Lie To Me


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The shit hit the fan when the story broke. Diane grabbed me as we broke for lunch. "I just got notification. That story is going to break tonight; it's going to air on "Current Affair

at nine tonight." She couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

"Guess we better get some supplies in, wine, maybe something stronger."

"Yep, I reckon. We are definitely going to have to go stronger. Vodka slingers and tequila.."

"Sounds like a date to me. What yah reckon, pizza?"

"Oh hell yeah," she said, giggling and grabbing my arm. "It'll be choice."

The program aired at nine, and by then, Diane and I were in our PJ's, the pizza finished and a half empty bottle of vodka sat on the coffee table in front of us.

"Shit, here we go," she said anxiously.

"Current Affair" was New Zealand's premiere trashy news show. It ran those sleazy expose style stories, making them as grubby as possible. This one was no different. It lived up to it's reputation. Full of interviews, and surprisingly, a lot of the real flight attendants. The career ones were happy to talk about Sally and her little club. They didn't spare the pilots, either. They were all named and shamed. Including Anton and Rueben.

It was pretty shocking; they did air the interview I gave them, but as promised, I was nothing more than a black shadow and my voice was unrecognisable.

Diane and I sat laughing and clutching each other throughout the show. In the end, my evidence was pretty lame. There was one woman I didn't know who confessed her marriage broke down because she found out about Sally and her clique. She held nothing back, unafraid of releasing every sordid detail. She gave a lot of photographic evidence: her ex-husband kissing and making out with Sally. Some of it was from within hotel rooms where they were barely clothed. Obviously, there was more, but it was probably far to risqué for TV.

This was only the first part. The following week they were giving the airlines a chance to repudiate the claims, and apparently there were going to be interviews with a couple of Sally's club, giving evidence.

By the end of the show, Diane and I were pretty pissed. The music blared and it started with our friend Jonny Lang. We had sung it that many times since my breakup we knew all the words.

Lie to me

It doesn't matter any more

It could never be

The way it was before

If I can't hold on to you

There was something in those words, and it was truth. It could never ever be the way it was before. That, I think, for me, was the deciding factor.

The ramifications were huge. Many of the flight attendants were sacked, the pilots demoted. They were only saved the ignominy of being sacked because there was a shortage of skilled pilots, but the public naming and shaming was pretty humiliating. As were the salary decreases.

I'm sure Anton knew it was me. I got an angry call from him late one night days after the doco aired, and he was as drunk as hell...

"You malicious fucking bitch. Do you know how many fucking lives you' destroyed... Do you?" His words were slurred and he was crying his eyes out.

"Fuck you, Niki, you cold-hearted fucking bitch. My career's ruined, my reputation's shot. My parents fucking hate me. Sally and the girls have been sacked. Jesus, they didn't even get their benefits. Sacked on the fucking spot. Why, just because of you. I fucking hate you." He sobbed hysterically.

The phone went a little silent whilst he got his breath back. "Do you know how many of the guys have ended up divorced? Fuck me, Niki. How could you be so cruel?"

I laughed snidely, before asking, "Sorry, who is this?"

It took another two months before Dad tackled me. "Sweetheart, it's going to be our wedding anniversary on Friday night. Your mother and I have organised a party and we want you to come."

"I'll be there, Pop. You know that. All I want is one promise, and if you break it. I will never speak to you again."

"Sweetheart, he won't be there. Your mother and I have already argued that through. I give you my word."

"Sweet, I hope Mum can let it go this time."

"Niki, she hasn't given up hope that some miracle will glue you and Anton back together. But she misses you like crazy, and I think she's learned her lesson, as have I."

"Can I bring a friend?"

"Oh shit, you mean like a date?"

"Yeah, a date..."

He sucked in a big breath. "Honey, it's our anniversary. Couldn't that wait? If you've met somebody, we would love to meet them. Maybe another day would be more appropriate. I don't want any more tension than necessary."

"Yeah, all right, Pop."

I was nervous as fuck, because I was worried whether Mum would listen to Dad, and she might go behind his back and invite Anton, anyway.

In the end, I had to go. At some point Mum and I had to rebuild some trust. I just had to have a little faith.

Diane and I went together. She was one of Dad's little harem of hotties from work. He was probably one of the most respected men at work, and all the girls in the office loved him. He was a bit like Anton, in some regards. People were drawn to him.

"Come on darl, it's gonna be okay," Diane said, giving my hand another squeeze.

The moment Mum saw us, she rushed over and threw her arms around my neck. She started bawling, and that got me going. Then Diane started and the waterworks really flowed.

"I'm so sorry, Niki. After I saw that documentary on TV, I realised how much damage those stupid girls have caused. I should have supported you. I just hated seeing your wonderful marriage end."

"Mum, it's going to be okay. It's not the end of the world. I do miss Anton, I will always love him. I just couldn't live with that shadow hanging over me. Every time he flew out I'd be worrying."

She nodded, kissed me on both cheeks, and said, "I understand. I would hate that as well. I'm sorry I didn't show you more support."

"Hey, it's all good, Mum. We can move on, aye? Put that slimy bastard behind us..."

