Loosening Up Bk. 08 Ch. 06-10


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Dave nodded, "That was true all through many states. A few states only considered sex in the missionary position to be legal. Go figure. Now, here's an interesting legality question for you. Most states consider incest illegal, and I can certainly agree with those laws for minors; but should that rule apply for adults?

"We in our Circle have a simple byline that states, 'Consenting adults can do whatever they want about sex'. Do you believe that? Should there be exceptions based on the position of the partners, the number of partners, the orifice being used, the lineage of the partners prior to coupling, or the time of month. We need not answer that right now, but we've had some interesting rap sessions about those questions and that statement in the Circle. We spent a long time just defining an 'adult'."

Riley said, "Oh, yes. Cricket's book talked about your Circle 101 course and rap sessions. Those sound really cool. I wish I was there to join in and listen."

Dave smiled and made a sweeping gesture with his arm, "Come on down!"

Riley turned to Ian and Renata, "Twice a year for roughly thirteen weeks some of the Circle members and especially the people pledging their Circle get together on a weekly basis to talk about various aspects of their Circle -- that statement for instance, other sex things, exclusivity, possessiveness, jealousy, and all sorts of relationship things, and then all the things about living together such as their service jobs, their hobbies -- such as flying, and at the start how the Circle got started -- their lore. Dave has often been one of the facilitators. It sounds so cool."

Riley went on, "One of the things some of us have talked about is where we want to be as a group along the spectrum between swinging and conjugal sex. Could you comment?"

Dave chuckled, "We've often had and have the same discussion in the Circle frequently, and most of the time we're somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. Swinging sometimes implies sex with strangers or distant friends. Usually, we don't do that, but we have indulged at times and had a lot of fun. How should I categorize all of you, for instance?

"One of the questions is whether you want a relationship to have been established before you start to have sex or can it come afterwards. In fact, it can be either. For me, I want my intent to be a longer-term relationship with a person if we make love. If we repeatedly make love AND build the relationship, we move from the swinging end of your spectrum towards the middle or other end of that spectrum.

"Having sex with someone usually builds the relationship and makes it stronger. So, we could start as relatively new friends, enjoy making love, have the intent to grow something larger, and continue our emotional, spiritual, and physical relationship over time.

"In our Circle, we have friends with a similar group about an hour away. When we first started socializing with them, they were 'friends' but we wanted something stronger. We did some great Halloween and holiday parties, had a lot of sex, and those relationships developed and strengthened over time. One of the women in the other group is one of my wives on a part-time basis. She's married to the erstwhile head of the other group. Some other relationships are also forming by others in both groups."

Ian said, "And you've all given each other permission to play around?"

Dave laughed, "Oh, you just walked into some quicksand and are sinking fast."


"What does GIVING PERMISSION imply?"

A long silence ensued. Ian blushed, "That I control or own the other person and that they will do what I tell them."

"Love, honor, and OBEY?" Dave emphasized.

"That's kind of bad, isn't it?"

"Only if you want it to be. That's a judgment call. We're VERY egalitarian in our Circle. No one owns or possesses anybody else, even among spouses. The tacit contract is that if we're in the Circle we can do as we want. We respect each other. We inform. We discuss. We hypothesize. But we each have the ultimate decision about how to behave and who and how to interact with them. Since sex is one of the underpinnings of the Circle, we all expect our spouses to be lovers and participants in whatever else is going on with other people -- even if it's casual swinging at one of our crazy parties."

Ian nodded. Dave felt he was really taking in and learning a lot about himself and his marriage in their conversation. Renata was almost jumping up and down with joy. Further, whether intentionally or unintentionally Riley had started to flirt with Dave, standing inside his personal space, touching him frequently, flipping her hair, and making coy eye contact. Renata started to do the same thing. Ian didn't seem to notice, but Dave knew the signals of initial desire.

Bret and Jack, the latter one of the single men, called the barbecue meat done and started to unload the grill onto large platters for the four large picnic tables in Bret and Jean's backyard. The sky was partly cloudy so the temperatures had moderated, but the pool still looked inviting. Several 'nudists' had gone in during the afternoon. Dave, Alice, and Cricket split up between the tables so they'd absorb more about the Atlanta Group.

