Lisa Ch. 06: Changes


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"Oh ... uh, are you okay?" Angus asked in alarm, his fingers caressing her pussy as he stepped back and looked her up and down. "Maybe you should take some medicine, if it hurts ... like when you're on the rag." He made a mental note to ask Scott whether Jessica minded sex while on the rag. He didn't like the idea of not fucking her for a whole week. It crossed his mind to ask her, but something felt off. He suspected that she'd go along with it just to make him happy and he didn't want that.

"Angus, Jess!" Josh's voice accompanied four loud bangs on the bathroom door. "Dinner's ready!"

Jessica and Angus jumped, and Angus noted, with relief and immense happiness, that Jessica clung to him.

"We're coming!" Angus snapped. He pulled Jessica against him in a bear hug and kissed the top of her head. "Let's get cleaned up before they break down the door ..." he muttered.

An hour later they'd eaten a quiet dinner. Jessica's face alternating between a light pink and bright red color as the men, Riley, Jim and Josh contemplated what it would take to make Jessica scream like she had with Angus ... their thoughts were obvious by the expressions on their faces.

After they'd finished eating, Jessica sat on the sofa with Jim, and Josh, getting ready to play cards.

Riley had met with the clan during the day, so once Angus and Riley helped Scott wash up the dishes they were going to sit at the kitchen table and plan for the upcoming job while Scott joined Jessica, Josh and Jim for cards.

As they cleaned all three men kept glancing over at Jessica as she giggled and joked with Josh and Jim while they sorted the cards. Eventually it dawned on Angus that he had the perfect opportunity to ask Scott his question about Jessica and fucking while on the rag.

"Ah, Scott." Angus said while taking the clean dish from him and drying it. "Does Jessica ... " Jessica's laughed interrupted the question.

All three looked over at the couch. Jessica was practically writhing on the sofa, laughing so hard. Josh and Jim also. It reminded Angus of the joke she hadn't wanted to tell him.

It reminded Riley of it too, "You guys seem to have some really funny material ..." Riley grumbled.

"You were saying Angus?" Scott asked trying to divert their attention from the trio on the couch. The last thing he, Jim, and Josh needed was for them to be even more pissed off at them and Riley looked like he was getting grumpy.

"Does Jessica like fucking when she's on the rag?"

"No." Scott said, "At least I don't think so. I've never tried. Why, do you like it? When she's on the rag I mean ..." It'd never occurred to Scott to try it.

"Makes no difference to me." Angus said quietly, looking over at Jessica again.

"Riley?" Scott asked.

"Nope. Never really considered it to be an option."

"Why don't you just ask her?" Scott asked.

"I would." Angus said, "But I think she may just say it was okay to avoid making waves."

Riley grunted agreement.

Scott wasn't so sure. "Just tell her to be honest. If she isn't honest with you then it's her problem if she gets stuck doing something she doesn't want. What?" he demanded when both Riley and Angus looked at him like he was the village idiot.

"Easy for you to say." Riley said. "You're not the one who has to play catch-up."

Scott was about to argue that compared to Jim, Scott was in the same boat as them but thought better of it when he saw Angus' dejected expression.

"Christ Angus, it's not that bad." Scott said.

"Oh yeah? I've got her tonight, and I can't fuck her."

"She's not on the rag." Scott said glancing at Jessica again, "She just finished last week."

"I know but she may as well be. Our ... adventure ... in the car made her bleed a little. I'm thinking she deserves a break but I don't know how to be with her without fucking her. Up until now, when she was with me I either ignored her or fucked her ... not really options now. I don't know what the fuck else to do." As the realization sunk in for Angus he started to feel queasy ... what the hell was he going to do with her?

"Oh man ..." Riley muttered. It was the same for him. Ignoring her or fucking her weren't really good options anymore, especially when she was on the rag... now what?

"You could talk to her ..." Scott said. He'd meant it sarcastically but when he saw the looks of apprehension verging on terror on Angus and Riley's faces he regretted being so flippant. "No seriously ... talk to her."

"About?" Riley asked.

"You have interests in common. Riley, she loves training the dogs with you ... Angus she loves cars ... just like you." For a moment Scott's wording brought a smile to Angus' face. She loved cars alright ... one car in particular ...

Scott misread his expression as one of understanding and agreement. "Sure ... sure, look through those mechanic and car magazines you have with her ... she'd love that."

