Life in Bolares Ch. 02


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"Actually young lady, you are the one who's not supposed to be in here." He said, in perfect English, as all Bolarians have.

"What are you talking about? Boys are not allowed in here."

"How am I supposed to clean here if I'm not allowed to enter? I come here during class time to clean, when no student should be here. How come you're not in class?"

Annie was confused. What he said made sense, but she was still completely shocked from seeing him here. "I'm... ahh.." she pointed toward the showers as an explanation.

"Well whatever reason you're still here, I need to finish up cleaning before I go to the boys' locker room. And trust me, I'm going to need my time to clean there. So, if you could just..." he reached his hand forward asking for something Annie didn't understand. The janitor caught on to this confusion and said in the most polite way possible "The towel please." Again, Annie felt pinned down.

"He's asking me to strip in front of him. I'm already late for class and I don't want to know what he can do to me if I'll bother him from doing his job. Damn it not again! Being forced to strip by every man in school. This is so humiliating. What is wrong with this country?!"

Annie took a big breath and removed the towel slowly, handing it to the janitor. She used one hand to cover her crotch and the other to cover her breasts. "Happy?" she asked sarcastically.

"Well, yeah. But I didn't mean for you to give it to me right now. You could've gone dressed up before."

"I'm a fucking idiot." She thought.

"Say, are you Annie Jackson by any chance?" he asked right before he turned to leave.

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing. I just heard you liked to show yourself to people. I thought it was just a rumor made up by horny teens, but I guess it was true after all. Well then, have a great day Annie Jackson."

He said and left the locker room.

Annie stood for a while processing what just happened. She voluntarily stripped naked in front of a stranger and found out that people in school think she's some kind of an exhibitionist. But she was late, and she dreaded the thought of being spanked again. As she walked back to her locker, she thought about how it meant that the spanking did, technically, work.

Open. Her locker was already opened. "strange" she thought. She took her black flat shoes and knee-high socks from the top shelf, and her bra and white school shirt from the door hanger. And that's it. The rest of her clothes were not there. Not her 'old' gym uniform or her skirt and panties. Annie's mind was racing trying to figure out how could it possibly happened. Did someone break into her locker and steal her clothes? Is it the wrong locker? Did she come to school bottomless in the first place? Could she really be an exhibitionist? Or is it just a bad dream maybe?

She tried to rewind her last visit to the locker room in her mind. She remembered being furious and she remembered changing her clothes, tossing them to the locker. And then it hit her. Her clothes fell to the floor, her skirt probably included. Someone must have taken her clothes. But who?

"The janitor!" popped in her mind. "He must have thought it was laundry".

"Shit. I'm stuck here. I've already searched the place so I know there is nothing here I can use to cover myself. Shit! Shit! Not again, I can't go out like this. People already think I'm some kind of slut. I can't go prancing around the school like this. Come on Annie, think!"

And again, the janitor popped into her mind.

"He's in the boys' locker room. And it's just next door. And no boys are there. I'll go in, take back my clothes, and get out. Easy peasy."

Now that Annie had a plan in mind, she calmed down. She wore whatever clothes she did have and walked to the exit but stopped when she saw her reflection in the long mirror next to the exit. It's such a weird feeling, wearing a shirt, without wearing panties. She could feel the fabric of the shirt grazing, teasing her pussy. It's a kind of a hot look she thought. She turned to the side, her ass preventing the shirt from falling all the way down and leaving her ass completely exposed.

She slid her hand along the curves of her waist, down her exposed thigh, and up again. She reached her hand under the shirt and started massaging her breasts, she felt her erect nipples and knew it meant she was completely turned on. She took her other hand down, moving it back and forth across her lower tummy, clenching her belly every time she got near her pussy. She started moaning. She placed the lower part of her shirt in her mouth and bit down. Her tits were now exposed to the cold air of the locker room, and her sensitive nipples felt everything. She stopped teasing herself and moved her hand south. One hand worked her cunt, without sliding in yet, and the other kept her nipples erect. The pleasure made Annie close her eyes, lock her knees and slightly bend over. Ever since the spanking incident, Annie didn't "play" with herself, or anyone else for that matter. And she needed this relief badly. She started moving faster and faster. The massaging of her breasts turned into nipple pinching. Her middle finger found its way into her pussy...

