Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 12


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"The United States of America has a history of growing complacent and avoiding confrontation. If you aren't a historian, read about American inactivity as the perpetrators of the two world wars were advancing across Europe and Asia, in the case of the second. Even sinking our commercial ships didn't alert us to the dangers of Nazism in the late 30s and early 40s; it took Pearl Harbor to get our attention.

At this point, Frost again led the narrative. "It seems the Austin attacks are having a similar effect on decision makers. You can't have critical bridges blown up, have men firing automatic weapons at runners and families picnicking in a park on Sunday afternoon, especially in Austin, Texas, and not get the attention of lawmakers and enforcers.

"While 9-11 served as a wakeup call in 2001, the steps we took after that atrocity seemed to be working. Foreign wars to stop the growth of terrorist cells, the Patriot Act to allow filtering of communication among terrorists, and the TSA, to stop armed terrorists from getting on planes.

"We can certainly argue the effectiveness of these measures, the legality, and even whether they have been worth the loss of privacy, but we haven't had another terrorist act like 9-11 since then. So, we grew complacent, trotting along in ignorant bliss and ignoring the warnings being shouted by our intelligence branches. Now that the warnings have turned into the shedding of blood in the capitol city of Texas, we know the warnings are factual. Hopefully, we can put aside the posturing and political infighting to take the steps we need to take at the national, state, and local levels.

"A point being made in chambers is, had they not targeted your vehicle, they could have killed dozens, scores, maybe hundreds! It was your 'safety dome' that resulted in immediate notice of the attack, exact locations, etc. Yes, we dropped the ball by letting our UAV's be grounded, but without your notice and your agreements with us and law enforcement, it would have taken much longer for law enforcement to arrive, and they would not have had military support!

"What if the truck that pulled across the intersection under the bridge construction, keeping traffic trapped between concrete barricades, had been loaded with bombs? What if the bridge they blew up was one of the I 35 interchanges or the bridge over Lady Bird Lake? What if they had driven down Sixth Street on Saturday night firing automatic weapons into the crowds on the street and crowded bars?

"And, as always, the questions are being raised about how they got here. In spite of the outcry about the southern border, as has happened in the past, some came here on visas, and some were here 'on vacation.' It appears the rest, and many of the weapons, came off a container ship in Houston.

"So, there are no simple solutions to a problem with this many factors to address. As to the eleven of you, we want you to stay here a little longer. We believe we have all, or at least almost all, of the actors, but we aren't certain. Maybe you can help us determine whether you are still in imminent danger."

The table remained quiet after Frost stopped speaking. Bill broke the silence by pointing at Frost and Durst and asking, "Homeland, or CIA?"

Durst answered, "I'm with Homeland Security, he's with the Agency. We have an FBI counterpart, but he's in Austin meeting with state and local law enforcement officials today. He's catching hell there too, because we had no intelligence to forewarn anyone. Which is fair. But he's also getting the latest they have, and he will be here tomorrow to share it with you.

"Ranger Hammer, how long are you staying here?"

"Milly and I came prepared to stay in the area indefinitely. Are you offering quarters on base?"

Frost looked at Colonel Byrd, who offered, "We would love to host you and your wife, Mr. Hammer, and offer the full use of our facilities. You may communicate with whomever you wish without fear of eavesdropping, and this meeting room is reserved for you and the others until this is over."

Milly nodded her agreement and Bill accepted. Milly then asked, "Is there a smaller, more comfortable room in which I can meet with Cassie, Hanna, and Annika?"

Major Heiser rose, asked them to come with him, and the women departed.

"Is there something we should be told now that the women are gone?" Erik asked.

The other officers and government agents all said no, so Erik asked if they were through, so he could return to his room. They were, and he promptly left with his laptop under his arm.

Everyone else stayed, and began a more detailed conversation about the ambush on 71, the bridge explosions, and the shootings in town. When that conversation came to its conclusion over an hour later, Bill asked if they could expect to return to their homes and businesses by later in the week. No one in authority would firmly commit, but all seemed to think that would be possible, assuming private security continued to be provided and the counselors signed off.

