Life after the Lottery Ch. 45


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"Fuck James!! What are doing to me?!"

"Having my way with you."

"Oh god, let go of my wrists!"

"No, you are going to surrender to me."

"You said never to do that!" Sam got out as she twisted beneath me playing.

I tortured Sam with a slow fuck until the sun came up, she was moaning very loud, but had succumbed and was lying there as I fucked her.

"You were so fucking hot tonight, Samantha."

"Oh...god!" Sam groaned, then came hard in a whimper. "Please! Fuck me harder!" Sam said and lifted her legs up and spread them wide.

I held her down and sped up.

"Yes! More!"

"Sam, I love you, you know that don't you?"

"Yes, I do!" Sam said moaning. "Oh god, I know you love me!! Now fuck me!!"

I worked my cock in and out faster until Sam came again.


I was working Sam to exhaustion.

"Oh god...I' are wearing me out..." Sam moaned.

"Do you want me to fuck you harder?"

"Oh fuck yes! Fuck me hard and fill my pussy full of cum!!" Sam screamed out with her last bit of breath.

I held onto her and began driving my cock into her harder.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" Sam screamed.

I kept going until she was screaming constantly.

"Pleeeeease!!" Sam screamed then started jerking all over. She was whimpering as she came so hard. I jammed my cock deep inside her and filled her full of everything I had.

"Ohhhh, god." The hoarse whisper came from Sam with the last few spasms of her muscles.

That was it for Sam. She turned her head and closed her eyes. I let go of her arms and rubbed them for her. She lay and breathed.

"Sam, you are wonderful. I just want to make sure you know how much I love you."


I kissed Sam on the lips for a minute.

"Emmm," was all I got.

I lifted my weight off her and started kissing her neck then down to her breasts, licking and kissing them.


I kissed and sucked on Sam's nipples until she was about almost asleep. I looked up at her and smiled. I kissed her between her breasts and started kissing my way to her stomach. When I got there, I stuck my tongue in her bellybutton and licked.

"emmm, that tickles," came out softly.

I started slowly kissing down to her mound, Sam moaned as I kissed and licker her mound. I slowly started kissing my way to her pussy.

"Honey?" Sam got out.

I kissed and licked ever so slowly toward her slit.

"Honey! James!"

I felt Sam push herself up so she could see. I pushed her legs wide apart and kissed her on her slick lips.


I placed my mouth over her pussy and drove my tongue deep inside her cum filled pussy.

"What the fuck!! James!! Ahhhh fuck!!" Sam screamed when I drove my mouth onto her hard, licking her insides. "You're not fucking doing that!!"

I slipped my arms under Sam's legs quickly and held on as she tried to back up.

"Honey!! Oh my god!! James!!"

I licked and sucked her slick lips into my mouth.

"Ahhhhhhh!! Fuck!!" Sam screamed at the top of her lungs as she jammed her pussy up into my mouth while I felt her entire body convulse. "I...don' doing...that!!" Sam kept jerking repeatedly as I licked and sucked all of the cum from her pussy.

I held onto her as she fell back on the bed. I got her clit between my teeth and bit her gently.

"Nooooo!!" Sam screamed as she drove her pussy into my mouth one more time and gushed.

"James, you are...not...doing...this..."

I sucked harder on her clit.

"No!," Sam trailed off.

I took my mouth off her pussy and looked up. She had passed out. I let her legs down and rubbed her stomach. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom and wet a small towel and came back. I had to stop at the end of the bed and look at my sweet crimson red Samantha. I picked up my phone and took a few pictures, then sent them to Dawn. I got on the bed next to her and turned her head up and kissed her on the lips. I took the wet towel and rubbed her face and then her chest with it. The deep red sex flush was beginning to fade. I checked and she was breathing fine.

"Goodnight, Sam." I kissed her again, then grabbed the side of the sheet and pulled it over us. I was tired, I knew Sam was exhausted. It was almost 7:00am.


I grabbed a few hours of sleep, then woke up about 10:30. Sam had rolled and wrapped her arm around me. I eased out of bed so not to wake her and packed all of our stuff while she slept. By 11:00, I was dressed and everything was packed but Sam's jeans and a top. I called down for two valets and carts, they said five minutes. I walked back to the bed and eased next to my beautiful lady. I leaned over and kissed her for a minute.



"I hate to wake you honey, but we need to leave."

An eye came open.


I kissed her again.

"It's after 11:00, you need to get dressed so we can leave."

"Emm, what?" Sam opened her eyes and looked at me. "Oh...what happened?"

"We got a few hours of sleep. I have packed everything but we need to go."

"Emm...sleep my ass! You made me pass out!"

I kissed her again.

"Come on."

Sam woke up abruptly.

"James!! You didn't do that!!"

