in his hands, tweaking her nipples. He removed one hand and a second later she heard her notebook and textbook hit the floor as he cleared the bench. Then he helped hoist her onto the worktable, lifting her skirt and exposing her tiny thong which barely covered her juicy pussy. He stood up, kissing her, and slid two fingers in as he got her ready.

"Ohhh." Laney tossed her head back.

"I have a burning passion for you." He muttered, fumbling with his pants. In seconds his throbbing cock was out. He moved forward, rubbing it against her, getting her fluid on him in preparation for a smooth entrance. Then he entered quickly, holding the table as he plunged in again and again, ravaging her delicious body. He was breathing hard, pushing against her, feeling an intense urge to release but trying to hold off. He moved a thumb down over he swollen clit, running over it again and again with the texture of his skin, in rhythm to his thrusting, and soon she was crying out, begging him to go faster. He felt her tighten, then her muscles squeezed his cock, pulsating, contracting against him, prompting his own release as his own orgasm washed over him.

He stood over her, his arms on either side of her and his cock still buried inside. "Okay." He said, trying to catch his breath. "Let's take a break. We'll come back to this lesson."

They went upstairs, cleaned up, packed a picnic basket with lunch, then went for a walk outside for some fresh air. Laney loved their walks in the woods. His property was on a 16 acre plot which included a brook running through the woods. Sometimes they conversed. Other times they walked quietly, deep in their own thoughts. Laney loved being absorbed in the natural setting.

It was a warm spring day, and unseasonably humid outside. Laney couldn't help wondering if they were going to get a thunderstorm later as she pushed her hair off of her slightly sweaty face. The air seemed heavy and still. Soon they heard the bubbling of the stream as it churned over rocks and branches that were caught, looking for the path of least resistance as it flowed downhill. They sat for awhile on a nearby flat boulder. Laney loved to follow small leaves that drifted in the water, getting pushed along for a ride, slipping quietly over smaller rocks that were submerged in the water.

They ate their sandwiches quietly for awhile. Suddenly a squirrel perched itself on a nearby rock and gazed inquisitively at them. Laney pulled off a piece of bread and threw it towards the squirrel. It ran after the bread and gobbled it up, holding it with its two small paws. Then it ran to a nearby tree and scurried up the trunk.

"It looks like there is a nest up there." The Professor said, noticing a big bundle of leaves and branches located higher up in the tree.

"There is so much wildlife here." She commented, swatting at a bug that had taken an interest in her lunch. She finished up, then started packing up the basket.

"It's pretty humid outside. Ready to go back and work on some more problems?"

Laney sighed. "Yeah."

The Professor noticed her change in attitude. "Look, let's make some flashcards. Maybe we should try a different approach."

She brightened. It sounded like a much better idea. They went back in his basement and spent a few hours making flashcards and reviewing the previous chapters.

By the end of the afternoon she was feeling more confident about the upcoming exam. But she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling she got regarding their earlier conversation. But he seemed fine, so she tried not to think about it.

By evening the sky was thick and overcast. The Professor put some steak tips marinated in teriyaki sauce onto the grill while she made a pasta salad. They ate. cleaned up and watched a movie as night fell. Then they showered off and went to bed.

Patrick was walking in the woods. It was dark and he could hear a boom of thunder as a storm approached.

"Laney! Where are you?" He called out. He needed to protect her. The storm was almost upon him. He vaguely heard her laugh and thought he saw a flash of a red dress as someone reassembling her moved and darted ahead of him, between trees and rocks, never quite in full view.

"Laney come here!" He called out to her as the sky opened up and a deluge of water washed over him. She laughed and kept running. She ran into an open field. The grasses swayed violently in the heavy wind and the sky was a dark blue, heavy with low clouds.

"No!" He cried out as a bolt of lightning came down between them. He was blinded by the flash and the boom of thunder knocked him back. "No!"

"Stop, stop. It's okay." The Professor opened his eyes and saw Laney looking at him, concerned as a flash of light illuminated them for a moment. He was breathing hard and sweaty. "Laney. Oh God." He said, grabbing her and clutching her to him.

