Let Me Help You, Good Doctor Ch. 08


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Did that just come from her? Did she finally speak to her? No, she couldn't have, she was just tired. She wanted to let it go, but a part of her nagged her to ask.

"What?" she finally said surprised by how her voice quivered.

She didn't say anything and Dominique sighed. She knew she was hearing things, wishful thinking. She turned back to the door and she heard her again.

"I never said I hated you." She turned to see her slowly pushing out of her chair and looking at Dominique, "I could never hate you."

She was talking! She was actually talking to her! Dominique put a hand over her heart and felt just how hard it was beating. They stood in silence for awhile, just staring at each other.

"You have a funny way of showing it." Dominique finally said.

"Listening to you just made me realize just how selfish I have been. Kaiyo, there has been so much stuff that I have dealt with and I do know that I took part of it out on you. I fell in love with a man that I thought could love me. I was stupid enough to think about leaving my husband and starting a new life. When he never came back for me, I got so depressed and felt so ashamed for allowing myself to give up so much for him. I thought I was in love, but I admit in the beginning I did take a lot of my anger out on you by not talking to you. Then one day when you were here, I watched you sleep and you were so beautiful to me. I felt the shame over again because of how I treated you in the beginning."

Dominique pressed her back against the door as her mother walked closer to her, "There's really no excuse for my behavior, because I should have been a better mother to you. I shouldn't let my shame get in the way of you feeling loved. I watched and took pictures of everything that you have accomplished and I pray that you do find out what you want to do, be who you want to be, and be with whoever you want to be with. I can only hope that you forgive me. Please forgive me."

Dominique stared at her the entire time wondering if this was real. Was she really talking to her like this? A piece of Dominique wanted to wrap her arms around her mother and tell her of course I forgive you but the other part didn't want to let go of the little girl that had been hurt for so long. No, she wouldn't invite her back with open arms but she wasn't going to hold any grudges.

"I forgive you." Dominique mumbled as she felt like a boulder was finally lifted off her shoulders.

And for the first time, she really did forgive her. It wasn't about the fact that she tried too hard to get her attention or what she said to Dominique. She had to forgive her so Dominique can move on with her life. Her mother swallowed hard and nodded taking Dominique's hand.

"Now, I know that we would have to start off slow and I understand that. So, you can ask me any question you want."

"Have you talked to my father since he left?" Dominique asked.

She sighed, "He called me about three weeks ago a little bit after you visited him I guess. I don't know what happened after Sun took the phone when he started yelling at me. He was upset that you did come over, but I didn't care. In a way I was glad that you did see him." Dominique nodded, "Again I'm so sorry, Kaiyo. I want you to know that I do love you very much and I want you to be happy

"I forgive you." Dominique said and she could tell that her mother wanted to wrap her arms around her, but something was holding her back, "It's alright, you can hug me." Dominique smiled and she did just that.

She held on to Dominique tighter than she would expect from her small stature mother. When Dominique returned the embrace, that's when she felt her body tremble and heard her muffled sobs. She was crying? She was crying on Dominique as she hugged her. Dominique felt like a piece of her was starting to weld together.

"It's okay." Dominique comforted.

Dominique still couldn't believe what was going on here, even after leaving her mom's house she was still in awe. She actually apologized for everything that she done. Now was the chance for them to really work on their relationship and the great thing about it was that Dominique didn't have to try so hard like she always did, but she came around on her own just like everyone said. Her mother wanted her to stay a little bit longer but Dominique had to go finish her last bit of business.

She headed over to Katrina's to check on her, since Scott was going to be working all night on a case. Dominique was itching to go home and beat on Nik's door, but she also didn't like the thought of Katrina being alone so close to her date. She wanted to tell him at the right time when they were back at home and able to celebrate. She smiled to herself as she thought about what they were going to do.

She finally made it to Katrina's new place and she greeted her at the door with a hug, "Hey girly, how is it going?" she asked.

"Not as good as you. You look like you are about to bust any moment." Dominique smiled.

"Oh I know. I have been having contractions all day." She said as they walked back to the living room.

"Are you okay? " Dominique immediately asked and Katrina chuckled.

"Oh girl I'm fine. I have everyone on stand by and everything is okay so far as that goes. How are you doing?" she said as she plopped down on the couch.

"You won't believe what just happened. My mom apologized to me."

Katrina's eyes flew open, "You mean she actually talked to you?"