Erik checked in with Karli, Sean, and Roddie, who were aware of what had happened but needing direction about setting up the labs, test areas, and production facility. Erik provided what guidance he could, and then asked the three of them to develop a deep-learning AI with algorithms that can explore and examine information written in Russian and affiliated east Slavic languages.

"You aren't going to actuate it; just develop it and get the learning started. I should be there later this week, and I'll deal with it after that."

"Whatever you say, Boss," Sean replied, "But I have to ask; are the perpetrators from there?"

"I guess we will know that sometime in the future, assuming Aizel is as smart a girl as I expect."

"Aizel," Roddie repeated. "I like it; that's a Russian name, which seems appropriate. And now we know more about how to target the algorithms, including penetration and Russian to English translation. Shane and Noah are arriving Thursday; if you aren't back, shall we begin integrating them immediately?"

"Yes, but let Karli have the morning to indoctrinate them and take care of the 'paperwork,' so to speak. In fact, you guys should help."

The five ladies came to lunch together, and stayed together all day. They even exercised together. Erik ate lunch with the group, but returned to his room soon thereafter. The other men, including Bill, worked out, ran a couple of miles, and played tag football with some airmen who were off duty. Bill was the center for both teams, to keep him from overtaxing his 50-something body, and KJ became the quarterback for both teams, for competitive equality. The difference maker turned out to be the former all-state tight end, who ran crisp routes and possessed surprising speed. Johnny caught three TD passes, the last of which beat the team of airmen.

Erik appeared in his running gear about the time the game broke up, but only KJ was willing to run with him. The rest were winded.

KJ and Erik talked as they ran the approved course before returning to clean up for supper. KJ's composure and courage under fire had impressed Erik greatly, and that respect was reciprocated. They were becoming very close friends, despite their mutual envy.

Erik realized that, like himself, Annika had been running on raw energy and suppressed emotion. In fact, it seemed they all had. The afternoon with Milly seemed to accelerate healing for the women, just as the camaraderie and competition seemed to help heal the men. Supper was the most relaxed meal they had shared, and none had been all that tense.

Tuesday the trauma counselors - there were now three - sent out a new schedule of sessions, with a note that they - the counselors - would have a say in when each trauma victim would be released to return to her/his life. These sessions were two hours long, and no one was looking forward to his/her session. They were ready to move on, not dwell, yet, doubtlessly, there were issues to resolve.

No one emerges unscathed - whether civilian, law enforcement, or military - after engaging in a car chase while being fired at, feeling it grind to a halt with the driver slumped over, hiding behind the vehicle, and exchanging fire with unknown assailants. And that was just the first few minutes of the half-hour of traumatic events. They knew that, and it had been told to them several times from several sources, but no one wanted to revisit those emotions again.

Erik had the slot just after lunch, with Mrs. Cardiff. Annika had the same slot, with Mr. Cardiff, and Cassie had the third slot with Erin West. They watched the others emerge from their sessions looking drained, but resolute. No one spoke of their experience, but Annika noticed that Hanna went directly to Milly's room after her session.

Because they had no obligations until then, Cassie and Erik worked on Greenlight issues in the small conference room, and Annika read and studied in the bedroom. As lunchtime neared, Cassie closed her tablet, and looked Erik in the eyes. "Are things the same with you guys in the bedroom?" she asked.

Erik replied, "We've chosen to hold each other and cuddle early, and spoon when we get tired. How about you?"

"Pretty much the same, though KJ has been stating his love more frequently, and each night he tells me just how much he loves and treasures me. We even had a conversation about having a child last night, for the first time in a long time."

"Annika and I haven't had that talk, but we have talked about how fragile life is, and how you can waste precious time doing things to prepare for a future you may not have. I know I see my own mortality more clearly now than I ever have, and it makes putting important things off seem arrogant and prideful."

"Do you mean the important thing you put off last summer?" she replied with a cocked eyebrow.

He smiled and nodded. "Maybe she still wants that big, showy wedding and reception for hundreds, with tons of media coverage. If so, we'll have to set a date after she explores venues and the security is figured out. If, however, she wants to get married in front of family and friends, maybe it can happen soon."

