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A wife claims her independence.
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I met Marge, my wife of 20 years, my freshman year in college. It was fortunate for me that I did, having been raised in a small fishing village I found university a bit overwhelming. Marge picked up on my anxiety our first day in class. She was my rock and steadying hand. I was on the Boxing team, and she made all my matches, and I wasn't certain if it was because she liked boxing or watching me get the shit beat out of me.

I was devastated when I found out she wouldn't be back her sophomore year, her dad had passed, and she went home to support her mom. Marge got a job as a bookkeeper, and we stayed in touch. I started visiting her regularly and her mom took to me right at away. I was always a guest at her moms house and overall, Marge and I behaved. Our bonds and feelings for each other were growing stronger all the time. Her mom died right after we were engaged, so immediately after we were married, we moved to Philly for work I had landed a great job with my fresh caught engineer degree.

Well, two kids and 17 years later, life was good. Marge was a very dedicated mom and wife, I could not have asked for more. When our youngest hit 15 Marge approached me with going back to work. As with all things in our marriage, we beat it around and discussed it and agreed on it. She quickly found a job at a new branch office of a large cooperation. She was thrilled. After about six months, she was moved up to the corporate managers staff, and they started paying for her Accountant training.

Needless to say, Marge was thrilled, and I was certainly happy for her. Needless to say, the boys and I saw less of her. We were supportive and tried our best to provide as much support as we could. In addition to her required courses, she was taking a woman's study course. About six months after that course started, her attitude changed. It's hard to put a finger on, but she just got more difficult to deal with. It just seemed like she didn't have as much respect for me or my opinions as she used to. The old days of bouncing ideas off her were gone, she no longer seemed interested in my "little" problems.

I felt as though she was slipping away, I had no idea what to do, she would start speeches about a male dominated world and go on forever. It became very difficult to even carry on a conversation with her. Where had the Marge that I loved and married gone? I was out of ideas, I was almost in mourning for the old Marge.

I was really excited, one of the bosses gave me four tickets for the Olympic boxing trials that coming weekend. I showed them to Marge, then my world collapsed.

"Marge, I got tickets for the trials, you me and the boys can all go."

"Well, I can't go, I have a date Friday."

I was at a loss for words, I know I didn't hear her right. "You what?"

"Have a date Friday night and I won't be home till Sunday morning."

"What the hell are you talking about, Marge?"

"I'm declaring my independence and freedom, George. I am a free woman."

"Your married!"

"That's just a male contrivance to keep women subjugated."

"Have you thought about what this will do to us?"

"Well, a strong man would not have any difficulty with an independent woman."

Suddenly, it registered on me just what she was saying. I could feel my anger rising I was struggling to regain control, You want to fuck another man, you want to commit adultery? "

She started on another psychobabble speech, I couldn't take it. The rage must have hit my eyes, she shut up, and I could see fear flash across her face. I jumped up and she jumped up and back. I was choking on my words, I could hardly get them out.

"You do this, and we are done, I will be back to pick up the boys on Friday." I turned and walked out.



That's not how it was supposed to have gone. He scared the hell out of me for the first time in since I've known him. He was supposed to be accepting, I thought he was strong enough to handle it. I decided I needed help, I called one of my sisters in the struggle.

"Cindy, it's Marge, he went into a fit of rage, I feared him."

"Not to worry Marge, for many men that's the normal first reaction, trust me he will come around."

"I don't know, Cindy, I'm scared."

" Relax it will work out, trust me." with that she hung up

I wasn't convinced but damn it I was going to see it through.



I went to the gym and beat on the heavy bag until I could no longer lift my arms. I showered and rented a motel room, I needed to be alone. The next morning, I called my cousin Ellen, who referred me to a divorce lawyer here in town. I had an appointment with him right after work.

'So you're sure a divorce is what you want?"

"Yes, if she goes through with her plans for this weekend."

"You know I saw your box in the Olympics."

"Wow, Mr Keller, I'm surprised you would remember."

He just laughed, "You could have been a contender."

"We will draw up the papers and have them ready Monday afternoon."

"Thank you sir, not quite sure how much of your time I can afford."

"You relax son, an excellent friend of mine got divorced over the very same thing, besides I owe your cousin some favors. We will stretch your dollars.

