Losing Everything F/F Ch. 11-15


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Then I saw Jane's buttocks get closer and closer and one moment after she was sitting on my face with all her weight. Trapped in the humiliating position I could not help but smell the pungent odor that seemed so different from that of Megan.

- Come on slave, if you want to lick my feet you have to show me what your tongue can do - I heard Jane said.

Her words gave me the necessary push and I began to lick her tight little asshole, first slowly and then with increasing force while Jane moaned more and more loudly.

We remained in that position for about half an hour and when I resurfaced, my face must have been as red as a tomato. A strong tug on my leash reminded me that my work was not finished.

- It's time for your reward my little slave - Jane said with a grin while I began voraciously licking the feet of my former servant.

Ch 13: Always a slave

My days were almost always the same. Megan pulled me out of my cage immediately after her morning run and my first task of the day was to lick clean her sweaty feet. It was obviously a task which gave me great pleasure even if it still appeared humiliating to my eyes. On some days Megan demanded a larger service, and my tongue was forced to abandon her beautiful feet to touch other areas of her body equally sweaty.

Lick her armpits for the first time almost made me retching. I could not believe how the taste was different compared to her feet, but maybe it was just a mental problem and my brain considered better, even exquisite, the taste of her foot sweat because for some reason I had that strange, strong passion for her feet. Even lick Megan's butt or Jane's asshole was not so disgusting. By the way, licking the ass of Jane became a constant in the hours we spent together.

Miss Johnson, how my former servant wanted to be called by me, worked at Thomas Manor for three days a week but I think that "work" is not the right word to describe her activities. Jane did nothing but bossing me around all the time while I was cleaning the house, having fun to reproach me for every little detail that was not to her liking.

After I had finished my chores she attached the leash on my collar and she loved to take me for a walk around the house treating me like a dog. After, usually she took me near the pool where she lay sunbathing while she enjoyed seeing me beg her to lick her feet, an honor that I could have only after licking her ass for at least half an hour. What she forced me to do was so humiliating and disgusting that I had not yet got used to it even though I had already spent hours with my head between her buttocks, licking her little hole, pushing deeper and deeper my tongue and using it as if it were a spear. Jane adored especially when I smothered in kisses her buttocks while I was forced to repeat phrases like:

- I beg you to forgive me Miss Johnson for how I treated you in the past, allow this humble worm to kiss your ass to show you my inferiority and the respect that you deserve -

In the days when Jane was on duty, Megan was always out of the house all day long and I did not know what she was doing. At first I thought my Mistress was working a lot to make her wardrobe similar in quality and quantity to that of a celebrity.

"A bit' as was the wardrobe of Victoria Thomas before becoming a slave and lose the right to wear clothes inside home or to be forced to wear only old clothes for the short trip outside Thomas Manor" I thought with regret.

After two weeks, however, I began to think that the so habitual behavior of Megan was suspect and one evening, looking better my Mistress while she was using me as footrest watching TV, I felt vibrate her new phone and I saw a large smile on her face, a satisfied smile that usually she has when she subjected me to some intense humiliation. In my mind flashed the idea that she was seeing a guy and I did not have to wait long to have it confirmed.

One afternoon I was curled up on the floor of the living room, with my leash wrapped around the foot of a new armchair which limited my movements so that I could barely lift my head from the floor. Having nothing else to do I spent my time watching my Mistress who was sleeping sweetly in the nearby couch. Her angelic face was partially covered by her long black hair but I could see well her sensual fleshy lips. Megan was wearing a sexy babydoll that she had just bought and that revealed all her forms. I remained almost enchanted to see her chest rising and falling rhythmically, admiring her beautiful breasts I could not help but think again how she was superior to me.

My gaze moved lower, she was turned slightly so that I could not see her most precious part but I could still admire a part of her ass. If my leash had let me I would have devotedly kissed that buttocks so firm and smooth for hours. Her slightly tanned skin did nothing but increase her beauty and if someone had asked me what looks like a goddess I would have had no hesitation to describe my Mistress.

