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She was pregnant and she cheated.
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I wonder what it is that makes some men get the hots for pregnant women. The opposite side of the coin is what is it about being pregnant that turns some women into cock hungry sluts. It's a question that I have asking myself for about a month now; ever since I found out my wife of three years, who is seven months pregnant, has been getting fucked by other men. Not just a lover, but by a lot of other men.

Loretta was by no means a virgin when we took our wedding vows. She'd had other lovers before she met me and in the interests of having an honest relationship she told me all. We lived together for two years before we got married and I'm almost positive that during that two year period, as well as the three years of our marriage (at least until she got pregnant) that she had been faithful. I probably never would have known otherwise if I hadn't overheard a conversation at a friend's house that I obviously wasn't supposed to hear.

Loretta and I were attending a birthday party at a friends house when the birthday boy himself came up to me and asked me if I would mind running to the liquor store for him. He had underestimated the amount of beer drinkers and had run out of suds. I said I'd do it and he gave me a credit card. I went out the front door and got in my car and then realized that I'd been to dumb to ask and he he'd forgotten to tell me what kind he wanted. I went back in the house and spent several minutes looking for him and then someone told me that they thought they saw him go down into the basement. I started down the steps to the recreation room in the basement and hadn't gone three steps when I heard a voice say, "Have you fucked Loretta yet?"

There were no other Loretta's in our social set so I froze.

"Not yet, but I'm hoping to. God does she look sexy now that she's pregnant."

Another voice said, "She always looked sexy, but you could never get to her before."

The first voice, which I recognized as the birthday boy's, said, "Yeah, but it is a different kind of sexy now. More of a come over here and fuck me right now kind of look. I fucked her three times this afternoon and got my cock sucked twice."

Another voice said, "I fucked her the day before yesterday. All you have to do is tell her how radiant and sexy she looks now that she's pregnant and then follow her hints. She doesn't come right out and ask you to fuck her; she'll ask you to stop by and move a piece of furniture or something and when you get there she will be wearing next to nothing. All you have to do is make your move. I'm seeing her again tomorrow."

Birthday boy said, "If you want to hit on her now would be a good time. I just asked Charlie to go to the store and get some more beer so you should have a clear shot."

Another voice laughed and said, "Yeah, if there isn't a line" and they all started laughing as I quietly made my way back up the stairs and left the house.

If there had been any doubt in my mind that it was my Loretta they were talking about it was gone now. I was the only Charley that birthday boy had sent out for beer. I still didn't know what kind he wanted, but out of spite I was going to get him the worst stuff I could find. When I got to the liquor store I told the guy behind the counter that I wanted some really bad beer for a gag gift and I asked him what was the worst stuff he had. He told me and I told him to give me five cases of it. I also got two bottles of Bailey's Irish Cream and the two most expensive bottles of wine in the store and paid for it with birthday boy's credit card. The Bailey's and the wine were going home with me and I'd be waiting for him to ask me what the hell I was doing. Once I got back to the party I was not surprised to see three guys standing around Loretta. I watched her until the guys drifted away and then I went up to her, "Having a good time?"

She smiled and said, "Yes I am. I'm really glad we came."

"So am I, but not for the reasons you might think. The party is about to get real good for me, but not so good for you I think."

I left her standing there with a confused look on her face and I walked over to birthday boy and handed him his credit card receipt. He looked at it and frowned, "What's all this?"

"What? You expected I'd let you fuck my wife for free?"

His eyes got big just in time to see my fist coming at his face, but not in time to send the signal to duck. I nailed him right on the chin and he went down like a sack of cement. Clara (his wife) came running over, "Charlie! What have you done?"

I pointed at him on the floor and said, "It looks like I knocked him on his ass."

About that time Loretta came up and said, "Charlie, have you gone mad?"

I gave her a look that should have caused her knees to quake and said, "No my dear I didn't go mad - I got mad, and there is a difference.

"Charlie" Clara said, "What in the world is wrong with you?"

Okay, I thought, why not, "When I heard your husband bragging about fucking my wife this afternoon (and I saw Loretta's face go pale) I got a little upset and so I hit him." Then I looked around the room and said, "And there are a couple of more here that are going to get the same as soon as I find out who they are."

I grabbed Loretta by the hand and started heading for the front door. "Charlie, what are you doing" and she snatched her hand away from me.

"I'm going home. You can either come with me or stay here with your lovers and frankly I don't give a shit which one you choose."

Loretta looked around the room; her gaze fell on Clara and she said in a weak voice "I'm sorry" and then she hurried after me.


