Life Pt. 01


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Was this set sexy enough, or maybe that set, or the tight bikini panties that barely hid the pubic hair. What about the matching sheer panties and bra that displayed literally "everything" a girl had to offer. That's when I gave myself a metaphorical slap in the head. "Knock this shit off Dee. What is wrong with your head girl? He isn't going to see any of it anyway. Put on some panties and let's go, this is bullshit." I rustled through the undies one more time settling on a pair of dark blue hip hugger panties with tiny yellow polka-dots and a plain old white bra.

It was going to be a warm pleasant day so I donned a pair of simple stay up stockings, slipped on a summer dress, some flats and headed for the door. A last-minute fluff of the hair and checking makeup at the mirror next to the front door and away we go. It wasn't a blustery day but there was a strong breeze. As I stepped outside the wind caught my dress and lifted it, I was able to catch it with my arm before everything was exposed, but I was sure that old mister Bert Ellis next door getting the morning paper got an eyeful.

I smiled, waved and giggled to myself. He probably hadn't had an erection in weeks, but I'll bet he had a stirring from deep within by the time he went inside. His dear wife told me a while back that they still made love but not very often. My money was riding on today being one of those moments when they would. Nothing like seeing a woman's dress blow up revealing a lot of leg, if not panties, to make a man's loins begin to come alive. I decided I was going to make it a point to see Audrey that night after work, you know, just to get the juicy details. We ladies like to do that at times.

While driving I had both hands on the wheel, then dropped the right with it resting on my thigh. I imagined it being Tom's hand resting lightly on my leg, softly rubbing his hand up and down. My dress being the only thing between his hand and the silkiness of my stockings. Reaching for the hem I lifted until my fingers made contact with the top of my stockings, then back down my leg. Yes, I would thoroughly enjoy having Tom's hands softly stroking my legs, past the lace top of my stay ups and then onto a very wet playground.

At a stoplight I scolded myself yet again. "Stop this Dee. Get your head together. You can't spend your day fantasizing about Tom doing whatever to your body." (Just to set the record straight, no one had done any sort of "whatever" to my body in over a year, but I was certainly open to the thought of Tom doing so.) Moving my hand back to the steering wheel I focused on the day ahead. At work I knew it was getting close to late morning because Christine was all aflutter, she'd been to the bathroom three times in ten minutes fluffing her hair, touching up her makeup, adjusting her clothes.

At ten after eleven the bell on the door ting-a-ling-ling-ed making all of us look up. Imagine the sour look that overcame Christine's face when it wasn't Tom who walked in but some burly gal in a UPS uniform. She was all sweetness and polite, but she wasn't Tom. I chalked it up as no big deal, someone else covered for him on occasion if he had to be elsewhere. Christine on the other hand was so disappointed she was in the bathroom another five minutes, judging by the red puffiness of her eyes she'd been crying.

When I got home that night Mrs. Ellis was in the flower bed to the side of my driveway on hands and knees giving the weeds the old heave-ho. As I approached, she stood, hugged me as she always does and then said softly.

"Thank you dearie."

I looked back with bewilderment on my face and shrugged my shoulders. "For what?"

She giggled like a schoolgirl, then leaned close so no one else might hear, looking left, then right.

"Letting your dress blow up this morning. Bert hasn't been that hard in ages, even with the little blue pills. Oh, he worked me over good honey, and I loved all ten minutes of it. I don't normally orgasm anymore without oral, but boy oh boy did I climax hard this morning. Anytime you want to let your dress blow up is fine with me, but not tomorrow, I can hardly walk as it is."

I broke out in laughter the moment the front door closed. To think something as simple as my dress being lifted by the wind revealing my stockings and maybe even my panties, could send old Bert into a sex crazed frenzy with his sixty-eight-year-old wife of forty-four years. Then again, men are visual creatures, something I needed to keep in mind in the pursuit of my young conquest. My ex once told me I was more alluring in skimpy underwear than being fully nude, I didn't understand it at the time and took offense. Not anymore, I figured it out at a later date.