I left there with a splendid feeling.

I stopped after work Friday and Marge didn't even come down to say hello. So, the boys and I headed out. We got home around 11 and Marge wasn't home yet. I knew then my marriage was over, and my life would be forever changed. I sat up till three and the tears flowed freely. I couldn't help it. The worst night of my life. Saturday morning I took the boys to the gym and did some work out and sparring, both boys were aspiring boxers. I took the boys to dinner then to moms house and asked her if the boys could stay with her a few days till things got sorted out.



I was nervous as hell about the coming weekend, I had never been with a man other than my husband. There was no doubt what was expected of me. We were going to have dinner, go to his room spend the night then out on his boat Saturday morning till Sunday morning.

Al wined and dined and smoozed all through dinner, he had his hand all over me. No one had touched me like that except George in years, it was kind of exciting.

I was a little weak kneed when we went into the room, this was the moment of truth. He sat on the bed and told me to strip. I stood in front of him naked, kneel he told me I got on my knees, he stood in front of me and said, "Suck me." I was committed, I unzipped him, reached in and pulled him out. I hesitated, he grabbed my head and pushed it into my mouth. I choked and gagged, he laughed you will get used to it then he came in my mouth, no one has ever done that before, he held me, so I had to swallow, not as bad as I thought it would be. He asked me to lay on the bed and spread my legs, It was embarrassing but damn it I was in it all the way. I spread my legs and he entered me. None of the caressing or warmth I was used to, it seemed like pure mechanical fucking.

He rolled off and went to sleep, it took me forever to fall asleep. I felt him probing my ass with his cock about three in the morning I experienced my first ass fucking, it hurt like hell, but I endured it.

We got to the boat at seven in the morning and were underway shortly after. The boat was huge and had a captain. Al and I went below, he bent me over the lounge table and entered me from behind. It was going to be a long day. Al and the captain swapped off and took turns. I lost track of how many times I had been fucked that day and night. I can tell you it wasn't all that exciting, but I was determined and committed.

On the drive home Sunday afternoon I didn't feel all that liberated, rather I felt like I had been used. And I was a willing participant. There was none of the excitement I was expecting. When I got home, I was greeted with silence. There was a note on the dining room table, Boys at Moms. That was it.



I got some messages and calls from Marge, starting around one in the afternoon, I didn't answer. Going to work Monday was difficult, but I struggled through it. Mr Keller's office called, the papers were ready. I asked them to proceed. Mr Keller called Tuesday and asked when I wanted her served, "During her woman's study class" I told him



Once I was back in the company of my sisters in the woman's study class, I was assured I did the right thing. They helped ease my mind that I had not made a terrible mistake, the thought kept eating at me. As we were leaving the class, I was approached and asked if I was Marge Johnson. Once identified, I was informed that I was served.

George was divorcing me." Noooooooo, I wailed." My sisters helped calm me. When I got home, I tried several times to call George, He continued to refuse my calls and ignore my texts.

I was invited to a gathering at Cindy's house. It was an eye-opener, I studied the husbands. They all tried to reassure me my husband would come crawling back. Then it hit me, all these husbands came crawling back. They were all wimps, what happened to all the supposed strong men. I would never want to see George crawl. These women made themselves strong by making their men weak.

How the fuck did I fall for this crap. I didn't have the strength to stand by my vows, I wasn't stronger for what I did. My actions have destroyed my self-esteem, cost me my family, and lost me the love of a strong man. Yes, the strong men were the ones who wouldn't put up with this crap. I walked out of the study group and never looked back.



Time seemed to crawl for the next month. I never answered any of Marge's calls or texts, as much as I wanted to I missed her terribly, but the wounds were too raw. I fell into a routine and saw a lot of the boys, Marge and I did not fight over them, we let them decide, and the boys spread it around they did not pick sides, I was proud of them.

Marge finally signed the divorce papers, we split 50/50 there was no rancor or animosity. I think her lawyer was disappointed he didn't get many billable hours. Neither of us was in court when the divorce was finalized. I met Marge in the lawyers' office for the signing of all the paperwork. She as attractive as ever, I still loved her, and it hurt to see her again. We were polite to each other and that was it. I couldn't help but shed a tear as I headed back to my apartment.

