Lisa Ch. 06: Changes


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"What?" Scott demanded.

"She never screamed like that for me ..." Jim said quietly.

"Me neither." Riley reluctantly admitted.

Josh refused to say anything. He stood, his body rigid, glaring at Scott.

"How 'bout you Scott?" Jim asked, "She scream like that for you?"

Scott looked at the men and wondered if an honest response was a good idea. Riley and Jim looked like their egos had deflated down to nothing and Josh looked like he wanted to murder him.

But then he realized that given Angus' history with Jessica, it was likely the men thought Angus had abused her in some way. They'd never believe Angus hadn't hurt her unless Scott told the truth.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure she did." He replied.

He could tell that they didn't like that answer. Jim stiffened, Riley looked like he thought Scott was lying and Josh looked like was going to pummel him and then string him up for good measure.

"Why didn't we ever hear her?" Jim asked. "With Angus we heard her from fucking outside. Actually, from inside a car, that was fucking outside."

Scott shrugged. "It was late. We were in my room. I assumed you were all asleep."

Riley raised his eyes to the window. "What would you have to do to make her scream like that ..." he asked.

He just couldn't understand it. She had definitely gotten off with him. Obviously not in the early days. When he'd first started sleeping with her, he was now very aware, she hadn't enjoyed herself at all. But he was sure ... sure, she had in the barn ... and since.

"Scott?" Jim prompted when silence hung in the air.

Well, his answer wasn't going to help Angus' cause any, that was for sure.

"You gotta kinda, hurt her a little." Scott replied and was actually surprised that given the expression on Josh's face, that he wasn't dead.

"Hold on!" Scott said when Josh swung his gaze from Scott to the door and then began stomping toward it.

Scott moved into Josh's path.

"It's hurting her in a good way ..." Scott said.

Josh grunted and tried to side step Scott, but Scott moved in his way again.

"You know what I'm talking about Josh ... I know you do. Before you became ..." Scott paused, "Er, non-sexual ..." he said the words slowly, looking around to Jim and Riley for help but all he got was a shrug from Jim and a blank stare from Riley.

"Before this ..." he said waving his hands up and down in front of Josh, "you did things to her. I'm sure of it. Things that were uncomfortable, but got her off. You know, pleasure and pain? They go together."

Josh stood still. Eventually his head drooped. He got it. Sticking his thumb up Jessica's ass probably wasn't the most comfortable thing he'd done to her ... but she'd gotten off. She didn't scream though ... it was probably a good thing. He couldn't handle the extra guilt.

"Pain? Pleasurable pain?" Riley muttered.

"I gave Angus my magazines. You should ask him to let you borrow them." Scott said.

Jim exhaled. He wondered if Jessica really liked this pleasure and pain thing. He hoped she could live without it because he just couldn't see himself doing that to her.

If Riley and Angus kept to their word, he'd take Jessica running tomorrow morning and he could ask her then. Though he was beginning to wonder if she'd be able to walk much less run by the time Angus was done with her.

Angus opened his eyes to see the curls of Jessica's pubic hair out of the corner of his eye. He was so exhausted, and he was certain Jessica was too.

He didn't know how long they'd been asleep, but after she'd swallowed his load, Angus had kept his word and went to town on her pussy.

He ate, and she came, so many times that eventually they must have just passed out.

He tilted his head and saw Jessica, her head turned to the side, sleeping.

His left hand covered her breast, and his face lay on her pussy.

He inhaled deeply ... not a bad way to wake up.

The sun was still out, that was a good sign.

Squeezing her breast in his hand, slowly, fully, he slid up alongside Jessica.

Jessica moaned, lifted her head onto his arm, turned her body in toward Angus and let her forehead drop against his chest. And drifted off to sleep again.

He ran his hand along the length of her body.

When Jessica stirred against him, he kissed the top of her head.

"You have one good set of lungs baby ..." he muttered.

Jessica answered by kissing his chest and pressing her face harder against it.

"Sorry ..." she said quietly. "I just couldn't help it."

"Sorry ... hell, don't be sorry. That was fucking great!" Angus said, and reached down under her chin and tilted her face up so he could see it. His breath caught in his throat when he saw the red creep back into her face. He wondered if she did this with all the men, or just him.

But then she smiled and kissed his nipple.

"It was, wasn't it?" she said.

