Long Cool Woman Ch. 03


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One of the people was Lester Holder, along with a cameraman and KXTC security people. And I could tell that some of the Antifa people were there, hiding behind cars, very likely with cellphones, recording what was happening.

"Care to comment for the record," shouted Lester Holder, "on your racist, violent abuse of blacks?"

I said nothing to him; to Savannah I said "Let's go." Holder moved to block us, and now was well within the 20 foot range where I could attack him and he'd be unable to respond in time.

"Your daughter's a halfbreed, Troy!" Holder ranted. "She's not even a human fucking being! She's a worthless bastard halfbreed! What, you don't like it when I say that? Why don't you do something about it?"

"Don't rise to the bait, Commander." said a woman's voice behind me. I did not even have to turn around to know that the Iron Wolf had my back, and that Lester Holder was on the verge of finding out what the full fury of 'Teresa Cunt' was all about.

Teresa came up, wearing all back, and put herself between me and Holder. And I could tell that she had reinforcements behind her... those Deputies and SWAT people that had been in the nearby room. "You just broke the law, inciting violence, Holder." Teresa said.

"Why don't you try to arrest me, then, you fucking cunt." Holder snarled.

I looked at Teresa and said "He's all yours. I'll take what's left of him to jail."

"Lester! Get back!" yelled a voice. Bettina Wurtzburg and her cameraman came up. "Don't give them the excuse, Lester. Everyone! Let's go! Get out of here!." All the news people obeyed, with Lester Holder snickering at us.

"Just in time." Teresa said as they drove their vehicles out of the garage. "Was that all staged? Was she a part of it?"

"I don't know." I said. "Let's go." I walked Savannah to her car, and she got in and drove off. I then said to Teresa "It's late, Captain. What say we go to our respective homes and get some sleep? Oh... don't touch Holder. Not publicly, not in private, not in secret, not with the Clan ninja. Just don't touch him."

Teresa peered at me. "You know, Commander... I've noticed that it's when you don't say a word that you have something in mind.. You don't say a word, so that you have 'plausible deniability'. So you're wanting me to leave Holder... to you."

"He will rue this day." I said. "And you're right, that's all I'll say. Plausible deniability, dontcha know..."

And Holder would rue the day. Having seen that philosophical exchange of ideas, Savannah Fineman realized what truly was going on. She would relate the story to Miriam Walters the next morning, along with my suggestions to publicly support Paulina...

Part 19 - From All Sides

"Hello and welcome!" said Catrina Pierce at 7:30am, June 20th, from the KFXU studios. "I'm Catrina Pierce, and with me as always is Meredith Peller. Meredith, it's been an incredible couple of days."

"Yes it has, Catrina." said Meredith, who was sitting on the couch in a way to show off her shapely legs. "The charges and counter-charges of racism are flying through the air, pitting Council Members against each other and the Mayor, and the Town & County Police are fighting back against accusations of racism and a culture of Police brutality and violence."

Catrina: "And we have breaking news: Fox Eight News has learned that District Attorney Miriam Walters will be making a statement to the Press this morning at 9:00am, and it will be about a potential plea deal for Councilman Reginald B.F. Lewis."

Meredith: "Last night over one hundred people gathered on Courthouse Square in a candlelight vigil for Councilman Lewis. The demonstration was peaceful, and the protesters said they were lighting candles to shed light on the suppression of minority voices by the abusive actions of the Mayor and Police, particularly Commander Donald Troy."

Catrina: "Commander Troy has not made any public statements since Tuesday's arrest of Councilman Lewis, but sources tell Channel Two News that he is taking KXTC reporter Lester Holder's comments about his daughter Tasha Troy-Patterson as an active, physical threat of violence against her. Commander Troy's other daughter Carole and Councilman Edward Steele's daughter Marie were victims of an attempted kidnapping earlier this month, and Commander Troy takes threats to his family very seriously."

Meredith: "Our competitor KXTC's Lester Holder's statements were so outrageous that we will not show them here, but even worse is KXTC Executive Producer Burt West's editorial in support of Holder's blatantly racist remarks." She read aloud the statement West had made the day before.

Catrina: "That is just disgusting. And ladies and gentlemen, this is the sweet little girl that Lester Holder has made those disgusting comments about. We are joined by Tasha Troy-Patterson and her mother, ADA Paulina Patterson, along with Tasha's sister, Carole Troy. Welcome to you all."

