Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 05


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He reached into his suit pocket and produced a small box covered in black velvet. He held it before her, and opened it to her gaze. She saw a band of white gold with half-carat twin diamonds set on either side of a two-carat round-cut blue sapphire.

It was stunning, and she was stunned. Hanna and Molly crowded closer as Erik took it from the box and placed it carefully on her third finger left hand. It fit perfectly, and she stood staring at it before asking. "Why now? My vision of this day has always been so far in the distance after my mistakes, but suddenly..."

"Why? It's simple: because you've become the woman of my dreams. Because I now trust you to take care of my dreams and my heart. Because I realize that life isn't always fair or secure. And because my love for you has outgrown my ability to control it.

"Why did you say yes?" he asked with an impish edge of his own.

"Because from the moment I saw you in the restaurant with my grandparents I've been drawn to you by a power beyond my control. Because you have been patient with me and helped me grow into a more responsible adult. Because when I'm not with you I feel empty and alone. And because my love for you knows no bounds."

"That's good enough for me. Can we seal our pledge with a kiss?"

The kiss might have ended with sex on the conference table had clapping and cheers not broken out, and had Hanna not grabbed her hand, looked closely at the ring and cried, "How perfect! The stone is the exact color of your eyes!"

Repeating Erik's teasing, Johnny murmured, "I hope the money for that that didn't come out of company accounts!"


Back at Canyon Lake, the Hammers and the two betrothed couples were celebrating the results of the press conference and the engagement. Network news led the local and national shows with Annika's opening statements, showed snippets of the video, and replayed her heartfelt plea to keep the criminal incarcerated. The reporter for the local NBC affiliate then stated, "Miss Olsson's request has been taken to heart across the country, as we're getting reports of servers and switchboards overwhelmed by emails and calls to federal and state officials repeating her demand that the safety of American citizens have priority over politics and relations with the rogue state of Russia."

They flipped to a cable news network, and watched a much longer report that replayed the entire presentation as well as the video. The panel then elaborated on State Department responsibilities when diplomatic immunity is claimed, followed by expression of opinions about how dangerous men act with impunity and escape incarceration. They too raised the question: how is it possible that a man of Koslov's infamy remains free, and are monetary or sexual bribes a part of the reason.

Annika's celebrity became a topic of conversation, and questions were raised about her future safety in the business if her abductors were freed.

The edge was taken off their celebration by those sober assessments, but Bill turned the TV off and reminded them that it was all speculation at this point, so they should drink more champagne and do more planning.

Annika kept looking down at her ring from time to time, and, during a break in the conversation, asked Erik, "Where did you find this ring, and where have you been hiding it?"

"I didn't find it, darling, I designed it and had it made. The jeweler let me know if was ready, so I asked him to ship it to Bill's address and Bill brought it to me yesterday. I kept it in super-secret hiding place that I'll never tell you about because you are an overly-curious snoop!"

She made a token swipe at him, but smiled, knowing that was true.

"I don't know why I took it with me to Austin; a premonition, maybe? My plan was to get the press conference over, let you recover, and then find a romantic time and place to ask. But my heart has been bursting with love for you, and it overflowed during your valiant story."

He took her hands, grinned, and said, "Just think, Honey, our engagement story is unique; never before has anyone been asked for their hand in matrimony in that particular conference room in the Texas capitol with five legislators watching!"

She rolled her eyes at that, but gave him a wan smile in return. She leaned into him and quietly replied, "I guess I need to get used to your creative mind and your sudden brainstorms. It threw me off completely at first, but it was the question I've wanted you to ask for a while, so the answer was easy."

He kissed her, gently at first, but with increasing passion. Johnny looked at Hanna and whispered, "It's a cute engagement story, but not as cute as ours." "Yes, Honey," she replied, "but they can tell theirs to others."

Annika and Erik broke apart, laughing at their friends. Hope, Milly, and Bill looked puzzled, and then Bill said, "Okay, now we need to hear your story too."

"We don't know you nearly well enough to do that," Hanna answered, "at least not yet!"

"Annika, it's time," Erik announced. "We don't want them to hear it from a news report or a politician currying favor."

"I know, but I guess I'm just a little afraid of what they will think and say. Only a few weeks ago I was explaining how social media, pictures, and video can be deceiving, and now we're engaged. Will our parents feel we hurried into this?"

"Let's find out," Erik replied, and began the process of connecting with their families.

The video call coming minutes after evening news coverage of the emotional press conference surprised both sets of Olssons and the Swahns. The timing of their announcement was shocking; that they were engaged was not. They had seen Erik's mistrust of Annika and his reluctance to commit to her fading over the past month, and his commitment to protecting her after the abduction was strident.

Annika had never expressed such reservations, seemingly falling head over heels in love with Erik within days of their first meeting. Erik and her father originally feared her feelings were infatuation, and that her immaturity and selfishness would ultimately cause her to withdraw from him, but they had seen no indication that was true.

