Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 12


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Her riposte of, "You think too highly of yourself!" covered the fact that she would have listened in if she could have, and she blushed lightly. He laughed and walked away, knowing he was right, and she turned to face the counselor, who opined, "He is an interesting young man, isn't he?"

"He's my best friend's fiancée," she hurriedly explained. The counselor replied, "I know," and invited her to take a seat on the couch or in the chair. She chose the couch, from which she honestly answered the mandatory questions, and was somehow led into the complicated relationship among the four. She left relieved of a burden, but also facing, for the first time, her own discordant feelings.

Annika's laptop had been recovered from the SUV, and Erik found her doing research for a project. He set his laptop down, began massaging her neck and shoulders, and asked, "How are you doing today?"

"I'm okay," she replied, "but it seems more real today, even though it remains surreal. There are experiences I can draw from, but I'm worried about Hanna, Johnny, Cassie, and KJ. And you! If I know you as well as I think I do, you're feeling guilty about what happened because you're sure that was all about you."

"Maybe more 'responsible' than 'guilty,' but yeah, I know it was about me. Or me and SEAM."

"Don't let the croc eat you while staring at the lion, or whatever he said. Do your thing, let Aini do her thing, and let law enforcement and the military do their things before you draw conclusions. Meanwhile, stop distracting me, because I'm going back to work on my project. Which I want you to critique later."

He removed his hands from her shoulders, snapped to attention, saluted smartly, said, "Yes Mam!" and took a seat further down the table.

They worked without interruption until noon and were enjoying the cafeteria food with their comrades when they heard Bill's booming voice. Turning, they saw that Milly was also getting in line; she displayed concerned for a moment, but read their faces, smiled, and resumed filling her tray.

"What the hell have you two stirred up now?" Bill asked jovially while looking directly at Erik and Annika.

Knowing this was Bill's way to break the ice, Erik replied, "Beats the hell out of us! We don't even know who we stirred up this time! In fact, I'm starting to think it was one of KJ's rival football teams, because it makes no sense to go after me now, and, as far as I know, no hot young actress or designer is that afraid of competition from Annika!"

Laughter spread around the table, and KJ demurred. "No one in the NFL is afraid of me! In fact, our rivals are hopeful I'll remain the starting QB, since I've only beaten them once in four tries!"

"True, but with your shitty surrounding cast, that's quite an achievement!" Danny declared.

Bill and Milly took seats, exchanged greetings, and then Bill told Erik, "We're not going to talk about this anymore until after we've eaten, but I'm intrigued by your assertion that it makes no sense to go after you. Want to quickly explain and then we can enjoy lunch."

"Okay, it's simple. My work is already in the public domain. Yes, it's secret, but the patents have been filed and all my documentation is in the hands of my partners down south. Killing me doesn't change that. I'd go so far as to say that killing me, Johnny, and Cassie doesn't change anything. It might slow Greenlight down for a few weeks, but the SEAM module is already in use and purring like a kitten.

"Therefore, it makes no sense to go after me, or us, if you want to stop the SEAMM, or if you want to kidnap me or us for a related purpose. It's too late. The cattle are already out the gate and running into the grain field."

Bill nodded and said, "I'll chew on that mentally while I chew on this food, which smells better than I expected."

Several assured him it was the best cafeteria food they'd eaten, and Johnny began a conversation not related to the ambush/ gunfight: KJ's team's prospects for the new season. In summary, he feels they have improved the offensive line, replaced an aging, injury prone number one receiver with a young guy with high potential, and are going after a stud running back in the draft. If that pans out, and if depth on defense, especially at cornerback, was improved in the draft, they had a real chance to make the playoffs.

KJ was next up with the counselor, so that topic petered out when he left to ask for a later slot; he wanted to hear the updates. When he returned, they moved into the reserved conference room to hear Bill's update, and hopefully, the promised update from the Major.

"I don't know what happened to the surveillance drone that was supposed to be above you, or to those armed drones that were supposed to intervene as soon as the trouble started. The Air Force isn't saying much, but I suspect they have a good idea who grounded their aircraft, how, and a theory as to why. We will find out as much as they are willing to tell us from your Air Force contacts.

