Little White Lies Ch. 10


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Giggling, she finally let his cock fall from her lips as she stood, surprised as he wrapped her in a hug and kissed her, his tongue pushing inside as he squeezed her tight.

"Mmm, yummy," she said sleepily. "Thanks for the snack!"

"Donna told me to come wake you up for class, and you were laying there all sexy and shit. I just couldn't help myself." John led her from her bedroom and to the bathroom while they spoke, and she saw Donna stepping from the shower.

"Mmm, you know I'm always happy to swallow cum," she said.

Stretching her arms above her head, she raised them to the sky and arched her back, then giggled as she saw the two of them staring like they were hungry wolves, and she was a tiny rabbit.

"God, you are so fuckin' sexy," Donna said, shaking herself from her trance as she continued to towel off.

"John was sweet enough to let me have his cum this morning," she said.

Donna rolled her eyes. "Only you would say something like that and actually mean it."

"I don't know what you mean," she said, causing Donna to look over and laugh.

"You're such an adorable little slut."

John was standing in front of the toilet, watching the exchange and relieving himself with an amused smile on his face.

"Most girls wouldn't be so happy to have a guy's dick in their mouth when they wake up," John said.

"Oh," Jessie replied. "I don't know why they wouldn't. I love it!"

"That's my point," Donna said, reaching out and grabbing Jessie's arm. "You're just such a little vixen that you make John and I even hornier than we normally are. You stand here naked and adorable, stretching and making cute, sleepy little moans and I feel like I'm half guy, wanting to go over and do terrible things to you."

Jessie giggled, raising an eyebrow at her roommate and making for the shower. Donna stopped her though, and almost as if she and John had planned it, lifted her up and placed her on the counter with John's help.

Sighing in amused resignation, she looked down as her roommate pushed her back on the bathroom counter, causing her to lean into the wall as her legs were lifted up and spread apart.

"Jesus," Donna muttered, leaning over and lowering her face close between Jessie's legs, her pussy mere inches away. "You dare walk around with this delectable treat out and not let me have a taste?"

Biting her lip, Jessie watched as her best friend stared at her, lowering her face into her pussy while she did so. She was still sore from the punishment she'd taken Saturday night and Sunday morning and didn't really want any attention, but Donna's efforts were extremely persuasive.

Her warm tongue sliding up the trough of Jessie's pussy sent shivers of delight coursing through her body, emanating outward from between her legs. Her gaze drilled into Jessie's own, and she couldn't suppress the moan of pleasure as her bestie started back at the bottom of her pussy and moved up again.

"Damn that looks good," John said, leaning over from Donna's left and maneuvering to run his own tongue up Jessie's slit, his girlfriend apparently more than happy to let him have a few licks himself.

Wet slurping sounds began to come from the couple as they alternated sucking and licking at Jessie's poor, sore pussy. She was enjoying it immensely though and wasn't about to ask them to stop.

Soon, both of them had her squirming, and she was able to achieve a nice, almost subtle orgasm as she lay perched precariously on the bathroom counter. After she finished whimpering through her orgasm, Donna helped her up while John turned the water back on.

"Mmm, thank you," Jessie said, kissing her on the lips.

"Thank you," Donna replied before slurping rudely at Jessie's tongue.

Giggling, she turned as Donna left the bathroom to go get dressed, and Jessie stepped over to let John help her into the shower.

"Gonna join me?" she asked as he held her hand up to make sure she didn't slip on the wet surface.

"Sure," he said, smiling and stepping in.

"No more funny business," Donna yelled. "You've got to go look for jobs and Jessie has to go to class."

"Yes, Mom," Jessie yelled back playfully.

John started his normal routine of dutifully washing her, and she took the opportunity to gently stroke his semi-erect cock, despite what Donna had told her. He was surprisingly still able to concentrate, even when she began to stroke faster.

Eventually, she had to let go when he spun her around and washed her back, even using his fingers to clean her pussy and butthole, though he didn't really penetrate her all that far.

"Mmm, so thorough," she said, intending it as a compliment.

He didn't respond though and stood back up. "Are we washing your hair this morning?"

She shook her head and turned back to face him.