"Fuck yes ..." he said.

Angus slid his hand to her breast again and flicked her nipple.

"I think it looks longer now, don't you?" he asked with a chuckle.

Jessica reached up and slid her hand into his, intertwining her fingers with his and pulling his hand down from her breast to lay on her hip.

"I just hope they're even." She muttered, and he laughed again.

"I know we just finished one hell of a sexathon ..." Angus said, "but I'm thinking 'bout the next time already. Next time ... will you let me take you up the ass?"

Jessica raised her eyes to his with an expression that indicated that she thought he'd missed the boat or something.

"With my dick Jess, not my fingers ... or fist ..."

Jessica inhaled as a tingle began in her pussy and her ass.

"It doesn't have to be in the bathroom or the bedroom." Angus said misinterpreting her expression, "Out here's fine ... or wherever .." his voice trailed off.

Jessica moved up and kissed him.

"Of course I will." She said.

"Good, then maybe I can fist your pussy while I fuck your ass ..." Jessica looked down as Angus' cock popped up between them. It was amazing he could get it up after the workout it just had, but even more amazing that she wanted it up ... wanted it in her.

"And maybe you can go down on the gear shift while I fuck you ..." Angus said with a laugh.

Jessica smiled.

"I hope your car enjoyed itself ..." she said.

"I'm sure it did. Did you?"

Jessica nodded, and another intense spasm erupted between her legs ... and again when Angus pushed her away from him so that her bum pressed against the gear shift.

"And maybe ..." he said in a husky voice as he pressed her harder against it, "then you can sit on the gear shift with your asshole ..."

Jessica began to get excited but then she became painfully aware that she had to go to the bathroom.

"That ..." she said with a pause and a shudder of anticipation, "would be fantastic. But, right now I have to go to the bathroom."

Angus froze. He was just about to take her lip in his teeth, he was so primed ... oh well. Truth be told, he had to go to the bathroom too.

He sat up and looked around.

"Your clothes are outside. I'll get them." He sat up and looked down the length of her body. He remembered with renewed pleasure the reaction his body had had when Jessica first came out in the tight fitting shirt and shorts.

"I don't know what Jim was thinking, buying you those clothes. Christ Jessica, the way they fit you, you may as well be walking around naked. I thought I'd have to fight off the others. Shit ...".

Jessica had relaxed back onto the car seat and closed her eyes. Angus looked at her and wished he could find some way to skip the whole bodily function thing. Surely she could squat outside next to the car and go real fast.

"It just seems like that because up till now I've been wearing clothes that are ten times too big for me." Jessica said in a sleepy voice. She was feeling really, really relaxed. "Besides, Jim usually knows what he's doing."

There was a pregnant pause. Angus felt a ripple of jealousy run through him. Jessica had sounded almost reverent.

"Right." He grumbled.

Jessica opened one eye and peeked at him.

"Weren't you the one who wanted me to walk around naked?"

Angus stared at her. Unsure how to take that statement until Jessica's lips curved into a small smile.

"That would've been a disaster." Angus answered, trailing his hand along Jessica's thigh. "With those vultures," he said tilting his head toward the house, "we would've tripped over each other's dicks to get at you twenty-four seven."

Jessica closed her eye and her smile faded. Something about the conversation made Angus feel unsettled.

"I never really meant it." Angus said. He slid his hand up to where Jessica's hand rested on her abdomen and took a hold of the tip of her pinky. "I threatened to make you walk around naked to scare you."

He tugged on her pinky a little as silence hung in the air again.

"Jessica ..." he said and waited for her to open her eyes and look at him. But once she did, he had a hard time maintaining eye contact. "I'm really, really, sorry for what I did to you. How I abused you all that time. " He said and forced himself to look her in the eye. "I was an asshole. I can't take that back. I'm sorry. All I can do is promise to never do it again ... and I do. I promise."

Jessica looked at Angus and again couldn't believe the transformation that he'd gone through. His eyes kept slipping from hers and he lowered his head in a bashful way. He truly looked sorry.

"Thanks." Jessica said. And wrapped her pinky around his thumb.

"Can ... can you forgive me?" he asked quietly.

Jessica blinked at him. That was the last thing she'd expected him to say. Could she? Could she forgive him and the others? She searched her feelings. Replaying memories of the awful things done to her and tried to weigh if they could be forgiven.

