Lies Truths or Perception Pt. 03


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"For me, the question is that I can't say she's not," I said. "So, I feel obligated to inform the police so that they can decide for themselves if they feel they need to check it out. With her big signing bonus, she could afford it."

It took about an hour for the detective to knock on our door. I answered it and invited him in. He took notes as I explained why I was concerned that my ex-wife Dinah Richards was behind it.

"I recognize the name, but I can't picture the face," he said. "Do you have a photo?"

Bridget asked for his cellphone number and texted him one of the images she still had of Dinah on her phone. While she was doing that, I opened up my briefcase and pulled out the record of the abortion and handed it to him.

He could clearly see that the form she signed was from the clinic that had been torched was for an abortion. I told him that if my thinking was right that my lawyer's office would be the next target hit.

"She wanted to hide the record of the abortion for what reason," He asked with extreme interest. As he took an image of the record with his cell phone.

"Dinah Richards my soon to be ex-wife is Emerson Stevens only child," I explained. "If he found out what she had done because of his religious believes she would lose all rights to an inheritance. Emerson is a man who believes that life begins at conception and would write his daughter out of his life."

The detective got a very serious look on his face as he allowed everything to sink in. "I'm grateful for the information. Your right Dinah Richards has definitely become a person of interest. It gives me a great starting point when I begin interrogating the man we are now holding. I thank you for waiting up for me. Now I have to go wake up the detective that's investigating the clinic fire to see what he has found out so that we can compare our notes. We would never have been able to link the two together without the information you have provided."

I escorted the Detective to the door and after we shook hands, I locked up behind him. It was already five Sunday Morning.

Bridget and I crawled back into bed to wide awake to sleep so we cuddled each other as we talked it all out. We would learn later that I was partly right and partly wrong.

We must have dozed off because we were both awakened by the sounds coming from our cellphones. I answered mine, Bridget answered her. I said put your speaker on dear and we will talk to both sides of the family at once.

Everyone was in a panic. It had been on the morning news. Clarence, Gracie, Dora, and Emerson wanted to first make sure that we were all right and then wanted to find out what we knew. I told them that the security team Em had hired had caught the guy, but they felt that he had hit the wrong house. Other than that, we were flying blind.

"Dinah moved out on Thursday; she bought a four thousand square foot furnished apartment near the downtown, and got a short closure," Em said. "Her movers packed her up what she wanted and moved it. They were done early Friday afternoon."

"Bridget and Trey pack your clothing your moving in with us," Grace said. "This getting scary. At least here we can close the gates and secure the property. Do you want Clarence and me to come and help you?"

"No mom," Bridget responded, "Trey and I can handle it. We will just bring what we need to get through a couple of weeks If that's okay with you. We had put this house up for sale yesterday anyway."

Between the two of we filled my full-size sedan up. Using both the trunk and the backseat. I had to laugh because I was feeling like a vagabond. Before we left, I called the detective to let him know what I learned and suggested that the security guards had been right in their thinking that the arsonist had gotten the wrong house. I gave him Clarences and Graces address and informed him we were moving there for our own self-protection until the house sold.

Bridget and I had discussed what our sleeping arrangement would be for the next few weeks on the way back to her parents. It was her feeling that they would give us separate bedrooms. We were pleased to learn that we were wrong. They already had accepted the fact that we were a couple.

When looking back at the time later it would be with happy memories because we both received a refresher course on how to make a marriage work. The little things we learned from observing Bridget's parent's interactions we brought into our relationship made ours stronger each and every day. One of the first things we worked on together was making sure that we did not assume to know the other's thinking on anything that might become important.

Bridget's parents had to laugh because we were already starting to finish each other's sentences.


It had been a relatively quiet couple of weeks. The team had been hired to form the new company. On Thursday night after dinner, I told Clarence that I owned Data Corp stock and it was worth about three-quarters of a million dollars.

"The question is do Emerson and you want to buy it from me so I can go out and purchase some more," I asked. "Before you ask, I have made sure that none of my clients beside Bridget and you are holding any. I had to tell one client who wanted to buy some that I had to transfer his account to another rep because I was personally involved with both of you and it could put me in a conflict if it ever came out. He thought about it and decided for now not to go ahead."