"Yep, she told me she was sorry and that she didn't mean to treat me the way she did. It was amazing Katrina." Dominique said shaking her head still in disbelief.

"Wow, that's really good girl. I told you she will come around soon."

"I know. It may have taken me going off on her but she finally did and she told me she loved me."

"I knew she always did. So, what about your other issue?"

"I'm guessing you talking about Nik?" Katrina nodded, "I'm going to handle that situation too. I'm going to tell him today how I feel. I don't know if he will take me back but I have to try."

"Feelings like what you two have won't just go away. Trust me, once everything happens, you two will be together, then you will be in the same situation that I'm in." she said massaging her stomach.

"You are trying to get me pregnant already?" Dominique joked and Katrina started laughing as she grabbed her phone.

"Hey Dominique, you think you can go upstairs and grab my blanket off the bed." Dominique shrugged and went upstairs.

She was heading back down stairs when she heard the doorbell. It must be her mom or Ricky. He was getting ready to move out of town because of a new job at a school. He was trying to at least stick around enough to see his little niece or nephew. Dominique got downstairs and stopped at the bottom when she heard his voice.

"Katrina, what are you up to? I know Dominique's car is out there." She heard the familiar voice say.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Katrina shook her head playing dumb as Dominique finally revealed her presences, "Oh look Dominique's here. I didn't know you were upstairs." Katrina smiled.

"May I add you are horrible at this?" Nik said looking at her.

"Oh give me a break, I'm pregnant. Now you two, talk." She said walking back into the living room.

They stood in silence for awhile. Nik tried to look everywhere but her and she kept her eyes on him. He hadn't shaved in a few days, she thought noticing the bit of stubble on his face. It's a new look but it actually fits him. He still looked as sexy as he always did. She wrapped her arms around her body trying to think of how to start this.

"I don't hear talking!" they heard from the living room and they both chuckled.

"I didn't know that she was doing this, for the record." She said and Nik nodded.

"I should have known better since she said it was very important that I get over here. I thought it was just pregnant talk." Then they were silent again, "So, how are you doing, kid?"

"I've been okay. How about you?"

"Cant complain, been hard at work. "she nodded as she fidgeted with her fingers.

"Me too, I've been working on school stuff and getting prepared. I have enough to where I'm going to stop cold turkey and jump right into it."

"So, no therapy work at all?" she shook her head, "It's a risk." He warned.

"Someone told me I should take risks every once in awhile."

"So you are starting to listen to me?"

"I've always listened to you. You have been the main reason that I decided to go ahead and do this. I wanted to talk about that night and what you said."

"I don't really want to Dominique." He said shifting from foot to foot.

"It's important that you understand."

"Understand what, that you would rather waste your time on someone that you not even sure that you love but just want to be with because you two are use to each other. Or no, is it the black thing which I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around." He said shaking his head.

"It isn't just that. I know I gave you those excuses in the beginning but it was just me overanalyzing everything."

"You think I'm not a bit scared about how I'm feeling. This is a bit new for me too. I already told you I have never really fallen in love with anyone."

"Well then how do you know that you are in love with me?"

"I told you Dominique, you are the last thing I think of before I go to sleep and the first thing I think about when I wake up. You don't know how you have made me felt, like I can be something different than what other people make me out to be."

Dominique was about to say something but Katrina walked in, "Um I'm going to interrupt a bit because I'm not feeling any love in here and I think I'm about to have the baby."

"What?" they both said in unison.

"Yep, I think it's time so can we hurry this up please." Katrina said starting her breathing.

"Oh shit, um let's get her to my car." Dominique said.

"No, I have the cop car. We can use the sirens to get her there quicker."

"I don't care whose car we use just get me to the hospital and call my husband." Katrina growled through gritted teeth.

Dominique and Nik helped Katrina to the car and she jumped in the back seat laying Katrina's head on her lap. Dominique immediately called Scott as soon as Nik took off letting the sirens go at full blast.

"What hospital are we taking you?"Nik asked.

"Grady's hospital, please hurry Nik." Katrina cried out.

"What's going on now?" Scott screamed into the phone.

"We are on the way to the hospital Scott, just meet us there. Everything is okay."

"No everything is not okay! I'm in pain and he is not here!" Katrina shouted and snatched the phone from Dominique, "Scott get your lily ass to the hospital now!" and she tossed the phone back to Dominique.

"Um, see you soon." Was all Dominique could come up with and disconnected the call.