"I can tell you that the security dome worked; it sounded the alarm and kept everyone apprised of what was happening. I can also tell you that Austin - the PD, TCSO, DPS, and the Rangers - all believe this was a terrorist attack, and they have some decent reasons to believe that. When you get all the details, you'll see what I mean.

"I can tell you that the feds both agree and disagree. Their disagreement is because they know more about the attack on you guys than the city, county, and state people do. And regardless of the other car bombs and gunfire aimed at civilians, the attack on your SUV was targeted, not random. When the locals and state get all the details on that little dustup, we'll see how that affects their hypotheses."

"So, you're here as much to get updated as to update us? IF - and I know it's being overly optimistic to think they will, IF they do tell us what they know, do you think you can use what you get from your state and local sources to draw some conclusions? Aini is working hard, but it's a big world with a lot of bad guys in it. If she and I had a good starting point, it sure would help."

"Based primarily on suspicion, I'd say to focus somewhere between The Steppes and the Ural Mountains," Bill replied with a smirk.

"Well, well, well - that's where we started! Lucky guess!" Erik smirked back.

"Why them, rather than North Korea, China, Iran, or even terror groups?" Danny asked.

"Because they've spent a lot of time learning how to ground Ukrainian drones in a battlefield situation. The Ukrainians continue to evolve their drones and have mostly stayed one step ahead, or caught up quickly if the Russians forged ahead. We may have gotten complacent, or adopted the World War I mentality," Erik explained.

"They would love to tweak our noses and cause world-wide embarrassment, and they don't want the US military to get the SEAMM on top of the Greenlight Logistics program. Then's there's the minor fact that they posted a bounty on me about a year ago - which is another reason I moved down south to finish the project.

"I'll postulate that the bad actors are a motley crew of mercenaries and 'former soldiers' from among their few remaining allies, and the US won't be able to prove to a legal certainty that it was them or one of their minion states. Or maybe I should say, won't want to prove it was another nuclear power headed by a madman. But Aini and I aren't seeking International Court of Justice or Congressional Declaration of War proof; we want to know who it was and why. Our burden is not that great."

"Yes, Erik, and be careful how you phrase that, and your purpose for wanting to know, or the Department of State and CIA will be down here visiting, like they did in California," Bill warned.

"I'll tone it down, but I will say this: if the responsible party is who I think it is, they've targeted my next project, and they REALLY won't like being in the crosshairs!"

Johnny looked at Cassie, who said, "And this project is outside the scope of Greenlight, we hope?"

Erik grinned: "We'll see." "Oh, shit!" she replied.

The tap on the door was welcome. Colonel Byrd and Major Heiser followed a two-star general into the room. "This is General James Hinkle," Byrd informed them, "he is going to provide an update and explanation."

Hinkle stood ramrod straight, 6'2", 200, with a great smile and a deep but pleasing voice. He oozed camaraderie, charm, and charisma, and his individual introductions were effusive. When he shook Erik's hand and called him 'our boy genius,' every defense system in Erik's body armed, and alarms sounded when he saw his charm aimed at the women. This was far too much for a simple update.

Johnny seemed fine, even charmed; KJ bristled at having another Alpha present and hitting on his wife, and Danny, Monty, Eddie, and Bill were friendly but reserved. Bill caught Erik's eye while Hinkle was charming Milly, frowned, and pressed his lips together, expressing his suspicion and warning Erik to be calm at the same time. Erik blinked his response; the colonel was warily watching.

The General seated himself at the end of the table, leaned forward, and earnestly began his spiel. "On behalf of the Pentagon, I bring you greetings and apologies. We are developing and analyzing the evidence to determine the means used to ground our unmanned aircraft. We don't yet have conclusive proof, but we have a highly skilled group working on it, and I'm confident we will arrive at a conclusion soon.

"What we find won't change what happened to you, but it will prevent it from happening again!"