"WAIT STOP! What am I doing? I don't have time for this."

Annie came to her senses. Her hands reluctantly retracted from the fun parts to the sides of her body while she straightened up with the shirt still in her mouth. She looked at herself again in the mirror, she was sweaty, her boobs out, her pussy wet and her leg trembling with anticipation. The disappointed look on her face resembled that of a puppy that didn't get that slice of pizza it wanted.

"Damn," Annie said, and with that, her shirt fell back down.


The hallway was clear. With a quick dash, Annie went to the boy's locker room and closed the door behind her. Even that short streak made her heart race, and only after 30 seconds of heavy breathing did she calm down and look around. No one's here. Or at least at first look. And she didn't hear anything either, but then again, she didn't hear the janitor when he was in the girls' locker room. Annie made the same search she did in the girls' locker room, she checked every row of lockers, and then the showers themselves. No janitor.


Annie decided to do another search around the locker room, this time for clothes, a much more meticulous search. She even checked every locker for the off chance it would be open and have clothes inside. She spent a while searching for a lousy piece of fabric to cover herself with. And every once in a while, she reached her hand down to wipe off the juices that ran down her inner thigh. And she shivered every time. It took all her willpower to stop herself from masturbating and to concentrate on the mission at hand. But the mission failed. No open locker or clothes lying around. Which made sense she thought. If the janitor had been here, he must have taken all the clothes and towels, the same as in the girl's locker room. And then Annie started thinking about something else. The janitor is not here, and he said it would take him a while to clean the boys' locker room...

"Jesus, how long did I fool around back there? I must've lost track of time. Oh, fuck me! Hehe, that would be nice right now. Maybe just a quick one, I'm already on edge. NO! Concentrate Annie! There is no janitor and no clothes here. What now?"

Annie practically jumped, repeatedly, due to the mixture of irritation, frustration, and arousal that coursed through her body. Her hand cupped her pussy, squeezing it.

"Man oh man, what now?! What's next?"

Washing machine. When you have these many dirty clothes, the first thing you do is wash them. And the washing machine is in the janitor's room.

"I must hurry. If he puts my clothes in there I'm screwed. It will take them hours to dry off!"

Annie didn't waste time. She poked her head through the boys' locker room door to check if the coast was clear. It was. She looked down. Her pussy was completely visible. And she assumed her ass was as well. If anyone would see her, he would see almost all of her. And worst, if she gets caught, she will most certainly be punished.

The stadiums, the showers, and the janitor's room were all in the administration building. The "etc." building, where they shoved all the service rooms and small classes that had no other logical place to go. Luckily for Annie, it meant she didn't have to go outside.

Annie took a deep breath and sprinted to the closest corner. Once there she rechecked her surroundings. Still no one. good. The way to the janitor's room is not far, but she will have to pass some classrooms on her way. She peeked ahead, to a long hallway, with lockers and classrooms on each side.

"Pass this hallway and into the right, the janitor's room is just there." Annie appreciated the design of the school even more now. "Keep the showers and the laundry close. Makes the janitor's job easy. I bet they had the accidental nudist in mind too when designing it." She smiled at the last thought.

Annie had no intention of sprinting this hallway, and making enough noise so some teacher would go out to look for the source. She's going to take this slow.

She turned the corner, with her back pressed against the wall. And she kept moving, slowly, back still pressed against the wall, like a spy in an enemy base. The cold metal of the lockers on her ass was another sensation an already extremely aroused teen didn't need, so she arched her back a bit. Her senses were on full alert, to detect if anyone came by. Her eyes were fixed on a classroom door on the opposite side of the hallway since it had a glass window just above the waistline.

"If there is a teacher in this class, he'll surely see me."

Annie moved as slowly as possible. Increasing her view angle into the classroom.

