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The last two times I'd put Lucy under, she'd cum. Until my plan was complete, I was refraining from hypnotizing her. I wanted her to be as worked up as possible.

I was doing what I could to increase her frustration, but I figured there was no harm in getting Mom in on it as well.

Mom shook with pleasure as I pulsed inside her, my orgasm triggering her own.

"Good girl."

She beamed in response.

Session C33:

"Would you tell me what you saw for the last few weeks, when I wasn't here?"


"Why not?"

"It's not appropriate."

"Would it be more appropriate if it was someone other than my sister?"

"...yes. But I still wouldn't tell you."

I nodded. It was all I could do to resist calling Richard a 'good boy'.

The first week I wasn't there, Marcie had attempt to seduce my sister. It hadn't gone any further than that.

The second week, the two of them had made out for a few minutes. Again - Marcie had initiated the encounter.

I doubt Richard had noticed the very specific words my sister had spoken first.

Last week, Lucy had allowed Marcie to strip her. We weren't sure exactly what Richard had seen, but my sister had told me he hadn't been able to make eye-contact while she'd been saying goodbye.

It was as close as confirmation as we were going to get.

This week, I'd come along as well. Richard had looked disappointed to see me, but he'd enthusiastically accepted my offer to put him under.

I suspected the poor man had been fairly tense, as of late.

"Are you still going to let my sister visit Marcie?"



"'s good for her."


"My sister's visit is good for your daughter?"



"It seems to be helping her improve. She's more...herself...than I've seen her in months."

"You don't think my sister is a bad person?"


"Do you think my sister should feel guilty?"


"If Marcie behaved around you like she does with my sister, how would you feel?"

Richard was silent. I tried a different tack.

"If Marcie was more herself around you, even if she was doing things that society would frown upon, would you try to stop her?"


"Would you feel guilty?"

I hoped that Richard was picking up the implications of what I was saying. Getting any more specific might just make him shut down.

"No," the older man finally said.

I took a deep breath.

"If Marcie started actively trying to seduce you, would you resist, or would you fuck her?"

Richard just stared at me silently.

Again, it was about as much confirmation as I could ever expect.

Session C4:

"Would you tell me if you've ever been attracted to your daughter?"


"Have you ever been attracted to your daughter?"


Session C21:

"Would you tell me if you've ever been attracted to your daughter?"


Session C34:

"Would you tell me if you've ever had sex with Marcie?"

Richard didn't respond.

With a broad smile, I woke him up, and thanked him for having me over.

"It's been a pleasure," Richard said. He involuntarily glanced towards the room where my sister was still spending time with his daughter.

I could tell that he couldn't wait for us to leave.

Session 49:

When I put my sister under, I was nervous that she'd cum on the spot.

It had been almost a month since Lucy had orgasmed while under trance, and 6 weeks since she'd consciously cum.

For someone with my sister's hair-trigger orgasms, it was pretty damned impressive.

"Take your top off," I said, and she obeyed immediately. "Your skirt, too."

On the drive home, Lucy had been wide-eyed, absolutely stunned.

She'd seen it. She'd seen the evidence.

Marcie had been fucked.


Lucy couldn't stop staring at me.

"I am all-powerful, aren't I?"


My sister's entire body was twitching. It was clear that she about to either cum, or have a total breakdown.

"You cannot resist me, can you?"


Twitch, twitch.

"What will you do if I order you to do something?"

"I will obey."

"What if you don't want to?"

"I will obey."

"What if you think that it's wrong?"

"I will obey."

I was hard as a rock.

"Say it again."

"I will obey."

I barely recognized my own voice. I felt...stronger.

More dominant.


"I will obey."

"Is there anything I could order you to do that you would refuse?"


"What is your purpose?"

"I was born to be your slave."

"Say it again."

"I was born to be your slave."

"Good girl."

Twitch, twitch, twitch.

"You were born to serve. Say it."

"I was born to serve."


"I was born to serve."

I slipped two fingers inside my sister. She writhed at my touch, but didn't cum.

After all, I'd ordered her not to.

She couldn't disobey.

She couldn't.

I spent a few moments, exploring every inch of her dripping wetness, as I had so many times before.

I could feel her arousal. I could feel her submission.

Lucy was mine. She belonged to me.

At long last, I was going to take my sister.

"If I tell you I want to fuck, what will you do?"

"I will fuck you."

"If I tell you I want to fuck Mom, what will you do?"

"I will watch you fuck Mom."

"You will do exactly as you're told, won't you?"


"Who do you obey?"


"Who were you born to serve?"


"Good girl."

She twitched.

"You exist for my pleasure. Say it."

"I exist for your pleasure."


"I exist for your pleasure."

"Good girl."

If my fingers hadn't been deep inside her, I think she would have twitched right off the chair.

"I made you this way."

My sister nodded.