I handed her my gift and she rushed off to open it with Dad.

"See, what were you worried about?" Diane said happily beside me.

It turned out to be a fun night. All Mum and Dad's friends were there, there was music and dancing. Way too much food and drinks.

The main topic of gossipy conversation was, of course, the disgusting behaviour of flight crews, which only made me laugh.

Dad, the canny old bugger that he is, did ask. "Where the hell do you think those media bastards got that information about Sally and her nasty friends?"

Diane blushed and had to walk away. She loved my dad and could never lie to him. As he gave us both his version of the headmasters enquiring stare, she couldn't hold that steely glare.

"That was a bit naughty, Niki." Dad, said admonishingly.

I agreed, I was a bit like Diane, in that regard. I couldn't lie to Dad either. "Yeah, probably, but don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same if it was you."

Just then, "Lie to Me" slipped into rotation. Diane came scurrying back and dragged me away with a cheeky guilty look in her eye. We danced together, holding hands and singing along with Mr Jonny Lang.

He wrote the epitaph of my marriage. Clever bastard.

That night as we snuggled together in the back of the taxi, I rested my head on Diane's shoulder. "Thanks for being there for me, Diane. Not sure I would have made it without you."

"Bullshit, you're tougher than most blokes I know. I only held your cute little hand."

She turned her head, and I don't know where it came from, but our lips grazed softly, wetly across each other's.

My eyes closed as she came back for seconds, and the grazing grew into a kiss. Our mouths opening, our tongues slithering seductively together, I felt her arm circle my neck and the kiss was suddenly ferocious, fervent and hungry.

We were dragged out of the moment when the taxi pulled up outside her place. After paying, we staggered inside, giggling at the look on the driver's face as he coughed to interrupt our kiss.

With the door closed and our coats hung up, I turned to face Diane and she looked more nervous than me. I stepped into her arms, and the kiss reignited, growing quickly into a famished starving rapacious kiss.

We feasted, our mouths locked together, our arms holding us together.

My new life had started with a rather incendiary burst of blissful lust.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This author writes completely differently if the wife is the chested upon / aggrieved party vs if the wife is the actual cheater. Smdh. So blatantly different that it is almost comical. Author is talented with dialog and words but the whiplash from a loving wife story to a loving husband story is just crazy.

strawboystrawboy3 months ago

From first reading the title then all through the read I heard the video version of that tune in my head. Bekka Bramlett on backup so thanks for that. Oh, story was pretty good too.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon4 months ago

Normal fare. scored a 1 accordingly.

TwentysevenTwentyseven5 months ago

Glad she maintained the rage. I'm not a big fan of pretty boys.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I read this when it first came out and then returned several times. I love that she doesn't take any shot and can see that the trust is gone so it can't be rescued. I have to say the ending isn't unlikely at all-time I have several friends who have moved on from marriages to men to a relationship with a woman and frankly in each case it made perfect sense. I know that sounds quite cold but once a seemingly decent bloke has screwed you over the friends you have can start to look like a better option.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Ocker53 nailed it. Very interesting. It's clear this author does understand the impacts of betrayal... if a woman is betrayed. If a woman cheats... it's gaslight or manipulate the man into a crazy RAAC that is 100% against his principles...

Ocker53Ocker535 months ago

One thing I have notice with this author, when it’s the wife who cheats, no matter how much she humiliates her husband, their is always RAAC but when it’s the husband who is the cheater, then it’s once and done. Quiet telling I think for her partner in real life but still a good story⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Nice reversal where the husband is the recidivist cheater. Nice btb. Good for the MC!

WillowghbyWillowghby8 months ago
Nice Story

Nice, well written story - enjoyable even - about universally unlikable characters.

BTW, anyone who feels the MC's biker-gurl background precludes a bit of lezzie romantics, never bumped into a bull-dyke that could kick his ass.

Thanks for the "lie" story, C-gurl.

Keep 'em comin'!

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfox8 months ago

Five stars for a great story!! I wish that I could give more. This story has netted a lot of controversy over what should have happened. I hate cheaters no matter who the cheater was, my take on cheating has to do with justice for the cheated on. Anton got exactly what he deserved. The ending about Niki turning lesbian doesn't wash at all, it is not stated she turned lesbian just that she turned to someone she admires and loves as a good and faithful friend. Maybe she will become bi and still have the chance of another love with a male of the species.

How many of you women out there reading these stories had a bi encounter with your roommate during your University years but ended up marrying a man and having kids and lived a life till death do part, Huh? Curiosity and deep friendships with other women don't have to lead to total lesbian love. Now if the Author was to expand the story to say that the love between Niki and Diane was the future for them then ok. Still a damn good story. Thanks and KUDOS.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman9 months ago

really liked that this was from a faithful woman's point of view.

tsgtcapttsgtcapt9 months ago

Good story, too much truth there... thank you.

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

You are one very talented writer, but I just don’t like the people you write about.

usaretusaret10 months ago

Didn’t care for the end. Average.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

So all the jilted me in your stories have to suck it up and deal with being cheated on, but on the other foot the man is a scumbag that needs to be burned... Seems equal to me...

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