Renata and Riley sat on either side of Dave at dinner. He took on his own line of questions to them about their backgrounds, education, and jobs. Renata was second-generation Czech, had gone back to Prague to attend university, and then came back to the states where she met and married Ian. He was an engineer for a large contracting firm. Renata worked for Coca Cola in their finance and accounting department. Dave gave her some bridge lines to use with Alice since she had been in that field for her whole career.

Riley was a native Georgian, about twenty-seven, and a relatively new paralegal for a large firm that mostly did trust and estate planning work. Their target market was retirees. He had a great discussion with her about getting a law degree and whether that would make a difference in her career track. He gave her some things to think about as a result. Having Jason, Susan, and Robyn as Circle members helped him have the right things to say to her.

Also at the dinner table were Dick, Amber, Val, Darcie, Ed, and Brittany. Dave again responded to their questions about the Circle. In particular, he mentioned how he often warned newcomers to the Circle about the Friday and Saturday evening mating dances that took place, suggesting that they vacate the patio if they weren't inclined to participate. He had a humorous way of stating the obvious and provoked some laughter.

Dave asked, "I haven't asked, but I know some of you make love together. How does that start? Are you together or do you go off in couples or what?"

There was a long awkward silence at the table and more than a few of the group blushed. Dave wasn't one of them. He finally said, "One of the hallmarks of the Circle is that we've learned that talking about sex is one of the most natural things to do. Please excuse me if I have transgressed on your social mores."

Darcie laughed, "No. We have been talking in very small groups, usually comprised of only one sex, about some of this stuff and how we want to be in the future. We do want to be a loving group -- and I mean sexually, too. Most of us have opened our marriages or relationships to do that, but mostly we've been going off in couples. A few times there have been threesomes. I guess like your Circle we have more women than men in this group."

Dave asked, "How do you ask one another?"

Darcie said, "We wait for the men to ask?"

Dave teased, "So, sort of like a junior high school sock hop?"

There was laughter and much nodding.

Dave said, "Why don't you turn that around more explicitly. Make the rule that anybody can ask anybody. Also, learn how to say 'No' politely just in case. Change that in the open and everyone will be more relaxed. Another thing we do in the Circle to promote the coupling is to provide some dance space after our meal, often while after-dinner coffee or tea is being served. Some music is put on and people start to dance. Many of our members find it easier to ask for dance than for a few hours of romance."

Riles and Brittany nodded. The latter said, "I like that idea, especially if it's the female asking. I guess once you're dancing you can flirt your ass off and end up with your partner for the night."

Dave nodded, "You can, but one of the other things we do is spread our talents around. At least half of the couplings that are made only go for an hour or two. After that the two parties go back to our bar area or dance floor and find a second, and sometimes even a third partner for some romantic activity."

Dave paused and added, "I must comment that most of our Circle members have fostered their exhibitionist traits. We are not shy about making love around each other with our partner or partners. Somewhat like Bret and Jean, we have a lot of doublewide chaises that can comfortably accommodate a couple. Those fill up with couples making love all evening long -- in sight of one another, even only a couple of feet apart. It's very arousing and also quite romantic. Second or third partners often come from being in close proximity with someone else you love."

Brittany grinned broadly, "I have GOT to come and visit you guys."

The others laughed at her enthusiasm.

Renata said, "I like your suggestions and your boldness. I promise to take the lead in trying to get our group to adopt similar 'rules' as you call them."

Dave emphasized, "They are not formal rules. They just became what we do to feel comfortable with each other."

Renata said, "Then I plan to start now. After dinner, would you please be my first partner in my new lifestyle?" She looked deep into Dave's eyes, but only after glancing at Ian's smiling face.

"I'd be delighted."

Riley looked gravely disappointed.

Dave said, "Riley, I'm sure we can find a place for you to join us. I think the three of us might do very well together, unless Renata minds."

She brightened and said in a soft tone, "Thank you. I'd like that." She turned to Renata, "Is that all right?"