"Now you two talk." Katrina demanded.

"We currently have a direr situation Katrina, like you having a baby." Nik said.

"If you talk it keeps my mind off the pain now talk, damn it!"

"Um, I didn't mean what I said the other day Nik. I know it sounded stupid and didn't make any sense but I was scared." Dominique finally said.

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of what could possibly happen between us. I was scared to let you know how I really feel about you and I was even more scared of what may happen if we happened."

"Why are you so scared of me? I've never done anything for you to be scared of."

"It's not just you, it was everything that came with you. Whoa, I think her water just broke." Dominique said looking down

"Aww, damn I have top clean that now."

"Please say we are almost there?" Katrina breathed.

"We are almost there sweetheart, just keep breathing and don't focus on the pain." Dominique said.

"Oh I want to push so bad, can you two speed up this make up session or do something?"

"This is kind of the wrong moment and a private thing Katrina, let's..." Nik said.

"DAMN IT, you love her, she love you. Will you both stop dragging out all this drama and get to making up!?" she growled and they both just looked at each other briefly.

"Look, we here." Nik said pulling up to the front and shutting off the sirens.

He ran inside as Dominique tried to keep Katrina calm, "Look it will be okay. I just need you to hold on a little bit longer." She said smoothing her hair out of her face.

"Dominique will you stop being such a chicken shit and tell the man you love him. Nothing will happen besides you will be together, get married and end up like me."

"That's not real comforting right now." Dominique said with a worried expression.

"You know what I mean. He's a good guy and you are a great girl. You two deserve each other and I need his Italian ass to get back here with doctors!"

As soon as those words escaped her lips, a team of nurses rushed out to the car and helped her out of the car. Dominique followed right behind them as another car pulled right behind Nik's. Scott rushed out barely shutting off the car running to her side.

"I'm here baby." He quickly said.

"About time, my water broke, I'm having your baby, and I had to listen to these two beat around the bush." She said as the rushed her inside.

Dominique and Nik were following until one of the nurse held up their hands, "We are going have to ask you two to wait in the waiting room and could you please move those cars from the front." And with that she closed the door in front of them.

They both stood there looking at the door before one of the nurses stuck their hand out and handed Nik Scott's keys. Dominique took a deep breath and Nik turned around heading to the front.

"Nik please, I really want to talk to you." She said and he stopped in his track.

"What is it Dominique?" he sighed.

"Didn't you hear what Katrina said?"

"Yea, I heard what she said, but I want to hear it from you. Until then, I didn't hear anything." He was about to walk away and something welled up in Dominique's throat and she thought that this could be the last time she had this opportunity.

"I don't want Jason. I want you." She finally said and he stopped in his track, "I was afraid. I was afraid that if I allow myself to be with you that everything will repeat itself and I will end up getting hurt by you. I was even scared that the same thing that happened to my mom would happen to me, especially since I loved you so much. "

"And now?"

"I'm not scared anymore. I want to start this right between you and me. I want the whole package with you. "Dominique said and took a deep breath as he stood in that spot unmoved, "Please, I want to be with you. I love you." There was that silence again.

He sighed, "Come here, mia bella." He said and

Dominique breathed a sigh of relief and felt tears as she felt a whole weight being lifted off her.

She walked into his arms and felt them wrap around her. She felt that same secure feeling she always felt in his arms. She looked up at him and was meet with his lips. She leaned into the kiss, pulling him closer to her.

"I love you." She said briefly pulling away from his sinful mouth.

"I love you too. Siete per sempre nel mio cuore" He said pressing his forehead against hers.

She sighed, "You're in my heart too." She said and he looked up at her in shock.

"Someone has been brushing up on their Italian?"

"Well, I'm going to have an Italian family so I might as well." He laughed as he kissed her again.

Dominique hugged him close as she finally felt her whole life coming together. She finally made some peace and got her life back in order and the best part about it was, it was the way she wanted it to be.

A couple of months passed and Dominique was at the office, packing it up. There was a twinge of sadness about finally leaving the place, but she was happy that she sold it to a friend of Gale's that wanted to open up her clothing boutique here. For a moment Dominique thought about keeping the place as her new office, but she made a promise to get rid of all the old stuff and she was really looking forward to working from home. Speaking of home, she and Nik were also in the process of moving in with each other in a nice little loft that he found.