She was grateful that he knew that girls didn't always wash their hair when they showered, and when they didn't, it was best to keep it dry. John was very caring and thoughtful, and she loved how he liked to dote on her in the mornings.

Glancing down, she saw that he was still erect, and looked back up at him with an inquisitive smile on her face. She giggled when he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her, but then shook his head.

"I appreciate it, but I'm good. Gotta have my mojo if I can get an interview today."

She giggled and nodded, letting him wrap his arms around her instead. She raised an eyebrow at him as she felt his cock pushing against her pubic mound. It hadn't really been intentional on his part, but just a fun result of their proximity.

"That won't do," she said, grinning and reaching down to grip his erection. Moving to her tiptoes, she pushed him down and was rewarded with a surprised look on his face as she pushed it between her legs.

Sliding back down to the flats of her feet, she giggled when his cock slid free. "Aww, damn," she said.

He smirked, but then seemed to have an idea of how to rectify the situation and bent his knees a bit as he gripped her hips and pulled her toward him again. Looking down, she saw the head of his cock push between her legs and into her folds, not quite inside, but definitely farther than he'd been a few moments before.

"Mmm, being a dirty boy now, aren't you," she said, running her hands across his muscular chest.

"Not really," he said with a wry smile and shrug. "This is, though," he added, and she cried out in surprise and genuine concern for his safety as he reached down and lifted her in his arms, her legs being forced around his hips as she was pulled to him. He shifted his footing in the shower, the look on his face one of concentration as he lifted her a few times to secure his hold, then lowered her down to slide gingerly onto his cock.

She briefly shivered in pleasure as she heard him moan and felt him slide into her. Amused, she shook her head at him and raised a single, accusing eyebrow.

"You're going to fall and hurt both of us," she said.

"Gotta be sneaky," he said with a wink, lifting her up a bit and letting her slide back down on his cock.

"You know you don't have to hide us in the shower if you wanted to fuck me," she pointed out, though she didn't think she should have had to. "I know you heard the story about Dexter making me have sex with Don. I know for sure that he wouldn't mind if you were to have some fun!"

John chuckled, shaking his head, and stepped forward, pushing her up against the wall, then lowered his face to kiss her as he thrust forward, sliding his small, but still delightful, cock into her again and again.

"What about your mojo?" she asked, giggling as he grunted in pleasure, his head against the tile wall while he fucked her.

"You want me to stop?" he asked suddenly, standing back up straight and looking at her, his face full of concern.

"What?" she asked, suddenly feeling bad. "Oh... John... sweetie, no... never! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you think that."

"Are you sure? I was just having a laugh and I guess I got carried away."

She shook her head and lifted a hand up to his mouth to shush him.

"If you want to finish in my naughty little pussy, you're certainly allowed to baby. You take good care of me and Donna and it's the least I can do to pay you back for being so much fun and flirty with me all the time."

She figured that it wouldn't hurt to spice up her language a bit, referring to her pussy as "naughty". She felt terrible that she'd made him think that she didn't want him to fuck her. She didn't really care to have sex in that moment, but he did and she was more than happy to let him. It occurred to her then that he hadn't actually been in her pussy but only once before that morning, and she felt even worse.

"I'm sorry," she said, frowning as he looked up at her again. He'd been hesitating, looking like he was trying to decide what to do. "I just realized that this was our first real time having actual sex and I had to go and spoil it!"

He shook his head, apparently amused at the notion. "You are certainly one of a kind," he said, a chuckle punctuating the statement.

She didn't really get what he meant, but knew he wasn't being mean and ignored it. He looked down between the two of them as if he could see past her breasts smushed up against his muscular chest, but then looked back up at her and sighed exaggeratedly.

"You're okay to finish in me, honey," she assured him, hoping that he would, or that he wouldn't be upset that he didn't get to finish.

Laughing, he leaned in and kissed her again, thrusting her back up into the wall a few more times before he finally set her down and started to wash himself. "I'll be okay," he assured her, looking back at her after a few seconds.

"You promise?" she asked. "I really didn't mean to spoil it for you."

He smiled, then nodded. "I promise, Smurfette."