Renate nodded and blew her a sexy air kiss and licked her lips.

Brittany said in a reluctant tone, "I want to be with you later, too; that is if those two haven't worn you out."

Dave said, "Let's meet back here about ten o'clock if not before to reconnect and take stock of where things are in life. I'll wait for you." He smiled at the pretty young woman and she seemed to melt in happiness right before his eye. He was wondering where all this adoration was coming from; he was just a plain ordinary guy.

As they prepared to get up leave the table, Dave said, "Just so you know as your guests we have no preconceived notion about how the rest of the evening will go. If you want to just talk that'd all be fine with us. Going with that idea of consent, we don't like to lay guilt trips on other people so that they satisfy what they think are some of our fantasies or expectations."

Renata lightly swatted at Dave. "In this case, YOU don't seem to understand that WE WANT this -- we NEED this time with you -- and that's making love -- SEX! The evening and our consent for anything you want to try short of pain or permanent markings is hereby announced. Please."

Renata, Riley, and Dave settled in together on one of the wider chaises beside Bret and Jean's swimming pool. Overhead a few of the more brilliant stars were popping into place in the night sky as night overtook dusk.

Three people started to purr as they shared kisses with each other.

Chapter 8 -- Deeper Involvement

"Sarasota Approach Control, November-One-Two-Echo-Romeo with you at six-thousand landing Circle Airport east of Sarasota. We have information Oscar at SRQ."

Approach Control responded promptly, "Two-Echo-Romeo radar contact. Proceed on course. Descend to two thousand. When you're on final approach, you may cancel with us and complete your approach. Altimeter is three-zero-zero-four."

Dave responded and then started the jet's slow descent. He was west of Tampa over the Gulf of Mexico in the pilot's seat of the Cessna Citation. He verified his location on the moving map display in the jet's center console. Next to him Alice sat as copilot. She had read several checklists aloud to him. Cricket sat buckled in on the small jump seat slightly behind and between the two pilot's seats.

Alice commented, "Flawless flying and cockpit management."

Dave nodded. "Thanks. You inspire me to try to equal your skill level in the jets."

"You're doing fine. You don't need a copilot and this plane doesn't require one anyway. Anytime you need to fly alone someplace, feel comfortable and safe doing so."

Dave teased, "Maybe I'll go back to Macon."

Alice and Cricket laughed, "To do what, devastate a few more females that are Bret and Jean's friends. My God, you left about half the women in that group groveling at your feet. Even in our own Circle, leaving that many women panting after you in a day-and-a-half would be over the top for you."

Dave chuckled and defended his weekend, "I was only trying to please some lovely women."

Cricket said, "They're all in love with you."

"That's because I gave each one The Experience. They each got a huge dose of natural oxytocin released from some gland in their body. That'll wear off and things will go back to normal."

Cricket laughed harder, "Normal? Normal? You just upset any idea of normal any of those people had. Alice and I were doing our part, too. I had one man tell me he'd only heard of a snapping pussy until he and I got going. Now, he'll never be the same."

Dave commented, "I did notice some men following you around trying to sniff your private parts this morning and this afternoon. I think they liked your pheromones."

Alice commented dryly, "They especially liked our snapping pussies wrapped around their manhood, especially when we did a few guys two women at a time. They hadn't done that before."

Dave teased, "That was brilliant of you to show one of your porn videos to some of the men. Now you really have them in the palm of your hand. Alice Angel strikes again!"

After the plane was south of the Airport Control Zone for SRQ airport, Dave turned the jet to the east and leveled out at two thousand. On another of the plane's radios he contacted Circle Airport to announce his intentions to land in about seven minutes. The winds favored a landing to the east so he was lined up fairly well for the approach and landing. He went to his first radio and cancelled his flight plan with Approach Control.

Dave said to Alice, "The men are going to want their wives to come down and do some videos with Mike and Circle-X Productions, especially since you assured them that such action was a crucial step in loosening up."

"Well, it did help with us. Besides, Mike always likes some new pussy for his films."