Raising more my head, almost choking with the collar, I moved my gaze first toward her beautiful legs and finally to the object of my desires, those magnificent feet that had bewitched me and that had made her slave. From the position on which Megan was sleeping, I could only see her soft soles, slightly paler than the rest of her feet.

A strong blow to my throat, that took my breath away, made me realize that almost without wanting it, I had tried to get as close as possible to those divine feet, shifting even a few centimeters the heavy armchair. With embarrassment I also noticed that my tongue was hanging out, and I was panting like a dog. After all those weeks I still do not understand how I could reduce myself that way only seeing her feet. The slight noise that I had done by moving the armchair was still good enough to awaken my Mistress who was a very light sleeper. I saw Megan open her eyes and stretch her legs. After she sat down on the couch, Megan looked at me and smiled looking at the state in which I was reduced, with still my tongue out...

- Do you like to see your Mistress sleep, don't you my little slave? -

- Yes Mistress - I said, speaking for the first time after several hours.

Megan got up from the couch and she stopped when her feet were just a few centimeters from my face. Knowing what she wanted and trying to satisfy my needs, I stretched my neck to kiss her feet. Megan had calculated the distance well and she giggled when the leash prevented me from reaching her feet. Despite my best efforts I was no longer able, to move the armchair and my head fell exhausted to the floor a few centimeters from the thing I loved most in the world. My efforts and my failure had not made that increase the laughs of Megan that at one point put her foot on my head, pressing my face on the floor.

- You are so pathetic, I really should crush you under my feet like the worm you are. Maybe you do not like my feet that much, maybe you're not worthy to be my slave - she said wickedly.

- No Mistress, please forgive me - I desperately said with my face more and more crushed on the floor by the pressure of her foot - I love your feet, I love you Mistress. Please give me another chance, I know I'm not worthy to be in your presence, I know I'm nothing more than a worm crawling at your feet, but I beg you, allow me to continue to serve you, let me be still your devoted slave. There is not something I would not do for you, my Mistress, there is no humiliation that can prevent me to worship you as the goddess that you are -

Megan did not answer to my heartfelt prayer but she removed her foot from my head and brought it to my face, at a distance that allowed me to reach it this time. Realizing that I was forgiven I began to kiss her foot without stopping except to say:

- Thank you Mistress, thank you so much -

Megan left me kiss her feet for a few minutes then she bent down to remove my leash and she said:

- Go to my room and bring me the black nail polish that I bought last week -

After one last kiss, I ran upstairs to obey my Mistress, happy to be forgiven and happy that Megan would allow me to give her a pedicure once again. The care of her feet had been my total responsibility in these weeks and if she allowed me to continue serving her like that meant she still had confidence in me. Quickly I found the enamel bottle and I ran down so fast as to be prostrate at the feet of my Mistress in less than a minute. Megan sat in the armchair and when I handed her the polish, she bent over to take the bottle from my hand and she reattached the leash to my collar restricting my movements once again. Almost as if she sensed the question I had in my mind, Megan said:

- This time I'll do it alone. I have to go out with a guy tonight, and I'm not going to entrust the care of my body to a slave -

I do not know why but I was very hurt by those words. Other times she had never complained about my work, but now it seemed that I had become clumsy and useless.

- But do not worry - Megan continued - you can still be useful in some way - then she put her right foot on my face and said - Do not you dare to move -

And just as I was commanded I did not move. I stood motionless for several minutes while my Mistress was painting her toenails using my face as a footstool. I was back to being a mere ornament for her but this time I was even more excited than usual. Megan often used me as a footrest, however, that was the first time that I was used in that humiliating way.

When she finished the first foot, she removed it from my face and approached her toes to my lips.

- Blow - she commanded, and I hastened to obey.

While Megan was working on the other foot, I struggled to resist the temptation to touch myself while I felt my pussy become more and more wet and I could not understand why I was reacting in that way to that treatment. Probably I had never been so excited in those weeks that had certainly been the most exciting of my life.

