Little White Lies Ch. 08


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"Sure thing," Dex said, seeing the weathered sadness in his father's eyes. Watching as he went upstairs, Dex sighed deeply, wondering what he could do to help.

For the rest of the week, life was relatively normal for Dex. He went to school, went to work, came home and either hung out with Jessie or was lazy at home. Once he went to work out with Alec, and despite having the desire to come clean, was able to abide by Erin's wishes and keep their little tryst a secret.

Jessie let him know on Monday that her hours at work had been cut, and she was getting frustrated about not being able to find a job. He'd told her that she could always borrow money, or just stay with him if she couldn't pay rent, but she didn't seem too concerned about it, more frustrated about being bored, he assumed.

As for his normal sexual shenanigans, they'd seemed to have calmed down a bit. True to her word, Erin hadn't turned into a stalker or showed up at his house when it was just him. He still felt bad about not telling Alec, but he figured that Jessie probably already knew.

He'd decided not to lose sleep over it. Jessie let him sleep around with whoever he wanted to, basically, so he was confident that she didn't care about his little tryst with Erin. The only reason she might have been mad was because neither of them really wanted her to have to owe Alec anything. Dex had enough trouble worrying about Jessie "flirting" with random dudes without throwing another potential into the mix.

Still, he had to admit that the images that had been conjured in his head when she'd talked about how his dad had nailed her to the wall in their kitchen had been extremely hot.

Vicky was gone on some work thing for the week, so he didn't have to worry about her needing him. Nicole and the other account managers were all gone, as well, so he was left alone at work. His boss was always kind of an ass, so that wasn't anything new.

Jessie was always good to go, of course, as was Donna. He hadn't been without sex, of course, and had had it 3 of the 4 days by the time Friday rolled around. Jessie mentioned Erin saying something about a party coming up, but she didn't know the details. She also said that Donna and John had invited them to a strip club that evening, the one she'd mentioned before.

After letting her know that he was in, he went to his computer when he got home and looked up the club. As he checked it out a little, he saw that there was an amateur strip tease competition and was momentarily concerned at the thought of Jessie seeing that and wanting to give it a shot.

That was the moment that something clicked, and he realized something. He'd only ever seen his girlfriend misbehave once or twice. He knew what kind of girlfriend he had, and he knew for a fact that she was going to break the rules again. Plus, his dad needed some sort of release. While not wanting the two to fuck again, he figured that his dad could rub one out while she was cleaning like she'd said he'd done before, and it wouldn't be pushing any boundaries. Not to mention the time that she'd gotten Dex's motor running by making his dad jerk off on her.

Realization striking him like a bolt of lightning, he suddenly understood that he liked when she misbehaved, but only when he saw it. Sitting stunned for a while, he quietly wondered what that said about him. What's more, he'd only really enjoyed it when she did it on her own, against his wishes.

His mind raced with possibilities then, thinking about how he could instigate her into wanting to do the contest, but then he realized that she probably wouldn't need any pushing. Maybe he could even invite his dad out to have some fun and enjoy the titties and beer. It had probably been ages since he'd gone out and had one. He'd even get to buy him a lap dance!

He grinned, not thinking for a minute that his dad would agree, but vowing to ask him, nonetheless. A second idea hit him then, and he smiled to himself, picking up his phone and calling Jessie. After she heard his idea, he heard her excitement build and listened as she giggled into the phone for a full thirty seconds.

Smiling, he knew he could count on her to convince the old man to join them.

Turning, he went and hopped in the shower and started to get ready for the evening ahead.


Around 7:30, Jessie and Donna came inside, followed by John. Jessie had ridden with them but was obviously going to ride with Dex and his dad.

"Hi baby!" she said, running and jumping into his arms like always.

"Oof," he said, catching her and drawing a playfully slap on the cheek.

"Oof my ass!" she said. "Are you calling me fat?"

"Totally fat," he said, grinning.

She smirked and kissed him. "It's gonna be so fun tonight!" she said.

Donna came over and squirreled Jessie down from Dex's arms and kissed him. "Hey handsome," she said, the words falling from her lips like thick syrup. She looked incredibly sexy, wearing a little black dress with some sexy shoes. Her breasts, pushed up with the help of her bra, looked dynamite and she practically oozed sensuality.

"Gaddamn," Dex said, looking down. "You look... fuckin' incredible."