The camera panned out to show two utterly adorable Troy girls sitting on the loveseat sofa that had been brought in, and Paulina in a chair next to them. Only the addition of Bowser could have increased the cuteness level.

Meredith said "ADA Patterson, what is your response to the disgusting things said by our competitor about you and your daughter?"

Paulina said: "As a Prosecutor for the County, I'm used to attacks, though I cannot remember them ever being taken to the level Holder has taken them. He's just showing his racism and hatred in his remarks, and I do not believe his hatred is representative of the Black Community here nor anywhere else."

Paulina continued: "But the attacks on my daughter are beyond the pale. I believe Commander Troy is right when he says he considers them to be a call to physically threaten my daughter. And no one of any race, creed, or color could possibly consider those vicious remarks to be helpful to any racial issues in our County or our Nation today."

Catrina said "Carole, what do you think of that?"

Carole crossed her little arms and angrily said "Those are bad people, and they better leave my sis-ter a-lone!" Then she reached over and hugged Tasha, who happily hugged her back.

Catrina said "Thank you, ladies." Then she turned to the camera and said "If these children can transcend racial barriers for love like that, I don't know why the rest of us can't. But apparently Lester Holder and the people at our competitor KXTC have only hatred in their hearts..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Awwww." said my Angels as we watched and drank coffee in my office, along with Sheriff Griswold.

"Man, KFXU is scoring big points over KXTC today." Teresa said.

"Lester Holder has dug a huge hole for himself." said Cindy. "And then KXTC backs him up all the way. I don't get that, and I get the sense it's not just about you, Don. Do they have polling that suggests Blacks are loving what they are doing?"

"I agree there is more to it, and someone definitely has a plan... purpose and intent... in doing this." I said. "And they're pushing KXTC's buttons to get them to do this. I'll tell you this, too: the people behind this, whoever they are, are usually months ahead of the rest of us. What you are seeing now, the ginned up racial strife, was planned out months ago."

"But why?" Cindy asked.

"Oh, I have no idea. They're not sending me the memos." I said. "But seriously, if it were an Election year, I'd say that was the reason. But my thesis of them planning this months ago brings us back to last year, when their tactics to steal the Mayoral election failed."

"Maybe because the Charter is being re-written?" asked Tanya.

"It could be." said Teresa. "Before he was taken hostage, Todd was hearing a lot about some people wanting the new Charter to fail, and the Town and County to be split again. Gin all this stuff up, then Blacks would demand the split, possibly to get more representation on whatever governing body would come out of it."

"Crowbar," said the Sheriff, who was sitting on the sofa, "give that woman a crowbar."

"Don't need one, Sheriff." Teresa said with alacrity, though happy with the compliment. Then she said "Sheriff, what do you think of all this?"

"I think we're seeing an outward manifestation of nationwide problems." said the Sheriff. "These issues are going on in a great many places, like California and Chicago. But our Police stand up to the political correctness, and we especially stand up to the Media dishonesty, while in some of those other places, they bend to the politicians's and Media's will."

The Sheriff added: "Crowbar is right, and has always been right: the source of nearly all America's problems can be traced by to the corrupt, dishonest, agenda-driven, and deeply biased American Mainstream Media. If they reported just 10% accurately and without bias, and didn't bury the stories they bury, there is no way these politicians at any level, local, State, National, could get away with the garbage they're doing."

"Someone give that Sheriff a crowbar!" I said. Everyone laughed, and the Sheriff's mustaches twitched with merriment. I then said "Okay, I'm leaving tomorrow, Friday, at noon. Laura and I are taking Tasha, Carole, and Marie up to our place at Lake Watchacoochie for some R and R. Jim will be staying with his brothers at Molly's, Lord have mercy on her."

"Getting out of the way for a while?" asked Cindy. "Good idea." I nodded vigorously in agreement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At 9:15, District Attorney Miriam Walters stepped up to the podium set up just outside the entrance to the Courthouse complex on the east side of Courthouse Square, joined by ADAs Franklin Washington and Savannah Fineman.

"I have two things to announce." she said to the throng of reporters. Behind them was a throng of young black persons, all wearing red shirts with the logo of someone holding a pennant. They were all standing there silently, staring at the District Attorney.