A few hours after Megan was ready to go out and I struggled to keep my mouth closed in front of her sexy body. When I was thinking that she would put me in my cage, she took me into her room and looking intently into my eyes, she told me:

- Tonight you'll spend all your time hiding under my bed so you can hear what a real woman does in a bed. You will hear my moans while I have sex with a man, something that you will be no more able to do, there will be no boys in the life of the little Victoria, what only matters to you, a slave, is the happiness of your Mistress. All you can hope for is to spend the rest of your miserable life under my feet -

With eyes full of tears I could no longer endure her piercing eyes and I looked on the ground, beaten and humiliated again.

- When we will be here, I will throw my panties on the floor. You will have to pick them up without being noticed, put them in your mouth and wait in silence while Matt fucks me. Did you understand slave? - She said, pulling on my leash and forcing me to look at her in the eye again.

- Yes Mistress - I said, sobbing,

I was even more humiliated by the fact that the man with whom Megan would goes out was the guy that I loved in secret for years and only Megan was aware of the feelings I had for him. Matt was a tall boy with black hair, always tousled. He had a beautiful body but it was not a type made for the gym or sports in general. Matt was the editor of the school newspaper and we met precisely during a service to which he was taking care of. We were both pretty shy so we are used only to meet our gaze intensely before a quick escape. Perhaps the fact of being a cheerleader and the most desired girl in school made him uncomfortable as much as I was uncomfortable with his great intelligence. The fact is that we had never gone out and for years I had not done anything but love him from afar. And now he would come out with my old best friend, now my Mistress.

Once Megan was gone, I was waiting under her bed as I was commanded. After a while I tried to distract me from what would happen shortly after and I thought about what had happened in the afternoon, when Megan had used my face as a footrest while painting her toenails.

Suddenly in my mind that image so humiliating was replaced by another image much much older. Without realizing it I found myself reliving a scene of the past, a memory almost lost, but still live deep inside me. I could see two little girls of no more than ten years playing in a small room, one was blonde and elegantly dressed, the other had black hair and seemed to wear clothes too big for her, probably second hand. At one point the little girl with blond hair took from a drawer a bottle of nail polish and she began to paint her fingernails, sitting down on the ground above an elegant carpet. The friend looked at her work sitting on the bed nearby and when the other had finished, she took the bottle with the nail polish. Suddenly the girl with black hair lifted her bare foot and placed it on the face of her friend. I expected that the blonde girl would removed angrily her friend's foot, instead she stood motionless, almost paralyzed, while the other girl was painting her toenails using the face of her best friend as a footrest.

The blonde girl made no resistance and so the friend continued to work on her toenails careless to have her foot in the face of another person, her best friend. The scene kept running out and I saw the girl with black hair switched her foot on the face of her friend, this time grabbing her nose with her toes. I saw that the blonde girl was still paralyzed, but as her friend began to paint the nail of the little toe, she took a quick sniff. The girl with black hair giggled and increased her grip on her friend's nose. When even this foot was over, the dominant girl brought both her feet near the friend's lips and with an authoritative voice she said:

- Blow -

The memory faded and I realized I was in tears once again. I had always been Megan's slave and probably I'd be her slave for the rest of my life.

Ch 14: An eventful night

I do not know how, but despite the myriad of thoughts that crowded my mind and the new awareness that since I was a child I did not nothing but obey my best friend, I fell into a deep sleep, hidden under the king-size bed of Megan, in a space which fortunately was not very dusty.

They had to be passed several hours when I finally woke up, hearing a door slam forcefully downstairs. My mind immediately became lucid and I was ready to obey the orders of my Mistress, in that new humiliation that she had prepared for me. The sound of voices became closer and closer to the room and when the door opened, I could hear very well the shrill laugh of Megan. I wondered if she was drunk or, knowing her, if she was pretending to be drunk, I doubted strongly that she would run the risk of forgetting, on the day after, the humiliation she was going to inflict on me. From my uncomfortable position I saw the feet of Megan approaching the bed and the movement of the mattress confirmed to me that she was sitting on the bed.