"God," she said, rolling her eyes at the nickname. "Will you come find me later if you want me to make it up to you?" she asked, genuinely feeling bad and hoping that he would.

He looked at her for a few seconds, a curious smile on his face, then nodded. "I promise," he said.

"Okay!" she said happily, then stepped out of the shower and proceeded to get ready for her day.

Thankfully, John had cum in her mouth and woken her up pretty early that morning, so all of his playing and taking care of her wasn't going to make her late for class.


After getting dressed in her normal clothes and putting the others in her car, she headed off for her class. Afterward, she ran to her car and got her clothes, then went back into her building and quickly changed in one of the bathrooms. After making sure she looked as good as she could, she gathered her things and went back to her car.

Checking her time, she was happy to see that she'd planned it perfectly and should arrive a few minutes earlier than she was expected, something her dad had told her was a good idea. The restaurant was relatively close to the university, something she knew was intentional, and the drive didn't take very long at all.

Pulling into the rear parking lot, she sat in her car and calmed her nerves, taking deep breaths and closing her eyes to focus her thoughts. Finally, an alarm that she'd set on her phone went off, and she took a final deep breath and looked in the rear-view mirror.

"You've got this," she said, staring at herself for a second.

Hopping out, she grabbed her purse and locked her door, then briefly adjusted her cleavage to make it pop a bit more and walked to the main entrance. Once there, she pulled on the door, but it was locked. She saw someone coming toward the door though and stepped back as they started to unlock it and open it for her.

"Jessica?" a portly older gentleman asked.

"Yes sir, but you can call me Jessie!" she said cheerfully.

"Come on in out of the chill, Jessie," he said, beckoning her in.

She smiled sweetly at him and stepped past, liking the smell of his cologne as she brushed close to him, then turned to wait as he locked the door back.

"Howdy," he said, beaming a smile at her and reaching out to shake her hand. "You can call me Bill."

"Nice to meet you, Bill," she said happily.

"Let's head back to the manager's office and have us a chat, what do ya say?" he asked jovially.

She grinned, liking his cheerful, almost Santa Clause like demeanor.

"Sounds great," she said happily.

Bill turned and led her through the restaurant, past several sections of booths and tables, a few drinks stations, a bar area, then through a kitchen where she saw a few guys doing some food prep.

She smiled sweetly when they looked up at her, their eyes immediately dropping to her breasts and then lower. She expected them too, of course, but it was still a delight to her for them to notice her attributes. Seeing Bill still walking in front of her out of the corner of her eye, she waved happily to the kitchen staff as she passed.

She continued to follow him as the passed through some sort of changing room with lockers, and a couple of employee bathrooms, then finally to a small office with a couple of desks.

"Come on in," he said, moving around one of the desks and sitting behind it. "Have a seat and make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you so much," she said, smiling sweetly as she took a seat. "I brought this for you," she said, holding out her resume.

He nodded, reaching forward and taking it from her hand, then holding it up to read over it.

"Fine, fine," he said, smiling as he set it down.

The office door opened and a middle-aged woman came in hurried and out of breath.

"Sorry I'm late," she said, going over to the other desk and setting her purse down.

Jessie stood, turning as the newcomer came over and reached out to shake her hand.

"Tracy," she said, introducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Jessie," Jessie replied. "Nice to meet you!"

"I'm going to grab myself a drink," Tracy said. "Can I get you something, Jessie?"

"I'll have anything diet," she said with a smile.

"Okay, awesome," Tracy replied. "Bill?"

"You know what I like," he said.

As Tracy briefly left, Bill started to talk about the restaurant itself.

"So... obviously you can tell that this restaurant caters to a certain crowd," he said. "As a chain, Double D's has accepted the idea of the 'Breastaraunt,' and embraced it. We know that people like to see a gorgeous woman, and we celebrate that fact without endangering our staff or cheapening the experience."

The door opened and Tracy came in with several drinks, and passed them out, then sat down in a chair that she pulled over to Bill's side of the desk.

"Jessie," Tracy said. "You're obviously an attractive young woman, so you've had people stare at you before. Are you comfortable with people looking at your feminine attributes?"