"I hope you enjoyed it."

Sam sat up and tackled me and started kissing me.

"Enjoyed it!! Fuck, you made me pass out!! God I love you!!"

"I love you too. Now put your clothes on, we have got to go."

"No go! Fuck me!!"

"Later, remember I have to leave with Linda at 2:00."

"Fuck Linda!! Fuck me, now!!"

I pinned Sam to the bed and kissed her hard then sat up and escaped her grip.

"Wait!!" She screamed.

I picked up her jeans and tossed them at her.

"James, wait...I need to ask you something!"

"While you get dressed."

Sam sat up on the side of the bed and pulled her jeans partly on. I tossed her the top.

"James? You have never done that before? Why?" Sam asked as I tossed her shoes to her.

"Because I love you, that's why."

"But...I...James...does Dawn know you did that to me?"

"She will, I'm sure."

"Do you do that to her?" Sam asked as she got her jeans pulled up.

"All the time."

"Oh my god! Really?"

"Yes, honey."


"Not yet, and I don't want you to tell her either, it will be a surprise for her too."


"No Sam, you wait!"

'knock...knock' "Valets."

The valet sounded female. I walked to the door.

"But why now?" Sam asked. I opened the door to find that it was a cute young girl and a guy about 19. I let them in and they went to get the bags and packages as the two of them looked at Sam with no top on.

"Because you are mine now, Sam."

Sam stopped in her tracks and looked at me.

"I have always been yours."

"I know, Sam."

"James...that was so fucking hot! I have never heard of a man eating his cum out of a woman. Do other men do that?"

"Dawn says no! Get your stuff, Sam, and put your top on."

I turned to take a bag to the door and the cute female valet was looking at us wide eyed.

"You're kidding," she said softly.

"See! Has a man ever done that to you?" Sam, asked the girl.

"No," was all she said.

"See!" Sam said.

"Sam, calm down. I do that to all the women I love, you are the second."

"Why me first, why not Amy? I can't keep this from her!"

Sam was going 90 mile per hour.

"You were first because the last time I did Dawn, she said it was time. I will treat Amy next."

"Wow, he ate you after he came in you?" The female valet asked as she looked, then went back to loading our bags and all of Sam's packages as the guy looked at Sam's tits.

"I will explode before then!" Sam yelled as she pulled her top over her head.

"Young lady, or young woman...if you tell your sister, it will spoil the surprise for her."

"Hmmmp," came from Sam as she slipped her shoes on.

"Let's go."

We left the room and followed the two valets to the elevator. The doors opened and the valets pushed the carts in and we followed. When the doors closed, Sam jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck and held on to me.

"Thank you," Sam said and held on. Then I heard her start to cry.

"Sam, what's wrong?"

"I'm just so happy," she got out between whimpers.

"How was it?" The female valet asked.

"Fucking incredible!" Sam said looking at her.

"Daphne, I'll eat you if you let me fuck you," the male valet whispered.

"Don't tempt me," she said.

"I would," he said. "It would be a pleasure to eat my cum out of you."

"You should let him," Sam told her.

The female valet turned to look at the male valet.

"Seriously?" She asked.

"It would be my pleasure," he said. She smiled at him.

A minute later the elevator stopped. Sam let go and turned to the door, she saw her reflection in the doors.


"You look like it!" I said.

The doors opened.

"James, why didn't you say something!"

The two young valets loaded the Escalade while we watched. The young girl was cute. They finished and I went to hand her $100.

"What is your name?" I asked.


I handed her the $100 and the two room keys.

"Shelia, you and your young friend here should probably go back up to the penthouse and make sure we didn't leave anything. If we did, just leave it at the desk."

"Okay." She said looking at me curiously.

"If you don't find anything, you may want to take your young friend up on his offer," I told her.

"Yes sir!" She said as she smiled and took the $100 bill and the two keys.


I pulled up to the house and parked, Sam had nodded off against the door.

"Sam, wake up!" I said as I shook her.

"Emm, okay..."

"Grab something and let's get everything inside, it's 1:00."

We were pulling out bags and packages when Dawn and Amy came out naked and helped us. We got everything after several trips.

"You need to hurry," Dawn told me.

"Amy, you are not going to believe..." Sam started.

"Sam!!" I yelled at her.

"How great a weekend we had!" She ran and hugged and kissed her sister then ran back to Dawn and hugged her. "Thank you!"

"For what?"

"For being you."

"I guess you two had a good time. After we get him out of here, you can tell us all about it. You looked like you got fucked hard on the way home, Sam," Dawn said. Sam laughed and ran in the house.

Dawn turned and looked at me, "Go! I have everything packed! We will get the rest!"