"Will it, General Hinkle?" Erik asked. "The Russians are constantly developing new ways to jam, interrupt, or mistarget the Ukrainian drones. Now that they've had success on American soil, won't they evolve the next attack as they have in Ukraine? To be honest, my Ukrainian contact said this was most likely a ploy they used five months ago over Ukraine, and they have used more advanced versions since then."

The general's amiable manner had dissolved while Erik spoke, and his response was steely. "Erik, we have no proof it was the Russians! In fact, consensus is it was a terror group. As to your Ukrainian contact..."

Erik's dismissive smile and headshaking brought whatever the general was going to say to a halt. "Do we look stupid, General? This is Greenlight, the group that developed the logistics program the armed forces are now using, and the SEAM module the Pentagon covets! Did you really believe we've been sitting on our hands weeping since the ambush, and that you were going to come in here and BS us?

"Why don't you just start over, and we'll listen, right up to the point you start disrespecting us again!"

Hinkle pushed his chair back and stood in one swift motion, glaring at Erik while he towered over him. Erik maintained his nonchalant posture and irrepressible smile, inviting him to do whatever it was he was contemplating. Everyone else sat in shocked silence.

His decision made, the general turned and walked smartly out the door, with the colonel and major in his wake.

Bill spoke up. "I guess I should have come over and warned you verbally to keep quiet."

"I wouldn't have, Bill. We're either partners or we aren't. That attempt was extremely rude and disrespectful, or they are so fucking incompetent I'm going to move everything to New South Wales next week! You know they know what grounded their fleet! If nothing else, the Ukrainians or their observers there have told them by now! Hell, I exchanged emails once and I know more than he claimed to know!

"The arrogant mutherfukers nearly got us killed, and now they want to bullshit us about it! Fuck no I won't be quiet. In fact, right now I'm ready to tell them to fuck off and pull up stakes! In fact, if he comes back in here and starts again, I'm going to!"

"So, when you asked me who, you already knew?" Bill replied.

"I knew the most likely cause, and that the Russians used that process on Ukraine months ago. I wasn't sure it was Russia, but after watching his reaction when I named them, I am."

Erik heard the doorknob turn and assumed they were returning, but his back was to the door, so he kept talking as if he heard nothing. "You see, that's a huge problem for me! The government betrayed Annika in LA after doing their damndest to get Koslov released to do more harm to her, and then promising they would look after her!

"They installed fuckin' listening devices into the walls of the labs and manufacturing facility they just had to build so our work would be safe! Hah! They intended to claim MY intellectual properties as their own, dole SEAM out to themselves and then the highest bidders, and turn me and my team into imprisoned 'license plate makers'! Partners my ass!

"Then they plead with me and assure me that kind of shit won't ever happen again, so I agree to return with the working module and cooperate with them, in return for which they agree to ensure the 'dome of safety' has immediate deadly response to threat! Hah again! Sure, after a thirty minute firefight!

"So, as you can see, my friend, I have NO, ZERO, NADA, reason to trust them anyway, and then they come in here and disrespect us like that! Fuck that, and fuck them! I'll call the Aussies and head south - at least they don't bullshit and lie to me! Either you are equal partners, or you don't have a partnership!"

Whoever opened the door had remained in the hallway, listening to his diatribe. Now they heard a throat cleared, and people began filing in - the major, colonel, and general, all now wearing fatigues, and two men in dark suits. They took the remaining seats, with the shorter of the men in a suit sitting where the general had been.

He pointed at the general, now seated beside Monty down the table, and said, "I apologize again, General Hinkle. We put you in an impossible situation, and made ourselves look like stupid assholes once again. Sorry, ladies, but that's the best word to describe the strategy the general was given.

Turning his gaze to the others around the table, he began, "As you know, people in the highest offices in this country tend to be older; their lifetime experiences give them a leg up when it comes to decision making, but may also create problems. They see a bunch of twenty-somethings from the tech field and make certain assumptions, forgetting that in this day and age, the young know things that are outside their experiences, and that such knowledge is power.

"Oh, they have been briefed about artificial intelligence and have a level of understanding about its use, but it's hard for them to visualize how capable young people like you are at acquiring, analyzing, and using information and data. They certainly know all about your logistics program and the SEAM program, but not the people behind the creation, development, and implementation.