Stifling a laugh, she nodded. "I totally am. I'm actually a big exhibitionist, so I'm totally okay going nude when I'm around folks," she said. "But I don't mean to say that I'm going to be doing that here at work!" she added quickly.

Both managers chuckled as they wrote something down on the respective pads of paper that they both held. Over the next few minutes, both managers asked her several questions and told her about the restaurant and what the job she was applying for entailed. They mentioned that that there were security guards and cameras in place for her protection. They told her what kind of hours she could expect and mentioned the rooms that people could pay to have the waitress serve them topless.

"So, do you have any questions for us?" Tracy asked.

Knowing that she should always have something to ask in these situations, she smiled and nodded. "What can I actually expect in the way of people being handsy and flirty with me?"

Tracy cleared her throat before responding. "Well, this is a restaurant that makes a point to draw attention to women's breasts. We have security guards around to ensure your safety of course, but it's ultimately up to you to decide what you don't want to happen. As managers, we expect you to come and tell us, or security if someone is getting too friendly or even inappropriate, and they'll be made to leave or the police will be called, depending on the level of infraction That being said, most of the stuff that we notice is during pictures and the like. Bottom line is, if it's bothering you, tell someone."

She smiled happily. "Oh, good," she said. "I really tend to be a flirty kind of girl, and I didn't want to start off on the wrong foot."

"We have a few of those," Bill assured her, then winked at Tracy.

"Okay, any more questions for us?" Tracy asked after smirking at him.

"Nothing comes to mind at the moment," she said after a few seconds of looking pensive.

"Okay, good deal," Tracy said. "So... where did you work before?"

"I worked for an Attorney doing some filing and stuff like that," she said. "He had to let me go because he didn't have any more work for me to do. But before that, I was just a student."

They both nodded, and the questions continued. Eventually, they finished the interview and offered her the position, which she happily accepted.

"When would you like me to start?" she asked as Tracy helped her pick out her work uniform.

"Do you have a preference for when you'd want to?" she asked in response.

"I can start whenever you need me too. I don't have anything to do today," she offered.

Tracy stepped over to a board that had a work schedule for all of the employees on it and looked over it for a few seconds.

"You know," she said, not turning around, "that would actually work really well. I can have you shadow someone for a little while and then do some paperwork and whatnot."

"That would be great!" Jessie said cheerfully.

"So, do you have a preference on color?" she asked.

"Oh, that green is pretty," she said. "Maybe that one?"

Tracy fished out the top she had seen and pulled it out of the plastic package it had been shipped in, then pulled another of a different size.

"You might wear this a little tight to keep your chest pushed up, because you can't really wear a bra with this. It has built in cup support, though," she pointed out.

"Do you mind if I try it on?" Jessie asked.

"No, go ahead," Tracy said. "The bathroom is back..."

Jessie had started to undo her top but stopped and laughed when she saw Tracy's amused expression.

"You can use the bathroom, honey," she said.

"Oh, I don't mind at all," Jessie said. "I'm an exhibitionist, remember?"

Tracy laughed and glanced back at Bill, but he was on the phone. "Well, Bill will probably have a heart attack when he sees you, but I don't have a problem with it if you don't."

Jessie smiled and continued to undo her top, then pulled it off and quickly slipped her bra off. Briefly lifting her breasts to give some relief, she let them drop and then took the top from Tracy. Noticing that the assistant manager was admiring her assets, Jessie turned and displayed them more prominently for her, arching her back and sticking them out more.

"You've got very lovely breasts," Tracy said. "If you don't mind me saying."

"Oh, thank you so much!" Jessie gushed. "You're so sweet."

Bill noticed her at that point and coughed. "Call ya back," he said, hanging up the phone. "Good lord, Jessie," he called out.

"Do you like them, Bill?" she asked, turning and pointing her tits in his direction.

"Jesus does a bear shit in the woods?" he asked. "Good lord almighty, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

She saw the smile on his face and giggled as he stood and came toward her.

"Je...sus," he said, standing a few feet away. "You are something else."

Jessie let him look a little more, then noticed that Tracy was still chuckling, but looking as well. Laughing again, she flipped the shirt open and pulled it on, then tied it in the front and held her arms out for inspection.