"Aww, baby, you don't have to sweet talk me to get some of this later," she said, smiling.

John came over, offering Dex his hand grinning. "Dirty slut cleans up nice, don't she?"

She flipped off her boyfriend and ran a hand up Dex's chest, kissing him again. "Keep fuckin' with me and I'm making a Murphy/Donna sandwich later," she threatened.

"Bitch don't get me all turned on right now!" he cried dramatically.

Dex laughed. "It's good to see your dumb ass," he said, realizing that he'd missed the loudmouth redneck.

John grinned. "Don't get all mushy on me you big homo," he said, but then pushed Donna out of the way and grabbed Dex in a hug. "Come here you big softy, give Johnny a kiss."

Dex laughed and easily pried himself loose, laughing and pushing him back.

"Oh, come on, lemme feel yer butt then," John called out, reaching down.

"Jessie, make John stop being... himself," Donna said, frowning over at her.

Jessie giggled, shrugging. "He's your jackass, slut."

Donna adopted a hurt look on her face, but then shrugged and grinned.

"So, does Don know anything?" she asked, as John and Dex laughed and bumped shoulders in a manly fashion.

He guessed that Jessie had enlisted her roommate's help and shook his head in response.

"I didn't want him to shoot me down and plant a firm no for an answer. I figured you two could go up and force him to get dressed."

John grinned. "Shit, can I watch? If my lady sees another monster dick, bitch gonna be all over that shit."

The girls grinned and hurried upstairs, ignoring John's request. Dexter smiled, beckoning him forward and following behind them.

"Hey there!" he heard his dad say. "What's going on with you girls tonight?"

"Hi papa!" Jessie said, entering his room in front of Donna. "We're taking you out tonight! Let's get you dressed!"

"What?" he heard his dad say. "Oh, you don't want me slowing y'all down."

"It's not a choice, Don," Donna said. "You're coming with us, and that's final. Now... let's go get you showered while Jessie picks some clothes out."

Dex had made it into the room by then as Donna was leading Don over to the bathroom from his desk.

Shrugging at the look his dad had given him, but really liking the smile he saw on his face, he watched as Jessie giggled and went to the closet, and Donna led him to the bathroom.

John didn't seem to mind in the least and stepped in, watching the scene unfold. Dex followed, stepping quietly behind them.

He saw Donna starting to undress his dad, pausing to turn on the water to the shower and then turning back to keep undressing him. She smirked and looked past him, then reached over and shut the door.

"Aw shit," John said. "Bitch could've given us a show."

Dex chuckled.

After a few minutes, Jessie had some clothes picked out and had set them on the bed. "No sexy times in there!" she called, turning and taking John and Dex by the hand and leading them downstairs.

"Donna's the queen of getting people looking good in a hurry," she said. "Let's go wait downstairs."

Dex chuckled, leading the way back down.

"So, what's this place like?" he asked, looking at John.

"Well, they got a stage and some stripper poles, big titted bitches and beer. What else you need, fucker?" he said, grinning widely.

Dex laughed.

"Nah, it's a pretty decent spot," John said.

He went on to describe what the layout was like and then set Dexter up perfectly for part of what he was wanting to achieve that evening.

"But on some nights, like tonight, they'll have amateur contests. It's always a coin toss with that shit though. That can either be really fuckin' sexy, or really fuckin' bad," he said.

"Oh, that sounds like so much fun!" Jessie said, grinning.

"You should do it," Dex said, grinning.

"You think?" she asked, looking excited by the prospect, yet worried. "What about your dad being there?" she asked, but then rolled her eyes as she realized how dumb that sounded. "Well... what about Alec and John?"

"Babe... he's been in you," he said bluntly, pointing at the man standing next to them. "Plus he sees you naked constantly. It was just a fun suggestion. You don't have to do it."

"But it sounds fun!" she said, frowning. "Oh... I don't know."

Dexter smiled, winking at John, who smiled widely back as he got the gist of what Dex was doing.

As Jessie was preoccupied with thinking about doing an amateur striptease, he and John talked about John's job search. After about ten minutes, Donna came downstairs with his dad, looking more cleaned up and nice than he'd seen him in a long time.

"Oh my, Don," Jessie said. "You look so handsome!"

Don chuckled, shaking his head. "I appreciate it, but you guys go and have a good time."