It was a very quiet ride home. Loretta stared out the passenger window and said nothing and I stared out the windshield at the road in front of me and was quiet. When we got home I went into the den and turned on the TV. I sat there channel hoping, not because I was looking for anything in particular, just to have something to do with my hands while my mind churned with what I'd found out. I swear I almost could have accepted Loretta's taking a lover, but giving it away to anybody who told her she looked sexy being pregnant? No way could I even remotely accept that. But what was I going to do about it? I couldn't just throw her ass out - she was the mother of my unborn child for Christ's sake. But how could I live with her now? How could I look at her and not hear birthday boy saying "I fucked her three times and she sucked my cock twice." Besides, I loved her. She had made my days sunny and perfect since the day I had met her and had done so right up to the minute I heard those voices in the basement tell me what a fucking slut she was. My thoughts were interrupted when Loretta opened the door and came into the room.

"You coming up to bed?"

"What? You expect me to sleep with you after what I found out tonight? I listened to three men discussing having sex with you and talking about how they plan to keep on doing it and now you come in here and say come on up to bed dear like my finding out you are no better than a common whore is no more than a common, every day occurrence? I'm supposed to just trip on up the stairs like nothing at all has happened?"

Loretta cocked her head to one side and I wasn't sure whether she was contemplating me or what she was going to say. Then she said, "Why not? It didn't hurt you last night or any of the other nights after I'd had sex with some one else. The only thing different tonight is that now you know and your ego is getting in the way."

I stared at her, astonished by her attitude and she said, "Don't expect me to get all weepy eyed and plead for forgiveness Charley. It's done and I can't undo it. The first time was a stupid mistake that never should have happened, but it did and I liked it so I did it again. I liked it that time too so I did it some more. It didn't hurt you, it didn't hurt me and it didn't hurt the baby. I'll probably stop now that you know, but you may as well know that I don't really want to. I was having the time of my life with all those men lusting after me. I felt like some almighty sex goddess and they were worshiping at my altar."

"My God woman, didn't you give any thought to us, to what this would do to our marriage?"

"No. Why should I? You love me and I love you. Why should that change? I had some fun, so what? Think about it Charlie, has it cost you anything? It's been going on for two months now; have I been any less loving or affectionate during that time? Have you gotten any less sex from me? No, in fact you've gotten more. In case you hadn't noticed Charlie, we went from twice, maybe three times a week before I started fooling around to an average of five times a week. For some reason I'm always horny after I've been with some one else. No Charley, all that's a problem here is your ego. Someone else used something that you considered yours and you had no say in the matter. It's either that or you think I let someone else have me because you weren't man enough for me."

She saw the look on my face.

"That's it, isn't it? You think I needed some one else because you weren't getting the job done."

She walked over and touched my cheek, "Oh baby, it's not you, it's me. I got to thinking that I was fat and ugly and I was feeling really down in the dumps and one day, and I'm not going to tell you who, came up to me and told me that since I became pregnant I had never looked more radiant and sexy. I thought he was just trying to be nice and so I led him on just to see if he meant it. Well, things got out of hand and it happened and then he wanted more and I gave it to him and soon he was fucking me almost every day of the week. And then he told some others and I liked being desired in spite of my condition and things just went from there. I do love you Charley. Come on to bed with me baby and I'll prove to you that you're man enough for me."

Loretta reached out and took my hand and led me from the den and up to the bedroom. My mind was in turmoil over what I'd just heard. How could my wife have come up with such a casual attitude toward sex? How could she possibly rationalize away what she had been doing as hurting no one, costing no one anything? Still, if she had been doing it for several months now she was at least right in saying that I hadn't suffered from any lack of affection. She was also right in that I hadn't minded the increased frequency of our sex life. I didn't know what the fuck to do. I wanted her to be happy, but if it took other men to keep her happy did I really love her that much? Sadly, I guessed that I did. Could I mentally handle her being with others? My thoughts were interrupted by a tingling sensation and I looked down to see that while I had been lost in thought Loretta had started sucking my cock. Her mouth was sliding back and forth and her eyes were looking at me as if to say, "See? I'm still yours" and I pushed her back on the bed and returned the favor. We made love three times that night and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Loretta was already up and fixing the coffee when I stumbled down the stairs the next morning. I was staring into my coffee cup, my mind still roiling with the events of the previous night, when I became aware that Loretta was talking to me. "What?"

"I said, what do you want me to do today?"

I must have gotten a confused look on my face (not surprising because I was) because she said, "About today, what do you want me to do?"

I still didn't have a clue what she was talking about, "Come on Charley. What we talked about last night - it's your call."

And then it hit me - she was asking me if she could continue with what she had been doing - I was being asked to tell her if it was all right for her to fuck another guy today.

"Charley, unless you say no I'm going to do it."

I didn't know what to say. The whole thing was too way out and weird for a simple guy like me, "Loretta, I don't know. It's too much too soon and I'm going to need to think on it for a while. This isn't like making a decision on buying a new couch or getting new carpeting."