I got to the bedroom and took off my clothes and made it to the shower, the hot water helped wake me up. I got out and shaved and got ready, it was 1:30.

"What can I do to help?" Dawn said standing there still naked.

"Get your diamonds out of my briefcase."

"I did. I left your gun in it, are you taking it?"

"I think I will. Did you and Amy have a special time?" I asked.

"Yes we did. What has gotten into Sam?"

"She needs to tell you, but not Amy."

"Oh, you did her didn't you?!"

"Oh yes."

"What happened? What did she say?!"

"Screamed a lot, just before she passed out."

"You didn't make her pass out, James!"

"She is fine, just wired. We got back from the strip club about 5:00 am...and she will tell you the rest."

"What about Amy?"

"If she is in the mood, next weekend. Damn, I'm starving."

"Well, you don't have time to eat me..."

"Not right now."

"I'll go make you a sandwich, dress casual." Dawn said.

"Come here."

Dawn walked to me. I hugged her and grabbed her ass with both hands and leaned over and kissed her.

"I love you."

"I love you too, honey. Now get ready."

I watched Dawn walk out of the bedroom. I found some clothes I would be comfortable in until we got to LA and put them on. By the time I got downstairs and gathered everything I needed, it was 5 minutes until 2:00.

"Here!" I heard Sam say, I turned to her and she was handing me the small digital camera. I took it and put it in my briefcase that Dawn had ready along with my portable computer.

"Sit and eat," Dawn said. I sat at the table and worked on the sandwich. "So, what time did you two go to bed?"

"While ago." I said. Sam giggled.

"I woke up after he...I'll tell you later," Sam said with a big smile looking at me.

Amy walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around me from behind so that I could feel her breasts pushing into the back of my head.

"We will miss you," she said.

"I understand you have some company coming over?" I asked.

"Yes we do. We are all going to fuck Sam and Olivia," Amy said as she hugged me.

"I'm sure they will enjoy that."

"I'm sure they will," Amy said and kissed me on the cheek. "Did you make my baby sister happy?"

"Did I Sam?"

"Fuck yes!!"

Amy and Dawn giggled.

"Thank you," Amy said and released her hold on me after another kiss.

The gate buzzer went off.

"I'll never make it today," I said.

Sam laughed and came and hugged me. "Be nice to Linda," she said with a laugh. "But, not too nice!" Sam said laughing.

"Sam, I may be fucked out for once," I told her.

"You!!" Sam yelled and laughed.

There was a knock on the door so Dawn headed that way.

"Honey, that may be the driver?" I said.

"Oh, forgot. Sam get the door," Dawn said as her and Amy walked into the bedroom. It was Linda.

"Hi Linda!" Sam said.

"Well, you look much different than the last time I saw you!"

Sam laughed and walked back to me. "Take care of him!"

"I plan on it. Hi Dawn, Amy," She said as they walked out wearing untied robes.

"Linda, I wore him out," Sam told her with a big smile.

"He can sleep on the way to the coast," Linda said. "We need to get going."

Linda walked over to Dawn and wrapped her arms around her and leaned over and kissed her, "Thank you."

"Just don't break him," Dawn said.

I finished swallowing my sandwich and grabbed my soda and got up.

"You look tired," Linda said to me.

"That's Sam's fault." Sam laughed.

The driver came in and started carrying my bags to the limo.

"Did you two have a nice weekend?" Linda asked.

"Yes, we did!" Sam exclaimed.

"Very good! Did you leave anything for me, Sam?"

"It may take him a day or two to recover!" Sam and Linda laughed.

"Well, you can sleep on the plane, I have some work to finish up," Linda said. "Dawn, we will be at the hotel around 6:00, I'll make sure he calls you."

"You two have fun, and get some work done!" Dawn said. I kissed Dawn and the girls and then Linda and I left.

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wolfdragon76wolfdragon76about 9 years ago

Yet another amazing chapter.

jurasickjurasickabout 9 years ago
Great description of the club (among other things!)

The club reappears and your description of the ladies, the ambience and, of course, the over-the-top events was great. The romance with Sam was inevitable, given how sensual she is. Would be amazing to have a partner like for real. That girl is awesome. So is the description of the sex between the two. More please!

capecpl48capecpl48about 9 years ago
Our Favorite

You are one of the few authors, whose stories we check for EVERY DAY !!!!! Keep it up please....

dainiidainiiabout 9 years ago

One of your best, and that is saying something.

Dtcall900Dtcall900about 9 years ago

There nothing to be said, it as already been said, can't wait for the installment.


ManofMithgarManofMithgarabout 9 years ago

The good doctor does it again! Wow, what a weekend. I am always ready for a drmac100 story, thanks for sharing.

divad61divad61about 9 years ago
A great chapter

Loved this chapter can't wait for the next chapter

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