"You're going old man," John said, smacking him on the back good-naturedly.

Don smirked, looking over at Dex for a moment. "Do I at least get to know where I'm being taken?"

"Nope!" Donna said, winking at him. "Trust me, you'll like it, and if you don't, I'll make sure you're sufficiently distracted."

Dexter chuckled, seeing the smile on his dad's face, and shrugged.

"Alright party animals," John said. "Let's kick this pig in the ass!" he yelled.

The other four looked at each other in confusion, but laughed regardless, then shrugged and followed him out.

"We'll ride in Dex's truck and meet you there," Jessie said, waving as the other two climbed into John's truck.

"What are you two getting me into?" he asked, climbing in behind Jessie as she slid to the middle.

Dexter grinned. "It was all my idea," he said. "So, if you get pissed, it's my fault."

Jessie giggled, sliding close and kissing Dex on the cheek, but then sliding back and leaning into his dad.

"Do you really want to know where we're going?" she asked, smiling up at him.

"I wouldn't mind, but if I am spoiling some kind of surprise, I can wait," he said, glancing at the two.

She giggled, turning to look at Dex, who shrugged.

"You have to promise that you'll still go if I tell you," she said. "Promise."

His dad smirked, nodding, but then said, "I promise," when he saw her determined, unyielding stare.

She grinned, snuggling up against his arm and giggling. "We're taking you to a strip club!"

Don smiled widely, shaking his head, but didn't protest. "Well, why are you wanting me to go?" he asked.

"Well, besides the fact that it will get you out of the house, I'm thinking of dancing for the amateur night contest and we need people that will actually cheer for me!"

Dexter couldn't have put it better himself if he'd had a week to come up with it. Severely loving his girlfriend in that moment, he glanced over and saw the wide smile on his dad's face, his heart swelling in happiness.

"Well, I can certainly do that. I just don't want to be a 5th wheel or anything," he said.

"Oh, nonsense," Jessie said before Dex could assure him that he wasn't going to be.

She reached over and held Dex's hand, but then leaned over into his dad's shoulder, sharing the affection as he drove to the strip club, John and his girlfriend leading the way in front of them.

After pulling into an ATM so that he and his dad could get cash if they wanted it, Dex was surprised to see him withdraw a hefty amount and smiled knowingly at him as he glanced over. Offering only a wink and grin, he hopped back in and the five were back on the road.

As they pulled in a few minutes later, Dex was surprised at how nice the place looked. He'd never been there, but he'd always kind of expected a nondescript brick building. This was a large, single story complex with a nice exterior, valet parking, and security standing at the door.

Smiling, Dex watched as his dad looked around and made sure that nothing valuable was being left out in the open and they all hopped out when the Valet came over and took the keys. Dex got the ticket and put it in a secure spot in his wallet so that he didn't lose it.

Jessie took his hand in hers and then walked up toward where John and Donna were waiting. Turning as they came up, he entered with the other four following. Don paid for Dexter and Jessie, despite Dex's protests, and John took care of him and his girlfriend.

After all the formalities, Jessie paused at the front counter and got the attention of the girl working the register.

"If I wanted to do the amateur night contest, where would I sign up?

The girl smiled and had her sign a consent form, saying that it didn't mean she had to dance, just that she could, along with a bunch of liability stuff.

"Just listen for the DJ to tell you when you need to go and get ready. One of the dancers will take you back. Have fun and good luck!"

"Thanks!" she replied, turning and grinning at Dex and Don as they watched, both bemused.

"You're still okay with me doing this?" she asked, looking at Dex, and then surprisingly at Don.

"Only if you want to, babe," Dexter replied.

Don smiled and shrugged in response, and she must have taken that as consent. Grabbing both of their hands, she led them in. Dex saw that John and Donna had found a table that seemed ideally positioned to take in all the action. As soon as the five sat down, a big-chested waitress came over and took their drink order. As soon as she left, John smiled and stood, the others turning to see Alec and Erin joining them.

"Hey guys!" Erin said, hugging Jessie and Dex, then moving over to do the same to Donna, Don, and John. Alec shook hands and gave a kiss on the cheek to Jessie and Donna.

"Erin you look so gorgeous!" Jessie said, smiling widely and gushing over her friend.