I could dress provocatively beneath my outer wear, and who knows, maybe Tommy boy would be the recipient of such shenanigans. I had gone most of the day focused on the things at hand, and here I was imagining that young stud giving me what for. It was gonna be another of those restless nights. I vowed I was not going to get myself off, doing so tended to leave me feeling more empty than satisfied. No ... I was going to wait and see if Tom showed an interest, if he did, I wanted every part of me to be his. My horniness and girl juices included.

Tom didn't show on Tuesday or Wednesday. Christine asked the lady delivering if he had been put on another route. She told us that he had taken some emergency leave, something to do with his mother. Thursday when he waltzed in I thought Christine was going to cream her jeans on the spot. I stood to sign for the delivery, before I reached him Christine was at the counter all goo eyed, fawning all over him, trying to capture his attention. I felt badly for her, she had it so bad and it was obvious he wasn't interested.

Looking at the boxes and doing a mental inventory of what I'd ordered Tom put the digital tablet in front of me to sign. I chuckled.

"Easy tiger, let me make sure I ordered all this stuff. Yup, looks as though it's all here. I have several outgoing today, I'll grab the two-wheel cart and meet you in the back."

"Will do DeeDee. Let me grab mine, the company frowns on us using anything but what we've been assigned. Insurance liability or some crap like that. I'll pull around back and meet you at the service entrance."

My dress was swaying and my stockings swishing as I walked through the production area, you'd think with the noise they wouldn't notice, wrong again. Most of them hooted and hollered, nothing nasty or suggestive, typical male cat calls and whistles. To enhance their delight I flipped the hem of my dress slightly giving them a good glimpse of my thigh. That caused even more commotion, something none of us took very seriously, it was all workplace horsing around.

I was about five feet from the service door when it opened with Tom pulling his aluminum two-wheel cart behind. I smiled and pointed at the stack of boxes and then waited for him to scan everything outgoing. When he finished I was about to turn and go back to my desk when I heard him call my name.

"Hey Dee. You got a minute? Follow me to the truck."

Now the place went into overtime with the whistles, cat calls and two of them singing, "Tom and DeeDee up in a tree". I flipped them off and followed Tom. When he closed the trucks doors I motioned toward the shop.

"Don't mind those yahoo's, you'd think they were twelve instead of grown men."

He scoffed and waved a dismissing hand in the direction of the door. "That doesn't bother me, I think they're jealous that a pretty lady like you followed me to the truck."

I put my hand up, "Hold on, hold on. A pretty lady like me. In case you haven't noticed I'm old enough to be your teenage sister. I think you need glasses."

"You got two things wrong there Dee. First, I don't need glasses, my eyesight is 20/20. Second, you aren't my older teenage sister. I'm not trying to jump your bones Dee, I just wanted to invite you to go dancing like we talked about. Maybe this Saturday if you're free."

It was time to eat crow and crawl inside my shoe. The following thought raced through my mind, "Way to go dipshit. You've done nothing but dream of getting laid by this guy and now you damned near pissed away your chance."

I regained my composure, reached to touch his wrist and with the best schoolgirl look I could conjure I grinned, "I would love to go dancing Tom. Saturday will work fine, I had nothing planned beyond a salad from Zaxby's and watching TV with a cat on my lap. What time and what's the dress code?"

"How about I pick you up at six, we can grab a bite to eat and then go to Jug's. We should be able to get a table before the crowd's drift in around nine. Dress code? Casual country I guess. Skirt, blouse, dress, jeans, whatever you're comfy dancing in. I'll be in jeans if that helps. Take my phone and enter your phone number, I'll text you. Gotta go Dee, lots of deliveries to make and I want to be home before six. Ma will worry otherwise."

His mom, that's right. I meant to ask about his mom before he left and was so wrapped up in his presence I'd forgotten. I would use that as an excuse to text him that night. Walking back through production all but one or two were hard at it, the others I ignored. At the front Christine was on me like white on rice.

"Wow, you were back there a long time. When Harold came to my desk for the particulars on the golf lodge order he said you went outside with Tom. What was that all about?"

"Oh, I wanted to ask him about his mom. She's doing better."

I hated lying to her but there was no way I was going to crush her dreams if my thing with Tom was going to be nothing more than casual. I made it through the day without daydreaming about him or ending up with panties dampened by images of what he might do to my lonely unused body. The lady parts to be specific. Fuzzy was waiting for me in the window as I pulled up, he had been the one true male friend over the past few years. I often found myself wanting to find a man as loyal to me as Fuzzy was.

