Life after the Lottery Ch. 81


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"Would I be able to pay you back and help Bob?" Amy asked.

"We are working on that. You have the one million. I'll cover the other two of it if they get things set up for us."

"Then I'll hold on the Hawaii house."

"How long do we have to pay it back?" Samantha asked.

"We'll see."

They finished signing.

"I have something else for you."

I handed each of them a check.

"Dang! What is it for?" Samantha asked.

"That is your 10% of the rental income from the mansion this year."


"It brought in a little over $600,000 after we bought it. You own 10 percent. That is split between you."


"Now...after you put that in the bank, you'll each write me a check for $10,000."

"What for?" Amy asked.

"Your first payment on that loan you just signed."

"Bummer," came from Samantha.

They left with their checks.

"Are you really going to make them pay you back?"

"Maybe. They need to think I am so they learn."

"What else are you writing checks for?" Dad asked as he handed me the check back.

"Money to fund the non-profit helicopter trust. That will be a $15,000,000 donation I can deduct. I hope that will cover all of its costs each year. Then, some other charitable contributions. A lot to the university and a few local projects we are funding."

"How did the store and the limo business do this year?"

"Great! I was worried the limo business would take a few years, but the way it is set up for depreciation on taxes, it will nearly break even this year on paper. The store has done fabulously."

"Well, enough to pay for the Ferrari you are giving away?"

"Several of them! It has done better than Linda and I had planned. I held back 10% of the stock in our stores to split for bonuses each year to Brenda and Sherri."

"That will be good for them."

"I had a nice bonus for them too."

"When are you giving away the Ferrari and the other vehicles?"

"The day after Christmas. We have been pushing the advertisement for that, and the media has picked up on it. We may have to hold it outside and shut down the parking lot."

"How many raffle tickets will there be?"

"It was one per every $1,000 spent by a person...I think Sam said about 14,000 people. He has been printing them out."

"Wow. If all those people show up, it will be a really big crowd."

"We did a mass email and asked how many would attend. But since it is the day after Christmas, we are not sure yet. I think Sam told us last week he had received almost 1,500 RSVPs in the emails so far."

"That will be a great Christmas present for someone."

"Linda had a great idea. During the week before Christmas and on Christmas Eve, we'll advertise that people will get one raffle ticket for every $500 they spend instead of $1,000. I told her the bad thing would be that we wouldn't do any business that week. But Samantha had a great idea. We created a hold. For the week before Christmas, people can come in and pick out what they want, and for 25% down, we will hold it, but they have to pick it up before the drawing."

"That was a great idea! You better give Samantha a big bonus!"

"You know she and Amy each own 25%, don't you?"

"Forgot about that."

"She and Amy did okay this year. $1,000,000 each."

"Too bad they won't get to be there for the drawing."

"I wouldn't take any bets on that! We may have to have a big carpool since you all will be here!"

"They'll probably go then."

"At least sit in the cars. The employee's vehicles are being given away that evening, too."

"That is some prize for them."

"They were all motivated to work."

Dawn came into the study.

"Where is my check?"

"Checks in the mail."

"Did that money need to go back into the house to cover expenses and taxes?" She asked.

"All that was taken care of when we bought it. We collected all the rent, and I gave the girls their share. But they have to write a $10,000 back to their trust for the loan."

"You are not actually going to make them pay it back, are you?"

"As far as they know, they are. I'll have the paperwork for the $1,000,000 for Samantha to give John next week. That will help her taxes this year."

"John is ready for it?"

"Yes. He will go ahead and buy the land this year."

"Good. That will be a good investment for her. Amy investing in Bob's restaurant will be good also," Dawn said. "What do you two want for dinner? Leftovers?"

"I'm fine with that."

"Me too," Dad said.

"Okay. You two can get it when you want it."

"I have a lot of things to tie up before the end of the year after all the omney we made in the market. I think I can reinvest at least $300,000,000 of it. Then I will have more time to figure it all out next year."

"That will be good."

My phone rang, and I answered it.

"Hey, James. It's Sherri."

"Hey, Sherri."

"Are you and the girls serious about us selling Lelo items?"