- This house is huge - I heard Matt to say.

- And you have not seen it all - Megan said, pulling off her expensive heels.

- But this was not the house of that girl? That Victoria Thomas? - The boy asked, approaching the bed so that I could see his shiny black shoes.

- That's right - confirmed my Mistress placing the tip of her feet on the floor, I could now see her beautiful soles while she was arching her feet, probably teasing me.

- And where is she now? - Matt churches. 

I can not deny that I was happy to hear that question, I was happy to know that he was thinking of me and that he was curious to know what happened to me.

Meanwhile I could not help but observe Megan playing with her feet and the next moment I found myself a few centimeters from them.

- Why are you so interested? You did not feel something for her, right? - Megan churches, like she was pretending to be jealous.

- Of course not, in fact I have never understood why so many guys went after her, she always seemed so silly to me. Perhaps because she was so rich - Matt replied.

His words wounded me tremendously and I realized that in those years I had imagined it all, he was not looking at me with love as I did, he looked at me just for curiosity. With tears in my eyes I came more and more closer to the foot of my Mistress, the only person that mattered now in my miserable life.

- Do you want the truth? - Megan asked while my nose was almost touching her feet, confident that Matt could never see me from where he stood. I began to smell the feet of my Mistress who feeling my presence nudged back her feet allowing me a better access. Then while I was intoxicated by her foot scent, I heard Megan say:

- The poor girl was so madly in love with me to beg me, kissing my feet, to be my slave. So she gave me all her property and now she obeys all my orders - 

I froze, shocked.

How could she say this to Matt? And why she had made me hide if she wanted to tell him how pathetic I had become? I was terrified that she would order me to get out from under the bed to humiliate me in front of him, when I heard Matt laughed loudly. Relieved I began to worship the feet of my Mistress and I saw Matt's feet go around the bed and a moment after he sat down on the opposite side to where Megan was and where I was with my nose between the toes of my Mistress.

- Haha you are so funny. You know, it's very hard to find a girl that makes you laugh this way - Matt said still laughing.

- But it's true - Megan said giggling - She is right here, under the bed, smelling my feet -

I thought Megan was risking too much, although she was joking with Matt, he could still play the game and take a peek under the bed where, distraught, he would find Victoria Thomas naked who was sniffing the feet of Megan just as she had told him. 

A moment later I felt a movement of the mattress and I heard the sound of kisses. Apparently Matt was kissing Megan on the neck or on the back, she took off her feet from me and she lay on the bed, leaving me alone to hear them while they were making out.

After a while they took off their clothes that were thrown on the ground. As I had been ordained, I picked up, without being seen, the panties of my Mistress and I put them in my mouth. They were incredibly wet, Megan had to be really excited, but I could not tell if she was excited for Matt or for my humiliation. That was the first time I tasted the juices of Megan and I was particularly surprised by how delicious the flavor was and I could not help but recall the time she made me clean up the floor, dirty of my juices and how I had not appreciated the taste of them. That was just another thing that proves how I was inferior to her.

More and more excited I took under the bed also her heels, sniffing the soles that had been in contact with the beautiful feet of my Mistress. While Matt and Megan began to fuck, I continued to clean up relentlessly the panties of my Mistress, sniffing her shoes more and more loudly, now certain that I could not be heard with the loud groans of Megan. Not long ago I would dreamed of being in her place, to be in a bed with Matt, certainly I could not imagine that one day I would find myself worshiping devoutly underwear and shoes of my best friend, hidden under a bed, naked, while she was fucking with the guy I loved.

After about ten minutes they began to slow the rhythm, while I was smothering in kisses my Mistress shoes, dying to have my mouth free so that I can remove avidly any remaining of her foot sweat with my tongue.

 After a few minutes of silence, while the two lovers resumed breath, I heard Matt ask:

- Now tell me seriously, what happened to that Victoria? Why do you own her home? -