The silence was loud. So loud Angus was sure he'd never heard a noise so deafening. With each moment of silence, Angus' head hung lower.

Jessica considered each man ... acts of indecency that came from each one, and time and again the only one of them who had not been completely vile to her was Jim. And even he had enough acts of brutality against her that he couldn't be let off the hook completely.

Finally Jessica knew the answer. Without exception, and uncategorically, the answer was no. She could not forgive them.

But should she tell Angus that?

Jimmy had said to be honest. No matter what, be honest.

Jessica took a deep breath and exhaled causing Angus to flick his eyes up to hers.

"No." The word came out in an even and strong tone. And Angus looked like he'd been punched in the stomach ... hard.

"I can't forgive you Angus. I can't forgive any of you. But I can get over it and move forward."

They looked at each other. Jessica slipped her hand further into his, entwining her fingers with his.

So this was what Jim and Scott were talking about. Brutal honesty. Painful, brutal honesty. He probably didn't even deserve that, but he'd take it.

"Is that possible?" Angus asked.

"It has to be ... I'm doing it. My parents used to always say that the problem with the world was that people felt that they had to forgive one another to get along. But there are some things that just can't be forgiven. It's better to just accept that and move on anyway. If everyone could do that, we'd have world peace."

Angus didn't know how to respond. The topic of her family was never broached between them except in the form of him torturing her with nasty statements and conjuring painful memories. But she'd mentioned them as if it were normally part of their everyday conversation. She didn't even look upset in any way.

"I think you've done it too." Jessica added. "You hated me and my family for what happened to your family. I doubt that you've forgiven us ... but I gather from recent events ..." she waved her free hand between them and a shade of pink colored her cheeks, "that you've managed to move past that."

Angus couldn't say anything. He just stared at her.

Jessica stared back. But after what seemed like an eternity, she began to worry. While Angus' expression hadn't changed ... he still looked at her with sheepish eyes and what Jessica could only describe as humility ... he seemed frozen. Maybe honesty wasn't the best policy in this case. But Jessica soon rejected that conclusion. It felt right. Very right.

She couldn't think of anything to say and if her need to go to the bathroom wasn't as urgent as it was becoming, she would have just waited for Angus to make the next move. But she couldn't.

"Angus ..." she said, shifting a little to try and relieve the pressure in her bladder.

"Sorry ..." he muttered, whereas before he couldn't maintain eye contact with Jessica, now he couldn't seem to end it. "I can't think of what to say right now."

"Me neither." Jessica said, "But, I really have to go to the bathroom."

"Oh ..." Angus said blinking like he'd come out of a trance ... "shit, sorry." He said pushing himself toward the door and basically falling through it once he'd pushed it open.

Once out of the car he struggled to get his clothes on and then gathered Jessica's ... each article of clothing was flung in every direction.

Jessica had moved to the open door and Angus helped her dress.

When they were done, Angus kissed her on the lips, took her hand and led her to the house.

Inside they found the others waiting ... and by the expressions on their faces their patience had run out.

Josh headed right over to Jessica.

"Are you alright?" he demanded, reaching for her forearm but freezing mid-air. Jessica's face flamed red and she seemed to shrink behind Angus.

He let his arm drop. God, he'd embarrassed the hell out of her.

"Sorry ..." he mumbled.

"It's okay." Jessica said. "Sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to be so ... loud."

Her face flamed red and none of the men could help but follow Josh's lead and hang their heads, sharing her embarrassment. Despite that, Angus was very aware that Jessica was hiding behind him. Just like she'd always done with Jim. He snaked an arm behind his back, behind her and pulled even tighter against his back.

"It's fine Jess ... don't worry about it." Riley muttered. Jim, Scott and Josh nodded in agreement.

"Dinner is ready." Scott said.

"Right. We'll wash up first." Angus said, moving toward the hallway, towing Jessica along behind him.

"We'll serve it in about ten minutes." Josh said, "So be fast."

Angus threw him a look and kept moving.

"Ladies first." Angus said indicating the toilet once they were in the bathroom.

As Jessica rushed to the toilet she pondered whether Angus' rules were considered void like the other rules or if they were exceptions. By the time she'd wiped, she'd concluded that she wouldn't take any chances ... so when Angus moved to the toilet, Jessica undressed, and stood facing him.