"Do you think we can?"

"Hell, yes! I had wanted to mention it but decided not to."

"Don't sit on any more ideas."

"Brenda and I talked to Rebecca. We like her!"

"I did, too. You think you could put her in charge of this area?"

"That is what we told her to do when she starts Monday!"

"Great! She has the contact information for ordering. We need to move fast to get it all in in time for the Christmas rush."

"That is the first thing she will do Monday morning. How much do you want to spend?"

"Whatever she feels comfortable with. Have her do whatever is necessary to get it shipped ASAP. I wanted to ask you and Brenda what you thought about giving some away as promotional items?"

"What! You are crazy!"

"I have been told that."

"What are you thinking about doing, James?"

"Each of the Lelo items sale for about $150 each. I'm guessing the cost is around 60%. What about a $100 Gift Certificate for Lelo items if a customer spends a total of $4,000 at one time?"

"I would have said there wouldn't be that many single sells for $4,000, but...we have had a lot over that so far. It will get better toward Christmas with husbands coming in."

"That way, we can get at least $60 back. You two get with Rebecca and decide how much more we need to order to cover the giveaways."

"I'll call them tonight. If you are right about the cost, I am guessing we better get 1,000 units or more."

"That should get us an order shipped fast!"

"You are still crazy, James!"

"Rebecca probably doesn't want to work in lingerie. Take her up to Linda's store Monday and get her some really sexy outfits. Loose fitting silk know."

"I do."

"I'll cover it with Linda."


"Are you going to be selling vibrators now? I know about the Lelo items," Dad said.

"High-end vibrators for high-end ladies!"


I was up early Saturday morning. My girls had not slept well so I left then in bed. They had been up late talking. I went down to the kitchen, and no one was up. I started the coffee and went to my study.

I had a few emails that had come in late Friday. One was from Ashley. She wanted to know how the girls were doing and when they were due. After I answered her, the next one was from the realtor in Hawaii that managed the house. She was updating me on the bookings for December and wanting to know if we wanted to block out some time next year. I replied and told her I would let her know. I answered the last two and went to get some coffee. My mom was pouring a cup.

"I was wondering who started the coffee."

"The girls are still in bed. They didn't sleep well last night."

"They better get used to that."

I grabbed a cup and poured myself some coffee and sat at the bar.

"I think there is something troubling Dawn," I said.

"What do you think it is?"

"She is tossing and turning in her sleep and whatever it is is causing Samantha and Amy to be restless too."

"Is Dawn keeping them awake tossing and turning?"

"It is something else, mom. I have to explain something to you first. You know by now that Dawn often gets messages from her ancestors when she sleeps."

"You two finally convinced me and I believe it."

"Usually when she does, in the past, I would wake up knowing she had. I usually get some sort of spill over as I call it."

"Do you hear her ancestors?"

"If they are communicating with her at night, I'll know it in the morning. It is just random things I dream about that are different. Dawn said that since I have some of the Cherokee abilities, I am picking up on her communications at night. She usually sleeps through it...I just know it happened in the morning."

"Is that what is happening?"

"Pretty sure it is. But we know that Amy and Samantha pick up on it more than I do when this happens. Dawn and I have discussed it and she thinks it is just part of what they have and since they are also women."

"What do Amy and Samantha say about it when it happens."

"It was a while before Dawn knew it was happening with them. We have talked to them about it and they understand and accept it...but the two of them seem to be growing stronger in what they feel around Dawn and me."

"Do you ever pick up on it completely?"

"Yes. In the past, Dawn and I would often get the same messages. I experience them as dreams. Dawn actually talks to them in her head. It is a little wild, but it only happens when the ancestors want both of us to get the message."

"That is still weird, son."

"It took me a few years to get used to it. Since the girls have been here, things like that have changed a lot. Sam and Amy just get stronger and stronger in what they can sense and feel. Dawn said it is like me getting stronger once we were married. She said that anyone with these abilities will grow when they are around someone like her that is very strong. It seems to be an osmotic development in people like me and the girls."

"Then what are you feeling from her when she is restless?"

"That is what's troubling me. I think Dawn is restless because she is blocking whatever the message is."