I was changed into night clothes sipping on a Fanta Orange with Fuzzy on my lap purring up a storm when the phone rang. The number wasn't familiar and I nearly deleted it on the spot, something inside told me to answer it.

"Hello, this is DeeDee."

My heart flip flopped when I heard an all too familiar voice, "Hi Dee, it's Tom. I got ma to bed and situated for the night, thought I'd give you a buzz."

"Oh yes, I meant to ask how your mom was. The woman covering for you said she was ill."

He laughed a little. "Alice, yeah, she's something, not sure what, but something. Everybody calls her hefty Hannah cuz she's such a brute. She outlifts half the guys on the trucks and smiles doing it. She's great, I like her, and her husband is just as nice. He drives over the road at night taking deliveries to warehouses."

I wasn't going to let the conversation get away and steered us back to his mom. "Okay, but what about your mom? What happened?"

"She fell and broke her right arm in three places. She's in a cast from the upper arm all the way around her hand. I'll tell you this Dee, as much as I want to help and as much as I look away, there's just something unnerving about fastening her bra and helping her put a dress on. I look away while she puts the bra on and turns her back for me to fasten and then drop the dress over her shoulders, but man oh man. I gotta tell yuh, it's different. With dad gone for so long it's just been her and me, but this is something I never imagined."

I sighed, "She's fortunate to have a son who cares so much. I'm sure it's difficult seeing her half-dressed. It has to be embarrassing for her as well."

"I didn't call to talk about ma. I wanted to let you know I'm excited about going out Saturday night. We're gonna have fun, I just know it."

I decided to use his comment and establish some rules, "Tom, if I'm going with you, I expect you to protect me from the goons and ass squeezers. I don't want to dance or have a drink with anyone else. Is that something you can do? Can I count on you to be the buffer between me and the fools out looking for tail?"

He laughed and said, "Sure, I can do that. One question though, who's going to protect you from me?"

I chose to leave that hanging in mid-air. "We'll figure something out Tom. Thanks for the call, hope your mom gets better soon. See you tomorrow. G-night."

Friday morning was business as usual. Tom came steaming through the door right on time. Christine jumped up and tried to get his attention, he smiled, tipped his hat, winked at me from an angle Christine couldn't see and went on his way. I nodded back and went about my day. I felt badly for Christine, he had no interest in her advances and had inadvertently let her know that through body language, and yet she persisted. There was a reliable young man who owned half the garden center on the south end of town that loved everything about Christine, sadly she was too blind to see.

When I asked her about Rupert she scoffed. "Rupert? You have to be kidding. Yeah, he's cute and muscular, he's one of the nicest and richest guys I know, but a guy named Rupert? Puh-lease, you can't be serious."

Her answer caught me off guard, without thinking I blurted, "So you're going to choose a life mate based on their name? Boy are you in for heartache."

She's young enough my comment went by right about eye level, she was as clueless as ever. Instead of focusing on a guy who would eat the peanuts out of her poop just to see where it came from, she was obsessing over one who wanted nothing to do with her. It got my dander up.

"Christine I can't believe how blind and foolish you are. Rupert would love you to the end of the ages and be a wonderful husband, as well as a great daddy. I've been told he doesn't lack in the intimate parts either, it may be hearsay, but then it might not be. Let's face facts, Tom doesn't seem interested in you. Why not ignore Roops name and give him a chance. Besides, everybody calls him Rollie anyway."

"I don't know Dee, I know he's cute and all, but what if he's not interesting or lousy in bed? I don't want to waste my time, but your right, Tom is obviously not interested in me. He seems to smile at you a lot though."

I knew I needed to change direction quickly, "Never mind me, I'm a divorced has been. Rollie is at every soft ball game the high school girl's play, his niece pitches. He'll be there tonight when they play Wakefield, you should go and strike up a conversation. You'll know soon enough if he's boring or not. What do you have to lose? And who knows, maybe he'll buy you some popcorn and a cold pop."

Christine stared at me in silence, but I could sense the gears turning in her head. I metaphorically patted myself on the back thinking I'd done something good. If it helped Christine figure out what she did or didn't like about Rollie then it was a good thing. Fuzzy was waiting for me as I walked through the door, curling himself around my ankles as he purred up a storm. I scooped him up for some lovin and then got for him what all the attention was really about, his kitty treat. He was like any other male, they all like a treat at the end of some lovin.

