Long Love Broken Pt. 04


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I asked why, and she told me that Courtney had plans for the weekend, and they couldn't travel without her. That didn't make sense to me until she added that they had always travelled on Courtney's dime. I offered to wire the money for the tickets, and she hedged again, saying she didn't want me to waste my money. I told her about my bonus check and she got really confused, but agreed to my terms anyway.

There was a throat-clearing sound at my door when I disconnected the call. I looked up to see Herman standing there. "Herman! I'm sorry! It's just my friends stuck up in Indiana. I'll get to work."

"What are their names?" Herman asked.

"Katie Chambers and Jian Min Chambers," I replied.

"Interesting," Herman mused. "You have two friends with the same last name as you do?"

"It's a long story, Herman," I said.

"I'll take care of it. Call her back and let her know that there are two tickets at the TransWorld desk for Friday."

"Thank you, Herman," I said.

"My pleasure," he smiled.

I called Katie back and let her know the good news and asked if her and Min had really changed their last names. She sent back a picture of her driver's license and student ID.

Needless to say, I was shocked. I had heard heard them talking about it, but never had seen the proof. Katie said she had to go tell Min, and that they'd call me before they boarded.

I asked again what kind of plans Courtney had, and another picture came over my phone with the caption 'FYEO.' it was a picture of two women kissing in a bar, one obviously Courtney and the other probably the Carmen woman who had captured Courtney's attention.

Satisfied that my girlfriends were coming to see me, I went to work on my project for Herman.

Sofia wasn't there when I got home, but came in just as I was finishing dinner for two. I greeted her with a smile and a kiss. We talked about our days, and she was delighted to know I would be taken care of for the weekend. She was also curious about the BMW sedan in one of my parking spaces. Sure enough, somebody had dropped off the keys with the desk clerk. I kind of wished people would stop sending me cars. Four of my dive allotted spaces were now taken.

Thursday and Friday flew past . I took the BMW to the airport, Katie and Min sporting more bags than usual. They explained that most of their party clothes were locked in Courtney's suite.

Courtney had given me a key-card to the suite when we had went for lunch that day. I stopped by the penthouse to drop off their luggage, and grabbed some empty cases to put their clothes into.

When we were on the way to the hotel, I asked them if they were sure about putting their clothes at my place, and they were okay with it.

We went up to the suite and I found that the card still worked. There was moaning coming from one of the bedrooms. I went toward the noise and was shocked by what I saw.

Carmen was doing a headstand split up against the wall and and Courtney was on her knees, hungrily eating out her pussy. Carmen squeaked and closed her legs, almost catching Courtney's head between them. Carmen dropped from the headstand and ran into the bathroom.

Courtney went into the bathroom and came back out with a towel wrapped around her. "What are you doing here?" She demanded.

"I'm helping Katie and Min get some of their clothes," I replied.

"Clothes," Katie echoed from behind me with a squeak in her voice.

"Get them," Courtney ordered. "All of them."

"Fine," Katie said. She stomped off to the other bedroom. I heard her sobbing all the way.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your plans," I dropped the key card on the floor. "We would have called ahead, but we thought your plans were in Indiana."

"Well, now you know," Courtney snapped.

A question sprang into my mind. "What's with the towel? It's not like your nudity is new to me."

"Carmen asked me to put it on," Courtney replied. "How did they get here?"

"Katie and Min are in Vegas on my dime," I said.

"You mean my dad's dime."

"No, my dime. I got a bonus at my job, so I wired the tickets to them," I said. "Why are you so angry at me? If you were going to do this all along, why even bother to ask me back into your life?

"I don't know, Jackie. I really don't," Courtney said.

"Then please stay out of my life. Please. Don't toy with me, please."

"All right. Can you shut the door behind you?"

Wow, she was dismissing me, just like that. "Are you having dinner with your parents on Sunday?"

"Why? You going to try and con some more money out of my dad?" Courtney demanded.

"No, I am just going to see them. I haven't been over there for two weeks."

"I'll go Saturday."

"Sounds good to me," I left the room, pulling the door shut behind me.

I found Katie and Min almost in tears packing up their belongings. "I swear we didn't know she was coming down," Min said.

"It's okay. How can I help?"

"We're almost done. Can you call a bellhop?"