"Soon?" she asked with a grin.

"I'll let her name the date," he replied with a grin of his own. "I'm ready when she is."

"That's the way I'm leaning with KJ junior, but I'll need understanding bosses who will let me work remotely for a while, a fully committed husband who will stay home and help during the offseason, and a nanny during the season."

"Somehow, I think you'll find those are easy agreements to get," Erik replied with a smile, after which they stood, hugged tightly, and started for the cafeteria.

Annika and KJ were already there, with open seats beside them. The others were seated, except Monty, whose session had run longer. He appeared after everyone was seated, and he looked rung out. Bill got up and met him before he got to the serving line; they talked for a few minutes, and then he proceeded to choose his food and Bill returned to the table.

Major Heiser brought his tray to the table and asked if they minded if he joined them. He took the open chair, arranged his tray, and asked how everyone was doing today. He got the usual chorus of 'fine' and 'okay, how about you?' before nonchalantly disclosing, "Oh, by the way, the special agent would like to update you around five today, if that works for everyone."

At 1:30, Cassie, Annika, and Erik made their way to the counseling sessions. A little after 3:30 they emerged, looked at each other, and had a group hug. Annika and Cassie wrapped their arms around Erik, who escorted them to Milly's room. He put on his workout gear, and spent the next hour punishing his body for being so tense from a simple conversation. After cleaning up, he went to the large conference room for the update.

The room was filled, with the eleven of them, three military officers, and the Homeland Security analyst. The CIA officer was missing, and the FBI special agent was said to be entering the building. When he entered Bill's face lit up in recognition, and a smile crossed his face.

"I'm Special Agent in Charge, which is usually shortened to SAC, Earnest Thomas. As I look around, I see some familiar faces: Ranger Hammer and his delightful wife, Milly, whom I've known for years; Miss Olsson, who I had the pleasure of hearing live from the steps of the Texas capitol building, and Mr. Swahn, who was with her that day, and who has a special status in political circles - especially in Washington." He grinned at Erik, who nodded his head and muttered, "I'll bet I do."

"I also know Broncos quarterback KJ Saunders from NFL football broadcasts, and I've seen pictures of the rest of you in the files I've reviewed," he said, gesturing at the others.

"I know you're anxious for the update, but let me begin by expressing my admiration for each of you! Your cool heads and courage under fire are models for those of us in law enforcement and the military. As we decided this afternoon in my final briefing, you took action to protect yourselves as effectively and efficiently as a SWAT team or a military unit. Of course, you're all graduates of Bill's training courses, and that showed clearly in the way your organized yourselves and fought back.

"I'm not going to ask what some of the cartridges we found were fired from, but aren't we all glad you were so well armed and prepared! I say 'we' because, speaking selfishly, you saved all of us from a series of tragedies! The three teams assigned to you were supposed to kill you and continue on a killing spree along the line of stopped cars. After that, two teams were to hit the airport to shoot up the arrival and departure crowds from the roadway, and then be picked up by helicopters at the intersection with 71.

"The other team was to head east to Bastrop and kill as many HEB and Walmart shoppers as possible with automatic weapons and grenades, and be picked up by helicopter from the vacant lots behind Walmart.

"So, from our selfish perspective, you saved the lives of hundreds of people, and the governments of Texas and the US from a tragedy rivaling 9-11-01, and likely another war of retribution!"

The nine looked around at each other in near shock, until Monty said, "I told you guys they were awfully well armed for a hit squad and there were way too many of them! But I have a nit to pick; you said, 'three teams,' but we actually encountered four, counting the three pickup loads coming at us from the rear."

"You did, but they weren't originally assigned to your ambush/ assassination. They were on their way to Webberville Road to carry out an attack on the University of Texas, but were reassigned when you refused to die. We strongly doubt they would have made it anywhere near UT, given the massive law enforcement response and closed roads after we became aware of the first attacks and bombs, but we'll never know. And thank God and you guys for that!"

Annika leaned forward, hesitated, and then asked, "So when we were fighting to save our lives, we were also saving the lives of innocent children, women, and men? The targets, or primary targets of the ambush were Erik, Johnny, and Cassie because of Greenlight? And the men we killed were known terrorists and mercenaries? Do I have all that right?"