Marge had taken a job in a few towns over. I didn't see her in quite a while. My young one's graduation brought her to town. Seeing her was rough, I still missed terribly. We all went to lunch, the two boys, Marge and I.



It didn't take me long to realize George was not going to answer phone calls or texts. What was there to say anyway?

I took a job a couple of towns over and really fell into it, the boss and his wife were the nicest people. A couple of months into the job I spotted some strange numbers and finally realized two of the employees were embezzling. I took the information to Mr Graham, he was shock and deeply hurt these were long term trusted employees.

I went to my youngest son Jeff's graduation. We all went to dinner after, it was so pleasant the four of us together again for a while anyway. We had a great time until I looked into George's eyes, the hurt was still there.



It's been a couple of years now, the last time I saw Marge was at Jeff's graduation. I wish I could say she was out of my system, but that would be a lie after all this time I still thought of her often.

I have met and dated a few women, but none of them measure up to the standard Marge set, damn her!


The weeks and months turned into years, neither George nor Marge had found a love match. They both just had passing affairs. They were both very successful professionally. George had been encouraged by his boss to strike out on his own since they had differing views on things. They parted as good friends.

Marge was appointed as president of the newly acquired local banking company in Philly. She missed the Grahams but stayed in touch. She filled the position as bank manager until she could find someone to take over the position

George had put together his business plan and needed financing, so he headed to the bank, he had submitted his plan to the bank a few days before. He was shown into the managers' office, she was bent over his plans, making some marks. The look on both their faces was priceless.

Gasp "Marge" he stammered. She was stunning, he found it hard to breathe.

"George"she responded, he was so handsome, she felt that old twinge.

"I didn't realize you were the manager here."

"That's alright George if you would rather work with someone else."

"No, you have my complete confidence."

"Thank you, I appreciate that, I have found some issues with your plan I would like to study it some more and get back to you in say a week?"

"That would be fine Marge" his confidence shaken slightly.

Marge called to set up a working lunch on Friday. They both retreated to a conference room and poured over his plan. He immediately saw the value of her suggestions. It reminded him of how well they always worked together.

George got his loan. A few weeks later, he called Marge for a dinner date, She gladly accepted. They dated regularly after that and a romance was rekindled.

George and Marge never remarried but remained loyal to each other till his passing at 75. Marge only lasted another six months. Their children had them buried side by side, where they always belonged.

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AstordatairAstordatair10 months ago

There is a difference between feminism and hatred towards men. Feminism is legitimate, hatred is not. She let herself be dragged into hatred, and it took her a divorce to realize that she had been wrong, but she did realize it, eventually. He rekindled with her after she had dumped the other blinking idiots that had brought her into their total misunderstanding of things. He gave her (and their relationship) a second chance because he figured it was safe. And the rest of his life proved him right. George is not a wimp, he is a brave and clever man.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nice story, but average.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So he was a spineless wimp after all for a backstabbing cheating slut - eff that!!!! Total unlikely story. What feminist bitch wrote this story?!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

HEY DUMB FUCK!! Your husband George is a WIMP to, he came crawling back also.... you are a dirtball

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Disappointing and rushed ending. Like you really weren’t sure where you wanted to take it. It was good. But it could’ve been a lot better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

@1st century feminism is civilization's kryptonite. It's poisonous to everyone who comes into contact with it including the women who fall for it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This sad tale is playing out even now.

Young women psychology work hard to marginalise men and, at the same time, complain bitterly that men don't want then except as fuck toys.

Men woke to the harsh reality that women use then crucify them on a whim.

The "New" Feminists see men as creatures slightly above subhuman if the refuse to be psychologically castrated.

Ultimately the pass into the 30's with partner, save a lesbian one, no children, no family and a future alone.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 years ago

New age is not always the best age. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A wellwritten warning about the dangers of listening without asking difficult questions.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, women's studies?

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

0 star - just a really sad story where the skanky, slut got what she deserved and then turned into cuck/wimp crap

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a whimp of a man....

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Rubbish,started off with a man of dignity,and developed in to an apology for a man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Huedogg2Huedogg2over 2 years ago

Another WACC story, why would he want her back?

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