"We were pretty loose by then. We were just enjoying some gratuitous sex, or rather you were. The fact that you were exceptionally good as a porn star just put the icing on the cake."

Alice laughed, "Just so you know, I got asked if I'd participate in the Adult Video News gala in Las Vegas in January. Want to go? I got asked to make several of the presentations to the award winners. I'm not on the list although my sources there tell me I got quite a few nomination votes. If I wasn't working so hard at EneRG for their handsome and studly CEO I could devote more time to making stellar pornography."

Dave teased, "Hey, I'm your CEO and thank you for the back-handed compliment. I'll make sure you have some time off to devote to your second career."

"I'll do some films with some of the women and men from Bret's Atlanta Group."

Dave held up a hand and used the plane's radio. "Circle Airport, this is Cessna Citation One-Two-Echo-Romeo on five mile final for runway zero niner." He adjusted the throttle, lowered some flaps, lowered the landing gear, and made some other adjustments to the plan. Alice started to read off a checklist to him.

This time the radio crackled, "Two-Echo-Romeo, Circle Airport. No reported traffic. See you in a few." He recognized Cindy Worthington's voice -- his part-time wife and the first that created a strong bond between the Worthington Clan and the Circle. Cindy was also jet rated.

The cockpit got busy with checklists as flaps got adjusted again, power settings lowered, landing gear verified as down and locked, and a verification that all instruments showed normal readings. Three minutes later Dave set the jet down on the narrow runway and used reverse thrusters to help slow the plane before the rapidly approaching end of the relatively short runway. In another minute, he pulled in front of the second hangar and the engines spooled down as he ran through the final shutdown checklist.

Cricket opened the door and deployed the stairway to the tarmac. The few soft bags they had were soon tossed down as Cindy and Ross met the plane with two golf carts. After ensuring the plane's condition and tie down, Dave exited the plane and greeted Ross with a 'high five' and Cindy with a hug and kiss. "Hi darling. You should have come with us."

"Next time. I assume you left a trail of broken hearts and leaking pussies behind." She laughed knowing she was right.

Alice intervened, "He did six women, and yes they were following him around at lunch like lost puppies because he was leaving them."

Dave retorted, "Well, Alice Angel and her sidekick also made an appearance and left the males in a similar state of mind. They want us to come back soon, and they all want to visit us."

"Good, I'll get to meet them. Come on; get in the golf cart. I have some interesting news."

"What?" Dave and Alice asked almost simultaneously.

Cindy's voice took a serious tone, "Owen had another run at his house with someone trying to get in. The night guard had gone inside the house to use the bathroom when someone tried the door behind him. Any of us would have used the combination on the door lock and just gone in. The door was locked, but both men heard the attempt to gain entry. The bodyguard raced for Owen's bedroom in full protect mode. The watchman hit the ground running, but the intruder had taken off like a gazelle and was just a fleeing shadow headed towards Christian Grey Road. The video cameras confirmed the attempt. The police are investigating again, but again there's not much to go on. There was no facial recognition on the videos."

Dave, Alice, and Cricket were almost silent as they thought of the implications of the attempt to get into Owen's house. Dave wondered whether they were trying to get to Owen or get some possession he had. Owen had lived a pretty spartan life, so didn't have gold ingots or their equivalent lying around waiting for a snatch and run.

When Dave talked to Owen later, he was remarkably calm and not the least upset. He did comment that he was planning on beefing up the overall security of the entire Circle at his expense. He also wanted to put some remote cameras along Christian Grey Drive to see whether some additional information could be gained.

* * * * *

Kellie plopped down opposite Dave and Cricket on Wednesday night at the dinner table. The two had just started to eat after an unusually long cocktail hour. The meal was pork tenderloin with special mushroom gravy. Whichever chef had overseen the meal had made a five-star dish. There had been a lobster bisque soup as the appetizer.

Kellie looked at Cricket. "You're famous! I didn't know when I first met you."

Cricket shrugged. "Kind of. I like to write. I guess some other people like it. Don't make a big thing about it."

"I'm blown away to meet you. I was just a stripper in the Club Ecstasy until a couple of weeks ago, and now I'm a college student."