"Sure." I called the bellhop, then helped Katie and Min pull their luggage to the middle of he foyer. I heard the latch click on the other door, and it opened just a crack.

I really didn't care who was watching us. The bellhop dutifully loaded the bags onto the cart and we followed him out of the room. I was tempted to go back inside and beg Courtney to come back to me, but I knew it would be futile.

As soon as I closed the door, I heard the mechanical latch being thrown. We got back to the penthouse, and when we had pulled the bags into the foyer, Katie broke out in tears. Min wasn't too far behind. We made our way to the front room and cried together on the carpet. "We've been friends forever! Whenever you saw one of us, you knew that the others weren't far behind," Katie sobbed.

"We were known as The Terrible Trio. We even got arrested together a few times," Min added.

"Then that yoga instructor comes along and said she needed tutoring in formula validation." Katie said. "When you came along..."

"Please don't blame me for this," I pleaded.

"No, when you came along, Courtney changed her tune in life. We followed, and everything was good until she met Carmen. Then they started studying together all hours. When you got hurt, Courtney visited you in the hospital every week and pulled away from Carmen," Min said.

"Then you got better, and the drama began again," Katie finished. "Courtney pulled away from us on our free time, opting to spend it with Carmen. We thought that would change when this weekend came, but it didn't. We could have come ourselves, but that would have hit our pockets pretty hard."

"I'm glad I have a nice boss," I said. "Let's shower, you smell like coach."

"We actually had first-class tickets waiting for us at the desk," Min said. "Thank you, by the way."

"i wanted your time, I'm greedy. You don't have to thank me," I gave her a wink.

Katie and Min agreed that the fucking could wait until we came back to my home. We dressed to the nines and hopped into the BMW. Our first stop was a karaoke bar called 'Rough Voice.' The bouncer happily gave us a private VIP table so we wouldn't be hounded by male customers if we didn't want to bring them to our table. It was worth the four hundred dollars to have some relative privacy.

Min agreed to be the designated driver so that Katie and I could enjoy some booze. I asked for a karaoke slot and had to wait six songs before I could sing. When I was waiting in the wings, I saw Courtney and Carmen come into the bar. My initial thought was that I should cancel my song and head back to the table. A text came in from Min: Don't let her scare you away. Live your life."

That was a good idea. I changed my song, hoping that the manager would okay it. He did, and it was my turn to take the stage. I hadn't sung in a while, but my voice easily handled Leann Rimes' 'Blue.' I got an ovation from the audience as I left the stage.

"Oh my god, that was soooo sexy, Jackie," Katie swooned. "I would think that I wet my panties, but I don't have any on."

"It was really good, Jackie," Min agreed. "As a bonus, you sent a message."

"Here comes the recipient," Katie pointed.

"Why are you following me?" Courtney demanded.

"Courtney, we were here a half-hour before you," Katie said. "Why are you following us?"

"Just forget it," Courtney snapped and stormed off.

"She's going to break those heels," Min observed. "Let's forget about them, okay?"

"Forget," Katie agreed.

We didn't get too drunk at the bar, and Min drove us home while Katie and I made out in the backseat. The three of us piled into the elevator, where Min demanded equal treatment. When we got up the next morning, there was nothing on the bed but us.

"This whole room smells like fucking," Katie giggled.

"I disagree," Min said. "I think it smells like lovemaking."

"Me too," I agreed. "Katie?"

"Lovemaking leaves the sheets on the bed," Katie giggled.

"Dibs on the shower," Min shot out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

"She does know that there is more than one shower in this apartment?" I asked Katie.

"Maybe she wants to fight you for it," Katie observed. "Go, I'll clean up this mess."

MIn was doing toe-touches when I got into the shower. If that wasn't a message, I didn't know what was. We got clean, then dirty again, then clean again. We dried each other off, me taking a little more time than was necessary to dry Min's hair. She really enjoyed me tugging on it, and I noted that for later.

Katie was true to her word. She changed the linens and was in the kitchen cooking. "How is it that you took so long showering? I showered, cleaned up the room, and am almost done with breakfast."

"And I'll bet you had a little fun with that detachable shower head," Min teased.

"No, I'm saving that for tonight."