"I don't see anyone, maybe the class is empty."

Just as Annie was about to be convinced that the class was empty and turn her attention to the classroom door on her side of the hallway, a teacher passed through the window. Annie dropped to the floor.

"OH CRAP! Did he see me?"

Annie waited a while to see if someone would come out of the classroom. But no one did. Annie reconsidered her options. She could crawl past this class. But next time she gets up, she'll have to keep track not only of the class in front but also of those behind her. She looked again at the class where the teacher was. She could only see the ceiling.

"If I can't see him, he can't see me." she recalled that basic fact.

Annie decided on a new course of action. Instead of walking to the janitor's room, she'll crawl there. So she got on all four and started crawling.

"Damn it. I'm. Still. So. Fucking. Horny!"

Annie couldn't help it. And she started to think maybe stopping halfway in the locker room was a bad idea. she arched her back, lifted her ass, and kept her thighs close, all to get the slightest of touches against her throbbing pussy, it was her body working on its own accords. And it slowed her down. A minute walk turned into a ten-minute crawl of agonizing pleasure. With stops along the way where she spread her legs, bent one hand to the elbow, and sent the other hand to furiously rub her pussy. Only to stop a few seconds later, after the rational part of her brain bit her lip and ordered her to continue crawling.

Finally, she got to the janitor's room, without being seen. Still on her knees, she reached the doorknob and pushed the door open. She didn't even care if the janitor was inside, she needed clothes, and she needed them now. Luckily for her, the room was empty. The lights were off, but she did hear something. A washing machine. Annie got up and ran toward the sound. Her fears came true. The janitor had already put the clothes there.

"No!" she cried out loud.

Annie felt defeated. She took a deep breath and then let out a long sigh. She placed both her hands on top of the washing machine and with a tired push, she got herself up there. She sat in the corner and leaned back. There is nothing else she can do, so she might as well get that orgasm she so desperately wants. She planned to cum, and then hide in the janitor's room until school was over. After that, the washing machine will probably be done, and she'll just take her wet clothes and go home.

She didn't care about the punishment for skipping school, which would probably be her being expelled from school. All she could think of is how much she wants to cum. And how amazing the rocking of the machine feels between her legs. Her hand moved down and she was ready to get lost in pleasure.


Bring-Bring! Bring-Bring!

"What? What is happening?"

Annie jumped scared in her place.

"Calm down, calm down. What just happened? That sound? The school's bell. So soon? And that other thing, what was it? Lost! Yes, what about it? The lost and found box! There could be clothes there. And maybe my clothes are there too! But shit, the bell already rang. Well, it's in the dean's office, at the secretary's desk. And it's one floor above, and the stairs are right here. I'm doing it!"

Annie bolted toward the door, but on her way out her shirt was snatched in one of the many sharp tools lying around the janitor's room. Annie heard her shirt being torn, but instead of stopping, she did a little twirl, so the shirt would be torn faster, and her momentum wouldn't be stopped.

Annie had never run as fast as she did between the janitor's room and the dean's office. She climbed the steps two at a time. On the way, she looked down to check her shirt. The shirt was shorter by a few inches and her belly button was showing. She had shirts the length of this, even shorter. The difference was that she usually wore pants with these shirts. If earlier she could tug her shirt to cover her pussy, now it was hopeless. She was utterly bottomless.

The dean's office wasn't just his office. When you open the door in the hallway labeled "Administration", there will be two more doors inside. The left one was for the actual dean's office, and on the right was the vice dean's office. And in the middle sat a secretary behind a tall counter.

When Annie burst through the administration door, the secretary was facing the other way. Before she could turn Annie pressed herself to the tall counter. And its height was perfect. Just where the shirt ended the counter began.

"What is all this commotion?"

Annie was panting. She looked down. Good, the counter covered her just as she had hoped. She looked backward, great, the glass on the administration door was cloudy, so no one could see through it, and see the half-naked girl standing in the middle of the office.

"You know you are supposed to knock before coming in here." scolded the secretary.

Annie caught her breath. She pressed herself even harder to the counter.