Saturday is generally laundry day so I busied myself with those chores, changed the bedding, did the vacuuming and loaded the dishwasher. By three I was ready to sit, which I did while having a quick snack to tide me over. I knew I was going to wear a pleated skirt that evening, the hem was a few inches above the knee so I wouldn't have to worry about anything underneath being seen if he twirled me while dancing. I picked out a cotton blouse that hung nicely on my frame and went rummaging through my underwear drawer.

I'm not sure why I made such an issue of which undies to put on, it wasn't like anyone but me would see them. Yet somehow it became important as I pawed through the assortment of sexy and not so sexy items, settling on a matching set of coral colored satin panties and a matching bra. I love the feel of satin or silk on my bare skin, something about those panties just feels right. I generally wear hip hugger style panties, this set happened to be a bikini cut that barely covered my curly bush. The bra cups were thin, allowing my nipples to show through while keeping my breasts from jiggling. I've seen too many older women dressed so that their breasts are flying all over the place, I don't think they realize how unbecoming it is.

Sliding the satin up my legs I smiled to myself as the coolness of the crotch hugged my nether region, after adjusting the legs and waistband I slapped myself on the ass and giggled. I was impressed by the fact that it didn't jiggle around, I still had a firm ass and damned proud of it. Fastening the bra in the front and spinning it around I found myself in the same thought pattern I'd had but a few days ago. Imaging it was Tom's hands adjusting my panties and softly slapping my ass, lifting the bra beneath my breasts, cupping them in the process, nuzzling my neck from behind as he formed my tits into cones, softly rolling the nipples with his thumb and forefinger.

Pushing my arms through the straps and lifting them onto my shoulders I quickly cupped my breasts and whispered to myself, "Play your cards right Dee and very soon he'll have these in his hands and mouth."

I had no intentions of letting him go that far tonight, but then again, when passion strikes it knows no bounds. I slid my hand down my tummy and under the elastic, my fingers rested in the fur covering my mound. I had a fleeting thought about trimming and shaping, like I said, a fleeting thought. It's the way I was made, he'd have to accept me as such or go without.

I was screaming at myself within. "What the hell Dee. You just told yourself he wasn't getting into your pants tonight and here you are obsessing about how much hair you have between your legs. Get your shit together girl, make up your mind, you're either going to fuck him or you aren't."

Looking in the mirror I liked what I saw, I didn't have a six pack but my tummy was relatively flat save the little bit of mommy pouch you never seem to lose after having babies no matter how hard you try. My breasts weren't as solid as they were 20 years ago, but they still had form and pointed straight ahead. My narrow waist flared into hips that make a natural valley for a man to lie in while I'm being made love to. My legs aren't flabby, no saddlebags, no droopy skin, being on my feet most of the day at work can be tiring but having firm legs was a decent trade off.

Sitting at the makeup table I quickly highlighted what I intended to and slipped into my clothes. Tucking my blouse in I straightened my skirt drawing my hands across the front and then across my butt. Turning sideway in the mirror I smiled and thought, "you aint so bad for a mother of three, you've still got it."

I was sitting on the front stoop waiting as the old Ford rolled around the corner. I smiled internally, my first date since dipshit departed some time ago and I get to go in a 1939 Ford. How effing cool is that? Then reality kicked in as my mind began to focus on what could happen on that bench seat. Oh shit, maybe I should have worn jeans. Tom escorted me to the car, opened the door and guided me in by holding my hand. As we were pulling away I had a thought.

"Tom. This Jugs place isn't one of those hooters kind of places where boobs are hanging out and shorts so tiny you can see their butt cheeks is it? If it is I don't want to go there."

"Nope. Nothing like that. The guy who owns it is a high school friend of mine, it was actually he and I who picked the name. We were cruising home on a Sunday night after fishing when the Lynnyrd Skynnyrd song "gimme three steps" came on the radio. The first line is, "I was cutting the rug at a place called Jugs with a girl name Linda Lou". We looked at each other and smiled, he had the name to his new bar/dancehall. Pretty cool huh?"