We got dressed and went to gamble, it being Vegas after all. I was allowed to transfer my account from Hype without the tax penalty I would incur if I had just claimed the money and then put in on account.

The design of the casino matched the name, 'Retro.' I would have thought that it had just existed that long without renovation, but it was up to the stringent fire codes that I knew Vegas had in place.

We gambled at the tables that parties could share, craps and roulette. The three of us split blackjack tables, but that still caught the attention of the pit boss. I agreed to go play poker while the girls played blackjack. I actually should have chosen the poker table first, because I came up forty thousand on a straight flush. I gradually whittled that forty thousand to twenty-five before I took off for lunch.

The menu for the casino restaurant was not retro. Katie and Min didn't flinch when I told them to pick anything they wanted. You could pay and tip in chips, which was just fine with our waitress. The desert dishes were being picked up when I saw Blake walk onto the casino floor with Melanie in tow. Her hair was freshly butchered, and she was dressed like Blake.

"You know them?" Min asked.

"From a long time ago," I replied. "A long time."

I wasn't interested in what Blake was doing here, but Melanie was supposed to be on the east coast at Columbia Law. I almost gagged when I saw them kiss. Min noted my discomfort and nudged me. "Jackie, let's go."

We turned in our chips at the cage, Min and Katie taking the time to fill out the IRS forms because they were talking their winnings in cash. We went shopping, only I paid for their clothes for once. I had never been to a Vegas show despite living there for a year before my hospital stay.

The show that they took me to was with drag queen performers. They were obviously made up to look like women, their colors were loud but precise in their application. I felt a sort of kinship with them, even though I wasn't 'loud' like they were. Another line of performers came out on the stage while several women appeared in the crowd.

"The drag queens are actually women made to look like men in drag," Katie said. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"They need some pole dancers," I said. Let's go, I want to go home."

When we got to the Lamar Building, I felt like shit. I didn't know why, but I didn't feel good. We watched some TV, something I hadn't done in a while. We had a quick dinner and they crawled into bed with me, Min in front and Katie behind me like spoons in the silverware drawer.

The clock said it was midnight when I woke up alone. I went to take a piss and to look for Katie and Min. Katie was in another bedroom, dialing her phone. "Courtney, what the fuck?" A pause. "I thought you loved Jackie!"

I felt a gentle touch on my back, tugging back on the waistband of my panties. I followed Min to the closet room. "Both of us got texts from Courtney an hour ago. She said that we needed to leave you. I told her to fuck off."

*And Katie?"

"In the process of doing the same thing. We didn't ask for a reason, because we are going to stay."

"No matter what?"

"Absolutely," Min nodded.

"Did she tell you I was boffing her parents on a regular basis? I asked.

"Yes. Hell, I'd boff them, both of them," Min smiled. *Courtney told us nothing but good things about you, and nothing is going to stop us."

"Nothing," Katie said from behind me.

"I'm older than both of you put together," I protested.

"Like I said, you'll pass before us and we get your stuff," Min chuckled. "You have lots of nice stuff."

"Give it up, Min," Katie said. "I just got done cussing Courtney out. She said that her parents were not going to be happy to see us, any of us."

"We will have to find out tomorrow," I said. "You coming back to bed?"

"Sure," Katie said.

Katie and Min didn't really feel like going back to the church, so I gave Jonathon a call. He sounded happy that I was coming over, and didn't mind me bringing Katie and Min along.

I drove the my BMW, Katie and Min sitting in the back. Jonathon's BMW was in the front driveway and I parked behind it. Jonathon came out to greet us, "Courtney would like to see you in the gazebo."

"What could she possibly have to say to me?" I asked.


I went around the house, Courtney and Carmen sitting in the gazebo. There was another chair there, obviously for me, but I didn't sit down. "I'm not following you," I said.

"Jackie, we're not going to get back together," Courtney said. "I asked my father to rip up the original certificate."

"That's not news to me," I shrugged.

"I asked Carmen to marry me, she agreed."

"Again, not news." I looked at Carmen, she wasn't smug or gloating. "So why bring me back here?"

"I would like you to leave my friends alone," Courtney said. "They are too young for you, just like I was too young for you."

"They are grown women," I countered. "Just like you."

Courtney stood, Carmen came and stood behind her. "Goodbye Jackie."