Laney didn't think she had ever seen him so upset before. "It's okay. I'm here. " She said quietly as loud thunder rolled outside. It sounded like he was crying. He was on top of her, holding her, kissing her. Laney was still groggy, but could feel his manhood swell against her, full of need, and she shifted her body so he could have access to her tight pussy. Suddenly she felt his cock probing between her legs, looking for her wet well, seeking, desperate for relief inside her. He pushed forward between her lips and entered forcefully, plowing in again and again.

"I...I thought you were gone..." He was saying, pushing against her hard, breathing heavily. She felt a tear hit her face and realized he was crying. He was so full of need. Her hands were all over him and she squeezed his cock tight as she took him all in, his cock throbbing, dying to empty himself into her.

"It's okay...it's okay," she said softly as she gave herself up to his insistent fervor. She didn't think she'd ever felt his manhood so hard before. He was moving fast, holding onto her, furiously pushing himself in again and again, needing the solace her body willingly offered him.

He groaned as he released, calling out her name, letting his warm seed flood her as he held her tight. She cried out softly as spasm after spasm washed over him. Laney rubbed his back and massaged his neck as he calmed down. Soon he was sleeping again. She felt his manhood slip out and she moved him off so that he was next to her. She felt some of his essence drip out and knew her pussy was overflowing with his creamy cum. She fell back asleep, listening to the rain pound the roof as the storm came over them.

Laney heard birds chirping and opened her eyes. The Professor had a big window on the far wall across the bed, which faced east. To her surprise, the most glorious sunrise was taking place. The sky went from a hazy light pink, to beautiful bright oranges that highlighted the wisps of clouds that were fading in the morning light.

The Professor stirred, then opened his eyes and looked over at Laney. "I love you."

She smiled. "I love you, too."

They stayed in bed for awhile, just relaxing. Finally they got up, and Laney noticed dried cum on the inside of her thighs. When she stood up, she felt more essence slowly drip out of her in thick rivulets. They got cleaned up in the shower, then went downstairs to have breakfast. Then she packed up her stuff. She had to work for a little bit, then she was going to go home and study in preparation for the week ahead.

Laney was so excited that it was Friday. She had talked to the Professor a few times during the week, on the phone at night. She could tell that he missed her. She threw her sleepover bag in her car, along with her backpack, and headed to school early.

She got to campus about an hour before her first class started. Maybe she would stop by the Professor's office. She rarely stopped in but thought it would be okay to stop by and say hello, especially with it being so early and not many faculty or students around.

She started for the Science building, and as she got closer she noticed some ambulances and a medical team assembling. Well that's weird, she thought. She would have to ask the Professor what that was about.

She got up to the third floor where the faculty offices were, and her heart stopped when she rounded the corner and saw medical personnel at his office. They were talking quietly and Laney crept over, almost afraid to look but unable to tear her eyes away from the scene.

The Professor wasn't moving. He was pale, unconscious and laying on a stretcher as EMT people were hooking him up to an emergency oxygen generator.

She fell back against the wall. "Oh my God."

"Laney, Laney." Someone grabbed her arm. It was Sean, the new transfer student teacher. "He's going to be okay. They are taking him to the hospital for evaluation."

She was fighting back tears as she choked out, "What happened?"

Sean was talking to her quietly and leading her down the hall away from the disturbing scene "He was briefing me this morning on the upcoming curriculum and suddenly he just gripped his chest and fell over." Laney felt hot tears roll down her cheeks. "I called 911 and these guys came a few minutes later." Sean have her a quick hug. "It's going to be okay. He will be ok."

Laney watched as they suddenly started moving him towards the service elevator. He was still unconscious. After some more reassuring words from Sean, she headed towards her first class with a heavy heart.

All day long she was filled with worry and concern. Laney found out which hospital room he was in by calling the information desk and speaking with reception at the local hospital. After work, she drove to the hospital and parked outside. It had started to rain. She ignored the pelting drops and walked up to the entrance without her umbrella which was stashed in her car.

She went up to the fifth floor, ignoring the droplets of water that slowly fell on the floor. She signed in at the nurses station and they told her he was awake.

She went slowly down the hall towards 524. She paused at the entrance, listening to the steady beeping of the machines he was hooked up to. The hospital was such a cold, dreary place. She felt so uncomfortable. She took a breath and walked in.