Clarence looked at me for a few and said, "You're that careful about protecting yourself and your client's interest. Did he ask what your relationship was?"

"I just told him I was in the middle of divorcing Emerson Steven's daughter and was afraid that if it came out that I was buying the stock he wanted I might be charged with insider trading. With emotions so raw I can't afford to gamble."

Clarence laughed and said, "Nothing like the truth to make somethings perfectly clear. I'll tell Emerson that you're holding it. Once the new corporation is set up in Canada, we will mostly use it to buy the stock. The team suggested we buy the stock through numerous brokers, so it won't be seen as out of the normal."

"Fair enough I will then hold on to the cash until there's another dip in the market and pick up some more of either of the corporations after comparing which one has the biggest drop," I said. "The stuff I am now holding was bought on a down day thanks to the unending bullshit between China and the USA. We both know that the markets are affected by whims and whispers far too much. Even if there one announced it doesn't mean much because most believe that China won't keep their word.

Just then Bridget came into her father's den all excited and said, "You two better come into the family room to see for yourself what just came over the news."

We followed her. She used the remote to rewind the program to start what she wanted to see. I was shocked to see it was Dinah's boy toy that she went to Paris with being placed under the arrest. He was being charged with two counts of arson. He apparently had hired a man to torch the clinic and Bridget's residence. The man who was also been charged had admitted he had gotten the wrong house.

"Why would he want to burn down Bridget's house if it wasn't to kill the two of you." Gracie asked?" "And who is he?"

"There is something you need to see," I said. "I'll be right back.

As I left the room, I heard Bridget said, "Mom, Dad, what Trey is about to show you and explain can never go outside of this room because of the emotional pain it will cause for two of our friends. The man who got arrested today was the one that went to Paris with Dinah."

I came back and handed it first to Clarence who after looking at it passed it over to his wife.

"My divorce lawyer discovered it when we got the medical records. We served the clinic with a court order for their records concerning my ex-wife. She had the abortion eight weeks before she had her tubes tied."

"I'm going to go put this into the safe," Clarence said. "I'm afraid if they can link the arsons to Dinah it is going to come out anyway. It's sad that Dora and Em may never know how much you're protecting them."

With that said, he went back into his den.

Grace said, "So that's why the divorce is sealed. Dinah wanted to make sure that her parents would never know what she had done. Does she know you have this?"

"Don't know but she must be really concerned about the possibility otherwise none of this would be happening," I said.

"Mom the only question is does the tomboy realized how much he has been manipulated. Considering who he is, his monthly allowance would easily have covered the cost of this," Bridget said. "Dinah may be sitting pretty in the knowledge that she can't be connected to this."

"That Bitch will no longer be a problem for you two I promise," Grace said, "No one puts my family in danger. By the time I am done with her your divorce Trey will be a walk in the park."

I looked over at Bridget. Her face showed some serious concern I went to speak but she shook her head warning me off.

Later as Bridget and I laid on the bed cuddling she explained. "There have been a very few times I have seen my mother with that look. Each time it happened there was a threat to her sense of peace and security. She is going to do something to resolve the issue permanently. Dinah won't be touched but she will not be an ongoing problem. My mother used to be a character actress on the stage. I believe she is going to use those skills she developed back then to send a message to Dinah that she will never forget.

"Hopefully it will force Dinah to speed things up," I said. "I'm ready for all of it to be put behind us."

I was up early so I was downstairs making a pot of coffee before getting ready for the day when a strange woman came into the kitchen. I looked at her and said, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The lady laughed and said, "I was hoping to be out before anyone got up. So, promise me you will forget you ever saw me looking like this. It's taken me three hours to do the makeover and get dressed."

"Not a word will be mentioned about this, I promise Grace. Bridget explained to me that you used to be in the theatre back in the day," I said. "Thanks for getting my adrenaline going this morning. I won't even ask what you're up to."

"When I deliver the type of message like I am going to today. I make sure before I leave that they know what they see in front of them is an illusion. I will even change the sound of my voice two or three times to reinforce the seriousness of what I'm saying. That way they will be forced to take very seriously what I have to say to them." Grace said. "Once I put the fear of God into them, I have never had a problem. In my whole married life, it's not failed me once."