Angus was slowly nodding his head. He could do that.

"And I guess I have some dog breeding magazines I could share with her." Riley said.

"That's perfect!" Scott exclaimed. "She loves puppies too. Maybe she could help you breed some of your dogs."

Both men were nodding.

Angus was still nervous about how the night would go but at least he had some idea of what to do.

"Anything else?" Scott asked as he passed the last dish to Angus.

"Naw, thanks." Angus said.

"Thanks." Riley said.

Scott went to join the others. Riley watched him drop onto the sofa and jump in to the conversation and banter so easily. "It's so easy for him." He muttered.

Angus nodded. "It's so easy for them." he said.

"It didn't always used to be." Riley said. "I remember when she hated them."

"I remember when she hated us. That's changed now."

"True. But something is still missing for us." Riley said.

"Yeah. Maybe some of it is just time. They had a lot more time with her than we did." Angus grumbled, feeling his anger at that injustice igniting again.

"We need to start changing that." Riley said as they moved to the kitchen table and spread out the papers for their upcoming job. "And I say that when Scott takes Ebony out for breeding, they all go with him. That way you and I have her for several days ... alone."

"Perfect. Now let's get this shit done. I need to scrounge up those magazines." Angus said.

They looked over the papers for a few minutes before Angus' eyes strayed back to Jessica. He couldn't concentrate and he surprised himself by saying, "How much longer can we do this shit Riley? You heard her ... there's no way she's going to love us if we keep active in the field. Besides, while we're off being assholes, Jessica's feeling closer and closer to those guys." And that was the biggest reason he didn't want to go out any more. He didn't want to be away from Jessica any more than he had to. He knew they could always send Jim, Josh and Scott into the field but they'd been out of it for so long Angus had little doubt they'd catch a bullet the first time out. Jessica wouldn't like that, he was sure and despite how pissed off he was at them, he didn't want them hurt either.

"I know." Riley said locking his eyes on Jessica too. He was quiet for so long that Angus began to think he'd pissed him off. "The only option is to stick with intel jobs. I'm not sure how to convince Paul but I'll find a way." In truth Riley hadn't contemplated changing his and Angus' duties before. Dealing with Paul was like dealing with a live grenade. No one knew what would set him off and he'd always found it safest to stay out of his way in the past. But remembering the look on Jessica's face when she'd asked them to stop hurting people left little doubt in his mind that something had to change. Change in the clan meant dealing with Paul.

"Let's get this job done." Riley continued, "No one gets hurt anyway, and then we'll have to talk to the guys and come up with a plan. One thing is for sure though Paul will be pissed which means he'll be even more of an asshole."

Angus nodded. He was beginning to feel like he was suffering from some attention deficit disorder. No sooner had this conversation ended than his attention was back on Jessica. The others had dealt their cards and Angus realized that he wanted to hear what they were saying. He strained to hear them.

As the cards were dealt out, Jessica seemed very relaxed.

'The amazing sex may have something to do with that ...' Jim mumbled to himself, feeling more than just a little inadequate. He shook his head. He was sure that if he put his mind to it he could make her scream ... his way ... but it didn't make him feel any better.

He knew it was ridiculous. His relationship with Jessica, sexual and non-sexual, was just fine. And he'd never been very worried about the sexual side of things. He had Jessica's heart and trust and that was everything he needed and wanted, but somehow the fact that Angus had produced such a visible change in Jessica's demeanor in a way that Jim just couldn't imagine doing himself, made him feel uneasy. Feeling envious of Angus about anything related to Jessica seemed so foreign.

He could see that Josh and Scott noticed it too but while it threw him off balance it seemed to make them happy. This advancement in such a positive way with Jessica seemed to relax Josh almost as much as it had Jessica, and Scott seemed amused, almost giddy, as if Angus' effects on Jessica were an unspoken challenge to Scott to raise the bar on his own dealings with her. Jim shook his head, wondering how sex, something that he'd once thought was pretty basic and simple, could suddenly seem so advanced and complicated. In any case, the evidence that Jessica needed and thrived on what Angus had done was right in front of him ... he'd have to figure out how he planned to respond. For the first time he wondered if he should be paying more attention to sex.

"What's the bet Jess." Josh said. Scott managed to pull the short straw to be Jessica's partner again.