"First," Walters said, "Judge Rodney K. Watts accepted the terms of a plea deal between the Town & County and Reginald B.F. Lewis. Lewis pled 'no contest' to charges of assaulting Police Officer and resisting arrest, charges which were reduced from felonies to misdemeanors as part of the agreement. His sentence of six years in prison and a $300,000 fine has been suspended, but can be reinstated if he commits the same or similar crimes again."

"Second," Walters said, "I wish to join Chief Sean Moynahan in condemning the racist hate speech uttered by Lester Holder of KXTC. I have referred his racist comments to the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division, and I agree with the Police that his remarks about young Tasha Troy-Patterson constituted an attempt to incite violence and potential harm to that little girl. No one in this County, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, orientation, or creed, should have to be subjected to the hatred spewed by Lester Holder. The District Attorney's Office will be making a further investigation of Holder's comments to determine if criminal charges should be brought against him. That is all, and I'll be taking no questions."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"And let's go to Lester Holder at the Courthouse." said Amber Harris from the KXTC studios after pre-empting 'Point Taken' for the news conference. "Lester!"

"That's right, Amber!" said Lester Holder, "you have just heard D.A. Walters's announcement of the onerous plea deal that Councilman Reginald B.F. Lewis was forced to accept, with threatening terms that are obviously meant to silence his voice so that he cannot effectively represent Minority interests------"

"Lester," said Amber, "District Attorney Walters said some ugly things about your insightful reporting about the racism of the Mayor and the Police. What is your response to the D.A.'s attacks on you?"

"Amber," said Holder, "it's not just about me. District Attorney Miriam Walters has joined the cause of white nationalist racism against People of Color in our Town & County. This local Government is totally rigged against Minorities, enforced by the Police brutality tactics of Police Commander Donald Troy..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

6:30pm, Thursday, June 20th. A meeting was taking place in a small room at City Hall. Attending were Reginald B.F. Lewis, Kelly Carnes, Malinda Adams, Eldrick X. Weaver, Dr. Lionel Carmela, and Della Harlow.

"It's over." said Lewis. "For me, anyway. It's over. They have muzzled me. They have silenced my voice as surely as if they sewed my lips together then put masking tape over my mouth."

"Yeah, it's bad." said Kelly Carnes sympathetically.

"Yes." said Lewis. "My usefulness is over. I'm considering resigning, letting Eldrick here take my place."

"The problem with that," said Kelly Carnes, "is that Reverend Joseph Williams might run, and win. Or worse, Edna Carter."

"Yeah, that's true." said Lewis.

"Why did you accept the deal?" Della Harlow asked.

"That fucking Uncle Tom, Rodney K. Watts, made it clear he wanted to send me to prison." muttered Lewis. "The white nationalist machine was going to run me over and put me away."

"Well," said Kelly Carnes, "I can take up the mantle for you against Allgood."

"Then you'll end up in the same place I am now." said Lewis. "They're out for our blood."

"You're right that this avenue has closed for us." said Dr. Lionel Carmela, Professor of Political Science at the University, and a hardcore Socialist/Leftist. "None of you should risk yourselves further. On that front, the illegitimate Mayor has won. So we need to find new avenues to make our grievances heard."

"We still can continue to bring up Donald Troy's Police brutality." said Malinda Adams. "As long as he's Police Commander, we have him and his filthy crowbar to attack."

"True." said Kelly Carnes. "But this is about more than Don Troy. It's about destroying the Republicans and dominating the Council, as well as getting a Mayor that won't protect the criminal Police."

"I'll tell you this." said Reginald B.F. Lewis. "That bastard Lester Holder is not helping our cause with his rhetoric."

"Oh, I disagree." said Eldrick X. Weaver. "He's a godsend to us."

"Yeah he is!" exclaimed Kelly Carnes. "He's sandblasting Donald Troy, and Troy's not saying anything. We're going to start calling him a coward for not defending his daughter if he doesn't react. Of course, if he does react, especially physically, then we do everything in our power to put him in jail... and see how he likes getting his ass turned up and popped."

"No." said Lewis. "Holder is going about it the wrong way. He's offending Blacks. Troy's daughter is a small child. They don't see him attacking Troy's family or a halfbreed, they see a little girl being attacked, and very maliciously. Someone needs to get him to stop."

"It won't be me." said Carnes. "I'm loving every word he's saying about Troy and his little bastard halfbreed kid."