"This is one of those times when reaching out to those with whom you have previously dealt would have changed their decisions, but they made the decision under pressure using past experiences resulting in foolish assumptions.

He gestured to the others sitting around the table. "And for that we apologize to all of you. I'm here on behalf of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the President. Mr. Swahn, you are correct: you have no reason at all to trust us because we have consistently misled and lied to you.

"Not out of avarice, at least in relation to the General's 'update'. They just assumed you were naïve tech nerds who couldn't be trusted with the truth and would accept anything coming from a general officer, as many people do. Mr. Swahn quickly disproved that assumption, and we, in turn, let them know how thin the ice under our already poor relationship with the leadership of Greenlight had again gotten.

"The President was a party to that call. He chastised everyone involved in the decision to withhold information from you, and, against protocol, ordered that this entire group be given the most up-to-date briefing possible. He only asks that you respect the diplomatic dangers we face, and consider what we tell you today and in future briefings as being classified top secret. Your background checks are being reviewed as we speak, but I have seen them and know getting official clearance won't be a problem for any of you, now that the suspicions around Miss Olsson have been cleared up and dismissed.

"Are you agreeable to the background checks, signing more NDAs, and the President's stipulation?" Eleven people concurred, and he again pointed at the general, who tried to explain.

"On behalf of myself and these two gentlemen," he began, pointing at Heiser and Byrd, "I also apologize. They warned me it was a foolish ploy that you would see right through, and I reported that to my bosses. They told me to be charming and convincing, but when you're peddling snake oil, that's hard to do. I won't try to do it again. If I can't tell you something, I'll tell you that, but I won't lie, mislead or disrespect you."

Erik looked at him with an unwavering gaze. "That's all we ask, General Hinkle. If you do, you may find that we can help you. We're not without resources, as other departments of the government have learned in previous encounters."

"Thank you, Mr. Swahn; you've already proven you have excellent resources, and we will appreciate any assistance. However, there may necessarily be limitations to your efforts, and I think you'll understand why when we finish.

"First, yes, you are correct: the gambit that grounded our unmanned aircraft was Russian in derivation, as confirmed by our observers and by the Ukrainians. The persons who carried out the ambush and attack on you have all been identified, we believe, and none are Russian. Many are, however, members of groups affiliated with the Russian Federation, and the others are mercenaries often used by the Russian Oligarchs. Two committed suicide rather than be captured, but eight others surrendered. We are told at least three of them are willingly trading what they know in consideration for lesser sentences, but Mr. Frost and Mr. Durst are better able to address that.

"The US Air Force has made necessary changes, and is following Russian efforts in the Ukraine more closely. We will henceforth adjust as new gambits arise anywhere in the world, and we have added elite teams to those whose job is to 'hack,' shall we call it, our systems to determine unknown vulnerabilities.

"This part is sticky, so discretion is required. Our stated position is that the events of Sunday were a terror attack by an unknown enemy. That is both true and untrue. The car bombs on the bridges, the 18 wheeler that blocked the westbound lanes under the bridge construction at Ross Road, and the gunmen who fired on citizens in Zilker Park were engaged in a 'terror attack.'

"Those who set up the ambush and relentlessly pursued you, however, were there to assassinate the Greenlight leadership. We're not totally convinced the motivation is as simple as one of the assassination team leaders says, but it is certainly not outside the scope of other prophylactic assassinations they have carried out around the world.

"Quite simply, it seems they fear you and your organization will continue to innovate in ways that abet and extend American hegemony, despite their ongoing attempts to destabilize and divide our nation. A project in which they have significant assistance from other freedom hating autocracies.

"Can it be that simple? We're uncertain. What a hired gun is told is unlikely to be the true rationale behind such an act, but it's what we have right now. Perhaps this is an area in which you can assist us with your elite abilities.

"Certainly, the death of a party of twelve Americans, including distinguished scientists and tech innovators who were under the protection of the government, would be embarrassing to us. It would also frighten Americans and serve as a warning to the world. In that sense, it was another act of terrorism, but we doubt spreading terror was the sole motivation."