"From you ... I want ... " Jessica had a mischievous look on her face and she was rubbing her hands together, "you to sit and watch the Twilight movies with me."

"Aw Christ Jess!" Josh replied with more animation than he'd had since he'd wigged out over raping Jessica, "I hate those movies!"

Jessica was laughing. "I know, I love them though, and I want you to watch them with me."

Back at the table Angus had been observing the whole exchange.

"Angus ..." Riley said raising his voice and snapping his fingers to get his attention.

"Sorry ..." Angus muttered and reluctantly turned his attention back to the papers before him.

Riley looked over his shoulder at Jessica and then swung his gaze back to Angus. "You know ... they'd probably let you play."

"Looks like a four player game." Angus answered. "Plus I'm not much of a card player."

"Neither am I but I think it may be a good idea for you to start to pick it up. I'm willing to. I'm sure they'd teach us." Riley said. And an exciting thought came to him ... maybe he could play chess with Jessica. It was his favorite game. Riley felt relief intermingle with excitement now that he knew what he'd be doing with Jessica on his night with her. Reading the dog training magazines with Jessica had seemed lame to him but now he had something he could see working.

A couple of hours later Angus and Riley had completed their preparations.

It was ten o'clock, Jessica and the others seemed to be done their game, and Jessica looked really tuckered out. Angus had every right to take her to bed ... but he was still hesitant. He'd found some car magazines, put them on his bedside table. And by the look on her face it was likely she'd just go to sleep anyway ... but to Angus that would be really disappointing. God, he was afraid to be alone with her but he didn't want her to fall to sleep. How fucking messed up was that?

Maybe he'd have a beer ... take the edge off. Supposedly Jessica'd had beer before and didn't like it. She's liked wine at dinner the other night. He looked in the fridge. Well, there was some white wine left. He poured her a glass. If she didn't want it, he'd drink it too. His edge was feeling pretty sharp right then.

"Would you like some wine Jess?" he asked. She sat on the sofa between Jim and Josh, and he extended the glass to her.

"Thanks." She said standing up. "Here sit down." She said taking the glass and pulling his arm so that he moved to sit on the sofa behind her. She batted his arms out of the way and plopped herself onto his lap, and wiggled back until she was leaning on his chest. His physical reaction to her made him groan. How the hell was he going to keep his hands off her now?

Jim looked at his watch. Five after ten ... and Angus wasn't dragging Jessica off to bed. That was a first. By the look of her, she needed to go to bed. She'd been tired before. Now after a couple of sips of wine she was beginning to drift off on his lap. He sure hoped Angus planned to let her sleep because she was going to need her energy for their run the next morning.

"I'll take that ..." Scott said, catching the glass of wine just before it slipped from Jessica's hands.

"Guess I'd better take her to bed." Angus said, leaning over to see her face. Jessica was fighting hard to keep her eyes open. He felt a mixture of disappointment and relief ... well, if she went to sleep right away he couldn't fuck things up with her. That was reassuring but not very fulfilling ... he wanted more ... more of a relationship, but he didn't trust himself to have the restraint necessary to build it.

"Don't forget about the deal." Jim said as Angus chugged the rest of his beer.

"What deal?" he asked when he'd finished and lowered the beer bottle onto the coffee table.

"Tomorrow morning ... I've gotta get Jessica from you early for a couple of hours. Remember?" Jim said when Angus looked at him like he was a brick short of a load. "For chores and stuff."

"Oh yeah." Angus said but settled back against the sofa. He remembered alright. "What exactly does 'and stuff' entail?"

Jim hesitated for a moment. The running would be no big surprise. Shooting practice ... he decided to only bring that up if he had to. "Jessica jogs with us in the mornings remember? We have to do the chores extra early in order to make sure we have the time for jogging."

Angus and Riley remembered all right and it was clear from the way that Jessica sat up on Angus' lap, suddenly alert that she was looking forward to it.

"Fine. What time do you need her?" Angus asked distracted by Jessica's alertness ... he'd get time alone with her after all, damn it, why did he feel so nervous.

"I'll come get her." Jim replied.

"Right. Okay Jess, ready for bed?"

"Yes." She got up and said goodnight to everyone and then taking Angus' hand she followed him down the hallway.