"I need to look at the lost and found box," Annie said, forcing a smile.


"I... I lost my pencil case," she replied, pleased with the clever response.

"No one came by today to bring a pencil case."

"It was yesterday."

"Today is Monday."

"I meant last week."

"Nope. no one came by last week as well."

Annie squeezed the edge of the counter with her hand from frustration. Someone could open the door any minute now, and she'll be screwed.

"Well, maybe they brought it when you were on break or something. Please, I looked everywhere already."

The secretary sighed. "Fine."

The secretary went under the counter, and Annie took the chance to take another look around. The secretary got up, with a large cardboard box, 'lost and found' was written in black sharpy.

Annie snatched the box from her hands, put it on the floor, and started rummaging around. She checked and double-checked but there were no clothes there. The closest thing she found was a red scarf. She took the scarf out of the box and returned the box to the secretary.

"Well did you find it?"

While telling the secretary she had no luck here as well. She wrapped and tied the scarf around the waist. It was by far the shortest skirt anyone had ever worn, ending just under her pussy. Annie knew that even a large enough step would reveal her private parts. Let alone sitting or taking the stairs. But she figured it was better than nothing.

The door behind her opened.

"Oh, that's convenient." a young woman with a French accent said.

Annie turned. It was Jules.

"Oh great, this bitch." Annie thought, holding a grudge for causing her to go topless earlier.

"I was looking for you mon chéri," Jules said smiling. She looked at her roommate from top to bottom. The torn shirt and the micro skirt turned Jules's smile into a smirk.

"Juliette, I'm not in the mood for your nonsense," Annie said.

The secretary perked up, "Are you Juliette Jacob?" she asked.

"oui" Jules said.

"Great, listen we called you here so you can help us find your roommate, Annie Jackson. You live together, right? She didn't respond to the PA announcement, and she wasn't in her class. The dean wants to talk to her. And we are beginning to worry."

Jules and Annie looked at each other. And then Jules turned to the secretary and pointed a finger at Annie.

"She's Annie Jackson."

"oh, Lovely!" the secretary was happily surprised, "please go in. he's in there."


The dean, a local man, and an acclaimed academic, was sitting at his desk. His eyes rose from a paper he was reading when Annie opened the door. The anticipation on his face to see who came to visit, turned into disappointment when he saw it was Annie, in a ridiculous outfit.

"Sit," he said.

And Annie did. But first, she made sure to bring the chair as close as possible to the desk so the dean wouldn't get a sneak peek.

"You know why you are here?"

Annie wasn't sure which of her recent fuck ups earned her this talk so she simply said, "I can explain."

"I'm not interested in your explanation! All I'm interested is in keeping this school at the top, and that includes your discipline and good behavior. Which both seemed lacking. You trained in unauthorized gym uniforms. You missed the second period, and now this! Corruption of school property, and this... skirt."

Annie was confused. "Corruption of school property sir?"

"Your shirt Miss Jackson, you can't just modify it as you see fit."

"But sir..."

"No buts. No explanations. Our rules clearly dictate what's the punishment for unfit, immodest appearance. And I believe it's your second offense on the matter. Plus now, you have skipped class."

Annie was scared shitless now. Another punishment?

"Take off your shirt." the dean said casually while getting up to bring something from a closet behind him.

Annie didn't respond. The dean sat back down and held an unfolded, orange t-shirt in front of her. Annie calmed down.

"It's just a new shirt. He wants me to change to a fitting outfit. That's all."

"For the rest of the day, you are to wear this shirt. Maybe that will teach you a lesson."

Annie smiled. She didn't know how wearing a shirt counts as a punishment. But she wasn't about to argue.

"Oh wait a second." the dean said.

He flipped the shirt and revealed its back side. It had a writing on it, with big bold letters.


"What the fuck is this?" Annie demanded an explanation.

"First of all, language! Second of all, it's your punishment."

"I don't get it."

Then the dean raised his finger, to gesture 'just a minute, then you'll understand', and then he plunged the finger onto the PA button.