"Yes mam, you do," Thomas assured her.

She looked at Hanna, then Cassie, and finally at Milly. "I don't know if I speak for all of us, but that makes a world of difference to me. Maybe I'm becoming battle hardened, or maybe this wasn't as hard because they were never that close to us, or maybe it's because we were fighting side-by-side, together, but I haven't experienced the nightmares, the depression, or the anxiety I did after the shootout in Los Angeles.

"Knowing what their plans were though, well, honestly, I'm glad we fought them, and I'm glad I... we shot so many. I still regret that it happened, but SAC Thomas' report makes me feel almost giddy at the role we played!"

"You know what, Annika? You aren't alone! I feel the same way!" Cassie exclaimed. "I've never fired a weapon at anyone before, but, thanks to Bill's training, I felt calm and confident throughout the fight. Later, dark thoughts crept in, and I've been struggling more than I let on. My husband even woke me up from a nightmare that first night, and I made him hold me the rest of the night."

Eyes turned to Hanna, whose expression and tension had betrayed her angst after the adrenaline wore off, and who had listened to the report with a look of horror on her face. She now looked calm and resolved. "For those who don't know, I'm a kindergarten teacher. I love children, and I love the parents of my children. My past did not prepare me for the kind of violence I've experienced - most of which I experienced vicariously, though Annika - over the past two years.

"But I'm glad I played a role in stopping the senseless killing they had planned! I wish I hadn't killed any of them, but I'm sure I did, and I'm going to learn to live with that. I can, because the kind of men or women capable of killing so wantonly don't really deserve to live! Like my dad says about rats: 'If they stay outside in the field I leave them alone; when they come into my house and start tearing things up, I'm going to kill them.'

"I'm sure I'll have some bad days, but as of this moment, I'm glad I was there to help stop them!"

Erik started to respond, but KJ beat him to it. "You three are so damn tough and courageous! I saw it in the field of fire, and in how you kept your cool afterward, even though I knew you were as upset as I was. But hell, we did what we had to do, and I agree - I'm glad and proud that we did!"

Danny couldn't wait. "The whole damn bunch of you are just amazing! I thought we were goners when I saw the odds, and knew there were only three of us left after Wayne went down. But you guys, who we were supposed to be taking care of, stood toe to toe with us, firing, changing magazines, and firing some more! I felt like I was back in Army Rangers, fighting with an elite group against a formidable enemy!"

Bill's expression had become lighter and happier as they talked, and he took advantage of a pause after Danny stopped speaking. "And I'm as proud as a papa that you had just completed your advanced training!" They laughed, all feeling a bit giddy, and Bill spoke again.

"More seriously, you did the world several favors. Saving yourselves was the first and greatest, and, like Hanna's daddy says, riding the world of vermin that comes into your house with evil intensions is another. No one like killing another human being, but some just need killing! Don't lose another moment of sleep over what you did! You didn't pick that fight, but you did end it, and I'll thank God every day that you did!"

"How much has or will the media be told?" Johnny asked. "I saw the storms around Annika after she was kidnapped, and the media insanity after she and Andi were in the gunfight in Hollywood. I don't want that for Hanna or myself if we can avoid it. In fact, it would be best for Greenlight if none of our names were known!"

Thomas pursed his lips and replied, "We in law enforcement agree, though for different reasons. Yes, we would like to preserve your privacy, but from our perspective, the arms you used and the fact that military aircraft and troops became involved are challenging. We believe we can finesse the weapons question by attributing their availability to your security force. The aircraft and troops are problematic, although we can claim that happened because it was obviously a terroristic attack, and the President ordered military intervention. He will go along with that, but it raises legal issues under the Posse Comitatus Act he'd rather not face.

"Having told you what we in law enforcement favor, I must admit it is likely that eyewitness observations and leaks will give the media enough to dig until they find the truth. And even if that doesn't happen, leadership will have to report to several congressional committees, and even if that occurs in secrecy, there are some members who will leak the story for their own selfish reasons.