Dexter had to agree. All three women were wearing some variation of little black dress. Jessie's spectacular body looked incredible in it, and Donna's tits were just pouring out of her top. Erin, smaller chested than the other two, but with movie-star quality beauty, was a smoke show.

Dex couldn't help but admire the not-so-subtle curve of her breasts as she leaned over to hug his dad, her obvious nipples pushing against the taut fabric. He suddenly remembered feeling how they tasted and felt on his tongue, in his mouth, then immediately remembered about fucking her gently, quietly in the middle of the night while his girlfriend and her boyfriend slept quietly near them. She seemed to know what he was thinking and flashed him a smile as she sat down. Guiltily, he looked over at his friend Alec and was surprised to see a smirk on his face.

The waitress came back with drinks as the girls started to talk and the guys watched the dancing action. A pretty blonde with long hair and wearing a blue bikini was up on the main stage. John looked to be enraptured with her.

Looking around, Dex saw that it was decently crowded, and that there were more women there than he expected. He hadn't thought it would be a full-on sausage-factory, but the actual number of women was surprising. He wondered if they were all there for amateur night.

"You ever been to one of these places, Don?" Alec asked, smiling widely.

Dex glanced over at his dad, genuinely curious to learn something about him that he didn't know.

With a nod and a smile, he confirmed that he had. "In my youth, bachelor parties and nights out with friends in college. It's been a long damn time though."

The group laughed and talked over drinks, and after a half hour, they got to watch John buy a lap dance from a stripper named Cinnamon, who seemed to know him.

"Shit, dude, how much do you come here?" Dex asked after the dance had ended and the dark-skinned beauty had gone on to the next table.

"Every other week or so when I'm in town," he said. "I always bring Donna, so she don't mind me getting a lap dance or three," he said, flashing a charming grin.

"So, you going to dance, Jessie?" Erin asked.

"I think so!" she confirmed. "I'm super nervous and excited though. Wait..." she said, getting an excited look on her face. "Why don't you do it with me!"

"Oh! No..." Erin said quickly. "No, no, no," she said quickly, shaking her head.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Alec said, chuckling. "She's nice and comfortable around folks but she's got some terrible stage fright," he said, taking her hand.

She frowned and nodded. "I'd just freeze up," she admitted.

Jessie frowned but seemed to accept the reason.

"Don't worry, I'll go keep you company," Donna said. "I'm not dancing, but I won't leave you alone."

Dex saw his girlfriend grin and chuckled, then turned to look at the girl on stage, Haven. The music started to fade and the DJ announced amateur night at 11:00 PM. The group grinned and looked at Jessie. Dex could sense her getting a little nervous and decided to break the tension.

"So, Donna, you ever go up there?"

The gorgeous brunette shook her head, smirking at him. "I'm not nearly as brave as your girl," she said.

"Well, I think she'll do great," Alec said, smiling. "To Jessie's budding career as a stripper!" he said, drawing a scowl from Jessie and laughter from the others.

The group raised their glasses and toasted, regardless. For the next few hours, they all slowly sipped their drinks. And more than a few lap dances were purchased and enjoyed. Jessie leaned over after a bit and nudged Dex in the ribs.

"Maybe we should buy your dad one?" she asked.

He smiled, nodding and handing her a wad of cash. She grinned and flagged down a particularly cute stripped named Crystal.

"Can you give my Papa a lap dance?" Jessie asked, getting a grin from the young woman and a groan from Don.

The group cheered and backed up as the stripper slithered over to him. Dex watched for a bit, noting how his dad accepted his fate and the peculiar way he seemed to follow the gaze of the young woman as she danced and undulated on him. When she straddled him, she looked down and then up at him, smiling widely.

"Oh... my god..." Glancing at Donna in disbelief, Crystal raised her eyebrow questioningly.

The brunette grinned and nodded, holding up her hands about a foot apart. Dex saw his dad blushing but not looking away. The stripper started to grind up and down on him, smiling and laughing as she talked and danced with his dad.

Around 10:30, the DJ made another announcement and had the contestants come up to the DJ booth.

Jessie smiled and stood, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek before saying, "Wish me luck!" to the group. They all did so and Dex watched as she and Donna walked over to the booth, followed by several other women.

John gestured for the others to move up to the chairs around the stage, and they claimed four spots before the rest were taken.

Alec patted his knee and let Erin sit down in his lap.