"I agree." said Weaver. "Let him keep it up."

"No." said Dr. Lionel Carmela. "I agree with Reginald. Holder is not helping. KXTC is losing revenue as advertisers drop them. Polls are not responding favorably to Holder's reporting; if anything, it's helping Donald Troy. We need to shut Holder down, and find a better way."

"I'll speak to Burt West." said Malinda Adams.

"I'll talk to Bettina Wurtzburg." said Della Harlow. "We also need to start up the narrative of Troy's harassment of women, and soften that up for the State Legislature. They intend to impeach Val Jared over his sexual harassment of those two women, and we've got to undermine Troy's position that the women were the guilty ones. We have a huge sexual harassment campaign against Troy ready to go, but we don't want the racial issues to step on it as a story."

"Okay, we've got a Council meeting to attend." said Lewis, ignoring Della as he got up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Executive Session of the Council began at 7:30pm. The Mayor and Council, the Sergeant-At-Arms, and The Intendent were present. Mayor Daniel Allgood gaveled it into session. "This is a continuation of the meeting from Tuesday night," the Mayor said, "which was stopped due to the embarrassing display of bad conduct-------"

"Point of order." said Kelly Carnes. "I accuse you of harassing Councilman Lewis with those remarks. You are deliberately goading him, trying to get him to react so you can kick him out again then have his plea deal revoked. We are not stupid, and we see what you are doing. You are out of line, and should remove yourself from this Council meeting."

"For crying out loud..." Edward R. Steele muttered.

"I do not recognize the point of order," said Mayor Allgood with great formality, "because my description of that incident is accurate. It was an uncalled-for and embarrassing action that reflected poorly upon the Council. And the attacks on the Police Officers involved, both physical and verbally afterwards by the Press, were equally despicable."

"You're doing the same thing you accuse Councilman Lewis of doing------" started Carnes, but Allgood banged the gavel hard.

"The point of order is DENIED!" he said loudly.

"For God's sake." said an exasperated Susan Weston. "Can we just please get this meeting on with?"

"Why don't we continue, Mr. Mayor?" said J.P. Goldman. "The issue at hand is the Board of Inquiry examination of the raid that ended with the death of Lieutenant Irwin."

"Yes, let's do." said the Mayor. "Okay, does someone want to make a motion?"

John Colby said "I move to accept the Board's majority finding, which clears all Officers involved of any wrongdoing, and indemnifies them."

"I second." said Dagny Schoen.

"I move to amend," said Kelly Carnes, "such that the dissenting opinion of Board Member Finneran be accepted by this Council, which blames Commander Donald Troy for the death of Lieutenant Irwin, and recommends that Commander Troy not be indemnified."

"I second that motion." Reginald B.F. Lewis said, though his voice sounded dull and defeated.

"Debate?" asked the Mayor.

"I wish to bring up the point," said Sheila Sorrells, "which has been brought up by the Honorable Mr. Lewis, that the Police, and especially Donald Troy, continue to disrespect the process of the Board of Inquiry. A Police Officer died in that raid, and the Honorable Mr. Finneran was diligently attempting to get to the truth of what happened. However, he was stonewalled, then threatened, then Donald Troy sued, which the Judge immediately dismissed, and then the Police walked out. I-------"

"Point of order, Mr. Mayor." said Dagmar Schoen. "That was incorrect, both factually and in the characterization of Finneran and the Police. Finneran's conduct was even more inexcusable than Lewis's on Tuesday night-------"

"Point of order!" said Kelly Carnes. "You're goading the Honorable Mr. Lewis. If any of you do it again, I will sue you and the Mayor. I'm tired of your game. Let's just get this into a Court so that the world can see your racial bigotry and your goading tactics------"

*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap* went the Mayor' gavel.

"Ms. Carnes, your point of order is denied." said the Mayor. "Your threats are out of order Either go file that lawsuit, or don't. I personally welcome it, and as part of my countersuit I will ask the judge to rescind the suspension and fully impose the prison sentence on Lewis."

"STOP THREATENING HIM!" Carnes yelled. "If you think you're going to hold that over his head like the Sword of Damocles, you've got another think coming!"

*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap* went the Mayor's gavel.

"One final time, Ms. Carnes." said the Mayor. "If you don't like it, there's the door; don't let it hit you on the way out. And I will not tolerate your outbursts any further. One more, and I'll have you arrested."