"From you?"

"I think so, and I know that takes a lot of effort from her to do. I think that is what is also making Samanth and Amy restless at night. The images I get are rather disjointed and, interrupted and segmented. That is why I think Dawn is unconsciously blocking me in her sleep."

"Has she done this before?"

"Not really. Sometimes, I don't get clear messages, but she will explain it all to me the next day. This started a few weeks ago, and I ask her about it in the mornings, and she says it was nothing important and that she is getting random messages."

"But you think it is more than that?"

"I know it is more than that, but I don't want to press her because I can feel enough that it is something she doesn't want me to know...and we don't do things like that. I haven't pressed the girls about it."

"Son, you two are so close on so many different levels than normal people are. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'm sure if it was important, she would tell you."

"I know she would. It worries me that something is wrong with her baby and she is not telling me."

"Honey, I know Dawn very well. I don't think that is it. Maybe you just need to ask."

"I know..."

We sipped our coffee quietly for a minute, then I heard someone behind me and knew it was Dawn. She looked scraggly and climbed on a stool next to me.

"Honey, what can I get you?" Mom asked.

"Some orange juice, please. Thanks."

Mom went to the fridge, and got out the pitcher of juice and was pouring a glass when Dawn wrapped her arm around mine and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Here you go."

"Thanks, Sue."

Dawn drank a couple of sips.

"While you two are together..." Dawn said. "...honey, it is nothing bad."

"Am I right, though?" I asked.

"Sort of..."

"What are you keeping from me then?"

"Dawn, how do you know that was what we were talking about?" My mom said.

"It wasn't that...but I knew. I know when he is awake at night listening to my thoughts."


"Then what is it?" I asked.

"It really is nothing bad. Nothing is wrong with any of our babies. My ancestors are preparing me for what is coming and...something I am not ready for you to know yet."

"Okay. I trust you."

"I know you do, honey. Thank you, and trust me."

"I do...but you need to talk to Amy and Samantha."

"How bad is it with them? I can't deal with their thoughts and mine too right now."

"You know Samantha...I can tell she is digging."

"I have asked her not to do that..."

"She may not know she is, but let me talk to her."

"What about Amy?" Dawn asked.

"More like me, I think. She is getting the bits and pieces I am, and I think it is worrying her subconsciously. You need to talk to her."

"Okay. I will this morning...because it will probably get worse."

"Would it be easier to just let us in on what it is?"

"Maybe..." Dawn said with a smile.

"But you're not?"

"Nope. Sam is coming."

I saw my mom look over us toward the stairs for a bit then she shook her head and sipped her coffee. About half a minute later...

"Coffee..." we hear Samatha say, and she climbed up on a stool as Mom poured her a cup.

"I'm taking my juice back to bed and hopefully get some more sleep."

I knew that meant she was going to talk to Amy, and I needed to talk to Samatha.

"Why couldn't you sleep last night?" I asked as Samantha as she sipped her coffee.

"Sis was stirring and waking me up."

"Want to try again?"


"Do I need to leave you two alone?" Mom asked.


"What?" Samantha said again.

"I have all day, honey," I said and sipped my coffee.

"Something is troubling Dawn...but you know that already."

"I know something is going on. What about you?"

"Whatever it is keeping me awake."

"Why is it keeping you awake?"

"Why is it keeping you awake?" Sam said.


"Whatever is bothering her is bleeding over to me and making me restless."

"Do you think you would be less restless if you weren't digging?"

"I'm not!"

"I've got all day," I said and sipped my coffee. I saw my mom smile.

"Something bad is bothering her."

"And you want to know what it is..."

"Yes! It is something bad."

"How do you know it is something bad?"

"Because she is blocking me."

"You wouldn't know that if you weren't digging into her thoughts."

"I want to know what it is!"

"Dawn has talked to you about prying into her thoughts, honey."

"I know! But I know it is something bad. You do, too!"

"I was thinking that, but I asked her about it."

"What did she say?"

"What should you have done?"

"...ask her about it...but I knew she was hiding it from me..."