Naked, arms behind her back. He'd always demanded that she present herself to him in the bathroom and the bedroom. Even if this rule remained in effect, at least now Jessica's heart didn't pound in fear. Only in anticipation. Despite feeling pretty sexed out, she still felt a thrill shoot through her as she anticipated another out of the world orgasm.

When Angus turned from the toilet, his breath caught. Jessica stood before him, naked as a jay bird. Breasts, with nipples fully erect, thrust out toward him.

"Holy shit Jess ..." he said with a low growl ... a lazy grin on his face as he moved to her and took a breast in one hand, and cupped her butt cheek with the other. "You're an animal. Are you ready to go again?"

"Ah, sure ..." Jessica answered as Angus lowered his lips to hers. The tentative tone of her voice made Angus pause. He leaned back to look at her. She looked a little confused.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Well ... kind of. I'm just a little sore right now. Not to mention hungry. Really hungry."

Angus closed his eyes. Of course she was sore, of course she was hungry. Probably starving.

"Okay. We'll get cleaned up and go eat. But, what's with this ..." he said indicating her body, "if you didn't want to go at it again?"

Confusion clouded her eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked taking a step back. He lifted his hands and looked her over. Maybe he'd hurt her somehow.

"Your rule." Jessica said. "The one about undressing and presenting myself to you." She added when Angus didn't look at all enlightened.

Angus turned white and his jaw dropped.

"My rule? Christ Jessica, the rules are gone. Except the veto rule, remember?"

Jessica nodded, but she looked at him with an expression that made it clear she didn't believe him.

"Don't you remember?" he asked. "We just talked about it this morning ... "

"Yes, but this was your rule. I wasn't sure that the discussion this morning would cover it too."

"Well, it does." Angus said. He was beginning to feel sick to his stomach. All of these things that he'd done to torture her. He just wanted her to forget them ... and she obviously couldn't.

"Okay. If you're sure ..." She was looking at him with uncertainty again.

"You don't trust me ..." he gasped, realization hitting him like a ton of bricks.

It was Jessica's turn to be shocked. "Don't trust you?" Jessica repeated with a snort, "I let you impale me on your car's gear shift Angus. If that isn't trust I don't know what is ..."

Angus blinked. That was true. He looked so forlorn that Jessica moved into his arms.

"I just didn't want to take a chance on making you angry. That's all." She said pressing her face into his chest. Kissing it.

"I won't hurt you again Jessica. Never like before. I promise." Angus tilted Jessica's chin up. "You do believe me, right?"

Jessica nodded.

"And that whole ass thing ...I'm sorry I tried again. I know you don't like it. I won't do it again."

Jessica was shaking her head.

"It's okay Angus. I kind of enjoyed that." She ran her fingers through the hair on his chest.

"You did, didn't you? You enjoyed it all."

Memories of the expression on Jessica's face played over in his mind and looking at it again he realized that she'd been terrified. Terrified right up until the gear shift had been completely inside her and she'd started to feel pleasure.

Why in God's name did she let him do it?

"Jesus Jess ... why did you go along with ..." but as he spoke the image of her expression came back to him and he knew why. Horror, disgust, disappointment all swept over him. She'd done it because she'd thought she had to. She'd never had a choice with him before. And now he wondered if that had really changed at all. He couldn't imagine stopping. He couldn't picture her saying no, and him actually listening. Maybe that would never happen for her. And although he loved her, he couldn't see that changing. All he could do was hope that she never said no.

"Angus? Are you okay?" Jessica asked when he stared at her.

"Weren't you scared?" he asked.

" A little maybe." Jessica said, "But it seemed pretty kinky and I like that."

"You like kinky ... "

"Yup." She said kissing his chest.

"And I guess I have Scott to thank for that." Angus said ... a feeling of jealously mixing with the gratitude sweeping over him. He couldn't fathom how Scott had done it.


"But you're sore ..." he said sliding his one hand down to rest on her butt, his other hand to rest on the curls that covered her pussy.

"Yeah ..." she said smiling and bringing her finger up to trace his lips. "Given what I had shoved up there, I think it's pretty reassuring that I'm sore ... don't you?"

Angus watched laughter roll across her face. Her eyes twinkled with it.

"Jesus Jess ..." he muttered, shaking his head. "Reassuring, sure."

"Plus, I'm bleeding a little ... must be from your well hung car," she added with a giggle.