I got up, kissed her and headed off to work, but halfway there I thought, I didn't tell her no. I didn't tell her don't do anything until I have a chance to think it over. And she had said, quite frankly, that unless I said no she was going to go ahead and do it. Would she keep her assignation today since I hadn't said no? Suddenly that became the most important thing in my life - to know if she was going to meet one of her lovers today.

I stopped at a Wal-Mart and got a large thermos, hit a convenience store and filled the thermos with coffee, got both daily papers and a USA Today and headed back to our neighborhood. I parked down the street where I could watch the house and settled in to wait. I used my cell phone to call work and I told my secretary that I was making customer calls and that if she needed me she could reach me on my cell. It was a long wait; I had gone through all three papers and the thermos was empty before a car pulled up in the driveway and Brad got out. I wondered why I hadn't recognized his voice last night when he said he was going to see Loretta today. No matter, just one more so called friend stabbing me in the back. I wondered how he would like it if I fucked his wife Judy. For that matter birthday boy's wife Clara wasn't all that bad looking either, but no, I really wasn't interested in either of them, not even as revenge. I waited fifteen minutes to see if Brad would come back out and when he didn't I went on in to work.


That night when I got home nothing was said by either of us about what she had done that day. But out of curiosity, when we went to bed that night, I made as if I was going to go down on her. Would she actually let me eat her pussy after spending the afternoon with another man in it? She made no move to stop me and I couldn't back off without having to admit I was only testing her. She didn't taste any different than she normally did and I worked on her for about two minutes before she said, "You didn't think I would really do that to you, did you?"

I looked up at her, "I douched and showered after he left Charley. I wouldn't let you eat me after somebody else fucked me and came in me" and then she giggled, "Unless you wanted to. Would you like that Charley? Would you like to suck another man's cum out of me?"

The she laughed, "Oh come on Charley, I know you too well. I called your office around eleven to see if you had given our situation any more thought and when your secretary told me you were calling on customers I had a pretty good idea what you were doing. I looked out the window and saw you parked down the street. You don't have to do that you know. You could watch from the closet and I'll bet it would turn you on. I'm getting really horny thinking about it. Come on Charley, fuck me, make me cum."

While I fucked her I actually did think about how she would taste after fucking someone else and I did think about what it would be like to watch her from the closet. The more I thought about it, the hotter I got, and for the first time in years my cock stayed hard after I came.

"Oh Charley" Loretta moaned, "What's got into you. Whatever it is I like it. Don't stop honey, don't stop. That's it baby, that's it, oh God Charley, fuck me baby, fuck me." When I finally fell on the bed next to her she cuddled up to me, "Please Charley, please let me do it. I promise I'll be a good little wife after the baby comes, but for now let me have my fun."

I fell asleep my head full of visions of watching her from the closet.


That was two weeks ago and since then I have watched Loretta from the closet six times and I have eaten her each time after her lover had gone. There have been four of them and I find it interesting that each one of them leaves a different taste in her. My watching her and her fun will end next week when she enters her eighth month. She doesn't know it yet, but I have no intention of letting her go back to being a good little wife, not unless she insists on it, and somehow I don't think she will. Surprising Loretta and even myself, I had her call birthday boy and invite him over (he doesn't know that I had her do it - or that I watch), but I felt a little guilty about hitting him and not doing anything to the others. Loretta threw her arms around me, "Oh thank you Charley, thank you. He is my favorite because he has got the biggest cock. It isn't as long as yours, but it is fatter and it feels really, really good."

The most surprising thing about all this is how much it has turned me on. I'm fucking Loretta every night, sometimes two or three times and when I'm at work I'm always walking around with a hard on thinking about what she is doing at home. So, all you guys out there with pregnant wives, better keep an eye on them because you can bet someone will come sniffing around and if you let her get to where she is feeling fat, ugly and undesirable somebody just might get lucky.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196916 days ago

I disliked that because of the wife's shitty take-it-or-leave-it attitude combined with a husband that is supremely passive. There's no discussion or mutual agreement, just cuckold humiliation.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

"It didn't hurt you at all except for the loss of respect from all your so called friends."

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A waste of time!

alexsifanalexsifan7 months ago

The Author really has weird logics. I think the author is a feminist?

Cracker270Cracker2709 months ago

Can’t vote the writing was good. The characters and story line sucked. Feel like I just ate a shit sandwich. Maybe a one to pull down the average lost a lot of respect for JPB on this one.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Can't believe I wasted my time reading this dross

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Jesus Christ what crap

orion2bear2orion2bear2almost 2 years ago

No respect for any man that tolerates cheating nothing against forgiving a mistake but not this

Paumen1969Paumen1969over 2 years ago

I vote according with what the story makes me feel


WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

What a fucked up story. Sick shit from a sick mind

1/5 for your puerile effort.

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