"She said it is nothing bad and not to worry about it. Her ancestors are preparing her for things to come, and some of the things she doesn't want me to know yet, so she is struggling to block it from me. You and Amy are just picking up on that."

"What is it then?"

"She said trust her because it was nothing bad."

"I think it is!"


"Sorry...I know better."

"Yes, you do. When one of us says trust us, we know we should. You know that."

"I do. I'm just irritable because I'm not sleeping."

"Sounds like a cause-and-effect loop to me," I said.

"Shut up!"


"Sorry. I'll stop digging."

"If you don't, we'll make you sleep in your room."

"Wouldn't help...anymore."

"Okay. And your sister is not digging. You are right. She is restless because Dawn is blocking me, and it is bleeding over to her. After Dawn finishes talking to her, you two talk and get it together."

"Okay. I'll tell Dawn I am sorry."

"She knows that...but tell her anyway."


"And if you find out what it is, tell me!"

All three of us laughed.

"You think that will happen?" Sam said.

"Of course not."

"Sam? You can actually dig into what Dawn is thinking?" Mom asked.

"Not unless I want my butt chewed out!"

"Mom, there is a difference between one of us digging into the others' thoughts...being nosey, and one of us knowing what the other is thinking or feeling. Big difference."

"I think I see that now."

"One is good, the other is intrusive."

"I hear you!" Samantha moaned.

"Are you going back to bed?"

"I'm going to your studio to see if I can get some more sleep."

"Don't make a mess."

Samantha took her coffee and went down the hall.

"It sounds like you and Dawn worked this out years ago, and the girls are just learning," Mom said.

"Pretty much, but my ability to do that developed so slowly it was never a big issue for me. Dawn would do some digging, but usually to help me figure something out. The girls...Sam...whatever turned it on in them has been wild. They just grow and grow. Dawn and I are sure that Amy will be as good as her sister one day, but it will take longer."

"Do you and Dawn know what each other is thinking all the time?"

"Pretty much. Not ESP like knowing, but know what we are feeling and why."

"I'm not sure I would want to be that way with your dad."

"Dawn had to teach me how to turn it off when I need to, but now it is like background noise. We don't notice anything unless something is off or we concentrate on it."


"It sounds intrusive, Mom, but it is such a special thing. That is why we are the way we are together and why we love each other so much. We can't hide things from each other, so there is incredible trust."

"I can see why that helps you two share so much."

"Pretty much. We are teaching the girls at a very high level, but it also helps that we can usually feel much of the same things from other people. When we started sharing with our friends, we both let their thoughts about doing it come in so we could make sure there were no issues. We had to have some talks with a few."

"How close do you two need to be for that to happen?"

"For me? Dawn pretty much has to be close enough that I can at least see her. For Dawn, I have no idea. She has come home and walked through the door, and asked me about something that was troubling me. I have asked if she felt it when she drove up, and she just says no. There are some things I just don't ask anymore, Mom."

"Does it bother you that you do not fully understand her abilities?"

"Mom, I understand her abilities all too well. What she can do no longer surprises me...usually. It is just part of who she is. But sometimes, she scares the shit out of me! Not in a bad way."

Mom laughed.

"What does she do now that surprises you like that?"

"I told you about the journey she took me on a while back to see Linda and myself in a past time."

"That was pretty wild."

"Something I didn't tell you about that journey. While we were wherever we were, on another plane, as Dawn calls it...we made love. You all have watched as we make slow love for a long period of time."

"Oh my god! That is so incredible. I swore I could even feel your love while you were doing it."

"You probably did. Even that is on a completely different level of existence. We can't explain it. We tried with the girls, but they didn't fully understand it until they were able to experience it. Now, they can't explain it to someone. But after Dawn and I saw what happened with Linda...she took me somewhere. Mom, I could have sworn we made love for hours and hours. The feelings between us....feelings is not right...what we experienced in our minds during that time cannot be described. It lasted so long and was so incredible...but when she brought us had only been about an hour. We had not made physical love, but we had. I asked her to explain where we were. She said she couldn't and only that it is a place she could only take me if my love for her was 100% and unquestionable. She had to see if she could take me there so she would know that I still loved her completely and did not have that type of love for Linda."