"Well, I will never forget that you could be standing in the same room with me without me knowing," I said. "It's a good thing I don't have a devious mind."

"I was in a rush for my daughter to get married because I wanted grandbabies to hold," Grace said. "Now I can honestly say I'm glad she didn't. You two met when you both were not really looking and fell in love for the right reasons. That is a blessing that Clarence and I shared when we started out. You two remind both of us as us when we were younger."

"In a couple of weeks, we will be flying back to attend a friend's anniversary," I explained." At that time Bridget will be meeting my parents. I've told them the whole story, so they are aware of everything. Keep it quiet for now because Bridget has not learned that part."

With that Grace went out the door. I took two coffee's up to the bedroom so we could start getting ready for the day.

It was around eleven in the morning Dinah having just gotten up in her new condo when there was a knock at the door. It was an insurance representative here to inspect and photo the place because of the value she paid for the place. Dinah let her in, and the lady began taking photo's of the place while she made her first coffee. Finally, the lady spoke again but with a different voice.

"Mrs. Richards who is soon to be divorced I am not an insurance representative I am an agent who has been given a policy that has been taken out on you," She said.

"You have stepped on and used one too many people's to get you to the point where you are," the lady said. "I have not been hired to kill although I wish I had."

"The person or persons who have hired me want to make it clear," the lady said again using a different voice. "That they have had enough of your bull shit. They have decided that you have to change your ways."

With that said the lady took out a vial out of her purse opened it and poured the contents over the wooden dining table. It started eating it. Dinah stood there in shock."

"Remember the next time you see me I will not look or sound like this," The lady said. "You saw the damage I was able to do your expensive table. Just remember this day because the next time I will be throwing on your face."

With that said the lady picked up the items she came in with and exited the place.

By the time I got back that night Grace had returned and looked her normal self. Bridget and I spent Saturday and Sunday house hunting,

On Monday I received word that the corporation had been formed. That afternoon my shares were bought at the current market value.

Bridget called me around four o'clock and said, "We're going out for dinner with Emerson and Dora. They said they need to talk to us both. I don't know what it's about, but I think something has happened."

We arrived and were led to our private table by the hostess. Em and Dora were waiting for us. After greeting each other and ordering our drinks. Em started.

"Dinah has flown to California to look for a second residence," he said. "She is feeling the heat and wants to get out of the city. We feel something has happened that has changed her views of always being a New York girl."

"Maybe it's the fact that her current Boy Toy is looking at doing some time has forced her to want to put as much distance is as possible," I said. "I really have no clue as to what's she up to."

"She's become quiet and distant as if something has shaken her reality to the bone," Dora said. "When I asked her about it all she would say was I did it to myself."

"We went over to talk to her on the weekend and to see her new place," Emerson said. "It's a beautiful condo but she is going to have to replace an expensive dining room set. It appears some kind of acid has destroyed the table. I asked her about it, and she refused to explain."

I just thought Grace had delivered her message in such a way it had registered better than I imagined. Dinah was making changes in her life for her own protection.

Tuesday afternoon after the stock market closed my divorce lawyer called. Dinah's lawyer had sent us a revised settlement offer. Both my lawyer and I were surprised by what I was being offered. Dinah was even willing to pay my lawyer's fees. As a result, I would come out of it better than I had thought. I told her to accept it before she changed her mind.

"You understand if the judge approves it you will get your annulment will be done in less than two months," She said. "Do you think it was her boy toy getting arrested that forced her to make you such a good settlement offer?"

"To be honest I was told that someone sent her a message in a personal way," I said. "After he had been arrested. Perhaps it was from someone from his side of the family. I learned last night she is in California looking for a new residence because she wants to spend more time there."


As I looked over at Bridget sitting beside me reading a book on the plane headed to St Louis that Thursday morning, I thought how blessed I was for what Dinah's behavior had brought me. Both Bridget and I had left our former employers.

For the next two weeks, we would be vacationing in my old stomping grounds. By the time we got back, the divorce will have been completed. Our home would have been repainted and ready for us to move in. Bridget's parents had surprised us with it two days after I gave her the ring she was now wearing on her left hand. It was on two and a half acres of land less than two miles from their house. I told Grace the reason she wanted in the neighborhood because she wanted to babysit the grandkids. She had replied you got that right so when are you going to start working on them.