Her naiveté and failure to say NO had twice caused riffs, but she had been distraught by her failures and worked hard to reestablish their relationship. More importantly, she had learned that even minor indiscretions become firestorms when social media splashes them to the world. Her new contracts clarified her positions on nudity, sex-themed ads, and her responsibilities pre- and post-shoot. Both Carl and Erik were pleased and supportive.

Her dad still harbored concerns about the small world she knew and the bigger world she didn't, but Maja, Oliver, and her stepmother/mom did not; they believed in her, in her love for Erik, and in his love for her. The Swahns had similar apprehensions until they met her and she explained; after that, they were hopeful that their son would add this angel to their family. They were thrilled that he had taken the first big step today, and let everyone know it.

The families demanded she show them the ring up close, and tell the story of Erik asking her. They were shocked that he had chosen that place and time, but his explanation won even the romantics over. Hanna's recounting of Annika's reaction made everyone laugh, and agree that they would have been just as confused. Plans were made for next week with Annika's family, and for day after tomorrow for Erik's in San Antonio. Messages of congratulation were exchanged again, and they ended the call.

The family meeting had gone well, as had the entire day. Annika, however, was beyond exhausted. She had been just short of frantic for two days, had swallowed her fears and faced the press, told her harrowing story, gotten engaged, and told their parents. There was much to do as they prepared to return to their lives, albeit with heavy security, but she had nothing more to give tonight.

Erik saw the fatigue in her body and her vacant eyes. "Guys, I know we have a lot to do, but Annika needs rest. Let's pick this up over coffee at a civilized hour, say ten. Milly, I know you have other clients, but if you can spare time tomorrow..."

"I'll be here for coffee, and for the rest of the day," she replied. "A lot has transpired over the past week, and I want to be here if anyone needs me."

Erik thanked her; they all traded goodbyes and dispersed.

Annika was so tired she almost drowned in her bubble bath, and didn't don a stitch of clothing before tumbling into bed, fluffing her pillow, and going to sleep. Erik covered her, took his shower, looked down on her with awe, and then, knowing for the first time that this wondrous creature would be his life's companion, joined her in their bed, pulled her to him, and joined her in sleep.


One more chapter to go.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I also noticed the clothing/robe discrepancy.

Is the guy’s name Erik, Eric, or Erick? Hanna or Hannah?

Ravey19Ravey197 months ago

A great story

Texican1830Texican18307 months agoAuthor

Actually, it may take two chapters. I’m already in too far with too much to cover. I’m using the transition to end six and start seven. Will that bring closure? Probably not - I think there’s a part two, but I can’t get the outline fleshed out in my head.

Anyway, expect ch 6 early next week, after I go watch my grandson play football Saturday afternoon.

Magic_CapMagic_Cap7 months ago

„One more chapter to go.“

This leaves room for speculation and raises expectations!

Perhaps some loose ends can also be tied up on this occasion, such as Koslov's "American friend", whose mere mention makes him appear so significant, possibly even as the string-puller behind the scenes, the actual instigator ... ?

The description of Annika's mental and emotional state, this confusion after these traumatic experiences, is also a little too brief for my taste. Perhaps more comprehensive research would have helped here ?

Let's wait for the last chapter and be surprised!

4/5 stars full of expectations !

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy7 months ago

Great chapter!


oldsage_1oldsage_18 months ago

Great story like most of your masterpieces I'm going to hate seeing this one end. Auh well I have one more chapter to look forward too. The good news is I know you have many more couples you want to introduce us too!

Love your work!



RanDog025RanDog0258 months ago

Great story, thanks again 5 BIG ASS STARS!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I was eagerly waiting for this chapter, But this was a real letdown. The short shift to the kidnapping, and the long drawn out hot tubs really made this way less than expected from a writer of your talent.

des911des9118 months ago

I'm really enjoying this story and was wondering how you were going to overcome the naivete/trust issues with Annika. You chose a violent and dramatic method that was unexpected and a bit out of character with the rest of the story. It did the trick, though, and trust has been restored.

Like others, I had hoped the story would go on, and on, and on; one more chapter will be welcomed. Thank you for a great piece of work.

WorcoWorco8 months ago

A well baked cake of a story with delicious characters. I guess your putting a final chapter cherry on top is not over doing it. Just don't wait too long to serve us the last slice.

Texican1830Texican18308 months agoAuthor

Tumbleweed - good catch!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc8 months ago

When she got kidnapped I was concerned we pivot to Comeuppance 2.0, but you played it well. Great story telling, but I'm a bit sad there's only one more chapter. Somehow I feel we'll get the one paragraph "and they lived happily ever after" schtick. LOL! 5.0*

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Well told yarn by a really good yarn spinner!

Thank you.

Tx77TumbleweedTx77Tumbleweed8 months ago

Another very good chapter in this continuing story, although it seemed that early on your female heroine was told to dress in jeans, blouse, and hoodie, but was somehow back to wearing only a robe while being molested by the Russian kidnapper. Shortly after, she was again in jeans, blouse and hoodie.

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