They went around the house as opposed to going through it. When I came to my senses and went after them, I rounded the second corner too late. Katie and Min were looking at me in horror, Courtney pulling their luggage out of my trunk and putting it in a limousine parked beside my car.

I started to approach them, but Katie came out to me, hand raised. "How could you?"

"How could I what?"

"Courtney told us by text that you slept with an old man for fifty-thousand dollars and two cars!"

"Why don't you ask me about that? I can explain everything!"

Katie slapped me in the face. "Stay away from us!" She stormed back to the limousine and got inside. Min was already in car, Courtney and Carmen getting in the other BMW.

The limo and the BMW pulled out, leaving just me and Jonathon there. "I wish you had just let me die, Jon. Hell would be better than what I'm feeling now."

"Courtney has obviously been brainwashed," Jonathon said. "Her best friends seem to be brainwashed as well."

"You could have clued me in. Katie hit me so hard I think she dislodged on of my facial implants."

Jonathon chuckled. "Your face was rebuilt over a titanium form. Katie probably hurt her hand hitting you like that."

"Are we still on for lunch? No desert?" I asked.

"Leave the dessert option on the table, please," Jonathon begged.

The desert option was used. This time with actual desert that Amber licked off my body. Jonathon sat on the sidelines this time, jacking off in a chair while watching us. He warned Amber that he was about to cum and she went over and finished sucking him off. I got whatever she didn't swallow, which was quite a bit. Amber and I then showered to get the whipped cream, chocolate syrup and honey off our bodies.

Amber led me into the fuck room, as she called it, and told me to wait. Jonathon came in a moment later and bent over in front of me. He had a butt-plug in his ass. Amber brought me some lube and slimed up my cock. She assured me that his pussy was nice and clean, and pulled the butt plug out of Jonathon's ass.

I had never seen Jonathon's ass up close before He was always behind me, or under Amber. It was actually pretty cute, round, like a girl's ass. I wanted to see it up close, to rim him, but Amber wasn't having any of that. She lined me up and told Jonathon to push back against me. Once I was inside him, his sphincter tightened up around my cock. He was really tight, and I was afraid I was going to hurt him.

He moved forward and then back against me. I looked at Amber, and she informed me that Jonathon had been worshipping her dildo for a week or so. I put my hands on his hips and started to drive myself into him. Amber reached under him and started jacking him off. He came relatively quick, and told me to keep on going.

There was no ass-pounding, but I did pull him back against me again and again until I started shooting inside of him. He moaned and grunted and Amber told me to keep going. It took another two minutes, but Jonathon came again. This time, it was without the benefit of Amber jacking him off. He eased onto the bed, curling up and smiling. Amber reminded me of what I had said in my drawing room: Me on top of Jonathon, always.

I asked her what that meant, and she pulled me into what had been Rachel's room. She told me that now that I had fucked Jonathon, I would be on top, always. I pouted, saying that I really enjoyed him fucking me in the ass, especially the last time when he shot his seed into me and I had trapped it.

Amber said that I could still enjoy that, I just had to command him to do it. She couldn't tell me what had brought the change about, or if our relationship had always been that way. In any case, she wanted me to command her next. I had not gotten the chance to titty fuck her yet, so that's what I did. After I got done licking the cum off her face, we made out until she fell asleep.

The wound that Katie and Min had opened up deepend when I went home. Katies and Mins resident codes were still active, so they had come to get their stuff. It wasn't like they had unpacked anything, but my clothes were all over the floor. This couldn't have been their idea, unless Courtney and Carmen had been up here.

I went down to the lobby, asking if I could see their security footage of my elevator. Courtney hadn't come inside with them. Another click later, the guard showed that the only BMW to come in the parking deck or out front during the time I was gone was mine.

Why had they tossed my clothes like that? I knew that they had been really mad but why toss my apartment on purpose? I wasn't going to deal with this tonight, I really wasn't. I went and picked an outfit for classes and work, I would clean up the mess tomorrow.

My next stop was the elevator. I locked out Katie and Mins resident access and then studied Sofia's. She had pretty much admitted to working for Herman Woodsworth. She also admitted to being attracted to me on a personal and sexual level. And, she was super-hot to boot. I left her access in the computer, hoping that she wouldn't break my heart too.