As we descended down into the St Louis airport I said. "We got about a forty-five-minute wait before we have to catch our connecter flight to the Cape. From there it will be about a forty-five-minute drive for us to get to Marble Hill where we will be staying."

"I'm looking forward to seeing where you grew up," She said." And to seeing some of my dad's side of the family while I am here. Do you have anything planned for us today after we get there?"

"You find out as soon as we get off at Cape," I said with a chuckle.

We got off the plane in Cape and walked across the pavement to the small terminal. I could see my parents waiting for us. As soon as we came through the sliding doors Bridget caught on. I was a younger version of my dad.

They walked towards us and he said in his deep voice, "This beautiful lady must be the Bridget you told us all about."

I introduced Bridget to Beth and Ben Richards, my parents.

Dad said, "You go pick up the luggage, I'll go get the truck."

When we got to the farm dad and I brought the luggage in while mom gave Bridget a quick tour of the house. Bridget fell in love with the kitchen that had an old wood stove in it.

"Do you still use it," Bridget asked?

"Every winter," Mom said. "Twice a week I bake the bread and buns for the week using that stove. Cuts down the electrical and heats the house. The rest of the time I use it when doing roasts or other large cuts of meat."

My mom was thrilled that Bridget loved to cook and got in and helped her when she started making lunch. The four of us after eating took Bridget on her first horse ride on a trail I had often rode on a kid. We cut it short not wanting to tire her out.

After we had removed the saddles, we showed her how to brush down the horses. It was fun seeing her excitement in doing what we considered normal things. Bridget had a lot of questions which we all answered.

Dad, as we were walking behind the ladies, said, "Looks like this time you got it right."

It was after dinner that Bridget and I had to explain how we had met. My parents had lots of questions and we explained it as well as we could. I think their full approval came when they heard about the abortion.

"A woman who can abort their unborn for any reason," my mom said. "Has shown that she could justify killing their own spouse. That's the problem in society today there is no respect for life in any way."

Bridget and I in the privacy of our bedroom discussed what our mother had said. We both came to the conclusion that my mother had been right. We both agreed that we would no longer discuss Dinah to anybody because the part was behind us forever.


It's been six months since my annulment was granted. Bridget and I had a small ceremony. My parents flew out to witness the ceremony. Like my Dad told everybody he had to see it to believe it. My mother in law is in her glory as Bridget has started to show. So now she's running around town finding the pieces to set up the best two nurseries' in town. One for our place the second for hers. To be ready for when Bridget returns to work.

The New York Times in all its glory has reported in its latest gossip column that Bridget is carrying two. It must be true because we all know the New York Times the most liberal paper in the country does not lie.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
MwestohioMwestohio3 months ago

You must have a real woody about the NYTimes. good story overall. The good guy MC does insider trading but not for his clients, only himself. You badly need an editor. Commas misplaced, wrong homonyms, choppy sentences.

Calico75Calico754 months ago

Very preachy, but a good story overall.

uncle_muduncle_mud4 months ago

Great story ...A lot to think about

shadrachtshadracht8 months ago

At times weirdly preachy a d pontificating, with too much time spent on things that don't matter, and too little on things that do.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades11 months ago

Enjoyed this series. Thanks for your writing.

Opinionated1Opinionated1about 1 year ago

too long!! please try to capsulize your thoughts...I nkow you enjoy interjecting your political comentary

and I really don't have a problem with your opinions as long as they don't adversely bogg the story down.

Very nice character development, but gets very wordy and slow in parts

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

interesting story. not a lot in the BTB genre, but a lot to think about in the manipulation of public opinion by politicians, "reality stars" and the media of both left and right.

fishgetterfishgetterover 1 year ago

""""""Pickles7287about 2 months ago

The politics were unnecessary"""""" Well if 'that' got 8nder your saddle you need help. The fact that The New York Post, is a liberal (extreme left), 'news paper' just added to the story facts. Sorry Libs you lost it this time.

fishgetterfishgetterover 1 year ago

the corporate tax rate is a flat fifth teen percent? I guess that may be correct, but who writes it that way? The rest of us would just write 15%. lol

Pickles7287Pickles7287over 1 year ago

The politics were unnecessary

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