Inside the room Angus turned his back to Jessica, to lock the door. For once he was locking it to keep people out rather than Jessica in ... though he was in no hurry to let her go. Once he locked it, he took a deep breath and lent his head against the door. Jessica was behind him, in the room, and really quiet. If he turned around and she was naked, presenting herself to him again ... they would do nothing but fuck. All night long. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Feeling no confidence in his powers of self-control, Angus turned around.

And Jessica stood in the middle of the room.

Fully dressed.

He exhaled in relief. But it was short lived because suddenly he felt at a loss for what to do next. He rubbed his palms on his thighs ... they were so clammy. And he felt kind of ... shy. He forced himself to look at Jessica. This was stupid. Why was he acting like an eight year old boy? His gaze found Jessica looking shy also. She was twisting her hands together and swinging her body slightly from side to side.

Given everything they'd done together over the past few days, especially earlier in the car, Jessica was surprised to find herself feeling a little shy and embarrassed around Angus. Like she had with Scott. And she was even more surprised to realize that Angus seemed to be feeling the same way. He seemed unable to meet her eyes and he kept rubbing his hands on his thighs. Jessica felt something melt inside ... she'd never seen Angus look nervous before.

"This is a little awkward ... isn't it?" she asked. Taking a tentative step toward him.

"Yeah. Ah, I kind of thought we'd skip fucking tonight. Try talking, or something ... if you want, that is ..." he added quickly when Jessica looked at him in surprise.

"I'd love it. Should I put some pajamas on?"


"Should I get some from the other guys? Or just wear one of your shirts?" Jessica asked. She'd never worn pajamas with Angus before so she'd never had a reason to have any in his room.

"One of my shirts." Angus said skirting by her to his dresser doing his best to avoid any contact with her. One touch and he knew he'd be all over her. He handed her a large cotton shirt, and tried not to look too closely while she changed, leaving only the shirt and underpants on. Suddenly it dawned on him that he should wear something to bed too. He'd never slept in anything but the nude. But that wouldn't work tonight if he planned to keep it a fuck free night. He grabbed a clean shirt, put it on and left his underwear on.

Angus turned to see Jessica watching him. God, he was pitching a tent ... he folded his hands over his groin.

"Angus, I'll take care of that for you ..." Jessica said moving toward him, eyeing the bulge in his underwear. She felt a warmth growing for Angus, she was touched that he was trying so hard ... even wearing pajamas for her.

"No Jessica, stay right there." Angus said raising his hands. "I can do this. I have some car magazines on the bedside table we could look through ..."

"Really?" Jessica asked moving to the bedside table. "These are wicked!" she exclaimed with excitement. She scrambled onto the bed, grabbed a magazine and began leafing through it. Angus stood watching her ... thrown off by the sudden change in her demeanor. She looked like a kid in a toy store as she ogled over each page ... and 'wicked'? Where the hell did she pick that up?

"Are you coming?" Jessica said when Angus hadn't moved. She pulled back the blanket and patted the bed beside her. Angus climbed in beside her and without looking up from the magazine, Jessica moved in close to him, nuzzled her head under his arm and flopped down against him. "Look, this looks like your corvette but it's a year older ... " she jabbed a finger at a yellow corvette on the page.

Jessica seemed so different. So, free. As much as Angus wanted to fuck Jessica, he was suddenly struck with a completely different yet equally strong drive to know everything there was to know about Jessica. He felt like he wanted ... needed to ask her every question he'd ever had for her.

He pulled her harder against him so suddenly that Jessica jumped, "Oh." She said and looked up at him, expecting to see lust in his expression. Instead she found determination.

"Jessica. How did you know there was water in my fuel line?"

Jessica blinked. Surprised by Angus' line of thought.

"Um, well ... your engine was running kind of rough. It wasn't surprising when it stalled."

Angus stared at her. "But how did the water get in there? It never occurred to me to check for water because I couldn't see how it would get there."

"You have to have a small leak somewhere." Jessica said. "Every morning you had condensation all over the car. Eventually it leaked enough water into the engine."

"Condensation ..."

Jessica was nodding her head. "It happened to my dad all the time. His favorite car was this lemon he'd bought just after I was born. He didn't have much time to work on it, but when he had some spare time, we would fix it up together. He had a hole the size of the Grand Canyon in his gas tank. It got flooded all the time. Finally my mom got tired of fixing it so she and my brothers chipped in for a new ... well, newish, tank. It was used, just not as decrepit as his original one."