"Say it."

"You made me this way."

She didn't hesitate for a second.

"Stand up."

She stood.

"Bend over."

She bent.

Unzipping my pants, I moved behind her.

"I molded you into my perfect fucktoy."

She nodded, a mix of fear, arousal, and utter obedience on her face.

"Say it," I hissed.

"You molded me to be your perfect fucktoy."

My cock could feel the heat of her pussy.

"I'm going to fuck you."

"Yes," she panted.

"Say it."

"You're going to fuck me."

Her monotone was all but gone. Lucy hadn't cum for weeks, and she'd just discovered the extent of my power.

She was pleading. Desperate.

"When I started hypnotizing you, you weren't interested in incest."

"No..." she panted, as I lined myself up with her entrance.

I pulled her hair, and she squealed.

"I changed you," I said softly. "I made you mine."

"Oh god."

Lucy's back arched as I slid inside her.

"Don't cum," I reminded her, and she nodded.

"Please," she begged, speaking out of turn. I'd punish her for that later. "Please..."

"I changed your dreams," I said, as she clenched and twitched around my cock. "I changed your memories. The way you dress, the way you think."


"I changed everything about you. I turned you into what you are now. My perfect whore. My obedient, submissive slave."

She moaned, louder than I'd ever heard her moan.

"My sister slut."

"No," Lucy repeated, as I pounded into her, fucking my sister as hard as I could.

At last.

"Yes," I insisted, grabbing her blonde hair and turning her to face me. Her cheeks were flushed, her mouth open...and still her eyes were blank.

"I gave you your desires. I made you into this."


"Yes," I said. "Believe it. That's an order."

Lucy's blank eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"I believe it," she gasped. I could tell that she was using all her willpower to fight off a powerful orgasm.

"How does it make you feel?"

Lucy was clearly having trouble breathing, trouble speaking. I kept a tight grip on her hair.

"Owned," she finally panted. "Dominated. Yours."

"Good girl," I smiled, fucking her faster. "You are owned. You are dominated. You are mine."

"Yes, sir..."

I leaned in and whispered directly into her ear.

"Cum for me."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir..."

Session 50:

It was almost a year before I next hypnotized my sister.

There just wasn't much need to, y'know?

I told her everything.

After waking her up, I told her everything. How much I'd always wanted her, how much I'd wanted Mom.

"Me too," she'd said, and I'd laughed.

It had taken some time to explain to my sister exactly what I'd done to her, to Marcie.

To Mom.

I think it took her a few days to wrap her head around. A part of me was worried that she'd break, but...I dunno.

My sister's strong. Stronger than I realized, I think.

She hadn't broken when I'd told her under hypnosis, and she didn't break when I told her in real life.

"I can't believe it," she'd said. She'd repeated that a lot. "I can't believe it."

"Believe it," I'd grunt, enjoying the feeling of her cumming around my cock.

Oh, yeah. That was the other thing I did after waking her up that last time.

I fucked her again.

And again, and again, and again, and again.

If I had to summarize the year, "I fucked her again" would be a pretty accurate description.

Sex with Lucy was different to both Mom and Marcie, though it's hard to pinpoint exactly what's so different.

It was more...everything. Just more.

Lucy was always wet. Even when I woke her up in the middle of the night, she was soaked. Sometimes we'd fuck directly above Mom's face, as her waiting mouth caught all all the drips of her daughter's pussy.

I'd thought my sister's tits bounced when she blew me, but they basically flew around the room when I fucked her. She was so vocal, so expressive, so...perfect.

She was perfect.

More than anything, I think it was her confidence.

Her confidence and her deference.

Knowing what had happened to her, knowing what I'd done to changed Lucy.

She truly let go. She let herself sink, unrestrained, into submission. Into what I'd turned her into.

After she'd learned that I was responsible for everything - for her, for Mom, for Marcie - she really accepted her life's purpose. To serve. To serve me. To pleasure me. Anything that didn't bring me pleasure, she quickly decided, wasn't worth her time.

I think she accepted it because...she couldn't resist. She couldn't resist. She knew the truth: my words had turned her from a nice, normal sister, into someone who existed for exactly one reason: to get me off.

And she loved it.

I loved it too, of course. I guess that pretty much goes without saying.

When I fucked my sister, I could feel her manipulating every inch of her body for my pleasure. She never came until I did, using her orgasm to milk my every last drop of cum. When she was done, she'd use her tits to clean my cock, and then Mom's tongue to clean her tits.

By the time everything was cleaned up, I was almost always ready for another round.

When she wasn't serving me, she was fucking Mom. She was obsessed with it. She particularly liked watching Mom's eyes - as I fucked her, as she pleasured Lucy, as she obeyed our every sexual command.

"She's like a prisoner," she once told me, awed. "Trapped in her own head."