She has been letting everything flow and not overanalyzing everything with Nik. Her mom and Aunt Crystal of course loved him. Her brothers gave him a hard time but they were really liked him too. It didn't even matter, the important thing was what was going on between the two of them and she was more excited about the news she had for him.

"Hey baby." She heard as a pair of arms wrapped around her and she giggled.

"I hope this is someone I know." She joked.

"Oh you better believe you know me." He said slapping her butt.

She turned around in his embrace and gave him a brief kiss, "What are you doing here?"

"I just thought I would come for a visit and steal away a kiss." He said kissing her again, "So, how did it go at the doctor?" he asked looking through one of the boxes.

"Well, I was fine with just one little problem."

"What? What's going on?" he quickly said looking over at her with concerned etched on his face.

"Well, it looks like we may have a little roommate with us in our new place." His eyebrows wrinkled in confusion and then they widen.

"You're kidding right?" he smiled and she shook her head, "I'm actually going to be a father?" she nodded.

He rushed over to her and enveloped her in a huge hug, "Oh baby, I can't believe that you are having my baby."

"You should after all those times." She smiled.

"Yea, well maybe you found out my master plan." He joked, "Oh mama is going to kill me but it doesn't matter."

"Why would she kill you?" she asked.

"Hey I'm Italian, most of us believe in the whole marriage and then the babies."

"Oh normally I do too. Hint." She smiled.

"Yea, don't worry about that part. Let's get past the move in thing first and also Jade's wedding. You know she will be pissed off if you steal her shine."

"I can't steal her shine, I'm doing the wedding."

"Oh, Jason and Candi called, they want to know when we are coming to visit them."

"Oh, so they finally got settled in Atlanta?"

"Yea, I told him I would talk it over with you about when we can go."

Dominique was about to say something but was interrupted her phone. Oh the last call she would take as a therapist, she thought with a smile. She picked up the phone.


"Hey Doctor, it's me." She instantly picked up on the accent.

"Mr. Adlam, what a surprise. Did you get my message about me leaving the therapy business?"

"I did, but I wanted to call you one more time for a little more information, nothing big."

Dominique plopped down in her chair, "Alright I guess this one can be for free."

She heard his hearty laughter over the phone which made her smile, "I'm going to be coming into town soon on business and I plan on staying."

"That's good."

"I already got advice from her sister, but I need advice from a therapist stand point."

Dominique settled back in her seat, "On what Mr. Adlam?"

"I want to know what I need to do to get my Gale back."

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LudvigBlomSELudvigBlomSEalmost 2 years ago

Such a long story and then a hasty unfinished ending :-(

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
...And Also

What about Ramon and Nicole? There's obviously a story there, so what's up?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

All of these stories are emotional roller coasters for sure! For Katrina and Scott, the conflict was Ricky. For Jade and James, it was Gale, that damned Dante, and that goddamn Deborah! For Dominique and Nikolas, it was that dadgum Jason... and themselves and their fear. ~SIGH~ I don't even know if I'm ready for Gale, remembering how she was! UGH!

Lulu222Lulu222about 8 years ago

I really love this can't wait to read more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
really great story

I have read all the stories except gales but this so far is my favorite. this one was funny. Nic and Dominique were good together and watching them grow closer and finally admit their love was nice. Well onto Gale's story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This was a wonderful read. I couldn't put it down. Can't wait to read more from you!

SexyRose20SexyRose20over 10 years ago
omg plz finish gales story

Plz i am begging u to continue gales story

london101london101over 10 years ago
love it!

These are such great stories!

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

Yay Nik and Dominique and that was a great set up for the Gale and Patrick story. Loving this series and I hope you continue.really want to know what happens with Ramon and Nicole

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Really like this series

I really like this series. It is fun, and sexy, and not too cliché (ok apart for all the girls getting married and pregnant at the end). But all in all, it is one of the best 'cause even when there is tension between the characters, it is never somme annoying triangle bullshit or over the top soap opera angst and drama like in too many stories here: too many time, good stories are ruined when authors try to delay the happy ending happening with stupid obstacles that only make the female main character look weak, stupid and annoying. With this series, the obstacles are credible, realistic, and the female character don't end up being unnecessarily stupid or whinning. The reason why the character break up or hesitate are really valid and even when there are misunderstings or lack of communication it doesn't linger for months, chapater after chapter of bullshit drama. I really appreciate to have mature characters with flaws that behave realistically and not like 16 years old. So good work and thank you for the ride.

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