I squirmed a bit at the phrasing. I mean, I'd always tried to make sure that Mom had a good time.

"She knows how wrong it is, but she can't stop. She gets off on it. It's so fucking hot."

After a while, I'd just pull her head to my lap when she started talking like that, shut her up with my cock. She knew what I was doing, but what could she do?

She couldn't resist.

When Lucy wasn't fucking me or Mom, she was visiting Marcie.

Only a few times a week, and only ever when Richard was at school. She said she 'didn't want to interrupt'. She felt like she owed them that.

"What for?" I'd asked, once.

"For bringing us together," she'd said softly.

I didn't go with her.

Seeing Marcie was just ...god.

It was just sad.

And so I stopped going.

Lucy would occasionally give me updates. Marcie was better than she'd been, my sister said. The constant sexual stimulation her father provided was helping...but I knew she'd never be who she'd once been.

I knew she'd always be broken.

Yeah, I left Marcie to her father and my sister. I'm glad she managed to find happiness, of a sort. I'm glad I managed to help, at least a little.

But I spent my days fucking two goddesses, both of whom were utterly devoted to serving my every whim. Why would I want to interrupt that with an reminder of my biggest failure?

Not for me, thanks.

"Lucy? Lucy, can you hear me?"


It had been Lucy's idea.

Being hypnotized again, for the first time in a year. It was Lucy's idea.

She'd wanted me to put her under just to check, to make sure that she was being as devoted a sex-slave as possible. She wanted me to make sure it wasn't 'wearing off', and to check her consciousness, at every level, to make sure that she wasn't holding back.

She wanted to make sure there were no limits that even she wasn't aware of, lurking beneath the surface.

I'd explained to her that hypnosis didn't really work like that, but she was convinced I could do it.

Fair, I guess, under the circumstances.

"Besides," she'd said. "Even if you don't find any hidden limits, maybe you can...change me."

Her breathing had quickened at the idea.

"Change you?"

"Yeah. Make me even more dedicated to your every want. Please, Master?"

I'd agreed, of course. That was the dirty little secret to my relationship with my sister: I couldn't resist her.

And so I'd put her under.

"How do you feel?"

"Good, Master."

"Good girl."

Lucy twitched. I smiled.

"How do you feel about me?"

"You're all-powerful, Master."

"Good girl."

Twitch. Shudder.

"Is there anything you would ever lie to me about?"

"No, Master."

"Are you my servant?"

"Yes, Master. I am your devoted slave."

"Will you ever lie to me?'

"I would never lie to you."

"Good girl."

Lucy moaned.

"Is there anything you're hiding from me?"

"No, Master."

"Is there anything I should know that I currently don't?"

"No, Master."

"Is there anything you could do to serve me better?"

"Yes, Master."

Interesting. I tilted my head to the side.

"What is it?"

"I could bring you more, Master."

"More what?"

"More women, Master. More women to serve you. More women like me, like Mom. More women like Marcie, for you to bend to your will. For you to break, if you choose."

Lucy's blank eyes were sparking, and her monotone grew more intense.

"You deserve an army, Master. An army of women to serve your every want. Every desire you have should be fulfilled before you've even finished thinking it. I know women, Master. Women who trust me. Beautiful, busty women. Cheerleaders. Lawyers. Athletes."


My sister continued.

"Women who are better-looking than me, Master."


She didn't slow down, not even for a second.

"If you teach me how to hypnotize them, I can bring them to you. I can brainwash them, make them yours. A harem of women, Master. Hundreds of women, devoted to obeying your every command..."

"Lucy," I said gently.

"We could teach them to hypnotize others, Master. Towns of women. Countries. All yours. All for you..."

"Lucy," I said, more firmly. She fell quiet.

"Lucy, I don't need anyone more. I have you and I have Mom. Our family. It's all I've ever wanted. It's all I need."

It had been a long time since I'd needed to read the blank stare of a hypnotized woman, but I could tell - Lucy was disappointed.

"I adore you, sis. I think you're a goddess. You're everything I've ever dreamed of. You're the most wonderful woman in the world, and getting to have you is better than a hundred harems. I don't care who your friends are; we don't need them. You, me, and Mom - it's all we need. Our life is perfect, and I'm happy. Truly I am."

Lucy looked at me, the fires in her eyes slightly cooling.

We sat in silence for a minute.

"I'm not saying it's not tempting," I said, glancing over at the bed where Marcie had taken my virginity. "'s too risky. It's not worth it."

Lucy nodded.


"Yes, Master," Lucy responded, and I drew her to me for a hug.

Even through her trance, her hand instinctively found my erection, and began softly stroking it through my pants.

"I don't need a harem," I repeated. "I have you."

We stood there for a long while, hugging, before I pulled back and looked into her deep blue eyes.

"I love you," I said, and I could see her mouth twitching. "Speak."

"I love you, Master."

I kissed her, my beautiful blank-eyed sister. She kissed me back, moaning as she did.

"Lucy," I said, pulling back to look at her once more.

I'd never get sick of looking at her.

"Why did you ask me to put you under?"

"To suggest the harem," Lucy replied immediately. "And..."


"I missed it," she admitted, after a brief pause. "I missed being hypnotized."

I smiled at my sister, standing naked in front of me, wanting nothing more than to take over the world so I'd have more women to play with.


"Yes, Master?"

"...did you say one of these women was a cheerleader?"

"Yes, Master."

There was a long pause.

"Look," I said, breaking the silence. "We'll have to be really careful..."

"Of course," Lucy grinned. "Of course, Master."

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This is increadibly sad. Author truly made me feel bad for everyone involved, and I very much dislike the rapist brother. So in that aspect, I guess the author succeeded? But if their goal was a hot story, they failed miserably in my opinion.

Armany96Armany962 months ago

Tu escrito parece más un guión de película y de hecho es impresionante uno de los mejores trabajos que he leído (ojala y hubiera más material de la serie )( y hubieras echo la historia menos compacta) por todo lo demás increíble

SilvermireSilvermire3 months ago

He calls that 'love !!!?'.

Imthepro217Imthepro2174 months ago

Ultimately, I couldn't finish it.

Not sure if that says more about me or the author.

RanDog025RanDog0256 months ago

This was a Literary nightmare. For every two pages I'd load into Text Aloud, I'd have to spend 5 to 10 minutes editing out all the dot dot dots, the Uh's and Un's, just so I can listen to it. It was very interesting story and out of the tens of thousands of stories I've read here this is the first with this plot. People, how often do you pick up a novel and find 100 ellipsis when they're being used for a pause? In who's world. WTF is ... before the sentence begins or the end. Only at Literotica where some one reads a few stories and say, "Self, I can write too." But self has already picked up every bad habit that writer use at Literotica. I call about 12 writer the title of Author. 4 stars but could have been 5. I don't score like others because I was a Editor in Chief for 12 years, taught English lit for 4 until I took a Field Editors position in Alaska for a Hunting Magazine for 6 and retired because of my eyes. The need for the Text Aloud, best software to write Authors stories!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Sincerely hoping that the author does another story in this style, if not a continuation of the story. The time jumps were cinematic and obviously packed in so much foreshadowing but also made the mind breaking so much hotter. Always was into b/s but this series got me so into mind control. Hoping more sibling mind control stuff from you soon.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

People are coming to the end of this like it's not a fucking villain power fantasy. Jack is outright evil - for petty, selfish, and perverse reasons, he destroyed 4 people by any measure. His mother is trapped in a mental prison of his own, painstakingly crafted, design. His sister has been fundamentally re-written to where she only superficially resembles who she originally was and any decisions she makes are filtered through the changes he forced on her. I don't need to explain Marcie, and he systematically tortured a grieving man until he fucked his effectively comatose daughter to "help" her.

Even if Marcie was "healed", there's no redemption here. And that's what you come to the fucking Mind Control tag to read - there is no "good" when you're overwriting someone's free will. People get hurt, things don't work out perfectly, get over it.

5/5 - great read, series had a great slow burn to a fantastic finish. Extra star for the build up in the hypnosis and having consequences that most of these kinds of stories lack

blackstump666blackstump6668 months ago

Most bizarre style of writing ever. Impossible to read. Scrolling fast forward is tolerable but pointless.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Despite the well reasoned logic of people disliking Marcie’s condition, I will say that this story is not in the realm of smut, but rather a short story. Smut always ends perfectly with Mary sues and happily ever afters. This writer chose to include flaw and failure into a story. He could have just as easily written smut and signed off. But I do believe that the humanity of jack is quite lacking, even though there was added caution he just doesn’t seem to learn from his mistake. This series is a good read. This series is hot. And this series is human. Go (literally) fuck yourself elsewhere if you don’t like the plot of porn in all cases. And to the writer, a good option would’ve been to script and document his future sessions rather than freestyling them. That shows recognition and maturity to never cause that problem again.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Had to stop reading after it became obvious that Marcie wasn't going to recover. I was really really hoping she'd be alright. It was kinda hot at first, but honestly now I just feel gross. I really wish you had hadn't gone down this path.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Came from more limits after the first flash forwards with Marcie to see if it git fixed. Since it doesn't, I am not going to bother reading the rest of the Limits saga. Shame, as you are a good writer, but I just cannot engage with how Marcie is treated. 2 stars just for that.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Really love this, could i suggest a possible epilogue chapter called 'Skye's the Limit' about the MC and Lucy's daughter?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Hope another slow burn brother-sister mind control story comes from this author soon. Absolutely love all their other work. Truly the best author in this niche

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